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Trying New Things

8 posts in this topic

Or I Really Am A Fussy Eater


I try things once in a while, new things in the time the proverbial blue moon arrives. In fact there have probably been many blue moons that passed between the things I have tried as new and finally accepted as old. Many meals would pass untried, this was probably due to my parents not being able to cook. This inconsiderate habit of denying myself things transcended into the comic world.


Of course in simpler terms everything is new at one point. It has to be tried for it to become old. I romantically hypothesize my first comic book was given to me by my grandfather. I can systematically attribute this to having a copy of the Star Wars treasury edition used as a floor mat in my Pop-pop's car. I remember one rainy day pulling it off the trash strewn floor and throwing it onto the back seat next to me. I also imagine that the security blanket status this comic book had allowed an opening for my Aunt Rozie to dispose of some comic books owned by her son. It might have just been her way of staying ahead of the times by recycling. This also might be why only one horror movie ever scared me because Fear #8 and SuperNatural Thrillers #2 were read repeatedly.


So decades later as I pick up a new book I will most likely put it back down. I blame two things. I like to complete things. If I buy the first issue, I need to buy the fifth, tenth, fiftieth, and so on. This gets costly. I have learned to end a series because I lost interest. I did this with DC's Teen Titans. Once in a while I get shocked with a good issue and I collect for a few more. Another single good issue keeps me salivating for more but in today's digital world it is easier to skip a book or two every Wednesday.


The latest title I tried happened this past Monday with Morning Glories. At .99 from Comixology, it was a deal I couldn't pass up. I was shocked how good it was. I already knew I like the covers. The interior artwork was just as superior as any other comic book that has me hooked. I just didn't get into it because it was something new. I didn't have the space. It's Image and they are never on time. Place a made up reason here. By this morning I finished all twenty five issues. And I want more. But what's the next new thing on the horizon that I will pass on, or will I give it a shot? Maybe today I'll find out about Jupiter's Legacy.


Thanks For Reading








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I do like to try new things. A lot of times I do lose interest. But there are times I haven't and regretted it such as Kick vol 1. Still trying to get raw copies of all of that series. Speaking of Millar, if theres a Jupiters Legacy book available at my LCS today I'm probably picking it up.


I do feel the need to complete series like you do but sometimes I just have to call it quits. I just dropped Deadpool, FF and Iron Man from my pull last week. Partially because I'd like to have more money to send in books to CGC or purchase slabs. But the books were also starting to bore me. Why keep paying for something that I'm not really looking forward to?

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A good friend of mine tried to get me to try sushi for years. I always told him eating raw fish was disgusting. Today my wife and I go out for sushi almost every Friday (date night, woo-hoo!)...followed by Baskin Robbins (2 scoop pistashio almond hot fudge sundae). Dude, I am like SO hungry now. It IS good to try new things.


I completely agree with meshuggah...why keep paying for something you don't look forward to reading? This is why I cancelled Hulk and Captain America like 4 issues into it...these were the comics I would see next in my stack to read and think "great, I have time to read one book tonight and it's this". To Tnerb's point, I also want to keep a collection going, but there are very few titles I will tolerate when the story/art turn to garbage just for the sake of maintaining a run...usually things like Uncanny X-men that have been running for so long. Oh wait, there are no more long running titles because of all the reboots. Thanks Marvel for making it easier for me to walk away from books that disinterst me.






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I have found the new things have become some of my favorite's at least for me. In the beginning I enjoyed simply collecting raw comics. This gave me the most bang for my buck and allowed me to catch up on some of the stories I had missed and or passed on when I was younger. Then came the onset of collecting slabs. This brought a highlight to what I simply belived was a hobby to a society that I have since embraced. From slabs I moved on to commissions on Blanks. This gave me the opportunity to purchase a comic I enjoyed nd have a favorite artist put his or her spin on a comic. Next following a little nudging here and there and I am now picking up original art with the hope to own a single page for each of the AvX line-up and the All New X-Men 1 - 10. As I moved from one new thing to the next I garnered a new appreciation for this beloved part of my life.


As for comics I have begun to dip here and there for a few newer stories and even tried out a new publisher in Zenescope. The stories have been enjoyable and the new thrill of the hunt for there more rare variants have become more and more enjoyable. While these won't be hung in my sons room for a few years....slight adult content, its the thrill of the chase that I have begun to enjoy.


Even gave Image a few dollars here and there on the Peter Panzerpants....I know its spelled wrong but I like it better the way my daughter says it, East West, and a handful of others.



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Saga is exceptional. I have Morning Glories and it is on my list to read...highly recommended to me. I am never let down by Batman books. So many books.....I am currently enjoying the Archive books....Green Lantern and X-Men 94 to 141. Old DC makes me smile.

Oh yes...and I love Hummus mmmmmmm

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I too like trying new things and completing sets but I haven't really paid much attention at all to modern comics.


I have become a slab junkie and would much rather spend my money on CGC issues and original art than newer modern issues.

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