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Thor Movie as good as Iron Man

602 posts in this topic

One thing though for such a big movie there were a lot of empty seats. Did anyone else notice that?


It was the same way where I went, but then again, I went to that particular theater because it never is as crowded as other theaters. Once I figured that out, it's where I usually go if I'm going to a "big" movie when it opens. Still, there were not as many people as I expected.


What really surprised me was the number of people who left as soon as the movie was over, and then continued to leave during the credits. By time the credits were over, well over half the people had left. I guess a lot of people haven't quite figured out that there is another scene after the credits are over.

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Can someone explain to me the very very end, after the credits. That was Loki, agent shields and who was that other guy? Also what was the significance of that that power box that they opened out of the briefcase. Just somewhat confused about that, and thanks for any clarification.


The other guy was Nick Fury, the 'power box' looks like a Cosmic Cube.


I think he's talking about the guy possessed by Loki- that looked like Jane Foster's boss to me (could be wrong on that one)


OK - yes, that was JF's boss, Stellan Skarsgard.

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Saw it last night. Loved it! For me it is still slightly behind Dark Knight and Iron Man though. Definitely enjoyed all the characters and thought the fight scenes were better than Iron Man.








I am not sure how I feel about Loki actually being a Frost Giant though and I was hoping to see Hawkeye take a shot or two in the movie.

Anybody else recognize the other items/weapons in the artifact room?


I'm very rusty on my Norse mythology, but I think Loki is part frost giant.


I disagree with some people here who think Loki (in the movie) is partially good- he is totally corrupt, its just that he's such a manipulator that he makes you sympathetic at times. Make no mistake, he is out for himself and the goal of ultimate power the entire time.


Just a masterful performance by that actor.


Yes, Loki is part frost giant.


Loki is corrupt from the start in the movie, hence him letting the Frost Giants into Asgard to steal back the source of their power.

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I saw it last night with my brother and thought it was great. I've always been a big Thor fan and I wore JIM 104 T-shirt that matches my avatar last night.

There were a bunch of little touches to look out for that I liked, like the use of Don Blake's name, and a billboard in the town that said "Journey into Mystery." I thought Odin was great and the Destroyer was indeed awesome.


We did have an unusual experience last night. At the beginning of the movie the 3D was out of synch, so the the movie was effectively unwatchable. So of course people started booing, yelling "stop the movie," "hit rewind" and such. People were walking out to complain and finally the film stopped. We waited a bit and all was straightened out and all were happy at last.


There were empty seats, but I saw it at a multiplex where it was playing in about 4 different theaters so there was plenty of opportunity for people to see it at a most convenient time.


Overhead this conversation after the credits:

Woman: "Cool so next they're doing the Justice League!"

Man: "You mean The Avengers."

Woman: "Whatever, same thing, you know what I mean."

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Can someone explain the entire movie to me please?


I am confused about the whole thing.


I'd like this explanation as follows:


Wall of text;

Trendy ultra short post with a healthy dose of aloof condescension;


Graphic novelization;

Reader's Digest version;

Cliffs Notes version;

Roger Ebert version;

Aintitcool version;

Junior Reader's version;

STFU version.

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Can someone explain the entire movie to me please?


I am confused about the whole thing.


I'd like this explanation as follows:


Wall of text;

Trendy ultra short post with a healthy dose of aloof condescension;


Graphic novelization;

Reader's Digest version;

Cliffs Notes version;

Roger Ebert version;

Aintitcool version;

Junior Reader's version;

STFU version.

Chespirito's Notes version


Good guy, bad guy, good guy learns lesson, bad guy wants to rule the world, good guy beats bad guy, good guy hooks up with a good looking girl, movie in suspence set-up for a second one or part of an interlinked story

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I am not sure how I feel about Loki actually being a Frost Giant

Actually, in Norse mythology, Loki IS a Frost Giant.



Ah... Did not know that.


I think loki came across as sympathetic to so many people was because the actor had such a baby face.

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Didn't make it last night. Going to head out now and watch it in 2D.


We'll be in line for a good 45 minutes to make sure we get a decent seat.



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I saw it. I loved it. So did my friends. A lot of fun, great story, great acting, and the Rainbow Bridge was amazing.


I liked how they made the costumes look believable. Going to see it again in 2D to compare it to the 3D. I guess the 2D is a bit brighter because of digital.

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I just got back and saw the 3D version. There were 10 people watching it with me...place was empty :o but the entire theatre was empty also and there was no line to get food...shocking since it is the 6pm show that usually should be pack with people eating early dinner to catch the show. On the way out, the place is still empty for the 8:30 show. The recession is full on in Sarasota...folks are just dead broke here...sad.


I enjoyed the movie....felt shorter than 2 hours so it went by real fast and I want more.



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