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Reading the New DC

133 posts in this topic

Catwoman: 1-6


Back to the Bat Universe – yippee! Nice cover to issue 1. More tiny writing on badly contrasting coloured backgrounds. Not for children or anyone who likes good writing. This is a book the Marquis de Sade would love but I honestly don’t know who DC are aiming this at. Possibly for 40 year old single men who don’t know how to talk to women.


That is the target market for almost every comic.


It would appear so.

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Got all nr 1 books and am following Birds, Catwoman, Resurrection Man, Suicide Squad and Red Hood and The Oulaws. I wish I would have gotten some other once on my pull list after reading the nr 1 of them!..

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More crumbs from the impoverished table that is the new DC.


Deathstroke: 1-6

This book is so good it could have been published in the 1990’s.


That is not a compliment


Demon Knights: 1-6

Arthur, Excalibur, Merlin, the Lady in the Lake – mayhem in the middle ages and a Grail quest. An enjoyable read.


Detective Comics: 1-6

The Joker is here but I’m not laughing. Do people really like this stuff?


Firestorm: 1-6

Comic book writing by numbers. Very bad numbers, out of place and not adding up. Left me cold.


Flash: 1-6

Barry Allen should have stayed dead.


Nice artwork though.


Green Arrow: 1-6

A villain called Rush, live onine super-powered fighting. The superhero bash will not be televised. Do more. Be more. Read less of this tosh.


Green Lantern: 1-6

Geoff Johns writing, Sinestro on the cover of #1 – and an interesting start for a character I’ve never had a real liking for. Interesting enough to make me want to read the next 5 issues and they were excellent enough to make me want to read the stuff that came before that I’ve missed out on.


Green Lantern Corps: 1-6

I like inter-stellar epics that are done well and, so far, this is going very well. A good read all round.


Green Lantern New Guardians: 1-6

Is there room for another quality GL book? Probably not on the evidence of this so far – too many different coloured Lanterns, too much mindless fighting, too much hogwash.


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Grifter: 1-6

The most intriguing first issue so far of the new DC – a Bourne Identity for the funny pages. I like secret alien invasion stories that are done well – and this one is doing pretty well for the first six issues.


Hawk & Dove: 1-6

This is one of those rare books were decent writing can just about compensate for terrible art. Until we get to #6 and there is terrible art and terrible writing.


I Vampire: 1-6

I have fond memories of the House of Mystery I Vampire from the 1980’s but I don’t think it bares any relation to this modern incarnation. Still, it’s pretty good and John Constantine even makes an appearance, while all the issue titles are the names of songs. More than enough quality to get your teeth into.


Justice League: 1-6

Another re-imaging of the origins of the JL – and this time with one of the most over-blown DC villains of them all, Darkseid. This is OK – nothing special, nothing terrible. Nothing worth re-writing history for.


Justice League Dark: 1-6

I can see why many wouldn’t like this book. We have a character who creates a woman to keep him company and when she wants to leave him he erases her from reality. A JL made up of supernatural based characters is certainly intriguing – though I’m not convinced that John Constantine is right for this book – and up to now it’s worked its spell on me. Beautiful artwork as well.


Justice League International: 1-6

Another Justice League book – DC sure like to spin out a good thing when they see it. This JL do battle with the poor man’s Galactus – dullsville.


Legion Lost: 1-6

Some Legionnaires get lost in the past. And mooch around and eat ice cream. And watch TV. That’s about as exciting as it gets.


Legion of Super Heroes: 1-6

The LSH still have the most female team members who wear the fewest amount of clothes. Thankfully that didn’t distract me too much from a pretty enjoyable read.


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Men of War: 1-6

Some nice covers but war stories are not for me.


Mister Terrific: 1-6

Mister Dull. Nuff said.


Nightwing: 1-6

More ghastly Gotham graphicness. Put me to sleep.


OMAC: 1-6

Kirbyesque writing and art and an Absorbing Man rip-off imaginatively called Amazing Man.


Red Hood: 1-6

A thoroughly enjoyable read – interesting characters and good writing.


Red Lanterns: 1-6

At last – one of the new DC titles that has an origin story for the uninitiated. And a pretty good one it is too. In fact this is an excellent book – great writing by Mr Milligan and a recommended read.


Resurrection Man: 1-6

Another good read – though why every DC book has to end up in Gotham at some point is annoying.


Savage Hawkman: 1-6

I’ve always found Hawkman to be a pretty stupid character – this isn’t stupid just savagely dull. And with some seriously ugly art.


Static Shock: 1-6

This is like one of those stupid comics from the 1970’s, with stupid characters with stupid names and stupid costumes that featured in stupid stories. Only not as good.


Stormwatch: 1-6

A disappointing book – bring back the Authority and ditch this. DC should just give Midnighter & Apollo their own title and have them fighting prejudice every other issue.


Suicide Squad: 1-6

It felt like death reading this garbage. And Batman makes an appearance in another DC book. Yawn.


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Superboy: 1-6

A teenage clone of Superman. This is why cloning should be illegal.


Supergirl: 1-6

Supergirl’s origin retold again. A bit pointless really. Nice artwork though.


Superman: 1-6

This is set in a different time period to the events showcased in Action Comics but is equally uninteresting and uninspiring. Jor-El has a lot to answer for.


Swamp Thing: 1-6

Ever since Alan Moore kicked old greenie hard in the Brussel sprouts back in the 80’s Swamp Thing has been one of DC’s more interesting characters and these new issues continue in that trend – an excellent read.


Teen Titans: 1-6

I was surprised to find that I actually enjoyed this – most of DC’s other super hero books have been fairly krap but this was a fun read.


Voodoo: 1-6

Best splash page of any DC book so far – too raunchy to post on here though. Another alien invasion book but this is a good read with some nice artwork. It would appear that DC wants to splash the Daemonites across the whole of their new universe.


Wonder Woman: 1-6

Pretty terrible cover for #1 but thankfully the writing is very good and this has probably been my favourite read of all of the 52 titles.


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So - 52 titles, over 300 books read and I liked less than half, 23 titles in all.


Maybe I'm being too harsh, maybe I'm not the target audience but there is a whole lot of rubbish in the new DC.

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So - 52 titles, over 300 books read and I liked less than half, 23 titles in all.


Maybe I'm being too harsh, maybe I'm not the target audience but there is a whole lot of rubbish in the new DC.

When I read the DC 52 Omnibus I thought they either were talking down to their audience or think their is audience is dumb. Really the best sellers of the new DC are Batman,Superman,Geoff Johns and Green Lantern titles. The same titles that were the best sellers before the reboot.

I rather watch Justified or Doctor Who. ;)

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So - 52 titles, over 300 books read and I liked less than half, 23 titles in all.


Maybe I'm being too harsh, maybe I'm not the target audience but there is a whole lot of rubbish in the new DC.

When I read the DC 52 Omnibus I thought they either were talking down to their audience or think their is audience is dumb. Really the best sellers of the new DC are Batman,Superman,Geoff Johns and Green Lantern titles. The same titles that were the best sellers before the reboot.

I rather watch Justified or Doctor Who. ;)


After the first issue I dropped



















The rest I am still reading, when time allows.

A couple more issues in and I think there will be a few more casualties.


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Green Lantern: 1-6

Geoff Johns writing, Sinestro on the cover of #1 – and an interesting start for a character I’ve never had a real liking for. Interesting enough to make me want to read the next 5 issues and they were excellent enough to make me want to read the stuff that came before that I’ve missed out on.


I've never been a real fan of GL either, but a friend of mine at work lent me the tpb's for GL:Rebirth, and everything up through Blackest Night (all Geoff John's) and it was worth reading.

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I haven't had a chance to read The Shade 1-6 yet, but I have it on good authority that it's pretty good. James Robinson writing, Cully Hamner and Darwyn Cooke art, Tony Harris covers....

Y'know. The Shade?

From Robinson and Harris' Starman, back in the 90's....



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So - 52 titles, over 300 books read and I liked less than half, 23 titles in all.


Maybe I'm being too harsh, maybe I'm not the target audience but there is a whole lot of rubbish in the new DC.

When I read the DC 52 Omnibus I thought they either were talking down to their audience or think their is audience is dumb. Really the best sellers of the new DC are Batman,Superman,Geoff Johns and Green Lantern titles. The same titles that were the best sellers before the reboot.

I rather watch Justified or Doctor Who. ;)


Well you DID buy an Omnibus with 52 individual continued stories in it. :grin:

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I haven't had a chance to read The Shade 1-6 yet, but I have it on good authority that it's pretty good. James Robinson writing, Cully Hamner and Darwyn Cooke art, Tony Harris covers....

Y'know. The Shade?

From Robinson and Harris' Starman, back in the 90's....




I've been enjoying it. Nothing spectacular but I like the approach Robinson is taking in giving us a glimpse of how The Shade's life and family evolved over the centuries. Certainly no regrets on buying this series.

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Batman has been an amazing read so far and so sick visually. love the way this team works with gotham's hero. catwoman is pretty sweet, lots of violence and sexyness, and it looks good. justice league has been alright up to the third issue and wonder woman has been fun up to the fourth.

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So - 52 titles, over 300 books read and I liked less than half, 23 titles in all.


Maybe I'm being too harsh, maybe I'm not the target audience but there is a whole lot of rubbish in the new DC.

When I read the DC 52 Omnibus I thought they either were talking down to their audience or think their is audience is dumb. Really the best sellers of the new DC are Batman,Superman,Geoff Johns and Green Lantern titles. The same titles that were the best sellers before the reboot.

I rather watch Justified or Doctor Who. ;)


Well you DID buy an Omnibus with 52 individual continued stories in it. :grin:


but since I have a good sense of humor and you made me laugh.




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