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OK-- who hit the notify (Marvel) Mods button on Spider-Woman?

106 posts in this topic

Great video. However, while Spidey was in the exact same pose, Manara went a bit too "deep" in the depiction of the crack. No doubt Spidey s indentation would be equally deep, but they never drew it that way. Manara isn't some Archie artist after all. He has created some of the sexiest comics work of all time, and clearly to me, that is present on this cover in question.. And being a costumed to drawing sexy, he drew the assss the way he can, but which no other Marvel artists has to date. As far as I remember.


I mean, we all noticed this cover was an 11 on the sexy comics art scale, didn't we?


No. If it wasn't pointed out to me I would have walked right passed that cover thinking nothing at all about it.


I didn't see anything sexual about it until people started screaming about it.



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I mean, we all noticed this cover was an 11 on the sexy comics art scale, didn't we?


It wasn’t "sexy" at all to me, just badly drawn.

And that was Marvel which commissioned the variant cover to Manara, it’s Marvel that constantly puts out (mostly) useless "variant covers" and has not the slightest respect for its own characters. Now all of a sudden it‘s Manara that is to blame?


And what’s "a diversity and gender equality leader in the industry"?

All that Marvel is right now is a publisher who despised and betrayed its own identity, who has no appreciable values left to transmit, unless some good writer enough caring for the characters manages to go against the tide.

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Great video. However, while Spidey was in the exact same pose, Manara went a bit too "deep" in the depiction of the crack. No doubt Spidey s indentation would be equally deep, but they never drew it that way. Manara isn't some Archie artist after all. He has created some of the sexiest comics work of all time, and clearly to me, that is present on this cover in question.. And being a costumed to drawing sexy, he drew the assss the way he can, but which no other Marvel artists has to date. As far as I remember.


I mean, we all noticed this cover was an 11 on the sexy comics art scale, didn't we?


No. If it wasn't pointed out to me I would have walked right passed that cover thinking nothing at all about it.


I didn't see anything sexual about it until people started screaming about it.



That’s precisely my position. And being italian and 100% accustomed to Manara’s work, I would not even have told it was drawn by him.

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Here's hoping Marvel had to eat whatever they paid Manara when they cancelled. :wishluck:

Giving in to that BS just adds to the nuttiness when it's what internet pc attack squads do on a constant basis. Blindside some target, beat it death with hysterics and outrage, get media attention, move on to the next 'offender'. :eyeroll:




The sexualisation and stereotyping of women is a much discussed topic everywhere in the entertainment industry. Comics, movies, TV, videogames... even art. I get it. Some things I totally agree are in poor taste and in a few cases dangerous stereotypes. Others like the Manara cover feel like it has been caught up in the general riptide then unfairly catapulted into the spotlight then demonized as the most offensive material out there. meh You only have to look at a news stand magazine rack to see much worse. Some of the photoshopping that goes on is even more unrealistic anatomy wise than any comic cover I can recall... seriously. You only need to have a good scroll through the PSdisasters blog to see for yourself http://www.psdisasters.com/ which collects all sorts found out there in the wild published in magazines or online (btw... I love that blog so much, I lost it when I saw this one a few years back http://www.psdisasters.com/2009/11/swedish-taxi-hard-to-handle.html ).


Or perhaps Transformers: Age of Extinction...



she's paired up in the film with a 20-year-old boyfriend. And -- I kid you not -- he carries around a laminated copy of a Texas statute sanctioning their technically illegal relationship





It makes me wonder how Manara's cover specifically has gotten so much press?

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It makes me wonder how Manara's cover specifically has gotten so much press?

I'm going to guess Marvel using "The View" to pimp Lady Thor probably put them in the crosshairs of every divisive hack on the planet. There's an entire industry around seeking things to be offended by and being a momentary center-stage darling isn't going to outweigh shredding you to bloody-bits if it serves their unending need.

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So everyone is surprised that the artist responsible for such titles and covers as; Erotica, Vampirella, and a half dozen other adult graphic novels has made a couple of covers which boarders on sexist.


Hmmm..Well, you might also be amazed to know that the sky is blue, and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Shocking stuff, huh?!



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He makes some valid points, particularly about the hypocrisy of the Elle writer ignoring the objectification of women by the magazine she works for, but his trying to have it both ways by claiming that the Manara Spider-woman cover pose is no more sexualized than the similar Spider-man one, and then saying "so what if it is.", is as silly as much of the overblown criticism was in the first place. Anyone who claims the Manara piece isn't designed specifically to draw attention to the is lying to themselves. If you are going to defend cheescake then own it, and the fact that comics featuring barely dressed and/or skintight outfit wearing females are frequently designed to sell to an audience that doesn't really notice if the male characters have equally form fitting outfits.



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Anyone have a link to the Thor #2 Manara cover variant that was cancelled? I haven't seen what it looks like and can't seem to find it online.



I do not have the link either but I am pretty sure the characters have lost their legs.
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