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540 posts in this topic

I leave for a couple hours and my thread turns to mess! :sumo: Stupid gifs and RMA kissing himself in the mirror, A-Rod style.


Sorry, but your thread started as mess. 2c



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I leave for a couple hours and my thread turns to mess! :sumo: Stupid gifs and RMA kissing himself in the mirror, A-Rod style.


Sorry, but your thread started as mess. 2c

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, this thread is mess.

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I leave for a couple hours and my thread turns to mess! :sumo: Stupid gifs and RMA kissing himself in the mirror, A-Rod style.


Sorry, but your thread started as mess. 2c


I accept your apology.

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Another thread taken over by RMA :facepalm: maybe RMA should go find a My Comic Shop thread :headbang:


Someone at his best






What is the purpose of putting someone on ignore? Surely you aren't so easily offended that you can't handle seeing the words of a fellow boardie. And, yes, I understand that some people are a little more annoying or trollie than others but...so? It's not like you can't just scroll past their posts if they're that bothersome. Enlighten me. Unless you all have me on ignore and no one wills see this post. hm

It's so you don't have to read inane post's. Most people come on the boards to enjoy themselves, some come to troll and make retarded post's. I only have one board member on ignore after all these years.


Out them! :baiting:




The only reason I could see putting RMA on ignore is that the amount of animated emoticons in one thread could be dragging down your processor speed.


hm hm




Another unprovoked attack by 8milemax, with no basis in reality. :facepalm: maybe 8milemax should go find a Comic_Supply thread :headbang:


(thumbs u

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I leave for a couple hours and my thread turns to mess! :sumo: Stupid gifs and RMA kissing himself in the mirror, A-Rod style.


Sorry, but your thread started as mess. 2c


I accept your apology.




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