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CR-AP! Found another...(was:Conan interior page (revealed)

29 posts in this topic

EDIT: I think I found what I'm looking for!


EDITx2: More questions at the end of this thread


Hey guys,


Other than a few convention sketches, I don't have any art.


I'm going to Megacon in a couple of weeks, and I've been thinking of trying to find a interior page from a Conan comic. Maybe something with a "better" artist that features Conan looking cool, fighting a monster, something like that. I'd like to match it up with the printed page from the comic and then frame them both together.


What would ya'll recommend? If you want to send me a PM of something that you might have available after Megacon blows over and my bank account recovers I'm receptive to that. But this thread is more about advice on what to look for and what's a good price to pay.





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Conan artists include Barry Windsor Smith, John Buscema, Cary Nord and who knows how many others.


And, yes, prices from $20 to $20K is not a factious answer.


My advice (and my standard answer) is:


You might want to explore the archive at Heritage Auctions. Once you sign-up and get an id, you can search for piece by the artist of your choice and see what they have sold for.


if you want more data, join the Comic Art Fans site, pay for Market Data access, and access eBay and other auction sites as well as Heritage.


Finally, you can search current dealer sites. There is a list of dealers on this board and the Dragonberry site has a list as well.

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Good info guys. Thanks.


I looked at a piece of art and realized this is going to be a challenge to find just the right one. The one I looked at showed Conan stabbing a guy, and I realized my wife would have my head if I tried to hang that anywhere but the garage. As a fanboy, I thought it was awesome. But as someone who needs to maintain domestic tranquility, I realized the hunt will be harder. Need something like Conan walking into a room and opening a door and there's a dragon, and then initiating a fight with it. Tall order, sure...but hey...I'm a collector...I have years.


I personally do want one where he's fighting. Fighting a monster would be the ultimate.


Now, I realize a Barry Smith would be expensive and I don't have those kinds of dollars. Something like Chan would be fine, I think. Fact is, as long as the art is good, it wouldn't matter to me whether the artist is well known or not. I do like intricate art. I do have some cool sketches in convention sketchbook, and the ones that I keep going back to time and time again are intricate. I love, love, LOVE the fine detail. IMHO, that's what made Barry Smith so incredible in the first Conans and he really hit his stride around issue 4 or 5, etc. I like to look at art and say, "There's no way in heck that I could do that". Which is true...I admire that ability.


I guess since I'm up on a soapbox and speaking as a noob about art to guys who probably know way more than I do, I hate art where it looks like the subject is posing in every panel. Give me the old school art where sometimes the superheros just walked from point A to point B...not stopping every 5 seconds to strike a pose worthy of the Mr. Olympia contest. Know what I mean?


Again, i mean it...thanks for the help. Knowing that I can find something in the $75 to $150 range that might fit the bill is great. Not looking for a famous artist...just one who is intricate and good. Fame follows quality, I guess.



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Wow...those links are what I needed!


Man, I found the coolest page! I've sent an email inquiry about it. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but it has absolutely everything I could hope for in a single page.


I'm trying to find out if the seller is going to be a megacon so I can pick it up there.


I'd tell ya'll more, but I have to make sure I've put some money down on this thing first. :) A link is forthcoming...might take a couple days.


Oh man, I'm really jazzed about this!


Now maybe a fire sale on comics to raise some cash...



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Wow...those links are what I needed!


Man, I found the coolest page! I've sent an email inquiry about it. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but it has absolutely everything I could hope for in a single page.


I'm trying to find out if the seller is going to be a megacon so I can pick it up there.


I'd tell ya'll more, but I have to make sure I've put some money down on this thing first. :) A link is forthcoming...might take a couple days.


Oh man, I'm really jazzed about this!


Now maybe a fire sale on comics to raise some cash...




. . . and so it begins.

Congrats on finding a page for your collection. :golfclap:

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Wow...those links are what I needed!


Man, I found the coolest page! I've sent an email inquiry about it. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but it has absolutely everything I could hope for in a single page.


I'm trying to find out if the seller is going to be a megacon so I can pick it up there.


I'd tell ya'll more, but I have to make sure I've put some money down on this thing first. :) A link is forthcoming...might take a couple days.


Oh man, I'm really jazzed about this!


Now maybe a fire sale on comics to raise some cash...




. . . and so it begins.

Congrats on finding a page for your collection. :golfclap:


Dude, you are screwed. It will not end until your wife cuts off your access to the bank account.

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Wow...those links are what I needed!


Man, I found the coolest page! I've sent an email inquiry about it. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but it has absolutely everything I could hope for in a single page.


I'm trying to find out if the seller is going to be a megacon so I can pick it up there.


I'd tell ya'll more, but I have to make sure I've put some money down on this thing first. :) A link is forthcoming...might take a couple days.


Oh man, I'm really jazzed about this!


Now maybe a fire sale on comics to raise some cash...




. . . and so it begins.

Congrats on finding a page for your collection. :golfclap:


Dude, you are screwed. It will not end until your wife cuts off your access to the bank account.




Just one more page then I am taking a break guys!

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Wow...those links are what I needed!


Yes, these are the links you were looking for.


I just hope they don't cause marital strife. :)


Have fun, buy what you like; like what you buy.

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Wow...those links are what I needed!


Yes, these are the links you were looking for.


I just hope they don't cause marital strife. :)


Have fun, buy what you like; like what you buy.


Some times I feel like these boards are like an AA meeting that takes place in a brewery.

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Wow...those links are what I needed!


Yes, these are the links you were looking for.


I just hope they don't cause marital strife. :)


Have fun, buy what you like; like what you buy.


Some times I feel like these boards are like an AA meeting that takes place in a brewery.







but seriously....

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And now that I've just sent payment, here's the page I bought. Don't know how long the link will stay up, but...




I love this because it has tons of Conan, and he is referred to by name, rather than just "Barbarian". Not sure whether he's with Red Sonja or not there...have to get the issue and see. (edit...looking at it again, the way the girl is sitting, it's eerily close to Smith's Red Sonja). I also love it because it shows off who Conan is...his personality...and he's even wearing the horned helmet, which I really dig. Lastly, as a gamer, I can't help but love a deptiction of a dungeon crawl. What's cool is the cover of Conan #200 features Conan fighting through skeletons, so when I frame this puppy, I'll also frame it with the finished page, and the cover of the comic which will match nicely. Maybe I won't have to hang it in the garage after all. :) This is pop culture at its best!



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And now that I've just sent payment, here's the page I bought. Don't know how long the link will stay up, but...




I love this because it has tons of Conan, and he is referred to by name, rather than just "Barbarian". Not sure whether he's with Red Sonja or not there...have to get the issue and see. (edit...looking at it again, the way the girl is sitting, it's eerily close to Smith's Red Sonja). I also love it because it shows off who Conan is...his personality...and he's even wearing the horned helmet, which I really dig. Lastly, as a gamer, I can't help but love a deptiction of a dungeon crawl. What's cool is the cover of Conan #200 features Conan fighting through skeletons, so when I frame this puppy, I'll also frame it with the finished page, and the cover of the comic which will match nicely. Maybe I won't have to hang it in the garage after all. :) This is pop culture at its best!




This page is actually from my favorite Conan storyline- I have a bunch of pages from around this time, so in short...


(thumbs u :applause:

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