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Everything posted by BlowUpTheMoon

  1. Finding Comic Book Collections for dummies Dylan Universe Comics <dylan-universe-comics@c.kajabimail.net> Sat, Jul 23 at 7:08 AM I wanna give you a quick way to find more comics than your greedy little hands will know what to do with. How Dylan? Yeah I know you’re just dying to know how to Well keep your yapper shut and pay attention for a bit and I’ll let you in on it. YOUR FRIENDS!! Believe it or not your friends are the biggest source of comic books you can get access to. Think about it for a minute. You know someone, and that person knows like 10 other people you don’t know and those 10 other people know 10 more other people In reality you actually have access to about a thousand people who potentially have comics you’d be interested in buying-you just didn’t realize it until now. If you tell 10 people and those 10 each tell 10 of their friends, you’ve potentially got a network of a 100 people. And if those 100 each tell 10 more of their friends, now you’ve potentially got a thousand man army out there comic hunting for you. Now here’s the secret sauce. No one’s gonna go around for free... No one’s gonna promote you or help find you comics if nothing’s in it for them. But guess what? You throw in an incentive… a chance for these people to get a cut of the action and make some money then you’re golden. You have friends? Do you know people? Use them as YOUR army and give them a cut for whatever you spend/buy/profit share? A little money goes a long way. If you have already done this, which you probably have not at full scale....network more and grow your connections. Keep doing this and more doors and opportunities are gonna open up. Opportunities to both buy and sell comics, pressing jobs, investment deals and maybe.. Just maybe you’ll snag a multi-thousand dollar comic at a crazy good deal. The bigger your network, the more chances you have to do more. And for the essentials of all the niches of making money with comic books. You’ll want to snag “Better than a Comic Book Price Guide System”. It’ll save you a ton of time, give you access to the insider secret information, and show you strategies and skills to turn your comic hobby into a 6 figure business. Sure, there is the Incredible Hulk. Use my techniques and you’ll become the incredible you. One that can turn a side hobby into a lucrative business! All 3 courses are included in, “the system.” Go snag your copy now Dylan's Comic Book Resources Good day, Dylan Schwartz Sent by Dylan Universe Comics your comic book guide • Great Neck, NY • 11020
  2. Turn your Hobby into a Biz? Dylan Universe Comics <dylan-universe-comics@c.kajabimail.net> To: Thu, Jul 21 at 7:06 AM I’m sure you’ve heard it before. It’s the most rotten piece of advice for the 21st century on God’s tranquil blue sky. Follow your passion and you’ll never have to work a day in your life again. – Some hippy dude who is not rich (I have nothing against hippies.) Well I guess it's good advice for people who just want to get by, have enough food to eat, and pay their bills. Yeah it works for THEM. But definitely not for me because I demand more. And odds are, you want more also. It’s not greed: it’s the freedom $ allows you A money making machine who can’t be satisfied with a basic lifestyle. That’s the kind of guy you are. The guy who wants to make in one month what average guys make in a year. If that’s not you, close this email right now, unsubscribe, and go watch TV Still here? Alright let's go! The truth is not every hobby is a viable biz. Some hobbies are terrible businesses You’ll waste your time, burn yourself out and end up running back to your dead-end job like a scared little baby. And neither you nor I wants that to happen. Some hobbies can be turned into profitable business but… They’ve got to pass the hobby business profit checklist: Profit Potential Attainable A large hungry audience who wants something you can sell A hobby needs at least 2 of these to be turned into a money making biz. Have all there and you’re practically guaranteed a lot of extra side money. For example, I say I love playing the guitar and it’s my hobby, it’s my passion. Say I’d die if I didn’t play it Could I turn it into a profitable biz? Probably. From the checklist guitar playing has profit potential. Lots of money is paid to hire SKILLED guitarists – emphasis on the “skilled”. It has demand because lots of people love guitar players. Check the stats on youtube for people doing covers and tutorials. It's MASSIVE. It has a large hungry audience. So it checks all the boxes on the hobby biz checklist. But should you jump into it? Hell no, at least not unless you are SKILLED. I emphasized this earlier. If you wanna turn your hobby into a biz you gotta have the skills... MAD SKILLS. You’ve gotta be able to know exactly what you’re doing. And if you want the big bucks, you’ve got to be much better than the competition You need an advantage, a unique selling point or some insider knowledge... But don’t just take my word for it...Check out the Better than a Comic Book Price Guide System. I built an entire business and youtube channel off just comic books. I developed superior skills because I wasn’t willing to compromise. This could be you, all you need is the right knowledge, the pressing skills of an elite comic master and a sharp business sense for spotting the right deals. You know the best part? You’ll be learning the system on your schedule. No more 9-5s, yuck. I can’t help you turn any old hobby into a profitable biz, but if you like comics, and you like making money... ...Then I can give you my tools to turn a fun hobby into a very profitable business: Learning pressing skills that make some of the biggest names look like toddlers Spotting a good comic book deal a mile away with hundreds of other dealers geographically between you and them. I’ve bought deals nationwide Pressing comic books for a huge grade bump. All of it done from the comfort of your home - or workshop. Depends on what works for you. Think you’ve got what it takes? Do you dare to try? Get in here: Dylan's Comic Book Resources Sent by Dylan Universe Comics your comic book guide • Great Neck, NY • 11020
  3. Can buying and selling become a REAL job? Dylan Universe Comics <dylan-universe-comics@c.kajabimail.net> To: Mon, Jul 18 at 7:07 AM Everybody needs something to keep them busy and paying the bills. Even if you had all the money in the world, you’d still need something challenging to do each day or you’d be insanely bored. Why do you think celebrities go to jail? A job, a project, some form of responsibility that keeps their blood pumping. Don’t ask me why. I’m certainly not old enough to know. But without a job you’d be a miserable , with no purpose and no goal in life. Which is ironic because a large percentage of the world's population spends most of their time running away from their so called job. Lol Hey I would too if I had to ….. A few people, a select chosen, have beat the social requirement of having a “job.” They’ve got the best of both worlds They’ve got the financial security they crave, and they’ve got a job that doesn’t suck, doing what they love. Wouldn’t you love to be one of those lucky guys? Then pay close attention man… because there’s no such thing as luck. People would say that I’m lucky. LOL… luck is far from it. I’ve been fascinated by comic books since I was 11. I’ve been collecting them non-stop and I’m all set to be one of the dealers the world has ever seen. My job is playing with comic books! PICTURE OF DYLAN IN FRONT OF GIANT MANY BOX HAUL I collect. I press. I buy. I sell. I invest. I wouldn’t sleep if I could get away with it. It is a 24 hr, 7 day a week job. AND I LOVE IT!!! I love it because I get comic books & money. (and this biz has been known to bring a lot of moolah IF you know how to do everything CORRECTLY. Imagine what that would be like %firstname% Imagine having a job you loved that could generate the kind of money you wanted? Like professional gamers who get paid to play video games Or Bloggers who get paid to write Or Instagram girls who get paid to look hot. I’d be down for some instant money like that. But the sad truth is that unless you’ve been blessed with rockstar good looks, Shakespeare like prose, or fingers with the dexterity of a one armed guitar player… You probably won’t make it with the above. You’ll be dealing comic books like El Chapo (minus, all the cops, guns, and drugs) It’s crazy to think a children’s pastime could give me the financial stability and fulfilment I currently have. The comic book pressing, investing and flipping business gave me this life. And it can do the same for if you It doesn't happen by accident or because of loads and loads of hard work like most people think. If hard work was the solution… if slaving away at your job was what it took.. Then janitors and cleaners would drowning in a pool of cash. But they’re not. That’s how their system is. Rigged to keep you working hard and slaving instead of using your time and resources for more productivity. I got it the hard way. By trading, collecting and dealing with comics for nearly a decade. You won’t have to do that, you practically get everything handed to you on a platter of gold inside where you learn, how to press, buy/sell, & invest. Ready to get started at a job you’ll enjoy, with the freedom and finances to pursue your dreams? Get the “Better than a Comic Book Price Guide System ” Here Or don’t. It’s 100% your choice. I’ll still be making money over here. But there’s plenty of room for you if you want it. Just don’t be basic and wait too long Because the price will go up Get it Here Dylan's Comic Book Resources Sent by Dylan Universe Comics your comic book guide • Great Neck, NY • 11020
  4. Hey Jacob! Got pics of the books?
  5. A new purpose for damaged comics Dylan Universe Comics <dylan-universe-comics@c.kajabimail.net> To: Fri, Jul 15 at 7:06 AM In a previous email I talked about collector grade comics i.e. the type that can have a lot of sentimental and resale value. The type that do look good and lots of people typically want to get their hands on them. Today’s email ISN’T about those high grade comics. Because if you’re buying comics collections in bulk from people and off common marketplaces, you’re not gonna be finding these pristine gems all the time. Let's be practical here... If you want a 1st X-Men worth $5k and someone offers you a 1st Venom for $200 are you gonna freaking say no?? Stop being so damn picky. Everyone thinks about it the wrong way. If it's not in collector grade shape, not a key issue, not super important... And it's a low grade, poor pressing candidate … you’re not gonna be able to sell it for more than a dollar or two. And most think, oh it’s garbage. Factoring in all the time and effort you’d need to sell it, 2 freakin dollars each would be an abysmal waste of your time at least for me. So the question is… what do you do with that huge stack of comics that aren’t the best pressing candidates and won’t sell for more than $2 on their own. You can still turn those comics into a profit and I’ll show you how. Ever hear of the system of Junk Drawer lots? It’s basically when you have an assortment of items that are generally not worth much individually... This is just one of several strategies I teach in the system. But when combined together all of a sudden they have MORE value, sometimes huge value. Value that people are willing to pay for -- cha-ching, cha-ching. Why would someone even pay for a stack of old “Junk Drawer Lot” of comics. There’s 5 hot reasons. It taps into a different economic market They have a strong visual appeal when together. It’s collectible hunter syndrome It’s convenient for the buyer to go out of niche The collector doesn’t want to pay shipping for each item one by one. Art teachers go crazy for them. Just a few reasons why someone would buy damaged comics. If you still think they are garbage, you can give them to me. By now you should have figured out the proper way you’re going to sell a stack of damaged old comics well is if you sell them grouped, with a nice visual aesthetic. And the best place to sell them when they’ve been nice and bundled up together? EBay is just ONE option. The science of selling on ebay is something that’s discussed more in depth in my buying and selling comics for profit course, but for now I’ll give you a few pointers. There are certain keywords you should use in your auction to get the most buyers. There’s not a lot of space in your headline so you want to make sure every word counts. But by the same token, you need to minimize count to not get penalized. If you're selling using this strategy, each comic is gonna have it’s own title and niche, but you don’t want to list out each comic by name because I’ve seen people do that and it’s absolutely ridiculous. If you’re not privy to those MONEY making insider secrets the comic book industry doesn’t want to know and probably have my head for revealing to you. You’re not going to make much off these junk drawer lots, but they can still make you money, and that money adds up especially selling a handful of em every month. Best of all, it’s low effort. I reveal exactly how to sell these Junk Drawer lots above in “the Better than a Comic Book Price Guide System.” And guess what, even if you haven’t got a lot of money to invest in comics right now, you can get started with the buying and selling, & comic pressing aspects to make some quick money asap. The price of the course will pay for itself 10 times plus over. Get it now… while you still can at this low low price Dylan's Comic Book Resources Dylan “El Macho Comic Booko” Schwartz Sent by Dylan Universe Comics your comic book guide • Great Neck, NY • 11020
  6. Make $100 a day Dylan Universe Comics <dylan-universe-comics@c.kajabimail.net> To: Tue, Jul 12 at 7:06 AM Yo it’s Dylan back with another value bomb, and with this one you should be able to make some decent money right now. By money I mean several thousand per month if you have the “right” vintage comic on you, and if not you can still make a few hundred bucks with low effort. How? Collections. Dusty tucked away comic book collections. Let me tell you a little something about dusty vintage comics. They’re a lot like money. They’re both made out of paper, they both get printed and they both get put into circulation . Except that the government is always printing more money; but they’re not printing more vintage comic books. OK, sometimes someone finds an unknown copy in a box and raises the circulation count, but it’s nothing like the Federal Reserve printing $85 billion a month. With anything that goes out of circulation and stops being printed… There comes a form of “sentimental scarcity”. And we all know what happens when things go scarce right? The value tends to go up. Simply because there is higher demand but limited supply. If you’re a collector yourself you know what it's like to have these bragging rights. You probably know what it’s like to hunt down an issue to add to your collection. Right? Course you do. Now imagine one of these collectors with a collection has a want list An important issue… An important issue that you just so happen to have with you, FOR SALE. Do I hear make bank? Hell yeah I do. These guys would rather pay more to fill specific holes in their want list, than hunt down lots with just a couple of books they’d want to keep and have to deal with unwanted extras. So, yes, you can make money on low grade comics but you have to know the market cold, hard and know which books are selling for over guide so that when you buy, you can assure an easy profit right away. So many people forget the inaccuracies of guides. Whenever you come across a deep pocket comic book collector with a sentimental need for one of your books, your price doesn’t even matter. They’re buying it to fill a need, a need you will gladly fill for the best price. It does help if you have the best possible graded version to sell him, a few defects shouldn’t be what comes between you and potential thousands of dollars. And when it comes to the topic of pressing for a better grade your man Dylan here has the solution that will make you close to rich, and make your buyers happy. I’m talking about showing you how to press low grade vintage comics into higher grade ones worth a lot more using a well kept almost forbidden industry secret… Being able to turn a $500 book into a $1,500 book is almost a super power. Any like any normal superhero, you gotta keep your super powers a secret. I’ve been in this game so long I think I can get away with sharing a little. I’m literally giving you the superpower of making money by pressing already pressed comics into better ones. So many guys think because it was pressed, they are done. WRONG Go check out how here Dylan's Comic Book Resources Buy it… Use it… and thank me later. Your man with a plan, Dylan Schwartz Sent by Dylan Universe Comics your comic book guide • Great Neck, NY • 11020
  7. This is one of those threads that, in three years or so, we'll look back at and laugh.