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Everything posted by Tokyojoe90

  1. "not showing this tracking number as being scanned into our warehouse yet but it may have been missed" - they asked for the submission number and would look into it...
  2. Getting concerned that they've lost another package... delivered on 26th June 2023 still not even scanned 12th July 2023... including a grail I've spent years searching for... what on earth is going on at CGC??
  3. Sure. I've been deliberately holding back on the specifics as I don't want to prejudice any converstations I'm having with them but essentially if I accept their offer I will only be able to replace about half the books. The ideal solution is of course for them to find the books but since it's already been more than a year I don't have high hopes that they will. I haven't reached over a thousand books yet myself but was getting close. This was the first issue other than a few MEs that I've had over the years with them. With the exception of the member of the claims department I've been dealing with everyone else at CGC has been polite and friendly.
  4. Honsetly speaking dealing with CGC's claims department is the worst experience I've ever had in this hobby :-(
  5. Right, it makes sense to work with a 3rd party that does it all the time
  6. You can discuss up front what will happen. You can agree to pay back any compensation that they gave you and the book will be yours again.
  7. Yes, thanks. The FMV is over a year old now of course as well as that not covering any other expenses like shipping fees etc. It falls far short of what it will cost me to replace these items in my collection.
  8. This is disappointing but different from my case. In my case they acknowledged receipt of all the books but it's been a year and they say now that they don't know where they've put them. They do not dispute that they are responsible for the loss. They just aren't willing to pay for replacements.
  9. Actually I did all od that except ask to escalate. I'll do that after the long weekend. Thank you
  10. Thank you for your support, it's meaningful. Any idea how to escalate? I don't really want to get involved in a fight with CGC because I still have books I wanted to send it (although I've stopped buying anything new now). So far I haven't found their offers acceptable. Why should I be left without books or out of pocket for their mistake which they admit to making?
  11. Wow, that's great news! Meanwhile CGC seem to have given up on trying to find mine. So far their offers have been awful, far below, the replacement costs. I can't see how I can submit to them again after this. As you can imagine I'm not having fun with this hobby right now. The whole thing is depressing and I really don't need this. I have about 1000 CGC slabs, perhaps it's now time to sell them and find another hobby.
  12. It looks like CGC don't think they will be able to find where they put my books. My biggest ever vintage tier submission with books I'll probably never find again.I feel like quitting the hobby.
  13. Just for clarity and probably my fault but there are two issues being discussed in this thread that are similar but different in an important way: 1. The OP sent in 38 books that were never added to his dashboard 2. My 21 books that were added to my dashboard over a year ago but now CGC don't know where they put them
  14. Yes, that's similar for me in a way. They've graded and returned 2 of 23 books...
  15. Thanks for taking the time to respond. The person I'm dealing with also seems to be nice and confident that they will find the books so fingers crossed!
  16. I'm going through something similar. My books have been on my dashboard since last June. In April this year I asked why it was taking so long and they responded that the expected turnaround time when I submitted hadn't yet expired so I waited a bit longer and when I asked again was told my submission would now be rushed... waited a bit longer and asked again... they said they don't know where my books are but they don't think they are lost... yet.
  17. Thanks everyone. 21 economy tier books with big keys is going to be hard to replace so hopefully their "inquiry" will locate the books
  18. I have had a (economy tier) submission with CGC for close to a year now. I've chased a few times recently to see what the issue is and now they tell me they can't find my books :-( Anyone had CGC lose their books? What did they do?
  19. I know stuff happens but I wonder what people's experience has been with CGC damaging submissions. Over the years I've had a couple of books that were 9.8 candidates suffer crunches, bends or worse that weren't there before shipping and unlikely to have occured in transit. In a recent submission there were a couple of books that have the same grader notes re corner crunches so I'm guessing that they must have been dropped toegether after the boxes were opened. Luckily these weren't especially valuable books but still it's disappointing to get back a much lower grade than the book you sent in.
  20. Thanks everyone. I heard back from CGC, they say that the sketches are being finished up so I should see an update soon.
  21. Trish and Tony. I got sigs back but it's the sketch that's taking so long.
  22. Hi CGC SS submissions are advertised as expedited but I'm still waiting 14 months for one. Is that normal? I'm starting to think the submission may have been lost. I used the contact us form but didn't get a reply (since I'm overseas it's not easy for me to call during business hours). Thanks for reading.
  23. Thanks for taking the time to respond. It wasn't this. The issue was the form couldn't pull the custom labels so it froze. When I used "can't find my comic" it didn't try to pull the labels so it worked fine. A couple of hours later it started working again.
  24. Hi After searching for and selecting a comic the form freezes. Declared value cannot be entered and no progress can be made (can't find my comic works though). I've tried multiple browsers and PCs. There's a technical issue with the web form.