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Another eBay transaction gone sour :(

80 posts in this topic

You used the last kleenex for the cleanup


That would be assuming that I "pulled out". blush.gifgrin.gif

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It was my pathetic attempt at humor by taking your two comments out of context. Implying you used the last kleenex for, um, shall we say "clean-up".


I see I've failed at my attempt which is something I normally do. smile.gif

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Screw the kleenex. I'd make her swallow


Dude, I was 14 and she was hot and 16. I don't think the poor girl would have been able to handle the tidal wave. blush.gifblush.gif


And with that, this thread has officially gone to hell. grin.gif

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Did you even get the point of what I was trying to say?


Yes, but it was not directly related to my first post, that is, the main topic, and it had a negative ring about it.


I'm NOT complaining, and I'm NOT crying over shipping *and handling * woes. I'm just trying to point out that some of us(like myself and Greggy) have to deal with this [!@#%^&^] on ebay ALL THE TIME, and have a lot more difficulty dealing with these issues. And many times, there's a lot more at stake than a pair of Spiderman toys. I was hoping that maybe you'd consider that, and realize that you have less to cry about than you thought.


If you were not complaining, then I'm Micky Mouse. You were trying to tell me that Canadians have bigger S&H "woes" than I do. True or not, how does that apply to me? Wrong is wrong and right is right, whether you live in the USA or Canada, right and wrong does not discriminate be it $10 or $100. What if those same figures had ended at $500 (I wouldn't have won them, that's for sure), would that make a difference about how YOU feel on this topic Mr. High Rollin' Comic Dealer!! smirk.gif


I've never had any problem with you in the past


I don't believe your being accurate with me on that point. I think you've been waiting to unload on me, as you did. Your followers (or is that leaders?) should be proud.




HEY [!@#%^&^], I DON'T JUMP DOWN EVERYONE'S THROAT! As a matter of fact, I would have to say that you decided to jump first. Also, how can you speak for everyone? YOU DON'T, you can't, and I frustrated you because you couldn't come up with anything better to say other than attacking me personally.


And if you want another piece of advice to avoid negatives on ebay, STOP JUMPING DOWN EVERY SELLERS THROAT,


As if you would know...give me a break. You've NEVER done business with me, and yet you boast as if you have. smirk.gif


And if you want people on this forum to stop being negative towards you, STOP STARTING THREADS ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS AS IF YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS ANY


Sure thing buddy, how many threads have I started about my "problems"? I'll bet you can count them on one hand. As if nobody else has EVER done this? Selfishness incarnated! Just FYI, I can't stop anyone from being negative towards me, no more than I can stop the sun from setting. People either like me, or they don't, and I'm not going to stop being myself for you, that's for sure.




Your every bit as confrontational as Meth made you out to be, months ago when I couldn't understand why he said what he did. Get out and enjoy the sunshine, this is a freakin' messageboard for cying out loud. If you want to respond, don't smash your keyboard too hard.


This is how you sound sweety, "Boo hoo woe is me, I don't know how to respond, so I'll get in his face and threaten him, boo hoo woe is me."


I'll be sure to keep your post in the ol' memory bank though. wink.gif

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If you were not complaining, then I'm Micky Mouse. You were trying to tell me that Canadians have bigger S&H "woes" than I do. True or not, how does that apply to me? Wrong is wrong and right is right, whether you live in the USA or Canada, right and wrong does not discriminate be it $10 or $100. What if those same figures had ended at $500 (I wouldn't have won them, that's for sure), would that make a difference about how YOU feel on this topic Mr. High Rollin' Comic Dealer!!


Actually, my first post was not a complaint, just a commentary. You obviously did not understand that it wasn't meant for you in general. You are too over-sensitive.


don't believe your being accurate with me on that point. I think you've been waiting to unload on me, as you did. Your followers (or is that leaders?) should be proud.


I have no clue WTF this is supposed to mean. You must either be very paranoid, have a low self esteem, or both if you think I've been out to get you or waiting to "unload on you". That's pretty sad. I don't post on here waiting for the right opportunities to pounce, and anyone who does that is pathetic. The only reason I unloaded on you is because you responded to my original post on this thread in much the same childish, "I've got something to prove" way that you seemed to handle your ebay transaction. And if you really think I've been waiting to unload on you, you must have a very short memory.


Just FYI, I can't stop anyone from being negative towards me, no more than I can stop the sun from setting. People either like me, or they don't, and I'm not going to stop being myself for you, that's for sure.


and I frustrated you because you couldn't come up with anything better to say other than attacking me personally.


If you're saying these things to convince yourself, or make yourself feel better, than you go girl!! Maybe if you can manage to blow up your self-esteem by repeating these statements as a mantra, your paranoia "me against the world" complex might go away.


Your every bit as confrontational as Meth made you out to be, months ago when I couldn't understand why he said what he did. Get out and enjoy the sunshine, this is a freakin' messageboard for cying out loud. If you want to respond, don't smash your keyboard too hard.


I don't recall ever arguing with Meth, so whatever he may have said or not said about me is entirely his problem and I could care less.


And maybe you should take your own advice. If I recall correctly, you were the one who decided to make a "diva-like" exit a few months ago. You say you will remember this thread, well guess what? I won't. Why? Because this thread has been very enlightening to me, and I have no interest in speaking or dealing with you. If you recall correctly, I was one of the people who told you not to leave the boards initially, and I still think you shouldn't. Here's the difference between you and me; when this is over(and this is my last post, regardless of what you say next) I will not troll you, hold a grudge, or bad-mouth you because I realize that people butt heads and argue from time to time. I just don't care enough, and your words do not have no impact, other than possibly making me laugh.


But here's one last thing for you to think about: Why don't you go looking around in past threads. See if you can find the number of these stupid arguments I've been in, compared to the number that you've been in. It'll speak volumes about who really takes this board too seriously, and likes to be on the attack.


And with that, I'm done with this thread. Say whatever you want...go on about how I "don't know how to respond" so that you can get your last little words in and feel like you've won. I won't blame you, as your verbal spews and attempts to belittle me or others are obvious over-compensations for the little, weak man you obviously are in real life. I really would love to meet you one day, as I would be very interested in seeing if you had the balls or the stomach to speak to me the way you have face to face. The great thing about the internet is that it has given social feebs and spineless failures like yourself an arena to act like tough guys, and to be what they obviously can't be in real life.


And before you cry about personal attacks, I'll use the same excuse for my posts that you did for you emails; "I'm having a bad day".


Say what you want to this. Actually, I encourage it, since in the course of whatever verbal spillage that is yet to come, you will inevitably prove my points about who you are, and how you handle yourself. Take your best personal shots at me..... I don't care. I'm done with this stupidity, and I'm done with you.





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Actually, my first post was not a complaint, just a commentary.


Keep on tellin' yourself that, I'm sure YOU will believe it.


You are too over-sensitive.


I think you need to recount the insults, and re-meaure everyone's "sensitivity level".


I have no clue WTF this is supposed to mean. You must either be very paranoid, have a low self esteem, or both if you think I've been out to get you or waiting to "unload on you". That's pretty sad. I don't post on here waiting for the right opportunities to pounce, and anyone who does that is pathetic. The only reason I unloaded on you is because you responded to my original post on this thread in much the same childish, "I've got something to prove" way that you seemed to handle your ebay transaction. And if you really think I've been waiting to unload on you, you must have a very short memory.


Sure thing bud, what does "self-esteem" have to do with anything? Your playing the "I'm innocent" card like you've been doing it for some time. "Childish"? You want to know what "childish" is? Look in the mirror buddy. You think your the baddest mofo on the planet, the same mentality that a bar bouncer takes, oh wait, you were a bar bouncer. blush.gif


Oh and my memory is better than you think, but my lips are sealed, sealed, sealed. grin.gif


If you're saying these things to convince yourself, or make yourself feel better, than you go girl!! Maybe if you can manage to blow up your self-esteem by repeating these statements as a mantra, your paranoia "me against the world" complex might go away.


BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's the funniest thing I've read all day. Hey gunius, I was responding to you. I respond to people based on how they respond to me, isn't that how it's done? So if you don't like my response, look in the mirror pal. You would make a good fisherman. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a fisherman is that they're famous for embellishing their "stories".


I don't recall ever arguing with Meth, so whatever he may have said or not said about me is entirely his problem and I could care less.


You're right, I don't recall you ever responding to his post. Silence isn't always so golden. blush.gif If he has a problem with you, I'm sure he has a GOOD reason, and I don't know, but I have a feeling you would care if you met him in person. blush.gif


And maybe you should take your own advice. If I recall correctly, you were the one who decided to make a "diva-like" exit a few months ago.


I don't know what you mean by "diva-like", but it sounds to me like you've changed your mind over a couple of posts. That's just a wee bit "over-sensitive" don't you think? Of course you don't think so. You feel justified, dignified, and proud of what you've said to me. Somewhere in your mind, you feel that you "said the right thing", and done a great "justice" to this board. Guess what? Your a legend...in your own mind. smirk.gif


You say you will remember this thread, well guess what? I won't. Why? Because this thread has been very enlightening to me, and I have no interest in speaking or dealing with you.


cool.gif Then PLEASE stop speaking to me, and don't reply to my messages. I will do just fine without your bullying around. As a business, you should have known that I have nothing to loose, but you on the other hand...well, let's just say that I don't think reading this thread will win you any customers. Maybe you don't "need" them either? blush.gif


Here's the difference between you and me; when this is over(and this is my last post, regardless of what you say next) I will not troll you, hold a grudge, or bad-mouth you


You have already "bad mouthed" me. An insult does not have to be a "curse" word, to be insulting. Also, you gave advice as if you knew me, and in a talking down to me sort of way (as if you were my daddy smirk.gif). We shall see if that was your last post in this thread. We'll see if you can keep your word. Your not going to hold a grudge? Right, you have no interest in speaking or dealing with me, but your not going to hold a grudge? Whatever. I'm sure you'll remember this, and maybe even bring it up later down the road, but it wouldn't be to your advantage.


just don't care enough, and your words do not have no impact,


HAHAHA! ...and you say that with the assumption that YOUR words do have an impact. laugh.gif


But here's one last thing for you to think about: Why don't you go looking around in past threads. See if you can find the number of these stupid arguments I've been in, compared to the number that you've been in. It'll speak volumes about who really takes this board too seriously, and likes to be on the attack.


I have to make a correction to your statement above. The word is not "attack", but DEFENSE, and I really don't get my jollies defending myself either.


And with that, I'm done with this thread. Say whatever you want...go on about how I "don't know how to respond" so that you can get your last little words in and feel like you've won. I won't blame you, as your verbal spews and attempts to belittle me or others are obvious over-compensations for the little, weak man you obviously are in real life.


Trying to talk me out of a "last response", but I can understand your frustration, you can't help it. You've spent your life bullying other people around, and you can't stand it if you don't have control over someone. Sorry, but you'll get no such satisfaction from me. "Verbal spews", "little", "weak", and you don't think these insults are "bad mouthing"? You "obviously" have never met me, but being the non-confrontational person that I am, I could care less about meeting a woman beater.


I really would love to meet you one day, as I would be very interested in seeing if you had the balls or the stomach to speak to me the way you have face to face. The great thing about the internet is that it has given social feebs and spineless failures like yourself an arena to act like tough guys, and to be what they obviously can't be in real life.


Why would you be interested in meeting me? So you could show the world just what a tough guy you really are? So you could show the world, that "might" proves right? Sorry bud, but I've NEVER struck another person in the face. I'm a peace loving guy, and laid back, and I have alway been able to "take it" without lashing back better than most people. You probably lack the self-control to walk away from a fight. YOU have to PROVE yourself, or everyone might think less of you. I don't claim to be a "tough guy", and I certainly don't act like one. "Social feebs", "spineless failures". YOU probably wouldn't consider those remarks to be "bad mouthing" either. I may not be the "life of the party", but spineless I AM NOT.


And before you cry about personal attacks, I'll use the same excuse for my posts that you did for you emails; "I'm having a bad day".


Ah, but what you fail to see is the CONTEXT of when I said it, and when you said it. YOU said it just to spite me...


Say what you want to this. Actually, I encourage it, since in the course of whatever verbal spillage that is yet to come, you will inevitably prove my points about who you are, and how you handle yourself. Take your best personal shots at me..... I don't care. I'm done with this stupidity, and I'm done with you.


Way to go Captain of the Industry! I don't doubt that you encourage it, after creating YOUR own version of my response. After putting your spin on what I would say. So that makes two posts, where you've spoken like a TRUE bar bouncer. Maybe you can't help it, you invite confrontation, and encourage it, much like a high school "bully".

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Wow MOS, and a happy Easter to you too.


Is this how a good Christian soldier would respond? I guess you ran out of cheeks to turn, haven't you?


What happened? Did your "what would Jesus do" wrist band rip?



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