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Anybody else get "roped" like this...

41 posts in this topic



Even though Paypal will not cover your losses, your credit card company will. If you paid for the merchandise via a credit card tied to the account, you can file a claim through them. If you paid for it with a balance in your Paypal account or from a transfer of funds out of your bank account, then you cannot.



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Anyone foolish enough to link Paypal to their real bank account is begging to get screwed. They can go after me all they want, but they'll never get more then the $5.00 that I'm required to keep in the account that I use for Paypal.

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Anyone foolish enough to link Paypal to their real bank account is begging to get screwed. They can go after me all they want, but they'll never get more then the $5.00 that I'm required to keep in the account that I use for Paypal.


Incidentally, I was helping a friend the other night to configure a sellers account on ebay -- he wants to sell some unused items. To my amazement, ebay is asking for not only your credit card, but also you banking information! When I set-up my sellers account, the only thing I provided was a credit card. They also have this "sellers approved" program, but I think its just a big joke. In light of your comments about linking a bank account with Paypal, anyone who is considering signing-up to sell on ebay is a fool, because after all, paypal is now run by ebay.

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"Keep paddling your tripe elsewhere, and legitimizing your equity trading thievery with your clients; its not working on this person_having_a_hard_time_understanding_my_point."


Comicpiss (see, I can be cleaver too!),

Stop moaning about getting taken to the cleaners. It has happened to all of us. But sending your global strike force (you could not have been serious about your ridiculous comments) against Ebay is a waste. Ebay is not to blame, you are. Why not post a link to the auction in question, that way we can decide for ourselves whether or not we would be stupid enough to bid on this auction? Not really sure what my profession has to do with any of this. Calling equity trading "thievery" is an extremely ignorant comment. Guess you were just grasping at straws.....


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When I signed up on Ebay, I you didn't even need a credit card (at least not to buy or bid, jus to sell).


There are a number of stories of how with higher fees and major competitors signing up it is getting more and more difficult for the "small guy/gal" to make a living at it.


I've never sold comics on Ebay. Do people generally find this to be true? Does anyone here make a living selling on Ebay?



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You got taken. E-Bay is not responsible. Get over it.




On the contrary, not ingnorance, nor grasping at straws; spefically aimed at what you do: i.e. You got taken, I am not responsible. Get over it -- A line you may use with your clients after you explain how you lost their fortunes. Just replace "Ebay" with your name, and even a simpleton like yourself can understand my earlier comment.


You seem to be missing the point; but seem to do this obsessively. There is no pattern, no method to my incident. The reason was more to inform others that this can happen to anyone. Instead, you resort to trolling this post, and sabotaging it with useless rhetoric. Rather than wasting your analytical skills on interpreting my own experience, AND TRYING TO TELL ME TO GET OVER IT, why don't you appropriate some of that time on your profession and actually work on managing people's wealth, instead of it away.

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Oh and by the way, filing a claim does work: I used a money order and was compensated by ebay.


It took 6 months , but I eventually got my refund.


This is the jive I'm getting right now from ebay. I have a reciept (carbon-copy), but I'm afraid that the compensated amount will cover only a fraction of the loss frown.gif

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You really sound like a little whiny [!@#%^&^]. "Boo-hoo, I'm out of work, I plan to go gang-busters and take ebay down with him. Boo-hoo, I may also decide to begin a very serious, and organized anti-ebay crusade. Boo-hoo, I have contacts all over the world, I am prepared to approach unorthodox methods to the same exhaustive extremes. My goal: to administer a whole world of hassle to the largest accomplice of fraudulent activity -- ebay, after that Pinky, I plan to take over the world MUHA HA HA HA HA". The more I read your stupid rants, the sorrier I feel for you. You really have nothing going on in your life, do you? Stop crying, EVERYBODY has been taken at one time or another on Ebay. I got "roped", as you so eloquently put it, out of $700 bucks about 3 years ago, but I didn't cry like a little [!@#%^&^] and blame Ebay for all the evil in the world. Still not sure why you continue to attack my profession. I guess it's not a sexy as being an IT consultant.

Why don't you take all of your Underground comix, and literally dig a deep hole underground so no one can hear you cry, you little child. Where is the link to the auction, so we can see if any posters would be as stupid as you to bid on it? Since you hate Ebay so much, I am assuming you will no longer be using their services???

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I got "roped", as you so eloquently put it, out of $700 bucks about 3 years ago, but I didn't cry like a little [!@#%^&^] and blame Ebay for all the evil in the world.




You confused me with someone who actually GIVES A F**K!

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Since you are on a personal crusade to destroy Ebay with all of your global agents of doom, then you should end the auction you currently have up. Why would you seek to profit from such an evil company? Where is the link to the auction you got taken on?

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I paid with balance which I didnt read Paypals smallprint carefully so I recovered nothing. I will be happy to let all know the guy who ripped me off his name was Edward Phrenetton I may have mispelled the last name some however he did it to numerous ebayers using mutltiple ids One favorite tactic was listing Timely's which he never sent He would build up an account buying and selling 5 cent trash to go on a two week binge or however long he could stall all the bidders who paid him. I got many many emails regarding this POS when it happened maybe a year or so ago It can happen the Internet is filled with scamsters of all types Anyone who rips people off in person is even more brazen when dealing long distance without the threat of getting their [!@#%^&^] blown away

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I'm sorry to admit that I appear to have been "roped" the worst... in my first several months on Ebay over 2 years ago... the trusting, gullible fool that I was to send $2,550.00 in MO's for my Hulk 181 9.6 White (I never received) to a Stephen and Melissa Moreau of Louisiana (ebay name: "mrs.banner"). Part of this pathetic event is recounted in my "Holy Grail" thread ( Hulk 181 rip off ) in the bronze section... I can't bear to repeat the details again.


Bottom line: DO NOT SEND FUNDS of enormous proportion without protection... period! This is where Paypal is a great tool... allowing you to use your Credit Card with the ability to chargeback the payment if there is fraud. ( Supapimps Paypal thread ). OR ask the seller if he will allow for an Escrow Transaction (if you pay for it). If they are legit, they will accept (in most cases... sometimes honest sellers don't want the hassle) and it does not cost as much as one would think. There are several services (anyone have the links?). I never had to use one as I use my CC in large deals UNLESS I'm dealing with a highly reputable and/or long-standing person. In a large deal, if they don't accept Paypal or agree to escrow... or even a person to person exchange if possible... DON'T DO IT! They may be OK, but its not worth the risk. I drove to NY to get my (2nd, "really first" Hulk 181 9.6 W) as I was obviously nervous.


After being taken for a major ride that shook me and my family up for 3 months+ and having many resources at my disposal to go after the fraudulent party... I have to tell you that it is incredibly easy to scam people and get away with it. I researched all the angles and it's down right frightening how easy it is.


Ebay is not the culprit really, but they are also not overly concerned with the people that are screwed... and could do more IMHO. I feel they are like most big businesses... bottom lined. When I was ripped off... I sought Ebay's help and counsel. I was NOT blaming them although I was upset and confused about the coverage. I never researched it thoroughly (my fault) and thought I was totally protected (insufficiently_thoughtful_person that I was). They were extremely unhelpful in my case. Ebay would not respond quickly or thoroughly to my desperate emails seeking advice and specific information. What really got me angry is that they would not even agree to speak with me by phone to expedite the answering of my questions and follow up questions. Instead, I was forced to go through the slow, inefficient email process. Waiting 24 to 48+ hours for answers (and then again, and again with follow ups ) when you've been "roped" in a major way is cold and ruthless. I almost begged and even offered to pay for the phone call. They said they don't talk via phone to their customers because they need a documented history of the exchanges... BS... THEN I FIND OUT A YEAR LATER... THAT POWER SELLERS CAN CALL AND TALK TO SOMEONE LIVE WHEN THEY HAVE A PROBLEM!!! I will always have some bad feelings for Ebay for that.


Another way to protect yourself is to simply ask several reputable dealers you've worked with before about someone you have a potential large transaction with.. it can be very informative and save your [!@#%^&^]. Recently, I had cause to... after hearing several out-of-the-blue, unsolicited remarks from 2 people I work with about an individual I had a pending deal with (which was not going well by coincidence). I then spoke with some of the most respected people in this business and learned so much DISTURBING information that I would never even consider doing business with this individual again... even though he still manages to get some deals done and sells on Ebay. One of dealers I contacted was as upset as you could imagine... and another, maybe one of the most well-connected and respected collectors in our hobby was very outspoken and tremendously disgusted when I brought the guy up. I was told to ask 3 other long-time respected dealers who all had legal confrontations or threatened to with this individual, BUT I did not need to hear anymore and ceased trying to complete the problematic deal. I don't know how I never managed to hear anything prior... in 3 years of steady networking?... He "seemed" like a decent guy. It pays to ask around.. you could be oblivious to "bad apples" others know about.


Anyway, if you are overly trusting... you WILL get taken eventually. Learn from my mistake and others... protect yourself or don't do the transaction. Almost sounds like a safe-sex campaign. Ha... humor... after all this... I still got it. Gotta' laugh or you'll cry.

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You're kidding!? That [!@#%^&^] sucking [!@#%^&^]!! I'm surprised you didn't go down there and turn him into crayfish "crawdad" bait? That SOB!... He's a real winner... Domestic Violence record and desecrating graves... what's up with that? I never felt a need for vengence like I did with him, but I had to move on. I learned my lesson well.. the hard way mad.gif

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I know which trailer it is... unless he moved again. After I was pursuing him, he (and his just as guilty wife Melissa) moved to cover their tracks... but the postman must not have liked them much, as he took it upon himself to direct my first certified letter to his new trailer... or should I say old (only half paid off) at a different location in the trailer park. I have a friend that runs a collection agency... I can find him again regardless... if you ever have cause to visit Louisiana and are in a bad mood... I can offer you 50% of the value of my book if you can collect it... and another 25% if you can permanently install a desecrated headstone up his [!@#%^&^]!!


Did they give you the same story... Melissa mailed it as a favor for Stephen because it was sitting at the kitchen table... and without knowing it was important, did not get insurance... ooops? mad.gif

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Hey FlComicFan,


Check out Supapimps thread (link provided above in my previous post). You really should be aware of all the Paypal strategies to limit your financial exposure BEFORE a problem occurs.


Basically pay with a CC when dealing with unknowns and use PP balance or bank funds for those you know and trust... that way they can save on receiving charges if they have a personal account too. I also recommend getting a Citibank 1% cash back CC or a discover card and always pay with a CC so you get some extra cash. Some have brought up using a paypal credit card which yields more BUT I have doubts about one's chargeback options if PP has any control over those decisions.

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