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The Modern Marvel Reader

481 posts in this topic

Some Ultimate Marvel catch-up:


Ultimate Spider-Man: #150-##160. Peter Parker dies, yes, really.


New Ultimates: #1-#5. Thor and Loki get it on.


Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates: #1-#6. More mindless fisticuffs and nonsense.


Ultimate Fallout: #1-#6. A good read and a nice bridge into the next range of Ultimate titles.


Ultimate Spider-Man (volume 3): #1-#15. Spider-Man is dead, long live the new Spider-Man. A great book so far and this is exactly what Marvel should have done with the original USM and make it completely different to ASM. Well, maybe not completely different as we still have plenty of teenage angst on show but everything else is new and interesting.


The Ultimates (volume 5): #1-#16. Another excellent read - Hickman's run of issues, coupled with his work on the FF, is more evidence that he's probably the best writer that Marvel currently has.

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Ultimate X: #1-#5. The sight that gives every comic book reader nightmares - Jeph Loeb's name on a book. His writing of dialogue is embarrassing.


Ultimate Hawkeye: #1-#4. Much better - more sterling work from Hickman.


Ultimate X-men (vol 2): #1-#16. Ultimate weakness - why bother if all they are going to do is regurgitate the same old mutant stories that Marvel have been putting out for the last 30 years. A major disappointment.

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The Marvels Project: #1-#8. Ed Brubaker revisits Marvels golden age and weaves an intriguing and enjoyable tale.


Been wanting to read this sometime, glad to hear it's a decent read. :)

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The Marvels Project: #1-#8. Ed Brubaker revisits Marvels golden age and weaves an intriguing and enjoyable tale.


Been wanting to read this sometime, glad to hear it's a decent read. :)


It is , but I hoped it would be better.

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The Mighty Thor: #16-#20. Still a massive disappointment – woeful art and still that annoying font Marvel use as an excuse for Asgardian speak.


JIM: #641-#644. A nice Alan Moore homage but I grow tired of these Gods.

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Avengers vs X-Men: #12. The end, and what do we have – the death of a major character (until they come back to life), a Royal separation and the undoing of a recent Marvel Event. I wish they hadn’t bothered.


AVX vs: #6. More of the same nonsense.


Avengers Academy: #38. Yawn.


ASM: 695. Double yawn.


Avenging Spider-Man: #13. Somebody please save me from having to ever read another book that has Deadpool in it.


AVX Consequences: #1 & #2. This was interesting and proved to be a much better read than the series that preceded it.


Cpt America: #18. Hail Hydra! A decent read with some nice artwork.


Fantastic Four: #611. A disappointing end to Marvel’s flagship title.


Secret Avengers: #32. Evil Ant Man gets ready to be evil and Flash Thompson gets it on with Valkyrie.


Invincible Iron Man: #526. Tony Stark enlists some old foes to take down the Mandarin.


Ultimate X-Men: #17. Ultimate yawn.


Uncanny X-Men: #1. A strangely dull first issue becomes faintly ridiculous with the appearance of the Goat Faced Girl and is only salvaged by the last page of the book.


Daredevil: #19. Another great cover as DD’s mind starts to unravel – or is it all just a villainous plot?


Mighty Thor: #621. Mythical Mogadon.


Marvel Zombies Halloween: Deathly dull.


New Avengers: #31. A magical mystery tour.


Ultimate Iron Man: #1. Nothing of interest here.


Ultimate Spider-Man: #16. Spidey joins the Ultimates and Cap becomes President of the USA without any help from binders of women.

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Venom #26. Microverse crossover nonsense.


Babies vs. X-Babies #1. Eh….what?


Amazing Spider-Man #696. Two Hobgoblins and the Kingpin still can’t make this interesting.


AVX Consequences 3# & #4. Slow burners.


Captain America #19. A trip down memory lane, including a cameo from Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.


Captain America & Black Widow #638. Cap and two Widows in the Multiverse.


FF #23. Disappointing.


Incredible Hulk #15. Not so incredible.


Invincible Iron Man #527. A great read.


JIM #645. Pretty to look at, difficult to read – use a more legible font!


Secret Avengers #33. The Avengers of the Undead and Venom and Val get it on – super!


Ultimates #17. President Cap and Civil War.


A + X #1. An intriguing team-up book.


Avenging Spider-Man Annual #1. Spidey, the Thing and the FF bratz get all meaningless and shouty.


The Mighty Thor #22. Not so mighty or interesting.


Ultimate Comics #16.1: Excellent! The exact opposite of what ASM is – well written with interesting characters, and with art that promotes the story and not make your eyes bleed.


Ultimate X-Men #18: Ultimate blah!


Winter Soldier #12. Ponderous.

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Avengers #31-#34: The resurrection of an Avenger – I don’t know whether to be happy or pissed off.



Avengers Academy #39: Quicksilver hates Downton Abbey.



AVX Consequences #5. Wolverine and Cyclops switch places.



Avenging Spider-Man #14: Great cover, poor insides.



Captain Marvel #1-#7: I really wanted to like this but the writing is uninspiring and the artwork is so haphazard it made my head hurt – plus having a knock-off female Howling Commandos in the 1940’s may have been an acceptable cliché but having them look like they’d just stepped out of the latest Vogue fashion shoot, with 21st century hairstyles and heaving bosoms, took silliness to a new level. Issue #7 is a slight improvement.



Daredevil End of Days #1 & #2: Intriguing – is this a What If story?



New Avengers #33 & #34. Excellent.



X-Men Season One: Pointless and uncannily unoriginal.

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Dr Strange Season One: The original was better. Strange was better. I’m not sure who these updated tales are aimed at.



Fantastic Four #001. Mr Fantastic chances his arm and loses some of it. Intriguing.



Iron Man #1 & #2. IM versus AIM. Again. Then some boring jousting. Not an auspicious start.



Marvel Point One Now #001. Pointless.



All New X-Men #1 & #2. Cyclops is the new Magneto and mutants are going to fight other mutants and it’s the same old same old – only it isn’t. A twist that kept me intrigued and wanting to read more.



Thor God of Thunder #1 & #2. Thor meets the God Butcher and forgets his sausages. Unexpectedly, a decent read.



Deadpool #1 & #2. Only the third and fourth Deadpool comics I’ve ever read and each one has been progressively worse than the last. Just dire.



X-Men Legacy #1 & #2. Two really nice covers can’t negate a supremely terrible story.


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ASM #697 -#699. Another Goblin story. And the Kingpin. And the Osborns. Boring stuff in #697 but the next two issues hit the jackpot as a dying Doc Ock pull the perfect mind switch.


ASM# 699.1. The Living Vampire – his origin and his future.


Venom #27 & #27.1. What was originally a decent title has rapidly descended in to nonsense.


Uncanny Avengers #1 & #2. Rather pedestrian but saved by the reveal on the last page of issue #1 - #2 is much better.


Daredevil #20. Another great issue in this superb run. Without question the best super-hero book on the market.


Captain America #1. A decent story ruined by some ugly art.


Indestructible Hulk #1. Much better than expected. Stupid title though.


Journey Into Mystery #645 & #646. Journey into mediocre.


Ultimate Spider-Man #18. The war continues.


Ultimate X-men #18.1 & #19 & #20. A massive improvement on recent issues.


Captain America & Black Widow #639. Cap and two Widows still fighting in the Multiverse.


FF #1. Fascinating.


Secret Avengers #34. Dimension hopping shenanigans.


Ultimate Iron Man #2 & #3. Ultimately disappointing.


All New X-Men #3. Mutant meets mutant. Mutant loses mutant. Mutant gets angry. And some time travel mutants.


Avengers #1. A new era but nothing much to shout about.


Iron Man #3 & #4. Less of the fisticuff nonsense and much improved on the previous two issues.


Deadpool #3. Made my brain hurt.


Thunderbolts #1. Bring on the bad guys.


Avenging Spiderman #15. The new Marvel Team-Up, only not as good.


Daredevil End of Days #3. DD’s kids are everywhere.


Ultimates #18.1. Filler.


Fantastic Four #2. More filler.

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All New X-Men #4. The X-Men finally get interesting.


Captain America #2. A terrible story complimented by some ugly art.


FF #2. Mildly intriguing.


Indestructible Hulk #2. Iron Man goes Fracking.


Avengers #2. Surprisingly humdrum so far from Hickman.


Thor God of Thunder #3. Still interesting.


Thunderbolts #2. Kicker conspiracy.


X-Men Legacy #3. Tedious.


A + X #3. More team-ups.


Captain America & Black Widow #640. More alternate realities.


Captain Marvel #8. Dull.


Winter Soldier #13. Slight improvement on the previous issue.


Scarlet Spider #11 & #12. Yawn inducing.


Cable and X-Force #1. Mildly interesting.


Amazing Spiderman #700. Wow! Just terrible.


Avenging Spiderman #15.1. Jeez, what a mess.


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Daredevil #21. Even a cameo from the Stupid Spider-Man can’t ruin the quality of this book.


Secret Avengers #35. We are the robots. And they are pissed.


Ultimate Spider-Man #18. Still a good read.


Ultimates #19. Another decent read.


Cable and X-Force #2. Just one of many dull X-men related books that Marvel fosters onto the reading public.


Spider-Men #1-#5. Multiple universe mayhem with Mysterio. Loved this – two Spidey’s and a twist ending.


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Superior Spider-Man #1: Oh dear, all the hoopla of the previous months over the demise of Petey and we get this wet blanket of a story and then the 'twist' ending. And to think that Dan Slott had a decent record as a writer for Marvel before this.


New Avengers #1: Another Avengers title, another world threatening event - continuity must be a dirty word at the House of No Ideas.


All New X-men #5. Still interesting, still a good read but it says much about the book, and the current state of the modern Marvel, that the best parts are when it focuses on the 1960's X-men and not the clichéd meanderings of Cyclops and his merry bunch.

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Cable and X-Force #3. Terrible.


Fantastic Four #3. Then FF go exploring in space and get into trouble. Not very exciting.


Secret Avengers #36. More evil robots than you can shake a tin can at.


Thunderbolts #3. Struggling to like this book. Steve Dillon’s art really doesn’t suit it.


Scarlet Spider #13. Talking werewolves from Mexico.


X-Men Legacy #4. Painful to read.


Thor God of Thunder #4. A pleasure to read.


Red She Hulk. #58-#61. Much better than I expected.


Morbius the Living Vampire #1. Interesting


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All New X-Men #6. A joy to read.


Avenging Spider-Man #16. A surprisingly decent story.


Captain America #3. Terrible art meets terrible story.


Indestructible Hulk #3. Gamma themed Bond style antics – pretty green.


New Avengers #2. Crisis on infinite earths.


Savage Wolverine #1. With Shanna the She-Devil – what’s not to like.


Daredevil #22. An unfortunate appearance from the new Spider-Man.


Venom #30. Not even an appearance from the wondrous Valkyrie can save this issue from being mediocre.


Ultimate Iron Man #4. Tedious.


A+X #4. Terrible.


Avengers #3. Pretty to look at, painful to read.


Deadpool #4. About as funny as a night out with OJ Simpson.


FF #3. Losing interest in this already.


Ultimates #20. Dull.


Uncanny Avengers #3. So bad it made my head hurt.


Uncanny X-Force #1. Hard to tell which is worse – the writing or the art.


Winter Soldier #14. A book that used to be good isn’t anymore.


X-Men Legacy #5. Painful to read.


Young Avengers #1. A promising start.

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