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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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This was posted right after your post transplant since it was the last post in the chain, but it's not a response to you. It's to the boards in general:


I really, truly, believe that 95% of the extent this type of issue comes from is the failure of people to realize that there's a real person on the other end of the screen, to humanize their actions and interactions, to realize that their words are not spoken in a vacuum, that the person they are speaking to or about is a real person (a father, husband, wife, mother, human being) and that they probably want to be treated with the same respect and empathy as they themselves would.


I know I am guilty of it too, when I get my teeth into something I think is wrong. I go all out and it's far too easy to let the train run off the tracks.


This is a place that people come to to share a common set of hobbies and likes. It is also a place where people come to escape the garbage of the real world, 9-5 jobs, family and medical woes. It was always a place for me to come to share some laughs and a smile in a place where I was among people that shared similar hobbies.


I am not saying everyone needs to be friends, or even friendly. We just all need to learn to get out of each others way, respect that space, and treat others the way we'd want to be treated. There are enough scammers and liars invading this place on, what seems like, a daily basis and that's exhausting enough with which to deal. I've striven to make friends here and never sought or desired to make enemies. I think that's true of most people.


There's a way to co-exist in this space for all the honest and fair people of the forum, even if everyone's not friendly. I believe that and I need to believe that or I am not sure how long the center will hold on this wonderful forum that's been such a positive part of my life and introduced me to so many great people.


Stopping for a moment and granting another person (who is more than the sum total of their avatar, screen name, and post count) the empathy and respect you'd want for yourself will go a long way towards healing this place and bringing it back to a place where people can enjoy spending time.




Nice post. I agree with all of it and I can absolutely claim myself guilty of not respecting other people and forgetting it is a real person on the other side some times.


I don't ever expect other people here to grasp that concept or even recognize when they are doing it. Ninety five percent of the trash in this thread ( other than blaming me for everything) has not been directed at me. I spoke out because it is not right and it should not happen.


But it does. Repeatedly. And it makes it incredibly hard to want to come here anymore and good around. I come for is place for the same reasons as you but at the end of the day it isn't for this junk. It is sad and embarrassing but the people that should be ashamed will deny any hint of responsibility or remorse. I don't have a fix for that.



Also, wash your hair. It smells like Burger King mixed with an ashtray.

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I really, truly, believe that 95% of the extent this type of issue comes from is the failure of people to realize that there's a real person on the other end of the screen....



While this may be true for some, I feel that it is more an indication of the complete lack of empathy among an ever growing segment of the population. Lack of consideration for others has become rampant in society. For some it is akin to wearing blinders to the effects of their actions upon others. "It is all about me", has become an epidemic.

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He's been asked those specific questions John, again and again. He does not answer. I'm sure at this point that if the answer had been "no" we would have heard it.


As to anyone being scarred. Well, Sean is pretty easy going, but we do have other members who ARE Gay, and at least one of the ones I know, who has not (thankfully) seen the text would be very upset. I don't see that kind of hate

language as any better than using the "n" word.


I tease once and a while when people use "female" terms to rag on each other. COI and I have had long conversations about it some of it in jest, some serious, and most of the time I just let most of the words like "person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed" go right over my head...but honestly the way the word B-tch was used here, offends me. It was not used in a joking ...hey buddy you are a dork manner, it was used in a hateful manner, with a weapon and with blood and brains being spattered.


That image and text took time to put together. It was not a quick fix, it was crafted.


Am I distressed to the point of being distraught? Of course not...If I were, I wouldn't have ever posted here, but the way that term was used made me cringe.

I'm usually beyond easy going...and I can go on with my life without blinking very much, but when I saw the language used ...I was :o


Puppies, and female dogs ...that's fine. Using it to describe a woman who is nasty? I'm OK with that one, but this was used in a violent sexual manner.


There are just a lot of things wrong here, on many levels.


I don't know if it's ignorance, or malice or if therapy is needed. I'm not a Dr, but I hope Michael speaks to one so he can get rid of the obvious anger and the probable paranoia.




The B---ch word is thrown around like that because for most people in society it has become numb to such things.


Listen to a rap album or hip-hop or even some rock that word is used often and pretty much always in a derogatory manner.


B--ch please...

Yo my B--ches

and many more even used for guys calling other guys.


Society has dramatically changed Television, Music, Movies, Books all are affected and that is just the way it is. Is it right? NO but nothing will stop it now as it also has become to some people a term of endearment.......


This all seems like a soap opera to me...........way too much drama....


Next week on ALL MY CGC CHILDREN....who did it, why, and Who shot JR? Stay tuned for exciting previews.


Do I think the memes shouldn't have been made? Yes

Do I think it is a crude south park, family guy etc humor? YES

Should an apology be issued? Yes

Should others have posted the pictures on the board? No

Was anyone really scarred or is now involved in serious mental anguish? No

Personally I think giving everyone involved a little vacation would not be out of order. Pushing buttons and posturing causes just as much conflict as a meme does imo.

Arch is the owner of the site and thereby has the final say-so over any and all mods and or members. How would all of you feel if he decided it wasn't worth his money or time and just closed it down?


Sha if I have offended you by using the B---ch word in that context I apologize in advance but I honestly think you have your "big" oops hmmm grown-up panties on and can understand and not take offense.


Better color Speedy?

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I will have to say now, in the instances you just used the "B" word it is not typically meant to describe a woman. In almost all hard rock or metal genre the word is meant to define someone with no heart. While you may identify the word with one meaning, it is not always meant to be talking about women or dogs. Context and understanding is crucial. Not saying anyone has to approve, just stating that typically you need to understand what is being said, and not what you "think" is being said.

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)
I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.
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This was posted right after your post transplant since it was the last post in the chain, but it's not a response to you. It's to the boards in general:


I really, truly, believe that 95% of the extent this type of issue comes from is the failure of people to realize that there's a real person on the other end of the screen, to humanize their actions and interactions, to realize that their words are not spoken in a vacuum, that the person they are speaking to or about is a real person (a father, husband, wife, mother, human being) and that they probably want to be treated with the same respect and empathy as they themselves would.


I know I am guilty of it too, when I get my teeth into something I think is wrong. I go all out and it's far too easy to let the train run off the tracks.


This is a place that people come to to share a common set of hobbies and likes. It is also a place where people come to escape the garbage of the real world, 9-5 jobs, family and medical woes. It was always a place for me to come to share some laughs and a smile in a place where I was among people that shared similar hobbies.


I am not saying everyone needs to be friends, or even friendly. We just all need to learn to get out of each others way, respect that space, and treat others the way we'd want to be treated. There are enough scammers and liars invading this place on, what seems like, a daily basis and that's exhausting enough with which to deal. I've striven to make friends here and never sought or desired to make enemies. I think that's true of most people.


There's a way to co-exist in this space for all the honest and fair people of the forum, even if everyone's not friendly. I believe that and I need to believe that or I am not sure how long the center will hold on this wonderful forum that's been such a positive part of my life and introduced me to so many great people.


Stopping for a moment and granting another person (who is more than the sum total of their avatar, screen name, and post count) the empathy and respect you'd want for yourself will go a long way towards healing this place and bringing it back to a place where people can enjoy spending time.




Dude, even thou I can smell the hippie all the way over at Nar Shaddaa, well put sir!



This has got to be how Roy feels. First time in my life I've been accused of being the "H" word. lol


You need to change your screen name to comix4hippies!

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.

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Alright, we're getting to the "Boardie-after-brawl-hug-it-out" period of this last dust up, where we discuss how everyone should be nice.


I stick by my one day over/under.



Unfortunately, I think you're probably right. This situation will be swept under the rug with no consequences other than people bringing it up in the future and being called "trolls" for not letting it go.





Edited by Logan510
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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.



Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment.........


So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you?


Serious question thou, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes?

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.



Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment.........


So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you?


Serious question thou, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes?

:pullhair: Argghh, it's "minimizing!!!"


And thou = I sound like Shakespeare!! lol It's spelled "though."


And being a noob is somewhat about time, but mostly it's about attitude. Once you realize that you might actually not always know what's going on here, you start on the path to Bitter Old Boardie Who's Seen It All Before.

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.



Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment.........


So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you?


Serious question though, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes?

:pullhair: Argghh, it's "minimizing!!!"


And thou = I sound like Shakespeare!! lol It's spelled "though."


And being a noob is somewhat about time, but mostly it's about attitude. Once you realize that you might actually not always know what's going on here, you start on the path to Bitter Old Boardie Who's Seen It All Before.


I know how it's spelled Speedy, but how do you figure what he was asking is minimizing what Logan said? Didn't what Logan just say to him minimizing what jop was asking?


Just for you I fixed it. And look at the english used in these or any other thread. Really?

Edited by vader2001
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Alright, we're getting to the "Boardie-after-brawl-hug-it-out" period of this last dust up, where we discuss how everyone should be nice.


I stick by my one day over/under.



Unfortunately, I think you're probably right. This situation will be swept under the rug with no consequences other than people bringing it up in the future and being called "trolls" for not letting it go.






I hope not. I honestly don't know what he's capable of at this point. When I think of all the names and addresses he has access to from his past sales threads. :eek:


Now that his cross-hairs have shifted from Fingh, Park and others to yours truly, I'm really happy I was never tempted to buy any of his books because of his disruptive behavior here in the past.

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.



Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment.........


So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you?


Serious question though, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes?

:pullhair: Argghh, it's "minimizing!!!"


And thou = I sound like Shakespeare!! lol It's spelled "though."


And being a noob is somewhat about time, but mostly it's about attitude. Once you realize that you might actually not always know what's going on here, you start on the path to Bitter Old Boardie Who's Seen It All Before.


I know how it's spelled Speedy, but how do you figure what he was asking is minimizing what Logan said? Didn't what Logan just say to him minimizing what jop was asking?


Just for you I fixed it. And look at the english used in these or any other thread. Really?

I'm not keeping up on who's being minimized by whom. And yeah, everyone's English is terrible. When the annoyance builds up enough, I have to let a bit out. :)

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He's been asked those specific questions John, again and again. He does not answer. I'm sure at this point that if the answer had been "no" we would have heard it.


As to anyone being scarred. Well, Sean is pretty easy going, but we do have other members who ARE Gay, and at least one of the ones I know, who has not (thankfully) seen the text would be very upset. I don't see that kind of hate

language as any better than using the "n" word.


I tease once and a while when people use "female" terms to rag on each other. COI and I have had long conversations about it some of it in jest, some serious, and most of the time I just let most of the words like "person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed" go right over my head...but honestly the way the word B-tch was used here, offends me. It was not used in a joking ...hey buddy you are a dork manner, it was used in a hateful manner, with a weapon and with blood and brains being spattered.


That image and text took time to put together. It was not a quick fix, it was crafted.


Am I distressed to the point of being distraught? Of course not...If I were, I wouldn't have ever posted here, but the way that term was used made me cringe.

I'm usually beyond easy going...and I can go on with my life without blinking very much, but when I saw the language used ...I was :o


Puppies, and female dogs ...that's fine. Using it to describe a woman who is nasty? I'm OK with that one, but this was used in a violent sexual manner.


There are just a lot of things wrong here, on many levels.


I don't know if it's ignorance, or malice or if therapy is needed. I'm not a Dr, but I hope Michael speaks to one so he can get rid of the obvious anger and the probable paranoia.


Thanks Sharon. Excellent post. :cloud9:


Maybe I'm insulated. I come from an area of the country where there is zero tolerance for hate speech and threats of violence such as we have seen here. Anyone caught doing so is immediately ostracized and, quite frankly, unemployable from that moment on.


When I first saw what Rupp was passing around, it disgusted me. I honestly couldn't believe someone here would do something like that, no matter how badly they disliked someone. I've since come to realize, especially after seeing his responses, that he must have psychological issues that he's dealing with, and I feel sorry for him. He really does need to seek help.


What has really saddened me is that over the course of the last couple of days we've seen five or six people here come forward and try to either minimalize what was done, or shift the blame to the victims in some manner. Thankfully, the vast majority of the responses have been from people who have their hearts in the right places and don't want to see this kind of behavior in a place that should be all about the fun and enjoyment of a hobby.


Just to clarify, you're saying that Rupp was passing around these memes?

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.



Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment.........


So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you?


Serious question thou, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes?


Why don't you read again what he wrote and then tell me he wasn't minimizing anything. I called him a n00b because he's trying to seak intelligently about a situation that has been going on for longer than he's been a member ( which isn't very long ). In those situations it might be better to just keep quiet 2c

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Alright, we're getting to the "Boardie-after-brawl-hug-it-out" period of this last dust up, where we discuss how everyone should be nice.


I stick by my one day over/under.



Unfortunately, I think you're probably right. This situation will be swept under the rug with no consequences other than people bringing it up in the future and being called "trolls" for not letting it go.






I hope not. I honestly don't know what he's capable of at this point. When I think of all the names and addresses he has access to from his past sales threads. :eek:


Now that his cross-hairs have shifted from Fingh, Park and others to yours truly, I'm really happy I was never tempted to buy any of his books because of his disruptive behavior here in the past.


I hadn't thought about that to be honest. He has my address, but I'm not worried. This is a guy who out of spite, pretended to take a threat seriously from a 60+ year old comic dealer from five states away just to get him a strike. Keyboard Cowboy IMHO...hopefully I'm right.

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Opinions are like individual_without_enough_empathys, every n00b has one (shrug)


So a new person is not allowed an opinion or any thought on the subjects hm interesting aspect.




I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves.


So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? ???


No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone.



Dude, I don't think he was telling you how to feel or being dismissive or minimilizing how you feel about the situation, he commenting your noob comment.........


So when does a person on here stop being noob? When they agree with you?


Serious question thou, when does someone on this board stop being a noob in your eyes or for that matter anyone's eyes?


Why don't you read again what he wrote and then tell me he wasn't minimizing anything. I called him a n00b because he's trying to seak intelligently about a situation that has been going on for longer than he's been a member ( which isn't very long ). In those situations it might be better to just keep quiet 2c


Oh me! Pick me! Pick me!! :hi:


He's been asked those specific questions John, again and again. He does not answer. I'm sure at this point that if the answer had been "no" we would have heard it.


As to anyone being scarred. Well, Sean is pretty easy going, but we do have other members who ARE Gay, and at least one of the ones I know, who has not (thankfully) seen the text would be very upset. I don't see that kind of hate

language as any better than using the "n" word.


I tease once and a while when people use "female" terms to rag on each other. COI and I have had long conversations about it some of it in jest, some serious, and most of the time I just let most of the words like "person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed" go right over my head...but honestly the way the word B-tch was used here, offends me. It was not used in a joking ...hey buddy you are a dork manner, it was used in a hateful manner, with a weapon and with blood and brains being spattered.


That image and text took time to put together. It was not a quick fix, it was crafted.


Am I distressed to the point of being distraught? Of course not...If I were, I wouldn't have ever posted here, but the way that term was used made me cringe.

I'm usually beyond easy going...and I can go on with my life without blinking very much, but when I saw the language used ...I was :o


Puppies, and female dogs ...that's fine. Using it to describe a woman who is nasty? I'm OK with that one, but this was used in a violent sexual manner.


There are just a lot of things wrong here, on many levels.


I don't know if it's ignorance, or malice or if therapy is needed. I'm not a Dr, but I hope Michael speaks to one so he can get rid of the obvious anger and the probable paranoia.




The B---ch word is thrown around like that because for most people in society it has become numb to such things.


Listen to a rap album or hip-hop or even some rock that word is used often and pretty much always in a derogatory manner.


B--ch please...

Yo my B--ches

and many more even used for guys calling other guys.


Society has dramatically changed Television, Music, Movies, Books all are affected and that is just the way it is. Is it right? NO but nothing will stop it now as it also has become to some people a term of endearment.......


This all seems like a soap opera to me...........way too much drama....


Next week on ALL MY CGC CHILDREN....who did it, why, and Who shot JR? Stay tuned for exciting previews.


Do I think the memes shouldn't have been made? Yes

Do I think it is a crude south park, family guy etc humor? YES

Should an apology be issued? Yes

Should others have posted the pictures on the board? No

Was anyone really scarred or is now involved in serious mental anguish? No

Personally I think giving everyone involved a little vacation would not be out of order. Pushing buttons and posturing causes just as much conflict as a meme does imo.

Arch is the owner of the site and thereby has the final say-so over any and all mods and or members. How would all of you feel if he decided it wasn't worth his money or time and just closed it down?


Sha if I have offended you by using the B---ch word in that context I apologize in advance but I honestly think you have your "big" oops hmmm grown-up panties on and can understand and not take offense.


Better color Speedy?

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