Hey Chromium.
I don't think that we are owed anything in the way of free shipping but the confusion remains that some great boardies do offer it from time to time. Other state it but don't really mean it.
An example would be if I had an e-bay auction and stated $10 shipping. Would I be entitled to ask for 4 times that if someone outside my local area purchased the book. I think that I should be accountable for stating the facts.
I have been in a fortunate position where shipping has been included or the shipping cost is split 50/50.
The problem is that sometimes you need to jump on a sale and if it says free shipping should you then have to ask if it includes you.
Its a bit like the pressing debate. Should you need to ask or should you be told up front.
I dont think that a description on shipping is such a big ask
Well as far as your eBay statement, the shipping price would be 'domestic' to the country the ebay site is from. If I list flat $10 shipping, eBay automatically shows it as domestic $10 flat rate, but outside of the US it is understood that you will need to check with the seller. Sending something to Australia vs within the US is a huge margin of difference. As a collector, when I buy and re-sale the 'profit' is almost non-existant for me so I definately won't shell out extra money unless I specifically stated international orders are free also. I thought this was always a given.