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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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The fan score on RT is also starting to slide. It was in the mid 80's at the beginning of the week is now at 74%. This is worries me because the people that saw the movie last night were the diehard I must see this people. As we roll through the weekend the average movie goer come more into play.


I do think this movie is almost bulletproof this weekend. I have seen a few analysts say the negative reviews MAY decrease sales in the ballpark of 10% from baseline. Box Office Mojo put their projections at $157 mil. to $185 mil. opening weekend. That seems accurate. What everyone is concerned with is that all important second weekend hold, and to a lesser extent Sunday hold especially with the holiday. I think it is safe to say 300 to 350 this weekend worldwide. But if they drop what MoS did second weekend (which was 64%) or worse, it make the high end earning estimates of 1 bil. plus hard.

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The fan score on RT is also starting to slide. It was in the mid 80's at the beginning of the week is now at 74%. This is worries me because the people that saw the movie last night were the diehard I must see this people. As we roll through the weekend the average movie goer come more into play.


I do think this movie is almost bulletproof this weekend. I have seen a few analysts say the negative reviews MAY decrease sales in the ballpark of 10% from baseline. Box Office Mojo put their projections at $157 mil. to $185 mil. opening weekend. That seems accurate. What everyone is concerned with is that all important second weekend hold, and to a lesser extent Sunday hold especially with the holiday. I think it is safe to say 300 to 350 this weekend worldwide. But if they drop what MoS did second weekend (which was 64%) or worse, it make the high end earning estimates of 1 bil. plus hard.


Couldn't agree more. Opening weekend will be big, not Avengers big. But word of mouth is what will carry the box office not critics

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Some reviews I have read said that Batman actually kills and shoots the bad guys? Is that true? have we crossed that line? Can someone that's seen it elaborate on this?

Yes. This isn't a Batman from any of the other movies. It's a different Batman. This one has had enough of bad guys who try to kill him. They're like weeds. Kill 'em all. More pop up. Kill those.


Self-defense is a valid argument, if you need one.


That's a disappointment and totally unnecessary


To be fair, the using a gun/shooting happened during a DREAM sequence (don't get me started on the sequence) that happened in a dystopian future where superman is like an emperor and has destroyed much of the earth.


However he is a much more aggressive Batman.



He never directly kills anyone outside of the dream sequence. and the one time he does shoot a gun its lifted straight out of the dark knight returns.. dialog and all so if you dont like that in the movie you didnt like it in what most say is the beset bat book of all time


Edited by Rmfn33
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I think his style fit Dawn of the Dead pretty well, a lifeless, joyless, dreary time.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Watchmen Director's Cut and 300. And with Man of Steel I think it is an 8.5/10 to a 9.0/10 for me.


(thumbs u

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I saw it last night and overall was surprised by what I saw after the critical reviews. Although there are some exceptions like Big Lebowski which received some unfairly negative reviews when released (even though the same critics now use revisionist history), I GENERALLY tend to agree with critical reviews. But I am a person and not a sheeple so I wanted to see it for myself and took the Mrs. to the first available show last night.


I decided to sleep on it and let it marinate before posting anything. Probably a lot of my thoughts have already been posted here, but below is my take on the film.


The three main heroes were each fantastic. Many of you I've done business with on the boards now that I am a huge Superman fan and that this is a very important character for me. While no one will probably ever top Christopher Reeve for me in the role, Henry Cavill does a great job as Superman. He maximizes what is available to him in each scene. The only problem is that IMO Snyder does not truly understand the character. Superman should not be presented so grimly or darkly. Present him as the wholesome, Truth, Justice, and American way character that he is. That character can exist in an unfair modern world. Marvel and Captain America proved that. A lot of the Superman scenes are either at night, indoors during the day, or in some overcast sky. Present him in the sunlight at least once! It is a great contrast to the Dark Knight!


There also is not enough Clark Kent to really portray that side of the character Now to be fair, there are a few scenes that Snyder does very well with Superman and even with Clark Kent. (For those that have seen it the bathtub and last scene of the film between Superman and Lois come to mind).


Ben Affleck is also an excellent Batman, as is Jeremy Irons as Alfred. There is great chemistry between the two and Affleck really does Bruce Wayne AND Batman well. I applaud the costume and the gadgets this time around too. There are throwbacks and nods to the entire comic and film history of the category. For as overstuffed as the film was at times with almost an Amazing Spider-man 2 feeling to it, they very economically and efficiently tackled Batman's history and even incorporated things like Robin that other film makers have decided to shy away from, but here they made it work.(I did catch a reference to both the Joker and Catwoman as well as this is an older more experienced Batman, much like the "New 52" version. While I am an older comics fan, I do like that version of the character as well.) In short. the look and feel of Batman is excellent.


Wonder Woman is also perfectly cast and very well done. I loved the scenes more than I thought I would with Gal Gadot playing Diana Prince to perfection, as well as the fight scenes with Wonder Woman which truly were epic. Although the film has been criticized for being too dark and depressing, I don't know how anyone could not see Wonder Woman as a Ray of light. I grinned ear to ear after her snicker during the Doomsday fight and how she went right back into taking the fight to the monster.


There was a lot of consternation from the internet community on the casting of the heroes, but I give the casting a solid "A" after seeing the finished product. There were problems, but this wasn't one at all, and kept the execution of the film afloat and prevented a total disaster which this film could have been with a lesser cast.


The fight scenes with the heroes, regardless of who they were fighting, were all pretty good and there certainly was some imagery borrowed from the DC comics universe.


There were four main things though that bothered me with the movie. The smallest was with the Doomsday character. Now while the fight scenes with the monster were very good, he looked like mess. He did not look like the comics while other characters could have walked off the pages of a comic book. In my humble opinion, it is OK to change a character's look and even change the character's back story, powers, or whatever if it is right for the story, but here none of the changes made any sense. In fact the only thing that does make sense is that the film was out of money and CGI budgets were but. The fanboy in me who remembers buying Dan Jurgens run off of a spinner rack in a local drug store probably could have even lived with bad CGI if it at least looked like Doomsday, but this was bad CGI that STILL didn't resemble the character.


Jesse Eisnebury was terrible as Lex Luthor. Yes, he is now known to me as Eisnebury until he redeems himself from his lousy take on one of my favorite comic villains. I think you have to really try hard to screw up Lex Luthor. Well ding ding ding we have a winner. This was one of the main things in the movie where someone should have just told Zach Snyder, "NO!" Believe me, there were others, but somewhere along the path to filming this one someone should have told Snyder "Look boss, I get it that you are the visual genius who gave us 300 and Watchmen, but it is a terrible idea to change an established criminal mastermind genius into a mix Ledger's Joker and that nerdy kid from the Facebook movie." (It is also a BAD impersonation of Ledger's Joker.) Alfred talked about the rage inside a man building...... well every time Eisenbury was on screen I got more and more angry about it.


Another criticism is the fact that if you watched the youtube video where someone put together all the clips from the trailers and tv spots, then you saw the cliff notes version of the film. When the last main trailer came out that featured Doomsday, I said to my wife, "What a terrible job by Warner Bros. I bet they just gave away a lot of their movie." Well, except for one major event at the end of the film, they did and it really hurt the film in my opinion. Now as for that event at the end of the film I was actually shocked. I went from sad, to a little bit upset actually, to actually wanting to see the next film in the series to see where they were taking it. It was gutsy and I have to give the filmmakers credit for trying to do an epic surprise in what they were going for as an epic movie.


The final main criticism is the editing of the film. Critics called it disjointed and while they are SOMEWHAT right, the film flows like Watchmen and some graphic novels with non-linear storytelling and smaller sub-plots. Now, unlike Watchmen or Pulp Fiction for example, those smaller sub plots do not always tie in to where the film is ultimately going, but rather serve to setup future installments of a film franchise. That is ok if they are infrequent and short but sweet as "Easter Eggs" but here they bogged down the movie. I have a friend that has worked at a studio, now teaches college kids but still makes independent films and I bet he could re-organize a couple scenes, remove about 3 others to make this a much better final product just with few simple tweaks. It would also likely cut the run time down to about 2 hours and 15 minutes.


As I said before too, Snyder needs more oversight and to be told "NO" from time to time. Watchmen worked well for me because he essentially made them in cool visual way while bringing it to life almost panel for panel with the exception of the ending, which was probably the right decision to do for story telling sake and to make the comic book better adapted as a film. With not one true guide to follow here, but rather multiple comic book story-archs, he gets himself lost in the wilderness from time to time before crawling back to civilization. The middle act of the film is a good example of this as it is much more disjointed than the beginning or ending third of the film.


Overall, I must say that despite the imperfections, I really enjoyed the entire movie and will see it again. Despite my critiques the fanboy in me enjoyed a lot of it, even some of those "extra scenes" that didn't really need to be there. Snyder and Warner had an epic vision that did not lead to an epic execution, but you still get glimpses into what could be an epic universe from a film that does still have some fantastic moments.


They have setup a world now where I am excited to see the new Wonder Woman movie. I would love to see a George Miller helmed Batman movie starring Ben Affleck or a James Gunn Flash movie. I really want another Henry Cavill Superman movie too and while I might want to see a Mark Millar story come to light, I could even settle on another Zach Snyder one. (Actually I can live with just about any Superman movie as long as there is no Nuclear Man and Jon Peters and his stupid spiders stay the hell away from it.)


This movie isn't perfect and they hit a single when they had the perfect pitch to hit a home run but it is worth seeing. Critics went way overboard on their criticism (joyless and no humor is a good example as they were scenes to love and even 2 or 3 funny moments as well) and while flawed critics ultimately just didn't understand the movie more than anything.


Cliff Notes Version if you don't want to read the above:

1) Each of the 3 main heroes is excellent in their respective roles, although Snyder doesn't fully understand the character of Superman despite Cavill's ability to play him nonetheless.

2) Doomsday didn't look good, but the fight scenes were epic.

3) Luthor was terrible. Eisenburg sucked and Snyder should have been told "NO!"

4) Editing could be improved. Non-linear storytelling is ok, but scenes were there to set up future movies rather than execute this film.

5) WB gave away too much of the film in advance, except for the big spoiler at the end. Finger of shame at WB for the last main trailer of the film.

6) The ambitions of the film receive a 9 or 10 out of 10, while the execution of the film is about a 5 or 6 out of 10.

7) Snyder got lost in the wilderness at times, especially in the middle third of the film, but also nailed some scenes perfectly.

8) There still is a lot to love and it is worth seeing.

9) The DC Cinematic Universe is actually more than salvageable and there is a lot to work with here.

10) Overall, I thought critics should have had criticism of the film and some of it was warranted, but overall the critics were grossly unfair IMHO.

Edited by SkOw
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Some reviews I have read said that Batman actually kills and shoots the bad guys? Is that true? have we crossed that line? Can someone that's seen it elaborate on this?

Yes. This isn't a Batman from any of the other movies. It's a different Batman. This one has had enough of bad guys who try to kill him. They're like weeds. Kill 'em all. More pop up. Kill those.


Self-defense is a valid argument, if you need one.


That's a disappointment and totally unnecessary


To be fair, the using a gun/shooting happened during a DREAM sequence (don't get me started on the sequence) that happened in a dystopian future where superman is like an emperor and has destroyed much of the earth.


However he is a much more aggressive Batman.



He never directly kills anyone outside of the dream sequence. and the one time he does shoot a gun its lifted straight out of the dark knight returns.. dialog and all so if you dont like that in the movie you didnt like it in what most say is the beset bat book of all time


This is just returning Batman to his Golden Age routes. Check out some of the early Detective stories - bad guys getting killed happened. If I can recall correctly, I believe that Supes tossed a couple of guys off of the roof in one of the earlier (sub #20) Action Comics I used to own.

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Batman killing folks shouldn't be a huge surprise (dream sequence or otherwise)....considering Supes killed both Zod and Doomsday.


I don't recall Bats shooting to kill except in the Dystopian future sequences where all hell has broken loose....clearly he's reached a point where he cannot accomplish any realistic goals without eliminating the threats permanently.

Considering it's an alternate timeline, his actions are subject to change depending on what happens between the present and that time.


Having said that, he does shoot to maim and utterly hurt the folks in this film. He's certainly not pulling punches and he doesn't apparently care how much bodily harm he doles out.


The news reports pretty much state that once Batman brands someone it's a "death sentence" in prison.....after which is presumably continues to brand folks...knowing that this may be ultimately their fate once incarcerated. One could argue that Batman doesn't care what happens to these folks, but isn't the one pulling the proverbial trigger.


I think the real problem here is the fact that folks want these characters to be presented in the same antiquated and naive way that they have been portrayed in the past. These sorts of heroes cannot and do not work in the present day. There's only so much you can accomplish by beating up terrorists, only to have them recover, recirculate and come back to create more problems. It makes more sense to eliminate the threat totally.


Keep in mind that these characters have had potentially dozens if not hundreds of interactions with the "villains" in the DCCU.....like the Joker.....

If folks like the Joker keep popping back up and causing trouble.....inevitably murdering and crippling heroes.....at what point does someone like Batman have to act in the interest of the greater good. One might even say he's obligated to act in this manner or the blood that gets resultingly spilled as a consequence of his inaction is on his hands.


Folks are making too much of a big deal about these heroes and their capactiy or willingness to kill. This is where the popular portrayal should and has to deviate from the contemporary portrayal.


I actually like this more "realistic" view of how heroes would have to react to these acts of apocalyptic destruction and how they might deal with the outcomes.


I had huge expectations for this film, which unfortunately for me fell a bit flat. As I've said before, if I hadn't seen any trailers....didn't know much of the storyline before walking in, I might have been more entertained. It fell into that C+/B- realm for me that was not acceptable based upon all the hype, pomp and circumstance.


If Cavill or any of you folks making these flicks reads these forums....please take a page from the fans that truly love these characters.....stick with the source material and go with "less is more", with alot less leaks from the set ITF.


One last thought.....Ezra Miller looks like a total freak. What's up with the ponytail/man-bun thing? Who the hell thought that was going to fly visually?

It looked out of place for Barry Allen or Wally West or whoever he's supposed to be. The Flash isn't some hipster weirdo....he's pretty clean cut looking in every iteration.....he's someone we can look at and seriously believe IS the FLASH. I'm not sure what thought process went into making him THE cinematic Flash....but IMHO it's a huge, giant, fail. Grant Gustin may not be able to work on the big screen but he's a FAR BETTER match than what I've seen so far with Miller. They could have at least gotten Miller a haircut.....but instead they just phoned it in with his appearance.

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As folks have said, it's pretty hard to spin 30% positive out of 220 plus reviews.


Especially given that these exact same critics have loved so many other superhero movies, from the Avengers to the Nolan trilogy to Deadpool.


I'm not worried about the box office take this opening weekend. I _am_ worried about the box office take for Sunday, which will also be dampened by Easter.


As (less than positive) word-of-mouth spreads, the box office proof will be in:


1) how front loaded this first weekend is and

2) how severe the drop is next weekend.


That said, it shouldn't have any real competition until April 15, when The Jungle Book comes out. So that gives it a solid shot at 3 weeks straight at # 1 at the box office.

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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



In Ben's mind....... Wow, I don't want to be here, but they gave me a ton of money to be here ... happy face happy face happy face......... not working... happy face.... not working..


Screw it, just look blankly into space, and remember I'm BATM........ No I'm Ben, but I can still buy or get any girl I want.

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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



I had the same look on my face (similar to Superman) after watching BATMAN V SUPERMAN. What a mess of a movie. They say people don't intentionally make a bad movie but I can't help feeling otherwise when I got out of the theater.






The movie was long by an hour. The constant god vs man allusions were beyond annoying. Do we really need to see Batman's origin again? The only reason Batman doesn't hand Superman his death sentence is because their moms share the same first name? The JLA cameos where more like YouTube videos. The dream sequences were absurd. The best scenes were in the trailers. Storylines from DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and DEATH OF SUPERMAN are fit awkwardly together. The Senate hearing was nonsensical. The legless man is angry at Bruce Wayne because...?


Batman was awesome although he was more Punisher than Batman. Wonder Woman's overextended cameo was nice but the reasoning for her being in the film was over a photo that she couldn't access but Batman could? Alfred was cool. Luthor was GOTHAM / BATMAN & ROBIN overacted by Zuckerberg. Lois Lane was boring and was literally a simple plot tool. Superman? Well, Superman continues to look annoyed that he has to save people. You'd think he was made to "save the day" by being threatened from afar with a kryptonite bullet from a sniper. Emo Supes should just slit his wrists and call it a day. This was aimed more at a Transformers / TMNT film going crowd. And I, proudly, am neither.

Edited by JasonDaTwit
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The fight against Doomsday was as generic and formulaic Hollywood as it gets. Emanating electricity, Superman's laser eyes against Doomsday's laser whatevers, getting punched into buildings etc. Talk about cookie cutter. Doomsday himself was such a generic monster too; basically he was a cave troll from Lord of the Rings.


This movie was so dour & grey, that poor Doomsday didn't have genitals.

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I was always on Gal Gadot side when she was cast as Wonder Woman, I knew she'd be the star of BvS and she was. She practically takes down Doomsday by her herself. Glad to see all the Gal Gadot haters proven wrong.

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The fight against Doomsday was as generic and formulaic Hollywood as it gets. Emanating electricity, Superman's laser eyes against Doomsday's laser whatevers, getting punched into buildings etc. Talk about cookie cutter. Doomsday himself was such a generic monster too; basically he was a cave troll from Lord of the Rings.


This movie was so dour & grey, that poor Doomsday didn't have genitals.


to be fair, there was was no one for him to get with. so why?

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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



I had the same look on my face (similar to Superman) after watching BATMAN V SUPERMAN. What a mess of a movie. They say people don't intentionally make a bad movie but I can't help feeling otherwise when I got out of the theater.






The movie was long by an hour. The constant god vs man allusions were beyond annoying. Do we really need to see Batman's origin again? The only reason Batman doesn't hand Superman his death sentence is because their moms share the same first name? The JLA cameos where more like YouTube videos. The dream sequences were absurd. The best scenes were in the trailers. Storylines from DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and DEATH OF SUPERMAN are fit awkwardly together. The Senate hearing was nonsensical. The legless man is angry at Bruce Wayne because...?


Batman was awesome although he was more Punisher than Batman. Wonder Woman's overextended cameo was nice but the reasoning for her being in the film was over a photo that she couldn't access but Batman could? Alfred was cool. Luthor was GOTHAM / BATMAN & ROBIN overacted by Zuckerberg. Lois Lane was boring and was literally a simple plot tool. Superman? Well, Superman continues to look annoyed that he has to save people. You'd think he was made to "save the day" by being threatened from afar with a kryptonite bullet from a sniper. Emo Supes should just slit his wrists and call it a day. This was aimed more at a Transformers / TMNT film going crowd. And I, proudly, am neither.


He was mad at Superman cause he was the one who made the building crumble that made the I beam fall on him that made him lose his legs.

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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



In Ben's mind....... Wow, I don't want to be here, but they gave me a ton of money to be here ... happy face happy face happy face......... not working... happy face.... not working..


Screw it, just look blankly into space, and remember I'm BATM........ No I'm Ben, but I can still buy or get any girl I want.


He's also thinking "oh god, not AGAIN!" :fear:



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