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Tell me your Con strategies. Newb going to WW Tx. needs advice.

62 posts in this topic

On the want list...

Depends on what your looking for? If it is modern stuff to fill runs, wait till the last day when everything is discounted to 4 for $1 or something like that. If it is a high grade key book, try to get in early and check it out...


I have a list of items I want and go from there, you can always ask for a lower price on a book and all they can say is no.

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Definitely put together a want list, and stick with it...unless your budget says you can buy what you want.


As said, if it's moderns, wait for a better discount. For older books, doesn't hurt to talk with dealers see if they have them, price them out, and continue shopping around. And yep, you can always ask for a deal and the worst you will hear is no.


The only thing I would add is if it is a HG key book your are looking for, ask the dealer to show it to you, cover and interior so that you know what you would be buying.

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I recommend taking a notebook and something to write with. If I see something key on my want list, I buy it immediately. If I see things I am interested in, I write it down in the notebook along with the dealer info and then later on go through the list and see what to actually go back and buy.

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How do you best maximize your dollar spent?

Find a dealer whose selection suits your needs and start a stack with him. The more business you throw his way the more likely they will possibly cut you a break. You might also do better by selecting items on your want list that might not command premium prices, therefor allowing you to land more books for a better price instead of 1 or 2 books at a premium. It all comes down to what your goals are though..


Whats your plan/strategy when hitting a con?

Try and walk the entire floor first, visit those whom you may have bought from before, ask questions, listen and then start digging through long boxes one booth at a time. And try not to be overhwelmed at first, they aren't going anywhere. You might miss out on one book, yet land another that is better. Thats what makes it fun.. .


Should I do most of my want list shopping early or should I wait til day 2/3 to maybe score some deals?

Depends on what your want list is, and also how busy the Con was. If a dealer has had a terrible weekend they might be more willing to cut a deal on the third day, then again you might miss out on the books you really wanted by playing the waiting game. My advice if you see a book you want, need and the price is right scoop it up right then and there.



Have fun and good luck. Nothing better then looking for books you need and finding a few of them.



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Getting in early for setup is the most important thing. It's unbelievable the amount of stuff that gets sold before the public gets to see a single book.


Amen to that,


I swear they could keep moving preview night back a day and all everyone would hear about is all the deals that were made the day before that!




It's maddening I tell ya, maddening!



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Yup. Often times a dealer makes the majority of their money for the weekend before the doors even open to the public.


My strategy is to buy immediately what I know will sell fast. Other then that I always do my buying in the closing hours or minutes on Sunday.

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As a dealer, I would recommend buying what you want when you see it. I can't tell you the number of times someone looks at a booth at my booth, walks the floor for 2 or 3 hours and comes back to find the book gone. I am not saying go crazy, but if you find something you really want, buy it then.


Don't wait until Sunday afternoon, because alot of guys will be packing up early.


I would recommend taking a quick (and I mean quick) walk around the floor for scouting, and then zero in on the booths which have stuff you want. Don't spend the whole show trying to find the needle in the haystack. If you run out of things to shop for, you can always go try to hit the guys who don't have much.


By the way, I am setting up at both the National and Wizard Texas, even though they are the same weekend. I am running my first stock at New York and my backup stock at Texas. The backup stuff gets out only about once every couple of years and it is all high grade stuff too. I will be discounting most of my stuff about 20% in Texas, with only wall books, CGC books, and a new high grade horror mag collection being regular price. I will also be sending a new collection of Silver and Bronze which is mostly mid grade, and it will be discounted 50% off.


I am sure Ricky Evans will also have some good stuff.

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Perhaps just to refine the above strategies: unless you are buying hundreds of books, be sure to ask politely to take a closer look at each book. Examine the books for completeness, cover and centrefolds firmly attached, water damage and odour. It's always a great disappointment to do your examination when you get home and to find that your books are less than you believed or desired.


And, yes, this can be a pain at times to do at a busy booth or with a lot of purchases -- but it pays off as many dealers cannot, with their volume, pay as close attention to a single issue the way you can.


My 12¢


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If you're looking for oddball stuff, ask the dealer if he has what you're seeking. When I'm looking for Brave and Bolds or Phantoms, they're never on the wall. But dealers will pull them from boxes behind the table and give me a great deal.


If you want to take a book out of the bag, ALWAYS ask first. And always make sure the tape is nowhere near the book. You tape pull it, you buy it.


Try to stick to your want list, but don't make yourself a slave to it. You never know what interesting item may pop up. Just don't get distracted.


I like to make a circuit of the room to see what's there then make my purchases. If it's a grail book or a high priority item, I'll buy it earlier rather than later. Again - ask the dealers! A good one will know what he has and save you lots of wasted time flipping through boxes.


A stack of books will usually get you a discount. I'll pull three or five books out and ask what the dealer would take for them. Usually, they quote a price I can live with. If not, I'll haggle for a price I think is reasonable. Don't be afraid to walk away from a book you think is overpriced. Many you will find again. If you know you won't, then bite the bullet and buy the book. Depends on what you're looking for.


Be polite to the dealers. Jerks don't get good deals. Please and thank you go a long way. (see first paragraph above.)

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My goal is to go see Richard and Dale and badger them for mid/high grade pre-code horror until they submit to me. Their con will go much easier and be less painless if they do so. :baiting::insane:





Scott, unfortunately, all my precode horror stuff is going to NY. Sorry.

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If you can get in during dealer set up, major major bonus. If not, line up early. Walk through the show floor quickly and if you see something very high on your list, buy it immediately. Ask the dealers for what you're looking for. If they don't have it, move on to the next dealer until you've finished going around once. Don't waste your time chit-chatting before you've had your first lap of the building. On the second time around, check the bins and take your time. Chit chat as much as you like and enjoy your purchases.



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