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Larry's Comics at it again...

509 posts in this topic

Who's desperate now Abraham Lincoln.


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the first real person to be depicted on a US mint coin?


No I didn't, thank you for the info. (thumbs u


Did you know, that much like our beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, RMA is also a self taught attorney?


You insult because you have nothing to contribute.


Sad but true.


You are ignoring this user.


And being a huge obnoxious, delusional, confrontational, know it all, who incites anger from anyone willing to try and have a healthy debate does not equate to being a contributor.


I'm only obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and anger inciting to people who are obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and who incite anger.


Delusional? That's all you, baby.


And, as usual, I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about you.


You will never, should you post for 10,000 years, contribute as much to these boards as I have. Not because you cannot, but simply because it's not your nature. You just want to pick fights with people and hope that everyone likes you.


Research? Helping others with information?


You can't. You don't have the ability to.


It contributes to being the typical little internet guy. Congrats, you win. (thumbs u


Maybe we'll meet in person and can have an actual conversation. Until then go fist yourself.


You might want to come up with your own insults.


P.s. You wish I would PM you little boy.


You're being desperate again.

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Who's desperate now Abraham Lincoln.


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the first real person to be depicted on a US mint coin?


No I didn't, thank you for the info. (thumbs u


Did you know, that much like our beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, RMA is also a self taught attorney?


You insult because you have nothing to contribute.


Sad but true.


You are ignoring this user.


And being a huge obnoxious, delusional, confrontational, know it all, who incites anger from anyone willing to try and have a healthy debate does not equate to being a contributor.


I'm only obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and anger inciting to people who are obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and who incite anger.


Delusional? That's all you, baby.


Ah yes, the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" approach.


You will never, should you post for 10,000 years, contribute as much to these boards as I have. Not because you cannot, but simply because it's not your nature.


You can see the future? How is The Dark Knight Rises?

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what the hell is a coin?
It's what we used to use to buy comics.


Now we use plastic.


Gawd I missed you.



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You guys have no idea..*sighs* in his shell of his former self..he is barely even started..if only you guys could have seen RMA in his prime..


With these tiny posts and limited verbage. Barely even singed you..


:preach: I remember back in the day when a single TimDrake (RMA) post would scroll an entire chat board..




but oh we love him so...or at least I do..he is an icon of chat mythos

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Oh, man, that's easy.


Because if you don't react, they eventually give up (at least with you.)


It is a self-fulfilling concept. Haters don't get the reaction they seek, and they move on to some other target. If EVERYONE doesn't react, who do they have left to spew to?


Trying to force people, through peer pressure, social mores, or even the law, to "watch their ing mouths" inevitably makes the desire to do so MORE INTENSE.


"Don't do that!" = wow, you've just made me want to do that infinitely more.


"Go ahead, do it. See if I care." = man, what a thrillkill.


Didn't all of our mothers teach us these simple truths of life?


I find it no less idealistic to ask people to watch what they say than to ask people to have no negative reaction to something that's offensive to them.


You're missing the point. It's not just "having no negative reaction"...it's not being offended by abrasive, ill mannered words in the first place. If you're not offended in the first place, you will automatically have no reaction.


Maybe pity.



I think you seem to have forgotten another lesson our mother's taught us. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.


Sigh. This isn't about trying to control what others say.


It's about not letting what other people say affect YOU.


YOU have no control over what other people say.


You DO have complete control over how you react to it.


If you can control the latter, the former becomes a NON-ISSUE.




Look, what you're saying has some real validity to it. But what you're asking for is simply unrealistic. So if we're going to be unrealistic with our desires then let's at least be open enough to see there's more than one idealistic solution to these issues.


It is utterly idealistic to imagine that you can control what other people say.


It is not only NOT idealistic, it is preferable, to gain control over one's emotions and not let what other people say affect you.


It is no less idealistic for me to point my finger at the perpetrators and ask them to refrain than it is for you to point your finger at the "victims" (and that's what they are if they feel as such you don't get to decide for them)


Never said I did. You're doing the typical message board dance.


Pay attention, because this is important: there is no "finger pointing."


Do you think encouraging people to not let what others say bother them is "finger pointing"...? :screwy:


Silly overemotionalism, as usual.


and ask them to turn the other cheek or simply not feel a certain way. As if we're all robots or capable of incredible feats of self control.


So Jackie Robinson was a robot?


If we are capable of such control, then so are those who would use such hateful words.


I'm not missing any point. I'm just open minded enough to see multiple angles on this.




Sorry, but the examples of people like Jackie Robinson, and COUNTLESS others, proves you wrong.


Totally unrelated question: do you ever knowingly post things you know are wrong? And if not, don't you think YOU are always right, to? hm

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You will never, should you post for 10,000 years, contribute as much to these boards as I have. Not because you cannot, but simply because it's not your nature.


90% of the time you're contributing this. :slapfight:




I'm gonna say 50% of the time, not 90%.


But I only give what I get.

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Who's desperate now Abraham Lincoln.


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the first real person to be depicted on a US mint coin?


No I didn't, thank you for the info. (thumbs u


Did you know, that much like our beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, RMA is also a self taught attorney?


You insult because you have nothing to contribute.


Sad but true.


You are ignoring this user.


And being a huge obnoxious, delusional, confrontational, know it all, who incites anger from anyone willing to try and have a healthy debate does not equate to being a contributor.


I'm only obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and anger inciting to people who are obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and who incite anger.


Delusional? That's all you, baby.


Ah yes, the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" approach.


You will never, should you post for 10,000 years, contribute as much to these boards as I have. Not because you cannot, but simply because it's not your nature.


You can see the future? How is The Dark Knight Rises?




Oh, look, hulksmashdave inserting himself into a slapfight to take shots at RMA.


Really, Dave, you take totally, completely unprovoked shots at me, then whine about how big a d ick I am?




Do you just not see the irony, here?

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You guys have no idea..*sighs* in his shell of his former self..he is barely even started..if only you guys could have seen RMA in his prime..


With these tiny posts and limited verbage. Barely even singed you..


:preach: I remember back in the day when a single TimDrake (RMA) post would scroll an entire chat board..




but oh we love him so...or at least I do..he is an icon of chat mythos

With your ringing endorsement, I've decided to give him a big hug the next time I see him.
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Who's desperate now Abraham Lincoln.


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the first real person to be depicted on a US mint coin?


No I didn't, thank you for the info. (thumbs u


Did you know, that much like our beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, RMA is also a self taught attorney?


You insult because you have nothing to contribute.


Sad but true.


You are ignoring this user.


And being a huge obnoxious, delusional, confrontational, know it all, who incites anger from anyone willing to try and have a healthy debate does not equate to being a contributor.


I'm only obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and anger inciting to people who are obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and who incite anger.


Delusional? That's all you, baby.


Ah yes, the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" approach.


You will never, should you post for 10,000 years, contribute as much to these boards as I have. Not because you cannot, but simply because it's not your nature.


You can see the future? How is The Dark Knight Rises?




Oh, look, hulksmashdave inserting himself into a slapfight to take shots at RMA.


Really, Dave, you take totally, completely unprovoked shots at me, then whine about how big a d ick I am?




Do you just not see the irony, here?


I used to do the same thing to bullies in elementary school. Shoot me.

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Who's desperate now Abraham Lincoln.


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the first real person to be depicted on a US mint coin?


No I didn't, thank you for the info. (thumbs u


Did you know, that much like our beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, RMA is also a self taught attorney?


You insult because you have nothing to contribute.


Sad but true.


You are ignoring this user.


And being a huge obnoxious, delusional, confrontational, know it all, who incites anger from anyone willing to try and have a healthy debate does not equate to being a contributor.


I'm only obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and anger inciting to people who are obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and who incite anger.


Delusional? That's all you, baby.


Ah yes, the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" approach.


You will never, should you post for 10,000 years, contribute as much to these boards as I have. Not because you cannot, but simply because it's not your nature.


You can see the future? How is The Dark Knight Rises?




Oh, look, hulksmashdave inserting himself into a slapfight to take shots at RMA.


Really, Dave, you take totally, completely unprovoked shots at me, then whine about how big a d ick I am?




Do you just not see the irony, here?


Also, I don't recall whining.

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You are correct. Some people may simply WANT to react negatively. Some people LIKE to be offended. But are you seriously suggesting that a negative reaction...which has been demonstrated to be detrimental to a person's health...is something that is desirable?


People NEED oxygen. People NEED food. People NEED water. They don't NEED to be offended by words that someone else says.


Here is my contribution:


The problem with this argument is that it assumes that emotion can be shut on and off.


Grown up people call it "self-control." Those who let their emotions rule their reason are immature. We call them children, regardless of their age.


If someone walks up to you and is purposefully insulting you may be able to control how you react. You can choose to punch them in their mouth or simply walk away. You may yell at them or calmly explain that they shouldn't say those things.


But internally those words may hurt and the malice behind them may cut deep. Can you control when something upsets you?


YES. And so should you! So should EVERYONE! What does it matter if someone calls me a racial slur? Does it have anything to do with anything I have any control of? NO! So why let it bother me?


What about seeing a beautiful women, can you tell your brain she is ugly?


Not even remotely analogous.


We are not robotic, and yes in a textbook version of reality you can disarm the attacker by not giving credence to their words. Thankfully, we are human, and can't control what offends us.


Oh yes, we can.


No we don't need to be offended, but that doesn't change the fact that many times, we are.


Why remove the onus from the attacker and place it on the victim. My cousin reading a tweet from a comic dealer who is comfortable enough to use the n word is his fault?


Nobody said this. Nobody implied it. It is a total mischaracterization of the discussion.


He shouldn't be offended? You use Jackie Robinson as an example but it's completely out of context. He played ball during a time where lynchings and beatings were the norm. He didn't react to the racism because he couldn't. That is the fundamental difference.


You know nothing about Jackie Robinson to make such a statement.


Your argument holds no water. Do you really think that Jackie Robinson would have been LYNCHED and BEATEN? He was a STAR. The eyes of the nation were upon him. Nobody would have DARED to try and "lynch" Jackie Robinson. If anyone would have tried to beat him, it would have been front page news!


How you can have such an utterly deficient knowledge of history is just wild!


You can qualify racism, show a couple prominent minority figures who overcame it, but to argue that the words only have power if you give them power is off base. You remove human nature and social norms and assume people can operate in a purely objective manner. Life don't work that way.




Life doesn't work that way because people are too immature to let life work that way.


The principle remains intact, regardless of the inability of many (not all) to live up to it.


It doesn't take some herculean effort, or magical ability. It just takes self-assurance and self-control.



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Well I guess the point is if you go to Larry's wear your "I am 100% White and straight and look I have a penus (with an arrow pointing down to said member)" Tshirt and you will get excellent mindblowing customer service
(thumbs u
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Who's desperate now Abraham Lincoln.


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the first real person to be depicted on a US mint coin?


No I didn't, thank you for the info. (thumbs u


Did you know, that much like our beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, RMA is also a self taught attorney?


You insult because you have nothing to contribute.


Sad but true.


You are ignoring this user.


And being a huge obnoxious, delusional, confrontational, know it all, who incites anger from anyone willing to try and have a healthy debate does not equate to being a contributor.


I'm only obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and anger inciting to people who are obnoxious, confrontational, know-it-all, and who incite anger.


Delusional? That's all you, baby.


Ah yes, the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" approach.


You will never, should you post for 10,000 years, contribute as much to these boards as I have. Not because you cannot, but simply because it's not your nature.


You can see the future? How is The Dark Knight Rises?




Oh, look, hulksmashdave inserting himself into a slapfight to take shots at RMA.


Really, Dave, you take totally, completely unprovoked shots at me, then whine about how big a d ick I am?




Do you just not see the irony, here?


I used to do the same thing to bullies in elementary school. Shoot me.


No, I'll just call you what you are. A hypocrite.


There are no "bullies" on this, or any, board. If you don't like what someone says, ignore them. You cannot be "bullied", because bullies, by definition, are unavoidable.


One could say, by your definition, that YOU are the bully for taking unprovoked shots at someone else. That's what bullies at my schools used to do...take unprovoked shots at people.


Aren't you a bully, Dave?


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Guys, for future reference, please don't wind that toy up anymore


Don't be a hypocrite, too. You're just as guilty of being "wound up" as anyone else. Trying to garner support against someone else for doing what you are doing as well is hypocrisy.


Man, you guys are intellectually dishonest.

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Who's desperate now Abraham Lincoln.


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the first real person to be depicted on a US mint coin?


No I didn't, thank you for the info. (thumbs u


Did you know, that much like our beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, RMA is also a self taught attorney?


You insult because you have nothing to contribute.


Sad but true.


I find his posts insightful and often humorous.


The words argue and discuss have slightly different connotations. You tend to lean to the former. It seems you fail to differentiate between challenging someones intellect and attempting to demean it.


I don't think I need to reenacte you typical "discussion" to get my point across.


I don't understand why you cannot just debate in a friendly and respectful manner. Yeah, what you say can be insightful and could challenge someone to think. People don't provoke you to be a d ick, you provoke people to argue and wield bitterness. This isn't a romanticized world, people get cross and offended. Stop deflecting with the "well if people didn't react". We are all humans and we are innately instilled with emotions. Rational or irrational, they are there. Being a know-it-all and demeaning your opponents intelligence doesn't help your argument.

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