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Hey! New poster - pre-code Horror and Crime comic book addict!!

296 posts in this topic

Here's what concerns me: If this poster is a 23 year old student that would make him born in 1987 and he would have been 10 or 12 in 1997-1999. Creepshow? ECs? Really?


Does not compute for me, but hey it could be true.



I love the way our mind works.

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Here's what concerns me: If this poster is a 23 year old student that would make him born in 1987 and he would have been 10 or 12 in 1997-1999. Creepshow? ECs? Really?


Does not compute for me, but hey it could be true.



I saw Creepshow at a friends house during primary school and loved it. It was my first horror film, and it made me interested in horror comics.


After getting into horror comics, I discovered the ECs were my favourite. That's all there is to it. No conspiracy!!


Mark, thanks for confirming the emails. Again, I assure you all I've never been here before - I signed up purely on your recommendation following our correspondence. I just didn't expect all this!


I have no intention of buying or selling on this forum, or dealing in transactions with it's members - so the whole 'shill' thing is out!


I'm just here to make friends and talk about comics - that's it!


I've given Telepath all the information I possibly can, if he wants to continue in this manner that is his choice I suppose, but please don't let these totally unfounded accusations cloud your judgment of me as a poster!


All I can do at this point, once again, is tell you there is a mistake here. I don't know who this 'Thomas' person is and I have never posted on these boards before.


I can't say and do any more. You're going to have to take my word for it. Just like everyone has to take everyone else's word for it in an anonymous environment.


Short of pictures of myself with my comics that I've already posted pictures of, I don't know what else to do at this point.


If I WERE this person I've been mistaken for - none of this adds up. The emails with Mark, my website which has been around since 2006, my Facebook page etc etc. I don't know, perhaps there ARE people psychotic enough online to go to such extremes to try and trick people - but that's another thing - if I was this person trying to trick everyone, why in the world would I be being so open and willing to clear this up?


These are not the actions of someone trying to be deceptive. As I said, I have even contacted CGC themselves regarding this issue, using the contact link, where I had to give my full name, address and telephone number. Again, NOT the actions of somebody out to deceive!


I really am debating whether to stick around or not - I'll be getting zero enjoyment out of this place with all this going on.


I just think it's a shame all this has come about - a shame for myself as I thought I'd really enjoy myself here - a shame for all of you as you'll potentially be losing out on a member who wants nothing more than to socialize, talk about comics and get along - and a shame for CGC having a potential customer driven away.


I've never experienced this sort of thing on any other board before, this is definitely a first!


I just have to say to accuse people of something without evidence (and in fact, evidence to the contrary!) just strikes me as ridiculously unfair, and I shudder to think of other people who may well have been similarly falsely accused on here. Until somebody has concrete evidence of whatever claims they wish to make I really think all this ought to be dropped. I doubt it would go over well if I began accusing Telepath of things he knows nothing about.


Mark, perhaps I can PM or email YOU the details I emailed Telepath, as it seems you're willing to be reasonable here. Again, I'm trying to do all I can to prove there is nothing underhanded going on here - but I'm running out of options at this point...


I just wish I'd known in advance all this would happen or I wouldn't have signed up in the first place. What a nightmare.

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With the accusations still coming, I don't know what to do. I don't think staying silent will help, as I would guess that would make people even MORE suspicious.


I am done in this thread now. I'll just move on from it and start getting involved in some comic discussions.


But if you were in my position, being so vehemently accused of something you have nothing to do with and didn't even know anything about until just over 24 hours ago, I think you might be keen to prove your innocence too. It seems whatever I say/don't say just adds fuel to the fire. It would be wise for me to abandon this thread now, so I'll do so.

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Do whatever you want to do. Someone has already said it. If you are not a shill, stick around and participate and you will do well. If you are, the truth will out.


No one got a harder time about being a shill than Dennis (theshadowknows). He stuck it out and he rules.


It's really not that big of deal. It only seems like it because the OP keeps harping on it with gigantic posts of protestation.


For me, the jury is still out. The old chestnut about walking like a duck and quacking like a duck keeps resonating . . .

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Here's what concerns me: If this poster is a 23 year old student that would make him born in 1987 and he would have been 10 or 12 in 1997-1999. Creepshow? ECs? Really?


Does not compute for me, but hey it could be true.



I love the way our mind works.


Don't try to sweet talk me.

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It's really not that big of deal. It only seems like it because the OP keeps harping on it with gigantic posts of protestation.




I'm slipping into a coma reading those long repetitive posts. Like sean says, move and things will sort themselves out, one way or another.




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You have the advantage of being a lawyer. If someone wants to screw with you, you have resources at your fingertips that average schmucks do not. There are legitimate reasons to want to keep a low profile online, not the least of which is to keep a layer or two of protection between you and lunatics, if possible.


Has nothing to do with trying to "hide" anything (there are boardies who have known me for 10+ years, who have met me in person, and would happily vouch for me, for example.) It simply is an acknowledgement of the inherent risk one takes when interacting with people outside of one's community.


As well, if one has an opinion that anyone disagrees with, for any reason or no reason at all, and shares that opinion online, that experience can bite you in the rear forever. Frankly, I don't need potential employers and clients to see me share an opinion about ANYTHING, regardless of what it is.


Hell, there are "trusted and respected" board members who have posted personal information about me in fits of petulance that I gave in confidence and asked that such information NOT be posted. If those "trusted and respected" board members think nothing of breaking their word, what's to stop anyone?


Despite keeping a low proifle for over a decade, if you google my name, the first thing that comes up is a thread on another board called "The Rotten Ebay Sellers List" and my name is in the search result...despite the fact that *I* was the one who started that very thread!


Is anyone going to explore further to find that out?


Maybe not. As it is, it looks bad, even though it's not. I don't need more of that. Keeping a low profile certainly helps.


(thumbs u


Many of us have known your real name for quite some time. We just don't advertise it because there's no reason to make your identity available to the masses. You're obviously a private person who guards his identity closely, and out of respect for you, we won't call you out.


I've known your name, your home address, and those of your relatives for over a year now. You dropped enough hints, that some diligent web searches proved fruitful. The searches weren't malevolent in the least, but when someone says "You can't find me!", I take that as a challenge and start looking for Waldo just to satisfy my curiosity.


I'd never do anything to compromise your ID, don't worry about that; just don't think that you're totally anonymous here.




Beau. Do you really think I'm that stupid? Wait, don't answer that. lol


I didn't think I had to spell it out, but since I do, please bear with me: anyone that has done business with anyone else here has that person's name and address at the very least, especially if such transactions are through Paypal.


Seanfingh, chainnball, Jesperson, Rich Henn, Donut, etanick...dozens of others...have all that information for me (and I, them.)


I never said anybody could be "totally anonymous", and any idiot knows that the second they click "send payment" with Paypal, they can forget being anonymous. And any idiot knows that, once that happens, it's incredibly simple to get all the rest of the information.


But that wasn't my point.


The point was being "anonymous" as far as the public, visible to anybody, searchable portion of these boards is concerned. I control who I choose to give my info out to. I'm not so stupid that I don't imagine that information is shared with others. But the important part is that that information isn't posted PUBLICLY. And, on the occasions that it has been, I have very quickly taken care of it.


All clear..? ;)

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Well, I don't mean to bore you with long and repetitive posts, I'm just trying to defend myself against the repetitive and boring accusations and conspiracy theories!


Anyway, what do you say we let this thread fade into oblivion? I don't want any more of the drama, and I'm sure everyone is sick of it too. Perhaps it would be a good idea for this thread to be deleted? I'm not sure how it works around here but maybe that would be best. Or just locked. Or something.


See you all around. Hopefully I'll be able to start enjoying myself and have some great conversations here once all this has blown over. Cheers!

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No one got a harder time about being a shill than Dennis (theshadowknows). He stuck it out


He does rule. He did something for me that was incredibly kind in a moment of great grief in my life. You never forget things like that.


I'm sure he doesn't even realize the impact he made. Isn't that always the case..?


(thumbs u

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The point was being "anonymous" as far as the public, visible to anybody, searchable portion of these boards is concerned. I control who I choose to give my info out to.

I used to know who you were but I forgot. :tonofbricks:
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No one got a harder time about being a shill than Dennis (theshadowknows). He stuck it out


He does rule.


Yep, he does that :cloud9:

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Here's what concerns me: If this poster is a 23 year old student that would make him born in 1987 and he would have been 10 or 12 in 1997-1999. Creepshow? ECs? Really?


Does not compute for me, but hey it could be true.


I couldn't get my hands on EC's when I was a kid but I had definitely seen Creepshow by the time I was about four years old. Pretty tame by horror movie standards.
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