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OT: Who's seen a ghost? For real...

135 posts in this topic

To this day, I refuse to watch any of the Omen movies. I just will not do it.


it's not as scary as it was when you were a kid, it was the movie theme that bothered me more.


I just saw it for the first time last year and enjoyed it.

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I've never had any ghost like experiences, but my twin brother Scott has. About 5-6 years ago, my family transferred to Detroit, MI due to my dad's job situation. It was during our sophomore year of high school and we were living in a 1 bedroom apt at the time. (My brother and I got the bedroom and my parents slep on the pullout sofa) This was the first time Scott or I had moved so it was a pretty hard time for both of us since we were leaving all our friends back in Louisville Kentucky who we had grown up with. Scott has always had a harder time in school that I have. Math just didnt come easy for him. My dad would stay up until midnight some nights just trying to help him with it. My brother would get so frustrated due to the fact he just didnt understand the math, that he would just break down in tears.


Well it had been one of those long frustrating nights and my brother decided to go to bed since it was getting late. I was already asleep in the bedroom. He got in bed and decided to pray to God to help him understand the math he was studying. After he said his prayer he opened his eyes and standing in front of him was a man dressed in an all white robe with his head bowed and his hands together praying. My brother was scared for his life. He closed his eyes, rubbed them with his hands, and opened them again to see if he was imagining things. The man was still there. He described him as being transparent and only in black and white as if it were a black and white tv show. His robe and skin shown as white, but his hair and beard had no color at all. You could see right through those parts to the door behind where he was standing. The man eventually raised his head and dropped his hands. He began to turn around towards the door behind him. My brother said he moved as if it was taken in snap shots. It wasn't a continuous motion. The man started walking towards the door and my brother got out of bed and followed him. The man walked right through the door and disappeared and just as he did my brother opened to the door to see if he was on the other side. Just as he opened the door my mom was walking by and saw my brother. She said, "You look like youve just seen a ghost."


Scott never really has been the same after that experience. I mean, by the way he described the man, it seemed to have been an angel or Jesus himself. I would be scared to go to bed from then on too.

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My home I sold 2 years ago had a ghost upstairs; it was built in 1912 and had two people die (of natural causes) in it.


It would make loud noises that could be heard downstairs. Happened 4 times during my 5 year residence there. Drove the dogs crazy.

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When I was very small, a car ran off the road and went across our yard and smashed into a tree... right in front of myself and my two younger sisters while we were playing. The driver was dead (I think before his car left the roadway). I barely remember watching it happen. He never haunted us, though.


To this day I have never seen The Exorcist... hell, I can't even look at Linda Blair in all that makeup after dark. But I have it on DVD if I ever get up the gumption...

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He said something woke him up, could have been the stereo or something and he looked up and saw a man in a Civil War era uniform floating above his roommate's bed. He took a flashlight out of his bedside table and flashed it on the ghost and he said it turned away and walked into the closet. He got up and turned the lights on and there was nobody in the closet. The thing that is disturbing to me is that my bed in the room next door was right next to that wall of their closet. I had a very odd thing happen to me one night (not that night) when I woke up and heard a voice -- like a man talking in muffled tones through the wall and when I went to move something was holding me down. As much as I tried I could not get up. Then the voice stopped and I was able to move and get up. It didn't scare me but definitely was strange. I have read that there is a sleep phenomenon that causes this "experience" so I'm not quite ready to chalk it up to ghosts.


It's called "Sleep Paralysis" and I've had it since I was a teenager. It used to freak me out because I thought I was either having a stroke or some demon was sitting on my chest. However, my doctor told me that 10 to 20% of people have this disorder. It's basically a way for the body to limit your muscle movements until you're fully awake so that you don't act out your nightmares. It's a pain, but when it does happen, I just relax and then quickly regain control within a matter of seconds. To reduce occurrences, it's a good idea not to sleep on your back, don't take naps a few hours before going to sleep, and avoid eating late so that you don't have nightmares. I could swear I heard people talking to me during this event, but it's still all part of the dream. Supposedly, the phenomenon is fairly harmless.

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No ghost sighting here, but I did have something weird happen to me when I was 12 years old. My parents, brothers and I were in the den watching TV. The movie the "The Exorcist" came on and we all started watching it. I personally hadn't heard of the film since we were recent immigrants, so after about 10 minutes I told my mom this movie is boring and exited the room.


When I entered the living room I noticed several bushels of bananas that my mom had purchased earlier in the day. Don't ask me why, but there must have been about 40 to 45 bananas there. Without thinking about it, I reached in and grabbed one from the very middle (I usually just pick one from the top). To my astonishment, my first name "Edward" was beautifully hand-written (1" high by 7" long) on the peel of the banana. What was also strange was that the wring was actually etched into the peel (almost like it was burnt in) instead of a pen being used.


I quickly called my brothers and parents, and we all spent about 30 minutes trying to replicate the writing via pen or other sharp objects, but it was virtually impossible since the banana peels were still ripe. The banana sat there for a week, until my mom decided to eat it. Nothing happened to her, and she's doing well at the age of 76.


I've seen every single horror movie imaginable (and I love this genre), but I still refuse to watch this film 25 years later!


The Exorcist is one of my favorite movies. A lot of times I would be lazy and leave DVDs in my player. I always felt weird doing that with the Exprcist figuring I'd come down to use the bathroom one night only to find the movie playing. Well I left it in one time and made sure the player was off. I went into the dinning room for a little while and when I went to sit down in the living room and watch TV I noticed the DVD player was on and the movie was playing. Bad Pazuzu!

I've also had problems with the way the DVD plays. There has been missing audio and CGI effects at times. One time when I was watching it with a group of people the part where when Merrin enters the house and Regan screams "Merrin" the scream never came but the rest of the scene played just fine no skips or anything. One girl could tell there was missing audio there just by the way the actors reacted to...nothing. I've played the same disc many many times and never had that problem. The only other problem I've had is with the CGI images of Pazuzu not always appearing after Burke Dennings is killed.

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Does anyone know many times does Father Merrin and Father what's his name say "...the power of Christ compells you." in the movie?


Honestly , I've never counted it but it's got to be the longest repeat in filmation...

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I have an Uncle that has supposedly appeared several times in two different places.He was a Redemtrist Priest and died a sudden violent death in Central America during the Reagan era.Numerous people that knew him have claimed to have seen him at a rectory in Georgia and a retreat house in Puerto Rico.

Supposedly he just appears during large gatherings and hangs around for awhile until someone recognizes him and then he vanishes.

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I was watching a documovie on the sci-fi channel yesterday called Ghost Adventures. It was about a couple of guys who visited and filmed all kinds of paranormal stuff in various parts of the country. They visited a hotel in Arizona (I think) that is reportedly one of the most haunted places in the country. Pretty creepy stuff. In one shot you could clearly see a dark shadow like shape that appeared to be looking around a corner at them. It then pulled back behind the corner. When they went up to the corner there was nothing there.

In another scene, a brick literally lifted off the floor and flew across the room. They had the film inspected by some folks including a film forensics expert and he couldn't find any evidence of tampering or special effects that could account for what was seen on the film.


I still have my skeptic hat on but I find this stuff to be fascinating.

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There are no true stories of ghosts. They don't exist.
How do you know?
It's impossible to prove a negative. The believer's job is to prove the existence of the fact claimed.

Dark Matter hasn't been proven yet, so I guess that means it doesn't exist either.


I swear...man has to be the only creature in the universe capable of being so pompous and arrogant that they believe nothing exists until it's been proven by them to exist. doh!

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There is no evidence that I am aware of of video captures of human looking ghosts. But, there is video / audio evidence of unexplanable lights, electrical activity and sounds.


Watch Ghost Hunters on Sci-Fi. They have some human looking evidence they've captured from time to time. One of my favorite episodes was filmed here in Arkansas (Eureka Springs, specifically) at a supposedly haunted hotel. They got some cool footage, particularly with their heat cam at the hotel, and later at a "psychic's" home. The psychic was some fascinating stuff to watch. I don't know what to think of it, though....

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I have an interesting story.



My girlfriend Louise moved into a new home last year and noticed a female "entity" in the house all the time. Usually on the stairs. She was veryunsettled by this. After she had been there a few weeks and had several family members come and go, her mom and sister...on separate occasions....asked Louise if she had noticed the ghost.




Three separate accounts of the same thing. How is this possible?


There is just as much a possibility of a spiritual realm existing as there is a possibility of us being non existant (if that makes any sense). Lou is a very intuitive lady and usually picks up on everything that most people miss. I believe it is possible that some people are more predisposed to seeing spiritual things than others, just as others have a better sense of taste, smell, touch or hearing than others.

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