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Have you ever seen a ghost?

187 posts in this topic

Do you think you/we are so much more special than the rest of humanity that the secrets of the afterlife are going to be revealed to you/us, when such secrets have been hidden from mankind for all of recorded history thus far...


No, we're all equals as far as that is concerned.


Since, in the entire course of recorded human history, thousands and thousands of years, no one has ever been able to provide concrete evidence of the spiritual world, I'm going to suggest that "a better interpretation" on THIS matter does not exist, and is not likely to exist (again, based on the lack of such existence for the past, oh, 6,000 years or so), and therefore, my conclusion is a safe one to have (not that it's accurate per se, but that it's not likely to be successfully challenged by anyone.)


Evidence is simply experience which is both duplicated and also corroborated by an exterior source (like 3rd party grading :grin: ), and there have been enough experiences in my life to convince me that there absolutely is a supernatural world. That's concrete enough to me for me to believe and act on it.


I think that we are both loosely talking about the same thing and just differing in the details.


I don't know what or who that was sitting on Lou's stairs, nor do I know why he was sitting there, but I do know that he was there. I have little doubt based on my relationship with Lou.

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My one and only spooky encounter occured while I was in the Army years ago.


In 1990 when I PCS'd from Fort Carson, CO to Stuttgart, Germany I was initially stationed at 5th General Hospital in Bad Cannstatt for about 8 months before going to Panzer Kaserne.


During those 8 months I was receiving training working at the different departments (Emergency Room, D-2, D-3 surgical wards and L&D and Newborn Nursery). This required a lot of shiftwork at different hours. For me, mostly late nights/EARLY mornings.


This kaserne had an immense network of tunnels that allowed people to go from building to building without ever having to walk outside. Not only were the tunnels a shortcut, but they were also convenient during the winter months and helped avoid the freezing weather.


We could go from the barracks to the main hospital building or even to the Dining Hall on the other side of the kaserne.

5th General Hospital was a Nazi Hospital during WW2, hence the multitude of tunnels and an possible explanation of what's about to follow...


We used to take the S-Bahn and go clubbing downtown Stuttgart (Cinderella's or the Rock Fabrik I believe were the clubs used to frequent back then) and we would back to the kaserne late at night/early morning. One time late summer coming back from the club we decided to take the tunnels to the chow hall to grab breakfast (they were open 24 hours on the weekends). It was around 3am. While we were walking in the darkness of the catacombs we noticed a sudden cold draft.I started feeling uncomfortable. I then started hearing the sounds of marching coming from the darkness further down the tunnel. We all heard it. Trip Trop! Trip Trop! Trip Trop! I could swear I even heard German cadence. Anyways, one of the guys with us who had been stationed there a few years said that it was normal. It was the ghosts of German Soldiers marching. I thought he was effing with us and thought it was an elaborate joke to scare us. I never stopped taking the tunnels and forgot about the incident until about three months later.


During the winter I had started working the D-3 surgical ward. That particular week I was on late shifts (2300-0700 hrs). I would take the tunnels from the basement of the barracks to the hospital basement and catch the elevator to the 3rd floor.


So here I am at 1055pm walking the tunnels and it starts getting cold. I thought it was a cold darft of air coming from outside, as it was snowing pretty hard, so I didn't pay too much attention. When I got to the elevator I pushed the button for it to get to the basement. As the door slid opened I saw there was a patient with a hospital robe on with an IV stand. In the darkened elevator (the lights were always dim and flickering) I said hello to him. From what I remember he nodded at me in reply. As the elevator started going up I was looking down at my correspondence course paperwork I was planning on doing that night and not paying attention to the guy. It started getting really cold again, my breath was visible in front of me as I was looking down. "It's COLD in here!" I said out loud. No answer from the guy. As the elevator was coming to a stop on my floor I looked up to tell him to have a good night. He was gone. In the space of a minute or so it took that elevator to reach the third floor from the basement the guy just disappeared! The elevator never stopped on another floor.


I was freaked out. When I got to Nurses station, I told one of the nurses who worked there. She was a civilian and had been there for about 20-30 years. She laughed and said I had met Hans, as he was affectionately called. She said he was the ghost of a german officer who had died in the hospital during WW2. People saw him all the time on the elevator and the 4th floor, mostly at night, but sometimes even during the day. Sometimes he would be on the 4th floor lounge balcony smoking a cigarette according to her . I then remembered and asked her about the marching sounds in the tunnel and she said it was common as well. Needless to say. I told my NCO at the time NOT to schedule me anymore night shifts. I went to Panzer Kaserne a couple of months later. The hospital was closed down later that following year.


The weirdest thing is that when I think back I don't remember seeing the guy's eyes. The elevator was dark so I didnt think much of it at the time, but I SWEAR upon retrospect that they were just black holes. Also, the IV pole the guy had didn't have a standard IV bag of fluid, but a glass bottle. They had stopped using glass IV bottles years before...I still get the creeps thinking about it even after 20 years.

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I am not so sure as to say they are all frauds because I don't understand it.


I or you can't explain how he or any other medium does what they do. I will say it is amazing to watch.


The books I have read have many examples similar to Roy's story.


I try not to have such a black or white, right or wrong, fake or real attitude.


There are shades of gray in this world that we will never understand.

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I'm not reading the previous posts until after mine to avoid "contamination" as the Ghost Hunters say...



Just after college and just before "growing up" I lived in a house that was built at the turn of the century. A co-worker owned the house and rented out the top floor which had three bedrooms, one tennant in each, with a shared bathroom and living area. The renters all agreed that the house always had a weird feel to it, but the owner was oblivious. The laundry area was off of the kitchen and had originally been outdoors, so standing over the washer, there was a window into the kichen. It was common for all of us to see motion out of the corner of our eyes through that window when nothing was there. We also regularly saw this type of thing across doorways. The owner's dogs would occassionally sit and bark at a wall or stare and growl at nothing, too.


I had a couple of friends over one night for drinks and movies. We had been there for a couple of hours and I went downstairs to get more booze. When I returned, both friends were absolutely pale, the TV was off and a window was open. I note the window because it was winter and the house was drafty anyway. They were clearly shocked by something. They didn't say a word other than "we have to go now." To this day, they don't talk about what they saw.




I need to shoot off a couple of emails now that I'm thinking about it again.. Maybe they can tell me that way.


Anyhow, I was dozing off one night and thought I saw what I thought was a reflection of tiny lights on the glass of a large frame on my wall. The more I looked, the less I thought it was a reflection and got up to investigate. I first looked outside to see if I could find what created the reflection. Nothing there. Then I moved toward the frame and realized it wasn't a reflection at all, but that the lights were in front of the frame. They were very much like lightning bugs or fireflies in that they just hovered and moved slowly around. The exception was that they were constant, never flickering on and off. I examined them from the right side of the frame, in front and all the way to the other side. Finally, I put my hand into the group of them. I could clearly see them moving around my arm, they disappeared behind it and gave off their own light although they really appeared to be only light. No substance that I could feel. I yelled for my roommates and got no answer, so I begrudgingly went out to the living area to get them. I came back and there was nothing to see.


I think it was a ghost, but I don't know. I've never seen anything like it before or since.


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Ghost? No, I don't believe in them.


Supernatural forces? Yes. Both good and bad.


How do they manifest themselves? Not disputing you, just interested.


If you look at it from a strict Biblical standpoint demonic forces have always been able to either materialise in the form of humans (think flood) or possess a person. Jesus even acknowledged this by casting out many demons. The Greek scriptures, in many places show demonic posession enabling humans to have super human powers.


If these wicked angels were able to materialise and take human form back then, what stops them today from creating illusions to mimic dead people? To differentiate between the two, I do not believe it is a spirit of the actual dead person but a "mimic" from one of these wicked spirit creatures.

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But I am absolutely convinced of the truth of my statements, without doubt in any way. There's absolutely no question in my mind about it.


I am too. 100%.


I just realize that I can't fully understand everything at once and so leave a little room for better interpretation on some things.




The implication being, of course, that I think I DO fully understand everything at once and don't leave room for better interpretations on some things.




Since, in the entire course of recorded human history, thousands and thousands of years, no one has ever been able to provide concrete evidence of the spiritual world, I'm going to suggest that "a better interpretation" on THIS matter does not exist, and is not likely to exist (again, based on the lack of such existence for the past, oh, 6,000 years or so), and therefore, my conclusion is a safe one to have (not that it's accurate per se, but that it's not likely to be successfully challenged by anyone.)


Do you think you/we are so much more special than the rest of humanity that the secrets of the afterlife are going to be revealed to you/us, when such secrets have been hidden from mankind for all of recorded history thus far...?





My only response to this argument is to take the history of astronomy into account. To go from believing that the sky is a flat disk of land surrounded by water to understanding the immensity of the Universe...its vastness...and the godlike power that are displayed by the forces that shape it. It is itself a wonder and I use it as a measure of what may lie ahead for us to experience.


I will not discount entirely 1000s of years of anecdotal evidence simply because It hasn't been proven yet. Mankind is still learning. Its close minded to do so.


Have I ever seen a ghost? No. Do I believe they exist? I have no evidence either way but I sure don't have the hubris to discount them outright.

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Ghost? No, I don't believe in them.


Supernatural forces? Yes. Both good and bad.


How do they manifest themselves? Not disputing you, just interested.


If you look at it from a strict Biblical standpoint demonic forces have always been able to either materialize in the form of humans (think flood) or possess a person. Jesus even acknowledged this by casting out many demons. The Greek scriptures, in many places show demonic possession enabling humans to have super human powers.


If these wicked angels were able to materialize and take human form back then, what stops them today from creating illusions to mimic dead people? To differentiate between the two, I do not believe it is a spirit of the actual dead person but a "mimic" from one of these wicked spirit creatures.

Ghosts may not be the correct term. I do believe in spirits.

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But I am absolutely convinced of the truth of my statements, without doubt in any way. There's absolutely no question in my mind about it.


I am too. 100%.


I just realize that I can't fully understand everything at once and so leave a little room for better interpretation on some things.




The implication being, of course, that I think I DO fully understand everything at once and don't leave room for better interpretations on some things.




Since, in the entire course of recorded human history, thousands and thousands of years, no one has ever been able to provide concrete evidence of the spiritual world, I'm going to suggest that "a better interpretation" on THIS matter does not exist, and is not likely to exist (again, based on the lack of such existence for the past, oh, 6,000 years or so), and therefore, my conclusion is a safe one to have (not that it's accurate per se, but that it's not likely to be successfully challenged by anyone.)


Do you think you/we are so much more special than the rest of humanity that the secrets of the afterlife are going to be revealed to you/us, when such secrets have been hidden from mankind for all of recorded history thus far...?





My only response to this argument is to take the history of astronomy into account. To go from believing that the sky is a flat disk of land surrounded by water to understanding the immensity of the Universe...its vastness...and the godlike power that are displayed by the forces that shape it. It is itself a wonder and I use it as a measure of what may lie ahead for us to experience.


I will not discount entirely 1000s of years of anecdotal evidence simply because It hasn't been proven yet. Mankind is still learning. Its close minded to do so.


Have I ever seen a ghost? No. Do I believe they exist? I have no evidence either way but I sure don't have the hubris to discount them outright.



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Awesome! Great post djpinkpanther67. (thumbs u

My one and only spooky encounter occured while I was in the Army years ago.



That was a sweet story. Nice custom title, too, BTW.

Thanks. Here is another interesting detail I forgot to mention. The IV pole the guy had didn't have a standard IV bag of fluid, but a glass bottle. They had stopped using glass IV bottles years before

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you all are silly, everyone knows there are no such things as ghosts...


Why? I used to believe that, but the more I see and learn, the more I believe.


Think about it. What we we? At our most basic what makes us "us" is our energy. There is an electrical energy in our body. It's electrical energy that allows us to think and feel. It's electrical energy that allows us to move. It's an amazing electrical energy that allows our hearts to beat. The only noticible difference between a live body and a very recently dead body is the lack of energy. Since energy is never created or destroyed and it only changes form, who are to say that our energy or "self" or "soul" or whatever doesn't leave us and go elsewhere?


I'm not saying I'm right or that you're wrong. I'm just putting my most current view out there. I started as a non-believer.

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Ghost? No, I don't believe in them.


Supernatural forces? Yes. Both good and bad.


How do they manifest themselves? Not disputing you, just interested.


If you look at it from a strict Biblical standpoint demonic forces have always been able to either materialise in the form of humans (think flood) or possess a person. Jesus even acknowledged this by casting out many demons. The Greek scriptures, in many places show demonic posession enabling humans to have super human powers.


If these wicked angels were able to materialise and take human form back then, what stops them today from creating illusions to mimic dead people? To differentiate between the two, I do not believe it is a spirit of the actual dead person but a "mimic" from one of these wicked spirit creatures.


And therein lies the irony.


Lets be honest....belief in an all powerful old man who lives in the sky and created everything is just as silly as believing in ghosts...or the demons and angels associated with religion. Its all an amalgam of human experience and myth.


My sister believes in ghosts but not bigfoot. I cant understand where a person draws the line. Big hairy apeman with giant feet or spirit trapped on this physical plain...which one is more plausible? Its a pointless argument.


I would recommend to many of you to read "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell...and pretty much anything else he has written.



disclaimer: I do believe in the old man in the sky.

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I also think women are more predisposed to this sort of thing than men are.


It's interesting that you mention this. The two friends in my story were women and women never lived in the house more than 3-6 months (other than the owner). Men stayed and stayed.


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The only time I had anything strange happen was 20 or so years ago - in my mid 20s.


I was in a long-term relationship with my first serious girlfriend. She was staying the night at my house. We both awoke at the same time from a deep sleep around 2 am or so. I remember seeing an orange light hovering at the foot of the bed. The glow disappeared quickly. No noise or anything that would have awoken us. I asked "what was that?" She answered she didn't know but said she saw she saw the same thing.


Alien abduction (shrug)





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Ghost? No, I don't believe in them.


Supernatural forces? Yes. Both good and bad.


How do they manifest themselves? Not disputing you, just interested.


If you look at it from a strict Biblical standpoint demonic forces have always been able to either materialise in the form of humans (think flood) or possess a person. Jesus even acknowledged this by casting out many demons. The Greek scriptures, in many places show demonic posession enabling humans to have super human powers.


If these wicked angels were able to materialise and take human form back then, what stops them today from creating illusions to mimic dead people? To differentiate between the two, I do not believe it is a spirit of the actual dead person but a "mimic" from one of these wicked spirit creatures.


I agree with a lot of this post(the Bible and all that), but I also think that some ghosts could be people who don't know they are dead. Or just haven't made it to their final destination yet.

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