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Do you think this is good... ITEMS that self-destruct

32 posts in this topic

Recently caught this on the tube...


DISNEY is working on DVD's that self-destruct. After you open a packaged DVD the green color disc turns black over a certain period of time and becomes useless to watch. What they are trying to develope is a movie disc that you won't be able to keep forever. Once the air gets to the disc it starts to self-destruct.


If this idea works out for DISNEY other things like CD's may be next.


You think the comic book industry would go this route? It may be the new wave of the future. Can you imagine if comics self-destructed. Ink faded away and your left with white pages. I think that would end any reason to collect new comics. I just hope it never comes to this with comics.


Whats your opinion...?

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Recently caught this on the tube...


DISNEY is working on DVD's that self-destruct. After you open a packaged DVD the green color disc turns black over a certain period of time and becomes useless to watch. What they are trying to develope is a movie disc that you won't be able to keep forever. Once the air gets to the disc it starts to self-destruct.


If this idea works out for DISNEY other things like CD's may be next.


You think the comic book industry would go this route? It may be the new wave of the future. Can you imagine if comics self-destructed. Ink faded away and your left with white pages. I think that would end any reason to collect new comics. I just hope it never comes to this with comics.


Whats your opinion...?


The music industry is already working on this for CD's.

They already have the MP3's that you download and you can only play one time.


It's all about the rich getting richer.


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I think the idea was to sell the "DVDs" at places like Wal-Mart or the grocery store,

for maybe $3 each. In other words, you're "renting the movie" from a convenient

location and you don't have to take it back... for the same price as normal rentals.

This is all a response by studios not making enough big bucks on video rentals.

(Since the rental stores basically just buy the DVD's... rent them over-and-over for profit,

and then sell the "used" DVD's for even more profit.)


I don't know if the idea of "renting" a comic book would ever make sense.

In fact, the only "book renting" I can think of is the Public Library... and that's free. grin.gif

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DISNEY is working on DVD's that self-destruct. After you open a packaged DVD the green color disc turns black over a certain period of time and becomes useless to watch. What they are trying to develope is a movie disc that you won't be able to keep forever. Once the air gets to the disc it starts to self-destruct.


This was tried a few years back. You bought a dvd and could watch it as many times as you wanted over a specified period, that period being initiated when you first played it. It offered the advantage of buying and unlocking the movie at an additional cost. Now it DID require a phone line to do that, but since services like cable and Tivo also reuiqre phone lines, that is not an issue. The concept of buying a temporary movie is the problem. It is usually called RENTING. It was also called DIVX. I believe this will fail as DIVX did.

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places like Wal-Mart or the grocery store,

for maybe $3 each.

Your right, they did mention Wal-Mart would sell these. It sounded like they want to put the rental places out of business when they get this going. I could only imagine other things like comics trying something like this, thinking it could make them more money somehow.

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I think the idea was to sell the "DVDs" at places like Wal-Mart or the grocery store,

for maybe $3 each. In other words, you're "renting the movie" from a convenient

location and you don't have to take it back... for the same price as normal rentals.

This is all a response by studios not making enough big bucks on video rentals.

(Since the rental stores basically just buy the DVD's... rent them over-and-over for profit,

and then sell the "used" DVD's for even more profit.)


I don't know if the idea of "renting" a comic book would ever make sense.

In fact, the only "book renting" I can think of is the Public Library... and that's free. grin.gif


But are they not "selling" you a DVD for $3?

This would even cost them more than producing a DVD that has a full shelf life.

It's all a scam and I'll never go for it.

I have my doubts if everyone else will see it that way.

Sad thing is...this may work.


*Cue whiney voice*

Oh...Oh my!

Our company is going broke selling you DVDs for $25 and music CDs for $20.

They cost us SOOO much to produce them.

You have been taking advantage of us by buying movies and watching them over and over.

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You know...


If I could get a newly released movie on DVD for $3 while I'm at Wal-Mart...

and I've got 3 days to watch it (after I open it)...

(which, of course, I wouldn't open it until I'm ready to watch it)...

and I don't have to make the extra drive over to the video store...

and I don't have to make another extra drive back to return it...

why WOULD I go to the video rental store again?


I don't care if you call it "buying" or "renting"... for movies, I'd do it.

For music? Nope.

For comics? Nope.


But I'd go for this self-destruct movie thing. grin.gif

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It may work for DISNEY movies. Seeing how often they keep releasing thier movies. Tired of hearing... "after this (pick a Disney movie) will be locked up in our vaules...!" I can see how they are trying to get the parents to buy a $3 dollar movie just to pacify the kids. A couple months down the road, the kids all but forgotten about the film. A year or two later one of um wants to watch the movie and they got noda. Guess mom got to buy it again.


I can see this happening with the music industry too. It even could work with phones. The place my friend works at is developing phones that are throw away. Cheap litte things that you get so many calls out of. Just buy um for a buck, use um for so long, and throw away. I see this as something we'll all be doing inthe future. I'm just wondering how it will affect comics. We are becoming a "throw away" world more and more it seems.

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If I could get a newly released movie on DVD for $3 while I'm at Wal-Mart...


That's the problem, they will not be $3. Check out some other articles and you'll see estimated retail prices are in the $6-$7 USD range.


Apparently, they did some study where a number of people pay more than that due to late fees, so according to the brain trust at Disney, that makes it a good deal? makepoint.gif

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But I'd go for this self-destruct movie thing. grin.gif


You can't.

Pov said so.



Dammed straight, dagnabbit!


Now keep this thread in mind. Bookmark it. Copy/paste the URL to Notepad or whatever. Let's give this one year after it hits the public. If, one year after it hits the public, it is still viable, I will give 10 (ten) Jungle/Jumbo books in a minimum of Fine condition (and I choose nice QP books too). If, one year after it hits the public, it is not viable, I expect the same OS value in BA DC Superhero or Horror /Marvel or SA DC/Marvel/Atlas books in a minimum of NM- 9.2. That could be a 10:1 ratio in book quantity.


::no one has replied yet so editing to clarify::

First taker takes it. Not kidding. But you have to extend the same specific offer - in other words - no BA/SA [!@#%^&^]. And you have to specify what titles you will offer.


This willl not fly.

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But I'd go for this self-destruct movie thing. grin.gif


You can't.

Pov said so.



Dammed straight, dagnabbit!


Now keep this thread in mind. Bookmark it. Copy/paste the URL to Notepad or whatever. Let's give this one year after it hits the public. If, one year after it hits the public, it is still viable, I will give 10 (ten) Jungle/Jumbo books in a minimum of Fine condition (and I choose nice QP books too). If, one year after it hits the public, it is not viable, I expect the same OS value in BA DC Superhero or Horror /Marvel or SA DC/Marvel/Atlas books in a minimum of NM- 9.2. That could be a 10:1 ratio in book quantity.


First taker takes it. Not kidding.


Money on the table!



No way in hell would I take this bet. 27_laughing.gif

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If, one year after it hits the public, it is still viable, I will give 10 (ten) Jungle/Jumbo books in a minimum of Fine condition (and I choose nice QP books too). If, one year after it hits the public, it is not viable, I expect the same OS value in BA DC Superhero or Horror /Marvel or SA DC/Marvel/Atlas books in a minimum of NM- 9.2. That could be a 10:1 ratio in book quantity.


First taker takes it. Not kidding.


No way I'd take that bet... I really liked Peanut Butter Snicker's candy bars...

but I couldn't seem to find those around anywhere a year later.


I'd go for the "disposable DVDs" if they were $3. But I wouldn't pay $4... or more.

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