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Have you ever seen a ghost?

187 posts in this topic

So many great stories. :applause:


This is a yearly thing for you isn't it. You're not just collecting for a book you're gonna write after you retire are you ?? hm

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So many great stories. :applause:


This is a yearly thing for you isn't it. You're not just collecting for a book you're gonna write after you retire are you ?? hm


My wife told me just yesterday that this would make a great book. hm

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When I was eight years old my family rented an old farm house in rural North Carolina. The owner told us his mother had lived there until she passed away a couple of years before we moved in.

One weekend day my mother slipped off to go shopping. She did so secretly so my brother and I would not beg to go along. Upon noticing mom wasn't around, I asked my dad where she had gone. A voice answered from the corridor, "Gone." I froze and looked in that direction because it was a female voice I did not recognize. My father seemed not to hear and answered that mom had gone shopping. I continued looking in the direction of the voice and asked him if he heard it. He must have realized how serious I was because he got really quiet and looked kind of shaken up about it. He still won't talk about it to this day.


I had another experience during my community college years. I dated a girl who lived near the college. We went to her grandmother's house one day for lunch. As I sat on the couch I suddenly heard a door slam loudly in one of the back bedrooms. I asked my girlfriend and her grandmother, "What was that?" They both kind of looked at each other and laughed. My girlfriend said it was Fred.

Fred was supposedly the ghost of a young man who died in front of their home as a result of a car accident. I investigated the back bedrooms of the house myself and discovered no one was back there. The door had slammed really hard too so I really don't thing it could have been from some sort of air movement.

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Some amazing stories on this thread. Thanks for sharing.


There is more evidence for "hauntings" than anyone suspects. A really convincing study of "ghosts" studied dozens of well-observed cases and made a distinction between three main types:

  • Poltergeists - Mischievous, almost animal-like entities that often seem attracted to adolescent girls. They may move objects and make noise. They usually pass as the object of their attention grows.
  • Lingering Spirits - Remains of life forces of human dead, lingering from "moving on" for any number of reasons. Some of these can be helped to "move on".
  • Other - Things we can't begin to explain. Worse things than you can imagine. Check out The Black Monk Of Pontrefact for one example.

This is why you seriously don't want to mess with the spirit world. Reaching out for number 2, many people have unwittingly contacted Number 3.


About this coke teleportation story...


You must be pulling our collective legs? Did this really happen?


I don't know about ghost even though I joined the Wichita Ghost Society for a year or so and had some interesting investigations (mostly because the people or places we investigated where more interesting than the "haunting" itself).


But when around 1986 I had a friend of mine come over to spend the evening with me and we were rummaging through my closet. Now back in those days I was pretty messy although you'd never know that looking at my home now (I became a neat freak at some point during my youth although I don't recall when exactly). So while moving some boxes and toys out of the way in the left side of the closet we came across a canned coke.


Thinking I must of placed one there and had forgotten about it we carefully moved it to my dresser and made plans over sharing the delicious beverage at a later time. So we headed back to the closet and started digging around and found a second canned coke again in the left side of the closet. Really excited because we now each had our own and chalking up the experience to having not carefully staked out the place before moving the first can we again moved the second can to the counter by the bed next to the first.


We immediately went back to the closet and found in the exact same spot a third can of coke. We were a little suspicious at this point because we had did a pretty thorough investigation when we discovered the third can but again moved the can to the counter beside the bed.


This time we placed a piece of paper on the spot we had found the first three cans of coke and closed the closet door, waited for about 5 minutes and opened the door to fine yet another can on the closet floor on top of the piece of paper. We realized the cans where just materializing there or something but who gets scared of free coke cans right?


So we continued that for awhile and eventually it stopped. We moved the remaining 12 cans of soda to the refrigerator in my parents house and quickly explained to my parents how we found all this free soda in my closet.


Convinced we were up to no good my mother went downstairs and checked the basement room and in the closet she found an empty unopened 12 pack box of coke. The thing wasn't opened but it was completely empty and my mother had thought we some how managed to move all those cans out of the case and upstairs without being caught.


To this day I never understood how this situation happened.



All true. It was indeed a strange thing. I've gone over it my mind and have no way to explain it. We were both in the room so my friend couldn't have placed the cokes there and we did not know there was a case of cokes downstairs since my mother rarely allowed us to drink sugary drinks while growing up (hence why we were so excited to find them in the first place). The house I grew up in was not haunted to the best of my knowledge (nothing strange ever happened there other than this one instance that I'm aware of) so really I'm at a lost. (shrug)

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