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Fantastic Four reboot is already screwed up...

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Whether he made it up or not, the humanoid versus monster design is the main issue with the character. Someone later ret-conned the problem by writing that Galactus appears in the form of a member of whatever species is looking at him. Creative solution there, but unsatisfying and not an ideal solution to the problem. Some sort of alien design is probably best, but I know for sure half the comic fans will hate it just because it's a change from what they're used to.

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Whether he made it up or not, the humanoid versus monster design is the main issue with the character. Someone later ret-conned the problem by writing that Galactus appears in the form of a member of whatever species is looking at him. Creative solution there, but unsatisfying and not an ideal solution to the problem. Some sort of alien design is probably best, but I know for sure half the comic fans will hate it just because it's a change from what they're used to.


Why not do it as Galactus from the comic???

Look, Mecha is a hugely popular part of anime... Giant robots, high tech battle suits... Its a built in audience!!!! Did you happen to see the numbers a movie like Transformers made? The THIRD one made like $150 million over its budget IN AMERICA and almost a BILLION over its budget worldwide.

Aliens...Giant Mecha... Cosmic Themes... It's no stretch to think it'll be popular if they can think past making him a GIANT BLACK CLOUD.

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Whether he made it up or not, the humanoid versus monster design is the main issue with the character. Someone later ret-conned the problem by writing that Galactus appears in the form of a member of whatever species is looking at him. Creative solution there, but unsatisfying and not an ideal solution to the problem. Some sort of alien design is probably best, but I know for sure half the comic fans will hate it just because it's a change from what they're used to.


Why not do it as Galactus from the comic???

Look, Mecha is a hugely popular part of anime... Giant robots, high tech battle suits... Its a built in audience!!!! Did you happen to see the numbers a movie like Transformers made? The THIRD one made like $150 million over its budget IN AMERICA and almost a BILLION over its budget worldwide.

Aliens...Giant Mecha... Cosmic Themes... It's no stretch to think it'll be popular if they can think past making him a GIANT BLACK CLOUD.


I really enjoyed the Transformers movies. The concept of giant robots attacking the planet is also pretty dumb, I just suspend my disbelief and enjoy it anyway. The reason not to do Galactus as a big humanoid is that there's pretty much zero chance that a huge, planet-devouring organism would evolve to look like humans on Earth do, and at this point everyone's seen enough movies with aliens in them to know it's dumb when aliens look like Earth humans even without thinking about how evolution on other planets would have worked. The "he looks like whatever species is looking at him" is a ret-con cover-up of the problem, not a solution.

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Whether he made it up or not, the humanoid versus monster design is the main issue with the character. Someone later ret-conned the problem by writing that Galactus appears in the form of a member of whatever species is looking at him. Creative solution there, but unsatisfying and not an ideal solution to the problem. Some sort of alien design is probably best, but I know for sure half the comic fans will hate it just because it's a change from what they're used to.


Why not do it as Galactus from the comic???

Look, Mecha is a hugely popular part of anime... Giant robots, high tech battle suits... Its a built in audience!!!! Did you happen to see the numbers a movie like Transformers made? The THIRD one made like $150 million over its budget IN AMERICA and almost a BILLION over its budget worldwide.

Aliens...Giant Mecha... Cosmic Themes... It's no stretch to think it'll be popular if they can think past making him a GIANT BLACK CLOUD.


Let's hope the technology developed for Pacific Rim finds it's way to the CG studio who will create another Galactus.

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Let's hope the technology developed for Pacific Rim finds it's way to the CG studio who will create another Galactus.


Which would you have Galactus be--like the Pacific Rim Earth robots or like the aliens? Or would you make the aliens in Pacific Rim look like Galactus? :insane:

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Whether he made it up or not, the humanoid versus monster design is the main issue with the character. Someone later ret-conned the problem by writing that Galactus appears in the form of a member of whatever species is looking at him. Creative solution there, but unsatisfying and not an ideal solution to the problem. Some sort of alien design is probably best, but I know for sure half the comic fans will hate it just because it's a change from what they're used to.


Why not do it as Galactus from the comic???

Look, Mecha is a hugely popular part of anime... Giant robots, high tech battle suits... Its a built in audience!!!! Did you happen to see the numbers a movie like Transformers made? The THIRD one made like $150 million over its budget IN AMERICA and almost a BILLION over its budget worldwide.

Aliens...Giant Mecha... Cosmic Themes... It's no stretch to think it'll be popular if they can think past making him a GIANT BLACK CLOUD.


I really enjoyed the Transformers movies. The concept of giant robots attacking the planet is also pretty dumb, I just suspend my disbelief and enjoy it anyway. The reason not to do Galactus as a big humanoid is that there's pretty much zero chance that a huge, planet-devouring organism would evolve to look like humans on Earth do, and at this point everyone's seen enough movies with aliens in them to know it's dumb when aliens look like Earth humans even without thinking about how evolution on other planets would have worked. The "he looks like whatever species is looking at him" is a ret-con cover-up of the problem, not a solution.


Ya know, there's a certain percentage of our population that believe that Aliens came to this planet and mated with monkeys and that was what created the human race.

Audiences ability to suspend disbelief if Galactus has a cleft chin is going to be ok.

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Let's hope the technology developed for Pacific Rim finds it's way to the CG studio who will create another Galactus.


Which would you have Galactus be--like the Pacific Rim Earth robots or like the aliens? Or would you make the aliens in Pacific Rim look like Galactus? :insane:


Pacific Rim is another one of those movies I want to see. But it does also show how easy technology makes it nowadays to create Galactus.


Galactus seems to be one of those characters you don't want to alter so drastically, fans can't even relate to what they are looking at without extensive comparisons.


Galactus is the destroyer!



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Let's hope the technology developed for Pacific Rim finds it's way to the CG studio who will create another Galactus.


Which would you have Galactus be--like the Pacific Rim Earth robots or like the aliens? Or would you make the aliens in Pacific Rim look like Galactus? :insane:


Pacific Rim is another one of those movies I want to see. But it does also show how easy technology makes it nowadays to create Galactus.


Galactus seems to be one of those characters you don't want to alter so drastically, fans can't even relate to what they are looking at without extensive comparisons.


Galactus is the destroyer!




Very cool.

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Let's hope the technology developed for Pacific Rim finds it's way to the CG studio who will create another Galactus.


Which would you have Galactus be--like the Pacific Rim Earth robots or like the aliens? Or would you make the aliens in Pacific Rim look like Galactus? :insane:


Pacific Rim is another one of those movies I want to see. But it does also show how easy technology makes it nowadays to create Galactus.


Galactus seems to be one of those characters you don't want to alter so drastically, fans can't even relate to what they are looking at without extensive comparisons.


Galactus is the destroyer!




Galactus isn't nearly as big as a CGI challenge as the Hulk is. Galactus as either a humanoid or an alien has been achievable via CGI essentially since ILM proved to the world the power of CGI in Jurassic Park. Galactus is mostly a writing challenge.


FF 48 to 50 is my favorite set of comics and it's the run that turned me onto the Fantastic Four. I love Galactus and the Silver Surfer more than any other villains. I ADORE that pic you just linked and have seen it before and loved it then as well. But I also realize that it's because I've suspended my disbelief long ago as a kid when I read these stories. The concept of a big human walking around like we see in that photo is unrealistically dumb, and that's how many if not most non-comic fans will see it. That's why we saw the cloud and only a brief homage to the comic form of Galactus in the film.

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Kirby described his Biblical inspirations for Galactus and an accompanying character, an angelic herald Lee dubbed the Silver Surfer:


“My inspirations were the fact that I had to make sales. And I had to come up with characters that were no longer stereotypes. ...I had to get something new. And ... for some reason, I went to the Bible. And I came up with Galactus. And there I was in front of this tremendous figure, who I knew very well, because I always felt him, and I certainly couldn't treat him the same way that I would any ordinary mortal ... and of course the Silver Surfer is the fallen angel. ...[T]hey were figures that have never been used before in comics. They were above mythic figures, and of course, they were the first gods."


Kirby further explained, "Galactus in actuality is a sort of god. He is beyond reproach, beyond anyone's opinion. In a way he is kind of a Zeus, who fathered Hercules. He is his own legend, and of course, he and the Silver Surfer are sort of modern legends, and they are designed that way."

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I may not be as hardline as Logan on this topic (though it's hard to tell in the ASM movie thread), but I understand where he's coming from in all of this.


Most of what makes the Fantastic Four great was established in the Kirby era, and whereas other creators have either (for the most part) repeated the stories in some watered down way or butchered it altogether; occasionally, someone like John Byrne comes along and gets it, respects it, and understands it - taking the Invisible Girl and her powers that match her personality and turning her into the Invisible Woman - things like that, but overall it's difficult to trust Hollywood to approach the material with that same sort of respect, trust and knowledge.


This can be irritating to long time fans of the comic, who see certain aspects of the story as important to who the characters are.


Because let's face it, the studios change things, simply because they feel they can market it better. It's all about commerce, not art.


When Byrne changed things during his time doing the FF, he had his reasons, and they were done with a respect and reverence to the original material. I may not have always agreed with it, but I understood where he was coming from.


I can't respect the idea of, "Let's make the Human Torch black because it'll make us more money!" Beyond not being faithful to the source material, I find that offensive.





What saddens me most about these debates is that I'm arguing with people who grew up with and love this stuff as much as I do. These are the people that should be irritated when H'Wood kraps all over this stuff in the name of ego.


changing the race of a charcter has nothign to do with ego or money making. I doubt a black human torch will draw in mega dollars.


Additionally It is reactionary and overly simplistic to say that every Hollywood movie is awful. I have enjoyed 3 of the four Spider-Man movies. I really liked XM first class ditto for Sin City and 300. This doesn’t make me any less a fan.


I never consented to the movie being crapped on. My argument for changing it was to make a better movie. I believe race doesn’t matter because my preference isn’t for skin colour it is for the actor that creates the most immersive experience. So if anything I am not glad the movie is being craped on I am happy that directors can think laterally to use the best resources possible to bring the superhero world to life.


Your idea of fidelity is selective and secondly it is impossible as the characters have no definite identity.


Logan I have dismissed your argument to my satisfaction however it is obvious I will never convince you to your satisfaction.




What saddens me most about these debates is that I'm arguing with people who grew up with and love this stuff as much as I do. These are the people that should be irritated when H'Wood kraps all over this stuff in the name of ego.


You've got nothing, have you?


Your argument is basically that you can't believe other people don't think exactly like you do and you're using emotive - yet unsupported - words like 'krap' to turn our heads?


That's your opinion. And that's great. But it doesn't render our opinion any less valid or any less true.


It's hard talking to a brick wall. I can keep repeating my valid points to you and you can keep twisting what I say to suit your own agenda if you like?


So, just to humor me...why was Galactus changed into a cloud for the movie if it wasn't for money, ego or embarrassment?




Now that is actually really funny!


I find it more annoying (shrug)

I am sure you do. I just find it funny that you could comment about it being hard to talk to a brick wall.


Why? ???

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SDCC 07: JMS Sheds Light on Silver Surfer Movie


When asked about the handling of Galactus in Rise of the Silver Surfer, Straczynksi replied, "I thought it was all they could do in the course of that movie, but in the second movie, you will see more of him." He went on to say, "You don't want to sort of blow out something that big and massive for one quick shot in the first movie… Where you're showing the origin of the Surfer, that's where you do it; that's where you blow it out."


What bothered me was not that they altered Galactus. It bothered me they altered him in such a way, it was not as impactful to the movie as it should have been.




"Run! It's the mighty cloud of death, coming to consume us in its - ummmm - cloudness."


I agree. However, Stan Lee screwed this one up--Galactus as a huge humanoid doesn't translate to the big screen at all. Kirby thought it was dumb and wanted to use one of the big space monsters he was famous for in the 50s, but Stan didn't think people would identify as well with that, so he went with a big human. They've both got points and they're both a mix of wrong and right. I enjoy his humanoid appearance at this point, but I also realize how ludicrous it will be to most people. I don't know what the right way to handle Galactus on the big screen is and haven't heard anyone else propose a good alternative. (shrug)


Where'd you hear that story of Stan and Jack, I'm unaware of it and would like to add it to my research on the topic of those two?



I've never heard that either. In fact the only story I have heard mentioned by several sources is that Lee's plot to Kirby was "have them fight god".

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Nothing in there about any humanoid/monster dilemma.


Yeah, I never heard of that before as a creative challenge. Not saying it didn't happen. It was just the first I heard mention of this.


In 1966, nearly five years after launching Marvel Comics' flagship superhero title, Fantastic Four creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby collaborated on an antagonist designed to break from the archetypal mold of supervillains of the time, and be instead a being of god-like stature and power.


As Lee recalled in 1993, “Galactus was simply another in a long line of super-villains whom we loved creating. Having dreamed up [many] powerful baddies ... we felt the only way to top ourselves was to come up with an evil-doer who had almost godlike powers. Therefore, the natural choice was sort of demi-god, but now what would we do with him. We didn't want to use the tired old cliche about him wanting to conquer the world. ... That was when inspiration struck. Why not have him not be a really evil person? After all, a demi-god would be beyond mere good and evil. ... [What] he'd require is the life force and energy from living planets!

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Whether he made it up or not, the humanoid versus monster design is the main issue with the character. Someone later ret-conned the problem by writing that Galactus appears in the form of a member of whatever species is looking at him. Creative solution there, but unsatisfying and not an ideal solution to the problem. Some sort of alien design is probably best, but I know for sure half the comic fans will hate it just because it's a change from what they're used to.


Why not do it as Galactus from the comic???

Look, Mecha is a hugely popular part of anime... Giant robots, high tech battle suits... Its a built in audience!!!! Did you happen to see the numbers a movie like Transformers made? The THIRD one made like $150 million over its budget IN AMERICA and almost a BILLION over its budget worldwide.

Aliens...Giant Mecha... Cosmic Themes... It's no stretch to think it'll be popular if they can think past making him a GIANT BLACK CLOUD.


I really enjoyed the Transformers movies. The concept of giant robots attacking the planet is also pretty dumb, I just suspend my disbelief and enjoy it anyway. The reason not to do Galactus as a big humanoid is that there's pretty much zero chance that a huge, planet-devouring organism would evolve to look like humans on Earth do, and at this point everyone's seen enough movies with aliens in them to know it's dumb when aliens look like Earth humans even without thinking about how evolution on other planets would have worked. The "he looks like whatever species is looking at him" is a ret-con cover-up of the problem, not a solution.


Ya know, there's a certain percentage of our population that believe that Aliens came to this planet and mated with monkeys and that was what created the human race.

Audiences ability to suspend disbelief if Galactus has a cleft chin is going to be ok.


But it would look stupid...which I believe is really the core of his argument against it.

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