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CGC Comic Collecting After 55

201 posts in this topic

Regarding the graded comics, unless you want to do all the shipping yourself and deal with returns and such, I would avoid E-bay. For nearly the same fees you can ship them all to Clink, put them up in auction, and let them deal with everything. For the bulk, cheaper raws, I would simply sell them to a local dealer.

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I've talked to the guys at Clink (didn't recognize the name at first) and they are an option... especially since Portland ME is close to my daughter's college and would be worth the road trip for this number of comics. Most are still "scheduled for grading" and after SDCC and the comics going ST, it could still be a while.

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I will be 55 in a few months, so hopefully I can join the conversation. I collected from mid-70's through 1983 and loved it. Then came Grad school, work, family and I lost touch with the industry (although I did occasionally buy an Overstreet guide to see what some of my and other comics were currently worth). I carefully stored and moved all of the long boxes throughout the years. It wasn't until this Spring that I saw a sale notice for a Hulk #181, that I thought that I should see what I actually had in those boxes. So I took my 15 or so long boxes and re-bagged and boarded everything. My wife loved the take over of the basement :o The question then became... which ones do I send to CGC.. in fact, before 6 months ago I had never heard of CGC.. Do I go with CGC, CBCS, or PGSomething? I came to these boards and have been hooked! I spend WAY too much time here, but it is great.

I got to play a comic grading game... got better over time and can't wait for the 5th Green Eggs contest (Thanks again to Andy and Shim). There were no 9.6s and 9.8s when I left the comic world. Now I have to decide which comics I want signed ON THE COVER (who knew that would be acceptable?). I have a lot of comics to sell when they return from CGC. The question will be: where is the best place to sell? Comic Link, mycomicshop, Heritage, eBay??? Any suggestions would be appreciated. (thumbs u My wife wants me to start selling before I buy a ton more, but that is not going so well now that I have learned about sketch covers!!

Sorry for the long post, but thank you in advance for any advice.


I'm still 3 1/2 years from 55, and have been collecting most of my life. Like you, there was no CGC or 9.6/9.8's when I took a hiatus from comics. And, signed comic covers definitely weren't sought after. So, that took some getting used to when I came back, and I honestly wasn't a fan of anything CGC-related for quite a while. Now, I'm all over it.


I use mycomicshop for selling. You don't have to deal with all of the individual auctions, buyers, and separate packing and shipping. I send them a box of slabs as consignments, set the prices, and they do the rest. They charge 10% or $5.00 per book sold, whichever is more. However, they are picky on what they will take as consignments. You can get consignment overrides on items though.

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Collecting slabs, is like cards (though on a larger scale), with 2 visible surfaces. So the emphasis toward dynamic covers (sketch included) is understandable. The more time/work spent on that effort is going to reflect in the decline of it's grade. Maybe I'm wrong, that signed books need not be 9.8s or better. But if your this far into the game, then that creator signature, in addition to it's (the book's) condition is the attraction. I've seen autographs scrawled across covers, that I find detrimental to it's appeal.

It's interesting that sketch covers are the hot ticket items. But for all the required musical chairs, efforts, to comply with the 'chain of evidence' , it does get complicated. But how many 'one of a kind' sketches are actually even done? And for the nosebleed prices, collecting original pages (of art) seems the better deal.

Has anyone tallied up all the SS books, to determine how many are on 9.8, or 9.6, on down? Or even 9.9s or 10s? It would be a curious statistic. At least to me. What's the record for say cast (& crew?) signatures on a cover? With said book, being unslabbed, signed, resubmitted, only to take a hit on the grade?

And, with all these presentation type books being hung, for display. How about the fading of color resulting from even indirect sunlight?

One thing is for sure. If your fighting for space, then bagging and boarding requires more (space). And that short box that use to hold over 100 comics, now only holds maybe 20 books! So keep in mind that your 'shelf space' is going to be 5 times greater, once slabbed. And then it occurs to you, it would probably be easier to just start setting 20 dollar bills on end... and cheaper.

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If there are any chess players out there, and that seems likely, I'm more than happy to play. I have gotten use to the 'Chess Time' site which has 1,780,712 registered players currently. It looks like that might get to 2 million by the end of the year. I play under my real name there also (without the middle initial). I'm currently rated as 16,564 (452 wins,330 lost, & 26 draws). At one point I was in the 4 digit area, or in the 9000s. They break it down into class e,d,c, etc. and give you the option of playing others within your class, or you can go for the glory (with higher point rewards). The players are from all over the world, & you are given a chance to look at an opponent's stats, before starting, with the option to cancel without penalty. They break it all down, with graphics/charts to show you your peaks and valleys. You can play up to 25 games at a time. And it's all free! You can select the one move a day, or 2 days, or up to 3 days per move at the outset, of any given game. It's a beotch, having say 10 games going, then say your service provider or device gives you trouble, and you can't make the 'move(s)', within your 24 hour window. That can push you back. I'm over explaining this no doubt. Hope I get a challenge or two, out of this. I tend to keep it down to 5 games going, at any given time. If someone was real gung-ho, they could organize leagues with comic book prizes? Chess is like sex however! Talking about it isn't nearly as.... maybe not the best analogy on 2nd thought?

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At 59, I have seen the booms and busts in Collectibles. The more recent( if 25 years can be considered "recent") was the Crash 1992-ish. New Indies sprung up, Marvel was printing Spidey & X-Men 2x monthly with around 7 Titles( or more), and those print runs were in the MILLIONS, not the 165,000 of the Silver Age Monthlies.


The condensed version:


My parents got me collecting coins when I was 6. I still have that Barber Quarter given as change at the local mom-and-pop store down the street, 1897-O. I refuse to sell him. Other coins similar to them as well. Hard to part with something you had in your possession for 53 years, at least for me.


I must have been 9, the 1966 Tales of Suspense 83 was out: Iron Man on the Cover, fighting Titanium Man just over the Capital Dome, D.C. That was a big deal, as we were in Baltimore at the time. For One Dollar I could get 8 Comics, and after the then-low tax, have one cent left over. If I got a 25 center, I could only get 7 Comics.


I did not know who anyone was, and the story stopped around page 11( might be twelve, don't recall), and Captain America story started, which had been continued from a previous Comic Book. The copy had "Siamese Pages" on the Iron Man story. I put the Comic in a food storage bag, and set it away for a keepsake. I would not let ANYONE touch it or read it. My Uncle then gave me Fantastic Four # 71, then Amazing Spider-Man 62 with the Medusa Cover. I was hooked.


One day a Postman with those funky blueish shorts and large duffle-bag stops by and asks if we had any Comic Books for sale. We were playing baseball, our daily routine 7 days a week weather permitting, and I wanted to keep playing. My peers convinced me to meet this Post Man, show him your wares.


He was Steve Geppi. That first meeting changed my life. He took an extra five minutes( that he didn't have as I am sure he had to finish his routes), he told me I put the comics in the wrong bags, and then said he was going to open a shop not far from our house. My friends all sold their Comics to him, but I would not. I was the ONLY kid that didn't sell at that time.


Lo and behold, fast forward a year or two, we were driving on Edmonson Ave., and sure enough, there was that sign near the street: Geppi's Comic World" with artwork like the Globe on that metal sign. I can still remember that like it was yesterday.


I went in there to sell everything I had, I needed money for something I long since forgot the reason. He looked at the books, and I guess he knew I was getting Seller's Remorse; he asked me if " you really sure you want to let theses go? Where's that pristine TOS 83?".


I changed my mind, put the books back in my car( the 1st car you get when you are still a kid), and went back and spent the last $105.00 on a HUGE collection. Two boxes full. Sure wish I could do that today! lol.


Mr. Geppi must have really liked me because all my friends were in disbelief I got that many SA books for $105.00. Partial runs of ASM, FF. Sure, they weren't the best graded ones, but grading was not important in those days.


I returned many times to that shop, then one day Geppi was gone. That house that had the Comic Shop in the back basement was no longer, and I lost momentum so to speak.


Fast forward a few decades, I saw a co-worker on his computer, surfing eBay. No biggie. Then one day he and several others were arguing about pricing of Cabbage Patch dolls, Nintendo games, stuff like that. One asked me to let him use my computer as he wasn't issued one, so I let him. But he was not reliable, so to speak, I stayed right there as I watched him.


I saw a bunch of ASM's for sale. This was around 1996. I was still at that time very unsure how all that stuff worked, and am NOT technically proficient, even to this day. I can function, but only for specific purposes. I won't spend the time to learn a program anymore like I had to I order to graduate, etc.


Just previously, I would read even online, about the Comic Book Bust of 1991-2, and many brick-and-morters were closing faster than a POTUS candidate wiping email servers.


Still cloning to the few boxes of Comics I had, I would start looking every now and then to see what they were selling for, out of curiosity.


One day in 2000 I opened that eBay account, thinking I could sell ones that I didn't want anymore. Lo and behold, hard to sell with a Zero Rating, and in order to get a high enough rating, you had to be a BUYER. Off to the races, I was spending anywhere from 1K to 10 K per month, every month, on Comic Books.


I actually sold me very first Comic Book on Yahoo!Auctions, imho had the better format, better feedback system, but there was no phone support. eBay at the time, had superior phone support, but that quickly changed around 2002, maybe a tad earlier.


Yahoo!Auctions was starting to go downhill, a few wanna-be'e went under, and I was savvy enough not to waste my time with them. Heard/read many horror stories about Buyers who never got their items because the I-Escrow went out of business, etc. A real mess. It sure looked like eBay was going to be the winner, the only 800-kb. Gorilla in the Online Commerce.


People were coming to me, seeing my Bidding History( a feature eBay did away with in 2010) and got several deals, where I had to just meet so-and-so at their Storage Unit(s) and make Offers. I learned to estimate per box, size the boxes, LOOK at the contents, etc. Next thing I had SEVEN storage units, spending almost 2K per month and this was back in the early 2000's.


Started going to Comic Con Shows, now in CA. Went to SD 2000, and the even numbered years until recently. Lost my photos with Geppi, who showed me a great time and spent a few days with him and his family.


Then my wife would hear of a collection from her co-workers, friends, associates, etc. For a while there it seemed I was making a deal a week, and the Units were stacked full.


I guess it was around 2001, maybe early 2002 I saw the Ad for "Grading Comic Books" that CGC put out back in the day. I joined the Boards in 2002. But quit three times because Stu Cathell and his minions/worshipers chased me off. They had been hounding me on eBay since I started, over nothing. I mean nothing. But ask them, they will tell you all these Felonies and atrocities I committed. You have my blessings. That spilled over here, and Stu and a few others managed to get themselves kicked off, and I still have a ket PM's that were forwarded to me:" I don't care what Cal does on eBay, I only care about CGC Forum. Stop or else face the consequences". Hate wins out, he gets kicked off. Shows up with Shill of the week.


Anyway, back to the funny books, I was sending in Comics like crazy. Buying and selling. I started hoarding a few issues of stuff I liked when I was a kid. Every IMSM I saw on eBay/Yahoo/wherever, I was buying it. My oldest daughter made a passing insult: " you should put IMSM in ONE dedicated Storage Unit". So I did that. One shelving unit had the 170-something CGC/PGX slabs. They DO take up more space than raw books by a wide margin.


We took a day and counted the raw IMSM,s and I had over 5,000 during the Peak. I never heard of or seen anyone else ever that had one SA Issue like this. Ever.


Started to have severe health problems in 2007/2008 - started with the kidney stones. My whole body started to change; no longer able to do physical activities once enjoyed as a younger man. Became bedridden for some of that time during treatments. However, I had the foresight to keep small hand-weights on each side of the bed to at least keep up my arm strength, and that worked.


Working at a Casino, they could no longer hold my position as a Floor Man/Evening Manager. I turned into a Prop player, and part-time Dealer, and at least as a Dealer I could be sitting almost all the time. I started as a Dealer many many years ago so the switch was actually a good but rare one.


Went years without the kidney problems but they hit again Mid-June this year. back to watching diet, etc.


Been gone from the casino Business since last year, so technically my main Income is from eBay. I started that LLC here in CA for investing in Movies, something that I still dabble in, time-permitting. But the time to start downsizing, after my family's continual hounding about those seven storage units, had arrived. So to make life easier, and start cashing in, I started selling heavily 2008-ish.


Oh, Comics. Seen the CGC craze create a sub-market; at first every Issue of ASM that were NOT a "key" issue went for $500 and up. Jay Parrino, Greg Manning Auctions, and others entered the fray, to try their hands at CGC comics.


Me? I sold that ASM # 5, CGC 8.5 to a Customer in France. There I got my first taste of the "never received" item. Out 2K just like that. PayPal just TOOK the funds right out of my account. Rinse and repeat for a few smaller items. Then I discovered Express International. Just about stopped the sales, but who cared?

Now I no longer ship International, even Canada, because of the complaints of the costs.


Seen the Early Releases of Modern Image Comics as MINT 10.0 sell for 3K and up, only to buy them myself for under $300 years later.


I rarely sell "Key" comics to avoid the financial exposure, and have sold most of the keys I had in private deals or trades.


So the info everyone is looking for here:


Just my OPINION:


The Economy has lined up four wrecking ball crews on all sides of the Collectibles markets. Sports Cards went down the tubes in the early 2000's, and I had a long-time Dealer come over, he gave me $10,000 cash to take off my hands what I had easily 100,000 invested in. Many people will enjoy that here, me losing that kind of money at anything. But they can have their thrill, as I have my thrill: Those IMSM's I had made up for that small flesh wound many times over, and I STILL keep finding boxes of IMSM's.


Anyway, I have seen prices of those NON-KEYS you see on my eBay site bi-weekly start meandering downwards.


Kids just don't have the money to plunk down on a non-essential. I have email after email:

1) My wife said get this trash out of her house;

2) My transmission went out and I need the money( for those Buyers' Remorse cases that have been killing me lately - I bought two transmissions this year lol);

3( I changed my mind;

4) I bought something, the credit card payment is due, and I need cash fast.


Many emails similar to the above, you get the picture. I didn't get those in 2000 - 2010. I get one a week or more.


I even get the occasional: " can you hire me to work for your calamerica-collectibles?". When I get these, I send them any info and leads I can muster, as I respect those who sincerely want to work. I did manage to get one nice young man a job in SanDiego County through a connection my wife had. Last I heard he is doing well. I consigned his comics a few years ago, he was very happy. I try to help people when I can.


I am NOT a doomsday convert, just aware of the surroundings in the collectibles markets. That put me back in coins, a few years ago, when I kept watching Silver drop from $40-something to under $20.00 an ounce, when I parked my truck and started buying Morgan Dollars and Lofty high grade Half Dollars. Like my Comics, I seek out Uber grades, and have had some success flipping coined slabs. But the skill is still better with Comics, but the Coins gap is closing fast.


No one can predict the future. But I DID correctly predict competition for CGC, and they have it. I even thought about this myself, and a few big-named Dealers would shock you even to this day. One went a step further than I did, had a prototype made and even showed it to me! I can't put his name here because I need to ask him first, out of respect.


What does the future hold for Comic Books? I think that tree will be a sub-market for a few more decades, but after around 2050, most of the KEYS will be centralized in a few hands, and merely stored away. The BILLIONS of Non-keys? You will always have intermittent activity from those who are seeking to unload versus the fewer and fewer speculators that are taking chances. Talk to these men doing this; they will tell you what their thoughts are on this matter.


Me? I did almost all my collectibles part-time. Have always had Insomnia, averaging 3 - 5 hours of sleep since I was a kid. Still find time to squeeze as much life in as I possibly can. I used to be the Demon Worker: worked double shifts 10 days in a row, then go home walk the dogs, work at home, etc. No one could out-work me, something that was instilled in me by my Father.


Went back to school at 50, when the kidney stones were removed. Had to compete with 20-30 somethings every step of the way but I did it. Drove to UCLA 3 to 5x a week, not an easy feat from where I live. Even managed to score a few small collections that way. One nice girl made the deal for me to Edit her short movie in Avid Symphony Composer 2.09 and she would give me her Father's ASM collection. To be fair to her, I still added some cash and she was amazed. Still friends with her on Facebook to this day. Long since sold those Comics on the 'Bay.Those young whipper-snappers tried to gouge her unmercifully. Yes, most were actually better than me and more experienced, but I made her the best deal. I still do the odd jobs like that today when they pop up. That gets me future work. Funny how that works: give people a great deal they will like you for it. Try to gouge/rip-off, you get the one job, but won't be invited to the party.


I confess I tried several times to get out of Comics, for various reasons, and one of them is the Hate transferred from eBay to here. I managed to stop a fraud scheme here, so of course the criminals are never going to like the arresting Officers, so I guess that comes with the territory.


The Restoration tricks, switching Covers, books, the "empty package" trick, you name it, I seen it all. Much harder to do with Coins although China and Iran make some real close Counterfeits. That didm 't happen when I was a 6 year old boy.


I gotta go, but will be in and out today to answer questions.


CAL the eBayer/Heritage Buyer and Seller :busy:



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Awesome.....and I do mean AWESOME post Cal.....Thank you for sharing :applause:


You believed that BS? You're not a Noob, how do you fall for that gibberish?


I enjoyed reading it.




Stu: how many shill accounts do you have?


The Mods have been sleeping at the wheel, eh?


That can be changed.


CAL who has a purpose here again... :sumo:

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Awesome.....and I do mean AWESOME post Cal.....Thank you for sharing :applause:


You believed that BS? You're not a Noob, how do you fall for that gibberish?


I enjoyed reading it.




Stu: how many shill accounts do you have?


The Mods have been sleeping at the wheel, eh?


That can be changed.


CAL who has a purpose here again... :sumo:


The only reason I make shills for you is to point out what a liar you are. When you quit lying I'll quit making IDs.

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I can't wait for MetalPSI to meet Jack Remington lol


I know you are totally deranged after all these years.


Must be on those Charity scams too, as one of your disciples kept defending you...


CAL who knows what's important... :cool:

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Awesome.....and I do mean AWESOME post Cal.....Thank you for sharing :applause:


You believed that BS? You're not a Noob, how do you fall for that gibberish?


I enjoyed reading it.




Stu: how many shill accounts do you have?


The Mods have been sleeping at the wheel, eh?


That can be changed.


CAL who has a purpose here again... :sumo:


The only reason I make shills for you is to point out what a liar you are. When you quit lying I'll quit making IDs.


Give it up dude, you're just beating a dead horse.

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