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CAPTAIN MARVEL starring Brie Larson (3/8/19)
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12 minutes ago, Black_Adam said:

Understood, but no Spaghetti Western marathon would be complete without watching both Once Upon a Time in the West and My Name is Nobody...both amazing films IMO

You can also add Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch to my list!

See, and then we bring Peckinpaugh into it and I want to go watch his (non-Spaghetti Western)  'Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia' again as well...! 

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I remember talking with a friend of mine about Tarantino's 'Kill Bill' when it came out (2003 - before youtube, when we still had to remember things we saw in movies), and he was going on about the beauty of the scene where The Bride and O-Ren Ishii fight with swords in the snow. And I said, "You know that was influenced by the Reiko Ike sword fight in 'Sex & Fury' (Japan, 1973) and most likely Lady Snowblood (also Japan, 1973)?"

He gave me a blank stare.

Now THAT I can forgive. Not everyone is up on Japanese 'Bad Girl' Cinema from the early 70's.

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1 hour ago, Bosco685 said:

Because they were going with a persecuted people approach with the Skrulls, this probably led to the Talos the Untamed backstory making him a more reasonable and shape-shifting leader.

It was a twist. But that is like making the Mandarin an actor that was pretending to be a deadly terrorist threat. Though I did enjoy seeing the Skrulls live in a big production.

The comic book explanation would’ve required too much exposition, so you tend to see a brief, superficial version on screen.

Quite typical.

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5 minutes ago, Ken Aldred said:

The comic book explanation would’ve required too much exposition, so you tend to see a brief, superficial version on screen.

Quite typical.

It isn't about a comic book larger narrative in changing the backstory of a character. It is the change itself in order to freshen things up to tell a different story.

But like you noted, also quite typical. But it is funny how it seems to only fit well in MCU films for some.

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2 hours ago, TwoPiece said:

I've never been interested in the western genre (or its sub-genres).

How can you be so pretentious as to disregard someone's well-thought out opinions, just because they haven't (or choose not to) watch every movie in history..? I'm also asking questions to expand knowledge - which is better than continuing to be ignorant, right?

This post is just all sorts of wrong. I'm under 30 years old. I'm not some curmudgeon that's been around 80 years and is just completely oblivious. Do you also expect high school student to be omni-cinefiles..? I'm very well-educated regarding comic book movies. It's my favorite genre and I watch/re-watch them all the time. I'm not a damn film critic, but I'm a very level comic book movie 'buff'.

If you listened more and talked less It would be a win-win for all of us! 😝 Your “well thought out “ opinions can be more accurately stated as “your uneducated opinions”. All the Spaghetti Westerns referred to here came out before I was born and have been a part of the cultural zeitgeist our entire lives.  I watched/rented/ all of these movies well before I was 20, and owned them all before I was 30. Now you can stream them at will. I don’t care if you don’t like westerns, that’s not an excuse. We aren’t quoting Roy Rogers or Hopalong Cassidy.  Don’t assume because you don’t understand or know something it’s the author or directors fault. Take some ownership and make sure you aren’t speaking out of naïveté or ignorance. Pop culture- which comics and movies build upon, has layers of meaning, context and reference you simply are missing altogether. Now that I know you’re essentially a kid, I’m actually ever so slightly more sympathetic to you in this context - you simply don’t know enough about life in general to have an informed opinion - but how you comport yourself going forward is going to determine whether or not I even respond to your posts or put you on ignore. That’s the honest truth.

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11 hours ago, MYNAMEISLEGION said:

If you listened more and talked less It would be a win-win for all of us! 😝 Your “well thought out “ opinions can be more accurately stated as “your uneducated opinions”. All the Spaghetti Westerns referred to here came out before I was born and have been a part of the cultural zeitgeist our entire lives.  I watched/rented/ all of these movies well before I was 20, and owned them all before I was 30. Now you can stream them at will. I don’t care if you don’t like westerns, that’s not an excuse. We aren’t quoting Roy Rogers or Hopalong Cassidy.  Don’t assume because you don’t understand or know something it’s the author or directors fault. Take some ownership and make sure you aren’t speaking out of naïveté or ignorance. Pop culture- which comics and movies build upon, has layers of meaning, context and reference you simply are missing altogether. Now that I know you’re essentially a kid, I’m actually ever so slightly more sympathetic to you in this context - you simply don’t know enough about life in general to have an informed opinion - but how you comport yourself going forward is going to determine whether or not I even respond to your posts or put you on ignore. That’s the honest truth.

This response is about as uneducated as it could be.

Take the bolded - I couldn't care less about your interest in my interests. You're suggesting that I put on a movie that I have literally no interest in, and... What? Bore myself to death? I'm not going to pay attention to the movie. The genre doesn't interest me.

In case, well obviously you did, misread; I am not a film critic. I am a comic book movie fan. Just because someone likes/watches westerns, does not mean that they're some universally omniscient movie expert.

Talking about context - holy contradiction Batman - people will outright tell you that The Last Jedi may be a great "movie", but it's an awful Star Wars Movie. These Marvel Studios movies live under the context of the MCU - of which it derives more material from than "spaghetti westerns". Their source material are comic books. I've never, in 11 years of watching these movies closely and discussing them with people of all ages, heard anyone (as pretentious as you or otherwise) mention anything about a western. Because it does not matter.

I'm a full-grown adult. You obviously never studied human biology, so I'll let you in on some information: Your body has completely matured, mentally and physically, by the time you're 25. You can learn new things, and experience new things, but your body will have all of the tools it will ever need. You literally have no idea who I am. The only things you know are that I'm an MCU watcher/fan and that I don't watch/like westerns. Your elitist attitude will do you no favors. I couldn't care less about your interest in responding to or "ignoring" me. Nobody should.

Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's. When it comes to westerns - you know more. When it comes to the MCU - I know more. My opinion on Captain Marvel is well-informed. How you've even come to such an asinine conclusion is beyond logical understand because of how insanely illogical it is. If you came back and said, "I had 2 too many martinis", then I might understand. Some people can't control themselves when they drink.

I couldn't be more disappointed in another human being. It's tragic. The cause and effect of Idiocracy.

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I would suggest people keep in mind that there are psychological reasons "bullies" move from arguing perspective to attacking the person.

For whatever reason, some people's egos are too fragile to admit when they're wrong. First step to solving a problem is admitting that there is one. You'll never learn anything from being a hard-headed troglodyte.

Just because you're "anonymous" doesn't mean that you can't be civil. lol

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58 minutes ago, TwoPiece said:

Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's. When it comes to westerns - you know more. When it comes to the MCU - I know more. My opinion on Captain Marvel is well-informed. How you've even come to such an asinine conclusion is beyond logical understand because of how insanely illogical it is. 

You're missing the point.

There is a world of difference between "being well-educated on comic book movies" and "being well-educated on movies."

The Good the Bad and the Ugly (and about another 1/2 dozen of the spaghetti westerns) aren't revered because their "great Westerns" -- they're revered because they're "great movies" -- as in, among the top 200 ever produced in 100 years of film. Seriously.

And yes, I get the ridiculousness (and futilty) of arguing about the merits of any movie -- let alone a popcorn comic book blockbuster -- anonymously on the interenet.

But you should respect the opinions of others on this particular movie who may (gasp!) know a bit more about film, structure, plot, etc. than you.

Not that you can't have an opinion as a comic book movie expert, but there are *many* others on these boards who are experts not just on comic books and comic book movies, but also have a deep reservoir of knowledge of film in general, as well as literature and other topics that inform their opinions on even such throw-away entertainment as Captain Marvel.

You inspired my original ad hominem response when you all-but-acused another poster of making up the term "spaghetti Western."

That showed not just disdain for a fellow poster but almost a willful ignorance of film as a whole.

It was equivalent to claiming Harrison Ford is a famous actor because he starred in Expendables 3.

So please, sit back, breathe, and enjoy having your perspective broadened a bit about some classic films that helped pave the way for us even to have movies about D-list comic book characters like Ms. Marvel in the first place.

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Just now, Gatsby77 said:

You're missing the point.

There is a world of difference between "being well-educated on comic book movies" and "being well-educated on movies."

The Good the Bad and the Ugly (and about another 1/2 dozen of the spaghetti westerns) aren't revered because their "great Westerns" -- they're revered because they're "great movies" -- as in, among the top 200 ever produced in 100 years of film. Seriously.

And yes, I get the ridiculousness (and futilty) of arguing about the merits of any movie -- let alone a popcorn comic book blockbuster -- anonymously on the interenet.

But you should respect the opinions of others on this particular movie who may (gasp!) know a bit more about film, structure, plot, etc. than you.

Not that you can't have an opinion as a comic book movie expert, but there are *many* others on these boards who are experts not just on comic books and comic book movies, but also have a deep reservoir of knowledge of film in general, as well as literature and other topics that inform their opinions on even such throw-away entertainment as Captain Marvel.

You inspired my original ad hominem response when you all-but-acused another poster of making up the term "spaghetti Western."

That showed not just disdain for a fellow poster but almost a willful ignorance of film as a whole.

It was equivalent to claiming Harrison Ford is a famous actor because he starred in Expendables 3.

So please, sit back, breathe, and enjoy having your perspective broadened a bit about some classic films that helped pave the way for us even to have movies about D-list comic book characters like Ms. Marvel in the first place.

The bolded is the problem. All I did was ask what a "spaghetti western" is, and got my groin jumped all over. I never disrespected anyone. I never claimed to be a bigger overall movie buff, etc.

The ridiculousness of some people's posters are just... Out of this world.

Also - When in the hell did I accuse anyone of making the term up..? Are you even serious?

Wtf are some people even talking about? Some of you are clearly misreading and taking this discussion way too seriously. I feel like I'm in an episode of The Twilight Zone. This is some absurd %^&*.

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2 hours ago, TwoPiece said:

I would suggest people keep in mind that there are psychological reasons "bullies" move from arguing perspective to attacking the person.

For whatever reason, some people's egos are too fragile to admit when they're wrong. First step to solving a problem is admitting that there is one. You'll never learn anything from being a hard-headed troglodyte.

Just because you're "anonymous" doesn't mean that you can't be civil. lol

You need to understand you are arguing with a bunch of male feminists right now. You know the guys that go to women's marches and try to show women they understand their plights to try and get lucky? Those are the guys and they argue like women too. 

Reading these here and there it reminds of how Bill Burr describes how women argue. If they are right, they argue the point and they stay on point and make sure you do as well. But if they are wrong they go rogue, they go crazy in a last ditch hail mary to try and get you angry and call them an obscene name. That's what nearly all of them have done here.

Case in point the "spaghetti western" discussion. It's all about insulting you because you didn't know what that genre of films was and then using that to invalidate your points. It's a classic women's tactic in a relationship when they are wrong. Why would you have a lot of knowledge about a genre you are not interested in but to them they jumped on it to make you seem stupid. Don't fall for that trap, look it up in google and just let them punch themselves out trying to get you to admit something you have no knowledge of. 

I have a lot of younger friends in their 30's that have no clue what a "spaghetti western" is. Those movies were over 50 years ago, why should they? Many of them haven't seen such classics as Gone with the Wind, Giant either so should I call them stupid? That's a ridiculous way to argue.

You are most likely arguing with the kids that struck out playing kickball in elementary school and this is their stage to show people they have a brain. That's really it so don't take it personal, you've already won.

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2 minutes ago, ianh said:

You need to understand you are arguing with a bunch of male feminists right now. You know the guys that go to women's marches and try to show women they understand their plights to try and get lucky? Those are the guys and they argue like women too. 

Reading these here and there it reminds of how Bill Burr describes how women argue. If they are right, they argue the point and they stay on point and make sure you do as well. But if they are wrong they go rogue, they go crazy in a last ditch hail mary to try and get you to call them an obscene name. That's what nearly all of them have done here.

Case in point the "spaghetti western" discussion. It's all about insulting you because you didn't know what that genre of films was and then using that to invalidate your points. It's a classic women's tactic in a relationship when they are wrong. Why would you have a lot of knowledge about a genre you are not interested in but to them they jumped on it to make you seem stupid. Don't fall for that trap, look it up in google and just let them punch themselves out trying to get you to admit something you have no knowledge of. 

I have a lot of younger friends in their 30's that have no clue what a "spaghetti western" is. Those movies were over 50 years ago, why should they? Many of them haven't seen such classics as Gone with the Wind, Giant either so should I call them stupid? That's a ridiculous way to argue.

You are most likely arguing with the kids that struck out playing kickball in elementary school and this is their stage to show people they have a brain. That's really it so don't take it personal, you've already won.

Reasonably said.

I'm not taking it personally, because it's just not worth getting invested in. Chuck and Co. seem to think that their opinion is "correct", despite the fact that other people don't like the movie. It's not worth getting as heated as he is.

Gatsby, on the other hand, seems to have just completely misunderstood my posts. That's why I asked how I was "disrespecting" or "making claims" that I wasn't doing? It just doesn't make sense. I'm not attacking anyone and I'm not saying that he's attacking me, but he's making it out to be that I am. I don't understand how he came to that conclusion.

If anyone is trying to 'read between the lines' of my posts - don't. There's nothing to be found there. I'm not interested in a fight. Don't try to claim that my opinion are invalid or uneducated, either. I saw the movie twice, understanding the context of the MCU and some comic material. I have more than enough 'data' to make a well-informed opinion on this movie (and most movies I watch).

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2 hours ago, TwoPiece said:

This response is about as uneducated as it could be.

Take the bolded - I couldn't care less about your interest in my interests. You're suggesting that I put on a movie that I have literally no interest in, and... What? Bore myself to death? I'm not going to pay attention to the movie. The genre doesn't interest me.

In case, well obviously you did, misread; I am not a film critic. I am a comic book movie fan. Just because someone likes/watches westerns, does not mean that they're some universally omniscient movie expert.

Talking about context - holy contradiction Batman - people will outright tell you that The Last Jedi may be a great "movie", but it's an awful Star Wars Movie. These Marvel Studios movies live under the context of the MCU - of which it derives more material from than "spaghetti westerns". Their source material are comic books. I've never, in 11 years of watching these movies closely and discussing them with people of all ages, heard anyone (as pretentious as you or otherwise) mention anything about a western. Because it does not matter.

I'm a full-grown adult. You obviously never studied human biology, so I'll let you in on some information: Your body has completely matured, mentally and physically, by the time you're 25. You can learn new things, and experience new things, but your body will have all of the tools it will ever need. You literally have no idea who I am. The only things you know are that I'm an MCU watcher/fan and that I don't watch/like westerns. Your elitist attitude will do you no favors. I couldn't care less about your interest in responding to or "ignoring" me. Nobody should.

Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's. When it comes to westerns - you know more. When it comes to the MCU - I know more. My opinion on Captain Marvel is well-informed. How you've even come to such an asinine conclusion is beyond logical understand because of how insanely illogical it is. If you came back and said, "I had 2 too many martinis", then I might understand. Some people can't control themselves when they drink.

I couldn't be more disappointed in another human being. It's tragic. The cause and effect of Idiocracy.

....and that is about as sophomoric a response as could be expected. Bravo, you get a trophy 🏆. You can look forward to a rough time in your late 30s and 40s realizing just how little you really did know in your 20s. Unfortunately it happens to everyone to some degree. I wish you well.:foryou:

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3 minutes ago, MYNAMEISLEGION said:

....and that is about as sophomioric a response as could be expected. Bravo, you get a trophy 🏆. You can look forward to a rough time in your late 30s and 40s realizing just how little you really did know in your 20s. Unfortunately it happens to everyone to some degree. I wish you well.:foryou:

I couldn't care less about the knowledge of spaghetti westerns. No one is omniscient. I have knowledge that you certainly don't. That shouldn't bother you. If it does - then there are other things for you to worry about.

This is the old adage of being concerned that you have more than your neighbor, rather than being concerned that your neighbor has enough.

Edit: And, really? Gaslighting? What's the point? I know what it is, and it doesn't work. lol

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4 hours ago, Sweet Lou 14 said:

I'm going to start simply ignoring you but before I do, a couple of things I wish you would consider.


4 hours ago, Sweet Lou 14 said:

First, your repeated use of the word "you" in all caps, which you've probably done over two dozen times in this thread alone, is obnoxious in the extreme.  You do yourself no favors and you win yourself no converts when you interact with other people in this way.  Show some basic respect.

When someone says the movie doesn’t work for them, it doesn’t work for them. When they include ideas like “maybe they’ll replace Brie with someone else” or “maybe she WONT be the focal point of the new phase”, I simply remind them that THEIR dissatisfaction with the character is THEIR own. 

Its an emphasis I choose to make. 

4 hours ago, Sweet Lou 14 said:

Second, you seem to think that the amount of money the film will earn is the ultimate arbiter of ... well, anything at all. 

It is for the studio. As in 1/2 the people who saw the movie could be not that keen on Brie, but it breaking a Billion at the box office guarantees she gets a sequel. Plain and simple. 

4 hours ago, Sweet Lou 14 said:

It's a complete non sequitur that you insert every time you have nothing of substance to say about someone else's observations about the film.  Which is pretty much all the time.

I don’t know about that, but every time someone says “I didn’t like her”, I chalk it up to their opinion - but when they start saying “Marvel is going to have to replace her”, I remind them (see above). See how that works?

Anyone is entitled to think whatever they choose about her. Thinking it’ll make a difference is how Marvel moves forward... well... I find that comical. 

4 hours ago, Sweet Lou 14 said:

And to think, the first time you posted in this thread I thought it was really refreshing to see someone willing to confront the gender bias of certain trolls populating the broader internet.  Thankfully, precious few of those trolls are to be found here in this thread, but that hasn't stopped you from inventing them in your head and swinging wildly in every direction, as though this movie's creators (or better yet, the women of the world) need you as their unwavering sentinel and protector.  You haven't had a single new thing to say for more than a week, and you've used up every last ounce of goodwill in the process.

Your speaking... for everyone?

4 hours ago, Sweet Lou 14 said:

  Frankly, we are all lucky that you haven't managed to bring out the very trolls you're so concerned about -- if they were here, you would certainly be the one giving them all the oxygen they could hope for.

Oh you’ll see one here in a post or two...

4 hours ago, Sweet Lou 14 said:

Finally, just to be clear, I don't bear a grudge about any of this and I wish you well.  You're obviously a very smart guy with a well thought out position, one whose broad contours I actually agree with.  I just wish you would take just one moment to consider what a frightful caricature you've turned yourself into with your constant repetitive screeching.

I’ve been here for almost ten years and on this planet for 55. I’m quite aware of who I am and how I come across. And I’ve contributed more than my share of ‘goodwill’ to this board. 

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2 hours ago, ianh said:

You need to understand you are arguing with a bunch of male feminists right now. You know the guys that go to women's marches and try to show women they understand their plights to try and get lucky? Those are the guys and they argue like women too. 

Reading these here and there it reminds of how Bill Burr describes how women argue. If they are right, they argue the point and they stay on point and make sure you do as well. But if they are wrong they go rogue, they go crazy in a last ditch hail mary to try and get you angry and call them an obscene name. That's what nearly all of them have done here.

Case in point the "spaghetti western" discussion. It's all about insulting you because you didn't know what that genre of films was and then using that to invalidate your points. It's a classic women's tactic in a relationship when they are wrong. Why would you have a lot of knowledge about a genre you are not interested in but to them they jumped on it to make you seem stupid. Don't fall for that trap, look it up in google and just let them punch themselves out trying to get you to admit something you have no knowledge of. 

I have a lot of younger friends in their 30's that have no clue what a "spaghetti western" is. Those movies were over 50 years ago, why should they? Many of them haven't seen such classics as Gone with the Wind, Giant either so should I call them stupid? That's a ridiculous way to argue.

You are most likely arguing with the kids that struck out playing kickball in elementary school and this is their stage to show people they have a brain. That's really it so don't take it personal, you've already won.

See, Sweet Lou? And here he is!

With possibly the dumbest post ever!

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2 hours ago, TwoPiece said:

Reasonably said.


2 hours ago, TwoPiece said:

I'm not taking it personally, because it's just not worth getting invested in. Chuck and Co. seem to think that their opinion is "correct", despite the fact that other people don't like the movie. It's not worth getting as heated as he is.

Heated? I never get heated. Ever. 

2 hours ago, TwoPiece said:

Gatsby, on the other hand, seems to have just completely misunderstood my posts. That's why I asked how I was "disrespecting" or "making claims" that I wasn't doing? It just doesn't make sense. I'm not attacking anyone and I'm not saying that he's attacking me, but he's making it out to be that I am. I don't understand how he came to that conclusion.

If anyone is trying to 'read between the lines' of my posts - don't. There's nothing to be found there. I'm not interested in a fight. Don't try to claim that my opinion are invalid or uneducated, either. I saw the movie twice, understanding the context of the MCU and some comic material. I have more than enough 'data' to make a well-informed opinion on this movie (and most movies I watch).

You’re entitled to your opinion. No one’s denying that. 

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