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Why I won't buy from Jamie Graham...and why I love these boards!

519 posts in this topic

These are your unedited words from THIS THREAD. I directly quoted your EXACT WORDS. If that's twisting the facts I don't think you understand what the words "twisting" and "facts" mean.





:roflmao: :roflmao:


Thanks Chris. I can now enjoy my chuckle and go to work. (thumbs u

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Roy, he's wrong and if you also check the facts...you will see for yourself when I was told to go back, when I drove back and when I listed the comic. Nothing deceptive.


I might have said the last day of the show somewhere but cmon guys...I have no reason to be deceptive here.



I'm honestly not trying to goad you into posting back here in this thread, but if people went by the words you posted at the start of this thread, there are some contradictions, and that is what some people (ie Chris) is talking about.


Initially, it makes you look premature and secondarily it makes a tangential (unproductive) argument about semantics now.


Not too many people have the time to go back and check out all people's previous posts to corroborate facts. They take what most people post at face value and then compare those to what is available on google.


I think it's a dead issue (the Fingh is right, I shouldn't have reopened this thread) and people have all the facts (more or less) in front of them.





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Actually, we still only know your side of the story.


Ok, great. Me too. I've yet to hear anything from Jamie Graham and from what I understand I never will hear from him. I welcome an explanation and would even consider doing business with him if he or his store would just call me back and discuss what happened. I'm reasonable and don't think the guy is the devil. We can all make mistakes. It was the lack of care of that mistake that angrered me greatly.


I'll leave you with this. Why would I lie?




I think you've pretty much insured you will never get a response with the behavior you have displayed here on the boards.


My behavior? He'd be lucky if I answered the phone should hell freeze over and he actually called me.


Look man, you don't have to agree with me but don't be so stubborn to admit I had a legit gripe.


Plus, I love how some of you guys just ignore the other members who posted here that they had worse problems with this dealer and yet...that goes without any mention.


Care to excuse how this person sold trimmed comics to forum members and it took months to get resolution (only after Flying Donut helped)?


And the beat goes on...




Not to get into the mud slinging, but the bolded statement above is going to get you in trouble - Graham Crackers did not knowingly sell a trimmed comic. He sold a comic that CGC found out was trimmed, and once the issue was raised, returned the purchaser's money. Did it take a long time and was only resolved through my intervention because I know the secret handshake? Yes, but that's a different issue entirely.


To suggest - even through a vague insinuation - that Graham Crackers is dealing in trimmed books is at best a misinterpretation of the facts.

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For the record I do want to say that I don't think that Mark1 was being intentionally deceptive at all. I do think the gaps in times and dates initially led folks to fill in the gaps with the available information and that was confusing to many.


I feel if he would have calmly corrected the time line without immediately assuming I was calling him a liar, or that I was spinning my opinion out of whole cloth, we could have avoided the argument here.


I think Mark1 got into a difficult and annoying situation and wanted to vent. The anger over what happened shortened the description of events enough to confuse some folks through no fault of their own. That doesn't mean Mark1 tried to pull one over on us, but it does make a train wreck of a thread all the more fiery and intense.

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It was the lack of care of that mistake that angrered me greatly.


Who's mistake? Yours for buying a book you already had?


I've been reading this thread since its inception, and man has it been :popcorn:, but I think alot of your anger towards the dealer has been misdirected. Have you actually taken a step back yet and made yourself accountable for your own actions?


Here's what I've gathered from reading. I could have missed something and will admit to any oversight, so bear that in mind.


Day 1: Buy comic. You are happy customer. No complaints about comic whatsoever. Grahamcracker has your business and the transaction is completed sufficiently. No issue at all at this point.


Later Day 1: You get home and realize you already have a copy of comic. Not grahamcrackers fault. Your mistake You call his shop, which incidentally is in Chicago, while the show was in Miami. You are told that an exchange can be made at the show the next day. 1. Did you tell them you had to drive in a good ways for the exchange? 2. Did the person on the phone say anything about speaking to Grahamcracker about the exchange being ok? In my mind at this point, Grahamcracker could have not made his intentions of leaving the show early known to any of his employees. And, who really expects their shop several thousand miles away to get a call about an exchange for a comic made at a convention you're currently attending?


Day 2: You tell the wife that you've got to make a drive out again on a day when you guys are expecting company. Hectic day. You said earlier the wife wasn't happy about you doing this. Your mistake You get to show to find Grahamcracker gone and all you have to go on is the word of a guy in a comic shop in Chicago who said he would be there for the exchange. Not grahamcrackers fault. He assumed you were happy with the comic the previous day You get a bit worried and find out grahamcrackers personal cell number and get hit with his voice mail message.


Now this is just what I think is going through your mind at this point. The wife isn't happy about your second trip and you're about to have to drive back home and have nothing to show for it on a day when the two of you have plans. Your anger becomes self-righteous as you think about how you were going to spend MORE MONEY at his booth, but instead he bolts from the show without setting up on the last day. Your anger intensifies as you take that long drive home knowing that it was all for nothing.


In all, you made a couple of assumptions:


- You assumed that grahamcracker checks in with his stores frequently when he is on the road, or that his employees have alot of contact with him.

- You assumed that customer service through his store for business done outside of the store would be honored promptly, all during a time when grahamcracker was probably still driving the 1,300 miles back to Chicago.


Your anger made a mountain out of a molehill. Just imagine if you would've started this thread in a more positive manner by reaching out to any boardies in Chicago to get in touch with grahamcracker. The only thing I can see that grahamcracker is guilty of is poor communication with and throughout his stores and employees in Chicago. Still doesn't change the fact that you bought the wrong book.


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Let me get this straight. Is there something wrong with the books? Did you pay too much for them? He sold you the books and you admit that you made the mistake of purchasing the book(s) that you already own. How is this shady?


It's shady to avoid a customer who has called your store 4 times when they were promised an exchange and then not one call back. It's shady to tell a customer to drive a long way and to not show up.

I wouldn't call it a shady transaction. It has evolved into a pain in the transaction.



To me, if someone calls a business asking for an exchange and it was agreed it was okay...and then nobody calls you back...you wait a few days and then call again 4 more times and still no call back...that seems like they are avoiding you....that's shady in my eyes. Maybe not yours....but it is shady to me.


As I said, I spoke to his relative "angry John" twice...was promised a call back. Never got one. Talked to two other people...was promised a call back...still never got one.



Who exactly are you waiting on to call you back? Can of the employees not help you out? Does it have to be Jamie?

Well this was not answered.

Of course it had to be Jamie that called back.


Mark1 is a funny book collector with loads of cash to throw at dealers who treat him with the respect he deserves. The book bought by mistake is already for sale in the marketplace when all of these unreturned messages were left - so the goal is to talk to the owner himself in order to maximize the HARDSHIP discount I get for my true goal - the JIM 83 that I checked out already!

:devil: Be forwarned - no mud will go unslung to achieve this goal..


Happy Friday!

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So........who's the second dealer?




Thank you OldGuy! I wanted to ask that question around page 25. lol


Doesn't look like we'll find out.


I promise this is the last time I am posting in this thread.


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Look man, twist the facts all you want.


Check my Florida Supercon review and you will see when I posted the con report and when I said I was going back. I didn't list the comic before I drove back. If that isn't clear to you...well then you need to join your friends on the short bus.


That's all there is to say. You are wrong. Others understood the way it went down. You just have an agenda and that is clear.


not cool. actually worse than all the ethnic offense taken in the japanese/german/cracker etc. threads.

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Look man, twist the facts all you want.


Check my Florida Supercon review and you will see when I posted the con report and when I said I was going back. I didn't list the comic before I drove back. If that isn't clear to you...well then you need to join your friends on the short bus.


That's all there is to say. You are wrong. Others understood the way it went down. You just have an agenda and that is clear.


not cool. actually worse than all the ethnic offense taken in the japanese/german/cracker etc. threads.


Then you need to join the cowardly lion and the tin man, you freak.



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Actually, we still only know your side of the story.


Ok, great. Me too. I've yet to hear anything from Jamie Graham and from what I understand I never will hear from him. I welcome an explanation and would even consider doing business with him if he or his store would just call me back and discuss what happened. I'm reasonable and don't think the guy is the devil. We can all make mistakes. It was the lack of care of that mistake that angrered me greatly.


I'll leave you with this. Why would I lie?




I think you've pretty much insured you will never get a response with the behavior you have displayed here on the boards.


My behavior? He'd be lucky if I answered the phone should hell freeze over and he actually called me.


Look man, you don't have to agree with me but don't be so stubborn to admit I had a legit gripe.


Plus, I love how some of you guys just ignore the other members who posted here that they had worse problems with this dealer and yet...that goes without any mention.


Care to excuse how this person sold trimmed comics to forum members and it took months to get resolution (only after Flying Donut helped)?


And the beat goes on...




If the guy is such a well known scumbag, why were you dealing with him? :shrug:

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