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OT- A-ROID tested postive in 03

138 posts in this topic

This krap just stains the game and makes me give even greater admiration to those players that came before.


How is that? Those olden-days players were going up against regular human beings, but now that virtually everyone is juicing, players feel the need to do something just to keep pace.


And as stated many times before, roids do little for improving baseball performance, but they do wonders for keeping healthy and recovering from injuries at lightning speeds. That's an advantage, but it's not like some stiff is going to juice up, and suddenly hit 50 home runs.


Have you ever heard of Brady Anderson?


Its does help your stats.All those long fly out to the warning track become home runs.


As far as everyone doing roids that remains to be seen.

For sure a bad day for baseball.

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P.S. I do not think that Rose should be in the HOF, but fair is fair. You use a performance enhancing drug and you get in? You bet on your own team and don't get in?


One was against the MLB rules at the time, and one wasn't.


You do realize the agreement didn't come into effect until 2002 and only really got tough in 2005.


yep, the cream and the clear wasn't on the steroid list until 04 and HGH and steroids weren't illegal in BB yet.

Who cares if baseball didn't specifically ban it. IT WAS ILLEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES!!!! Does baseball have to ban everything that is illegal???? Baseball should have a rule that you can't forge checks.... Baseball should have a rule that you can't rape the batboys... Baseball should have a rule that you can't murder ex-girlfriends!!! Who cares if it wasn't against baseball's rules!?


What about the all those Latin American players who go home in the off season. Steroids are legal in a lot of those countries. Did they do anything wrong if they shot up in the off season outside the US and baseball hadn't yet banned the stuff? :P

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It is an interesting argument. If you do something to enhance your performance and you take measures to keep it hidden, are you doing something that you know is just not right? Even if it is not banned or illegal?


For instance, if a comic book collector buys slabbed books at 8.5 and sells them as 9.0's removed from the slabs. Is he or she breaking the law? No. Is he or she cheating? Yes. Is it banned? No. Is it unethical? __________. Would you be pizzed if you found out I did it to you? Yes. Is it perfectly legal? Yes. Do you want to buy a raw 9.0 Strange Tales 121? Not now :)

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It is an interesting argument. If you do something to enhance your performance and you take measures to keep it hidden, are you doing something that you know is just not right? Even if it is not banned or illegal?


For instance, if a comic book collector buys slabbed books at 8.5 and sells them as 9.0's removed from the slabs. Is he or she breaking the law? No. Is he or she cheating? Yes. Is it banned? No. Is it unethical? __________. Would you be pizzed if you found out I did it to you? Yes. Is it perfectly legal? Yes. Do you want to buy a raw 9.0 Strange Tales 121? Not now :)


good analogy! :golfclap:

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I guess the ends justify the means to many fans.


How can Bonds and the like, be in the Hall of Fame and Pete Rose can't? All they can prove is that he either bet on other teams not playing his own team, or bet on his own team. He never bet against his own team.


P.S. I do not think that Rose should be in the HOF, but fair is fair. You use a performance enhancing drug and you get in? You bet on your own team and don't get in?


I do not believe that anyone who it is proven, used performance enhancing drugs during their performing career, should be allowed in the HOF. Same for the Olympics, right? They lose their medals if it is proven.


Hulk Hogan's story might be a little different, since the WWF is not a real sport and you can't bet on it in Vegas or just about anywhere else, except with your buddy.


There are many truck drivers and the like, that use drugs to keep on truckin'. But they don't have a HOF, are not bet for or against, and except to their own children, are not roll models generally. Major sports is a whole different ball game, to make a pun.

Because gambling is the big no no in baseball.When Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle were working for a casino they couldnt be involved in baseball.When those jobs ended they were welcomed back.

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P.S. I do not think that Rose should be in the HOF, but fair is fair. You use a performance enhancing drug and you get in? You bet on your own team and don't get in?


One was against the MLB rules at the time, and one wasn't.


You do realize the agreement really didn't come into effect until 2002 and only really got tough in 2005.


I just heard on CNN that MLB has had a rule in effect banning steroids and performance enhancing drugs since 1991, however, there was no penatly until 2003.


However that makes since?

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And as stated many times before, roids do little for improving baseball performance, but they do wonders for keeping healthy and recovering from injuries at lightning speeds. That's an advantage, but it's not like some stiff is going to juice up, and suddenly hit 50 home runs.




Bonds started taking steroids and proceeded to hit 73 freakin' home runs. 73.




Read up on this and you'll find overwhelming evidence--and testimonials from players for that matter--that steroids are miracle drugs when it comes to improving performance. They dramatically improve strength, they shorten recovery times from injury or fatigue, and perhaps most importantly they give an otherworldly sense of confidence as players experience the increased strength and stamina and suddenly feel like gods.


The list of stiffs who juiced up and showed incredible improvement in stats is long and well established. Sammy Sosa went from a .260/30+ Home run guy to a .300/60+ HR guy...all of a sudden. The list just goes on and on, trust me.


As a lifetime baseball fan, I'm appalled by what steroids have done to the game, and what they have done to the record book. The saving grace is that the facts are slowly but surely coming out, and we now have a pretty good idea where the asterisks belong.

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However, if players get caught with marijuana, they do get fined and (i believe) suspended. Remember all the fuss with the Portland players who were caught?


Of course, and just like when Stallone or Canseco were caught with physical steroids in their possession, the customs/police took them and charges were laid.


But that's a huge difference between being *tested* positive for inhaling pot.

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It really sucks to hear that he was on the roids, ever since this whole streoid thing i always said well A-Rod hasnt been accused and he's clean so it still shows that baseball can be dominated by real athletes, and then this happens oh boy really bad, it looks like the best Home run hitter since Aaron was Griffey, now if they ever said Griffey Jr was on the juice i think i would have a heart attack

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They dramatically improve strength, they shorten recovery times from injury or fatigue, and perhaps most importantly they give an otherworldly sense of confidence as players experience the increased strength and stamina and suddenly feel like gods.


That's exactly what I said - it doesn't do a lot for real-world performance, but by lowering (or even eliminating) injuries and fatigue, along with the "roid mentality" you mentioned, it can keep these guys at their physical peak for an entire season.


Injuries and fatigue is what kills most sports stars, and I can remember Mario Lemieux stating he hadn't played a game injury free since the Juniors. Get rid of that "wear and tear", and suddenly the most gifted players do look like supermen.

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I am positive that Hank Arron didn't do anything like this kind of stuff. I assume that whatever Babe Ruth ingested only hindered his performance. Pete Rose grew up in my neck of the woods (Western Hills in Cincinnati) and I have never heard of any rumors about him and this kind of thing. You can be sure that Joe Dimaggio didn't take anything but coffee and Marilyn Monroe to feel better :)


Makes the old guys look so much better, even if their records no longer stand.

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I had a friend cop that went from a skinny guy to Mr. North America in two years, when I knew him. It was amazing. He wasn't very tall but his muscular status was amazing, and he got there so fast. I worked out with him for that two years. I couldn't believe how big he got in two years. I used to joke with him that my workout consisted of changing the weights for him to work out with. It wasn't true but it wasn't far off truth either. He did in fact work his butt off lifting weights though. I don't want to say that he didn't earn his build the hard way.


I did notice that his hair was receeding quickly and he had hair transplants in his late twenties.


I always suspected he used steroids, but he denied it to me. I haven't seen him for five years. I am retired and he is still on the job. Well was. He had to retire last month because he got busted for steroid sales and usage. I found out from another friend who is still on the job.


Trust me. He grew from skinny to huge in two years and was Mr. North America twice. One of my funniest memories of him is that when we were working the same patrol car together, he would go through the drive thru window of a Church's Chicken restaurant and order a ten piece bucket of chicken, two large fries and a large Pepsi. Then he would turn to me and say "do you want anything"?


It's one of my favorite stories of Tony. During his police career, he also went to school to be a Sports Doctor or Sports Medicine Doctor (I forget the actual term), but he didn't finish, sadly. I always rooted for him to become a doctor. Not many cops do that.

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However, if players get caught with marijuana, they do get fined and (i believe) suspended. Remember all the fuss with the Portland players who were caught?


Of course, and just like when Stallone or Canseco were caught with physical steroids in their possession, the customs/police took them and charges were laid.


But that's a huge difference between being *tested* positive for inhaling pot.


Stallone got caught with trying to bring in HGH into Australia (if that's what you're referring to). Even though they get lumped together, HGH is not an anabolic steroid. If someone else was caught with that much GH, they would've been thrown in prison for distribution. But I'm sure he had a doctor that prescribed him that much for "health reasons" lol

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I am positive that Hank Arron didn't do anything like this kind of stuff. I assume that whatever Babe Ruth ingested only hindered his performance. Pete Rose grew up in my neck of the woods (Western Hills in Cincinnati) and I have never heard of any rumors about him and this kind of thing. You can be sure that Joe Dimaggio didn't take anything but coffee and Marilyn Monroe to feel better :)


Well, I'd like to see them hitting against steroid-pumped pitchers and putting up the same numbers. Highly doubtful, especially since pitching has evolved considerably since their heyday.


Like most things in life, it's all relative.

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Stallone got caught with trying to bring in HGH into Australia (if that's what you're referring to). Even though they get lumped together, HGH is not an anabolic steroid.




I know exactly what he was carrying, and read about it in a dozen entertainment rags. It was just an off-the-cuff comment, and I didn't realize it was going to be reviewed by the editors of PerformanceDrugs.com. :tonofbricks:

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