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And we wonder why people call us nerds?

82 posts in this topic

And its Star Wars for the win

Read this



17 kilometers of Doonium, Durasteel, Turbolasers, Torpedo Tubes, Hangars, and Stormtrooper Marines…


A series of ships(because there have been like over a dozen Enterprises) not longer than a few hundred meters which are not designed solely for military uses like the Executor-class is….




In a straight-up fight, the Empire squashes the Federation like a bug. Even with its numerical advantage removed, the Empire would still squash the Federation like a bug. Accept it.

btw, an Imperial Class SD is 1600 meters, or one mile, long with a SSD measuring about 19000 meters


Wow! Such a nerd. No longer my homey. :(

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I'm back

Good to see this one still rolling along.

Couple more points


Enterprise is good

Empire/star destroyer is bad

Good vs Evil

That's got to give the enterprise some sort of an edge.


Plus the empire always has some kind of achilles heel.

I mean a single Xwing took out the death star.


The enterprise could probably fire a photon torpedo up the SD's toilet chute and blow the plumbing out of the whole thing, setting off a massive chain reaction and causing it to explode.

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Data beams onto the control deck right behind Vader, and with a quick twist and a crack, vaders neck is snapped, and he's down before he even knows what's happening.

Plus he never sees it coming as data is an android and undectable by the force(well, that's what I'm saying anyway)


Except you can't beam aboard ships when their shields are up. :baiting:


You're assuming Empire shielding is the same as Federation shielding.


By the way, Kirk and Picard never lose. Federation for the win. Every time.


And even if they somehow were to lose, the Borg show up and game over man. Game over. Sure the first few cubes get blown to hell but then the Borg adapt and no Empire weapon gets through. Let's see Han try to do the Kessel Run while dodging thousands of borg cubes.

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Star Trek ftw!


Not really on topic, but I almost got into a "fight" at Megacon over Trek stuff. I was at a stand looking through boxes and heard some guy say Picard was much better than Kirk. My head shot up just to play around since I like TOS. Then another guy was like "uh oh, you're about to start a fight" to his friend. Just a story in the realm of things that don't matter.

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No contest:

Star Destroyer :banana:

I'm feeling kinda nerdy today, so I'll take a piece of this action.


I think the enterprise could disable the star destroyer, if not destroy it all together.


The enterprise is much smaller, faster(IMO) and way more maneuverable.

The star destroyer is the equivalent of a flying school bus.

Enterprise had great shields, and hardcore photon torpedoes.

I think it could whip around back of the SD, and shoot a photon torpedo right into those huge rear engines and the thing would be dead in the water.

Don't forget Han Solo clowned one of those things in that tiny azz Millinuem falcon.


Once the SD came out of hyperspace it just kinda sat there.

I think it would be easy pickings for Picard and the enterprise.

Also, did the SD have transporters? I can't remember.

The enterprise could beam Worf, Data, and a small team aboard the SD and really raise some H*ll sabotaging stuff.

Just my opinion.


You're forgetting that the Star Destroyer also has shields.

The Destroyer also has tons of firepower, capable of firing at the same time. The Enterprise? Not so much.

And what would the Enterprise crew do when Vader boarded the Enterprise? The red shirts would go down faster than Kim Kardashian making a video. Picard? Choked and broken.



thank you for making me not have to type out my response :shy:


Not to mention, the Star Destroyer has hundreds of Tie Fighters that would tear the Enterprise apart. The Enterprise doesn't have any weaponry capable of defending against small fighters, it would be a slaughter. :D

I've seen episodes where the enterprise fired all kinds of lazers at once, it would be like swatting flys with the tie fighters


And while they're concerned with the Ties, they are getting annihilated with the Destroyer's dozens of turbo-lasers.

The enterprise comes out of warp all of a sudden, and gets a few key strikes in, feild generators, engines, a nice round of torpedos right into the hanger bays the tie fighters launch from, etc...

And back into warp again.


Except none of this would happen.


Picard would insist on hailing the Destroyer to see what their intentions were.


Vader would see Picard on screen.


Vader would kill Picard with the force-choke.


In the chaos of their Captain being killed, the Enterprise would be destroyed by the Destroyer's weapons.




(Catrick strolls in after waking up from a post-lovemaking nap, glances through posts, laughs to self at all the nerds, moves on to his own nerdish pastimes)

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We're all of us, every last one, hanging out on a board whose full focus is about comic books. COMIC BOOKS.


Hello. My name is Rick Santman and I'm a nerd.




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That's a super star destroyer, and no question, it destroys the enterprise!



No, that's not a super star destroyer...just a regular star destroyer. ;)


Still destroys the Enterprise though. :)




Anyone remember Return of the Jedi? The bridge deflector shield was taken out by two A-Wing fighters and then an out of control X-Wing. That's a helluva ship! Blow up the bridge and the whole thing goes.


Enterprise D or E.


Jesus... I need to find something to do lol



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I thought it might be called for, to look up what nerd is perceived as. Here is what wiki has.


"A nerd (adjective: nerdy) is a person, typically described as being overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired. They may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, obscure, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities.[1][2][3] Additionally, many nerds are described as being shy, quirky, and unattractive,[4] and may have difficulty participating in, or even following, sports. "Nerd" is a derogatory, stereotypical term, but as with other pejoratives, it has been reclaimed and redefined by some as a term of pride and group identity."


Now, I must admit. Some of this does apply to me. But certainly not all of it. Without going into all of the descriptions on wiki. I will just say that when I hear the word "nerd". I think "smarter than most, and less social than most".


I have no problem with that. Works just fine for me.



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