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So Wolverine has his memory back...

16 posts in this topic

... do you care? Will this take him in new and cool directions? 893scratchchin-thumb.gif


From Newarama's interview with Joey Q:


NRAMA: Next week sees the first of Daniel Way’s Wolverine run which follows Logan, with memories restored, going out to reclaim his past. Brian [bendis] told us about the move to have Logan remember everything when we spoke with him about House of M, but what’s your take on have all of his blanks filled in? What made it a move you wanted to make now?


JQ: Well, we’ve played the Logan doesn’t remember his past and the false implant game for so long that I just think fans are sick of it. I know as a fan I was sick of it.


That said, we did get a lot of mileage out of it and it served the character well for many years. But after some time I think it became silly with all the bait and switches of false implants and so on. So, the idea was pretty simple - lets have him remember everything, even the false implants. Let Logan go on an adventure of discovery now, he knows where he’s going, but we as the reader still don’t. Logan will be investigating all of his past and even some of it that never happened just so he can figure out the reason why he was told that it had. The beauty of this is that Daniel has an actual timeline, so that when all of this is put together many years from now, it should hopefully not contradict itself as much of what came before had.


Logan’s first adventure of course is a very important one, because if you were Wolverine and you suddenly remember everything, what would be the first thing that you do? Let me tell you, this particular adventure is very important to me personally because it puts something in motion that I feel has been needed in Logan’s life since we first met the character. If you’re a fan of Wolverine, you do not want to miss this initial story!


I’m not kidding folks.


NRAMA: Was it something related to some of your original justification for Origin, that is, you wanted to tell Wolverine’s full story before someone else - a.k.a. Hollywood - did?


JQ: No, Origin solved that problem. This was more an offshoot of what Origin proved.


When we began to talk about Origin the word internally within the editorial ranks was that telling his origin would destroy the character. Even I found myself saying that at first. Then when I question myself if I actually believed that I realized that I didn’t and I was merely saying that because I had heard others say it. Besides, so many attempts had been made from Barry Smith’s legendary Weapon X to all the fake implant stories. Origins were told, it’s just that many were taken back for fear of somehow destroying Wolverine as if that was what made him cool.


Sorry, but to me, Wolvie is cool from the minute you look at him. I don’t think a kid playing with the action figure knows anything about his not knowing his origin, he just loves his look and his claws and what he can do with them. So I believe that there is a large portion of our audience that is excited as all heck to go on the adventure of discovering Logan’s past.


NRAMA: This obviously, is a pretty major deal for Marvel and the character. What made Daniel Way the choice to fill the writer’s seat on for the arc?


JQ: Daniel’s name has always come up when we discuss Wolverine, in many ways, if you’ve ever met Daniel, he is Wolverine. So, while his name was constantly coming up, he was a bit new to the comics’ game and we wanted him to get some more high profile work under his belt. This is a guy who in so many ways reminds me of a young Garth Ennis in his approach and style and we knew that the time would come when he would be perfect. Then we had Mark Millar’s run on Wolvie and it started to become more and more evident that Daniel was going to be the heir apparent on the book, especially after the tone that Mark and JRJr. had set down and the work that Daniel was hading in on Bullseye and especially Nighthawk (another must read folks).


NRAMA: End of the day, what does the full restoration of Wolverine’s memories do for the character and the types of stories that can be told with him?


JQ: Now we tell the exact opposite type of stories, where Logan is more proactive rather than have things happening to him. He’ll have a quest, he’ll have a hunt. Remember, just because he remembers it doesn’t mean it was true, so he’ll investigate in order to separate the wheat from the chafe and we’ll be right there looking over his shoulder.

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Sounds like potentially more smoke being blown up our ends. Quesada's last comment makes me think that it could become even more convuluted then it was before.


At this point, they feel that Wolverine needs something big. Pretty bad, when a great character's book is so crappy. Has been for quite some time. Though I will admit, the Wolverine House of M books were actually pretty interesting. I personally didn't care of the Millar books at all. Seemed to cinematic and fake.


Since I've been a Wolverine fan forever and have nearly all his books, I'll be picking it up. I just won't be getting my hopes up too much.




P.S. Anyone else like the Wolverine HoM as much as me?

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Sounds like potentially more smoke being blown up our ends. Quesada's last comment makes me think that it could become even more convuluted then it was before.



i agree....


here...take this origin...


ok...we made some mileage off it....prof x finds something in his head...a long lost cousin shows up, something happens in japan...lady deathstrike is revealed to be his sister....bwahahahaha bend over Wolvie fans because his orgin still wasn't his origin!!!


sorry. bitter wolverine fan here.


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Not that I didn't tell all those "Origin is 100% definitive" fanboys that Marvel would begin tinkering with it in a few years... just like all the other "definitive Wolverine origins" over the years....


The only question is, does Marvel use a memory implant, Skrull imposter or clone to explain it all away?

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Not that I didn't tell all those "Origin is 100% definitive" fanboys that Marvel would begin tinkering with it in a few years... just like all the other "definitive Wolverine origins" over the years....


The only question is, does Marvel use a memory implant, Skrull imposter or clone to explain it all away?


a clone of a Skrull with a memory implant, of course. why do half measures?

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I actually really like Supreme Power: Nighthawk. The books' team is really solid. "Must read" might be strong but it is one of their better books right now.




I'm enjoying it as well.


I think he plays a good counter to all the metas in the team book, but it's interesting to see him going solo.

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I actually really like Supreme Power: Nighthawk. The books' team is really solid. "Must read" might be strong but it is one of their better books right now.




I'm enjoying it as well.


I think he plays a good counter to all the metas in the team book, but it's interesting to see him going solo.


Agreed - its been a cool 'adult' read so far thumbsup2.gif

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I actually really like Supreme Power: Nighthawk. The books' team is really solid. "Must read" might be strong but it is one of their better books right now.




I totally agree on that...I thought he was referring to the Nighthawk from the old Defenders...who's just recently started making cameo's again.......



the Supreme Power books have all been good.....well, Dr. Spectrum kinda sucked.....but the rest have been excellent

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I actually really like Supreme Power: Nighthawk. The books' team is really solid. "Must read" might be strong but it is one of their better books right now.




I totally agree on that...I thought he was referring to the Nighthawk from the old Defenders...who's just recently started making cameo's again.......



the Supreme Power books have all been good.....well, Dr. Spectrum kinda sucked.....but the rest have been excellent

Its good as a MAX book but I wonder what it will be like as a Marvel knights book.

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I actually really like Supreme Power: Nighthawk. The books' team is really solid. "Must read" might be strong but it is one of their better books right now.




I totally agree on that...I thought he was referring to the Nighthawk from the old Defenders...who's just recently started making cameo's again.......



the Supreme Power books have all been good.....well, Dr. Spectrum kinda sucked.....but the rest have been excellent


Since the MAX Supreme Power series and its characters are loosely tied to the Bronze Age Squadron Supreme, found in Defenders, I wonder how they are going to tie the MAX Nighthawk into current Marvel continuity?

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