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The CGC Comic Plan!

40 posts in this topic

Has anyone had specific goals where they rewarded themselves for positive outcomes?


For instance, Quit smoking for a week = $300 CGC book...



The reason why I'm asking is that I am planning some personal goals for health improvement

by shedding some pounds and I plan to have CGC Marvel SA's as my so called Carrot.


Right now, due to some auto accidents I have been in and lack of activity I am about 100 lbs

over what I want to weigh.


I have 50 SA books that I need to finish out my collection.


So every 2lbs I lose I will reward myself with a nice CGC Marvel SA book

( I will post as soon as I get the book I've earned).



The last book will have me Standing Tall with a CGC AF#15 in hand!




Wish me Luck on the CGC Comic Plan!

This will be a challenge of a lifetime...




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Has anyone had specific goals where they rewarded themselves for positive outcomes?


Nope. JUST DO IT!!


Rewarding yourself is the path to madness, and only revolves around back on your inherently additiive (food, computer, laziness?) personality flaw. Plus, if you lose 20 lbs, then gain it back, are you going to give away all your reward comics? 893scratchchin-thumb.gif


Just do it!


I was never a heavy smoker (started in University) but I'll testify it's a bugger to quit. I just woke up one day, tossed my cigs in the garbage and never looked back. Quitting was the reward.


Just do it!

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You work for Nike poke2.gif


Nope, I'm just a hardass when it comes to quitting addictive or harmful behavior patterns. You either do it, or you don't, and there is no in between.


It's always a difficult internal battle and it's foolish to think that external gratification will make it easier. 893naughty-thumb.gif

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hey...good luck with the weight loss...


i'm trying to do the same thing....i'm also about 100lbs over what my dr tells me i should be and really want to get that down by the spring...


i don't use comics though....i'm looking at working out a plan with my wife for her to hold some money for me and at every plateau, getting a box of higher end sports cards than i usually collect....i stay away from the big dollar boxes because, to me, they're mostly ripoffs...but, they nicer cards make great trade bait...

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You've got the carrot. Now you need the stick.


For every 2 lbs you put back on, you have to send me one of your precious SA books.




Good luck!



I've got a short list of grails that I'm starting to save for. It'll be several years (3-5) before I have them all.

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Think about maybe getting a tread-mill. But....get one that's got a book holder high enough so you can read comics while you walk at a nice fast clip. I've read through most of Marvel's Silver Age and lost 2" around the waste.


Yes, comics are not only entertaining, they're good for your health too. grin.gif


Good luck. thumbsup2.gif

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Keep up the good work, Nerfherder! 893applaud-thumb.gif

I'm on a diet too, but I'm not able to buy comics at this time. But I will hopefully be going on a trip to Europe next year around October, and I'm trying to get in shape for that, so that will be a nice reward. smile.gif I have a friend who lived in Rome and Paris for years, so he knows where to find the inexpensive but nice hotels and other ways to save money in these places. I'm really looking forward to it.

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Best of Luck with your plan nerfherder!


Many moons ago I used to provide nutritional advising to help pay my way through university. I'm of the view that a prescriptive nutritional approach mixed with an active lifestyle is achievable no matter how hectic your work/family situation. Aside from the usual pyramid approach to wellness (ie. nutrition, physical activity and sleep), if you can get between 6-8 hrs of sleep, do 30-45 minutes of cardiovascular activity (weight training would be a plus) and follow a realistic nutritional plan each day, there should be no reason why you couldn't achieve your target weight loss goal.


The drastic reduction of processed foods (especially sugars and flour -- read the packaging carefully -- you'd be surprised to know that even some of the bottles in your spice rack contain sugars), salt, breads, and simple carbohydrates (eating complex carbs like rice instead of pasta) will allow you to reach your target goals quicker. And not that I endorse rapid weight loss, but I have seen the best intentioned people get discouraged when they don't start seeing results right away. Be prepared to only start feeling a difference within the first 4 weeks, and not actually seeing a difference (or your friends and family noticing) until the 2nd or 3 month.


That said, the real question is not whether you will achieve your goals (as I'm more than certain you will), but which of your 50 CGC books will be the ultimate reward? thumbsup2.gif

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Best of luck , I know. I myself lost 22 pounds this summer. I've been eating 3 meals a day , no more , no less , cutting out the [embarrassing lack of self control] . I feel a whole lot better also.It's a lifetime thing keeping the weight off. More to go. Hang in there Buddy!!

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It's admirable to want to lose weight and get in shape. We all should.


Rewarding yourself is all fine and dandy, but at 2lbs a book, you could be buying them like popping caramels.


Are you going to sell them at a loss to punish yourself if you gain a few pounds?

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Are you going to sell them at a loss to punish yourself if you gain a few pounds?



ehmmm, that is an interesting question.


see, I am not planning to put it on.

I know things happen, but I am for positive reinforcement.


The way I look at it, I am sharing the plan here with others as entertainment value for the

equal help that I need to support self discipline.


I want to keep buying and posting books, and I am honest to the tenth degree.


I am taking this approach because I believe I need awareness of others to get me over the

hump (so to speak).


With that in mind, either I


A) Join a dietary club that weighs me, and is that form of awareness needed

spending thousands in fees and supplements.




B) Ask as the viewers of these threads to bare witness

while I take those moneys and spend in something that tangible and important to me.



Besides isn't it more entertaining to see not only an individual that Completes his collection

but better himself in the process?



I believe I will not fail. As proof I will be posting pics of myself at certain weight intervals...

probably at 20-30lbs from now.




Thanks for the good question.




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Sounds like a good plan to me. I'd do the same but my wallet would lose all of it's "weight" looooong before I did.


The question keeps coming up, will you sell if you gain a pound or two, which I'm sure you will(no offense) everone fluctuates +/- a few pounds. I'd just suggest instead of buying when you lose the pounds, purchase at set weights. I.e. when you reach XXXlbs, get a book. and If for some reason you platau or gain (temporarily) you still have the goal weight to reach, whether it is 2lbs or 5lbs from where you are now.


Good luck and post the pics of the "reward" books along with your progress pics,


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If you are honest to the tenth degree, than you will not fail in your quest to lose weight. I have cholesterol problems and have found that the treadmill can both lower cholesterol and weight when compined with say the DASH diet. You must make it a habit everyday to exersize. I hate to exersize but when the alternative is death, the choice is simple. We have a choice today for tomorrow may never come.

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