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OT: Holy Terrible Super Bowl Officiating!

367 posts in this topic

Can you name me a single critical/controversial call of any significance that went against the Steelers? Any?


I think the Hasselback fumble that was correctly reversed upon further review went against the Steelers.


How about the Jerramy Stevens fumble that was called incomplete? Looked like he had possession, made a football move and had the ball knocked loose.





gossip.gif shh, that doesn't fit the "conspiracy theory". If it had been the other way around, I'm sure it would be noteworthy.


How about the blatant Horsecollar tackle of Alexander? Never even mentioned before. Clear violation of the rules and obvious because it was in plain view of everyone watching...should have been 15-yards against the Steelers. Never called.


I can name 2-3 non or bad calls against the Hawks for every one you try to produce for the Steelers, so feel free to waste your time in a fruitless attempt to justify your point.


Dude, seriously. You sound like a guy who has never seen an NFL game before. I respect that it's your team and all, but get a grip.


Just the opposite I'm afraid, I think after tonight, I've seen one NFL game too many.

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Can you name me a single critical/controversial call of any significance that went against the Steelers? Any?


I think the Hasselback fumble that was correctly reversed upon further review went against the Steelers.


How about the Jerramy Stevens fumble that was called incomplete? Looked like he had possession, made a football move and had the ball knocked loose.





gossip.gif shh, that doesn't fit the "conspiracy theory". If it had been the other way around, I'm sure it would be noteworthy.


How about the blatant Horsecollar tackle of Alexander? Never even mentioned before. Clear violation of the rules and obvious because it was in plain view of everyone watching...should have been 15-yards against the Steelers. Never called.


I can name 2-3 non or bad calls against the Hawks for every one you try to produce for the Steelers, so feel free to waste your time in a fruitless attempt to justify your point.


Seriously, I know how bumming it is when the team you live and die for loses. Especially in a big game like this, but rewatching adn analyzing every play of the game isn't going to reverse the final outcome. I'm sure if you breakdown every play at every position, you will see many non-calls against BOTH teams.

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It's true. Your example couldn't be more off-base if you tried. To imply that JC has a child who could play in your theoretical game would imply that JC has a child and for JC to have had a child he would have to have had sex at some point in his life. Now, I'm no doctor, but I don't think you can impregnate a sock painted up with mommy's lipstick...


Wow, the Steeler Fanboys are certainly getting testy that their team had to cheat to win the big game. 27_laughing.gif


I already said that I'm a Chiefs fan... and thus, that makes the Super Bowl almost entirely irrelevant to me. frustrated.gif


Unfortunately that's how it's been for us. I'm hoping Herman Edwards doesn't shut down our offense while he brings up out defense. And if the league didn't recognize Larry Johnson this year, they'll definately know him by next year. The guy could definately hit 2000 yards.

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I like Larry Johnson. With KC's line, he should be a 1,500-yd, 15+ TD back for years to come.


It's too early to be looking at the 2006 season. Could Brett Favre PLEASE get cut by the Packers, and be reunited with Mike Holmgren in Seattle one last time? Seriously, it would guarantee us a SuperBowl victory next year.

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I like Larry Johnson. With KC's line, he should be a 1,500-yd, 15+ TD back for years to come.


It's too early to be looking at the 2006 season. Could Brett Favre PLEASE get cut by the Packers, and be reunited with Mike Holmgren in Seattle one last time? Seriously, it would guarantee us a SuperBowl victory next year.


Is Brett coming back for sure? I haven't read up on his decision at the end of the season. I was hoping he would continue to play.

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It's true. Your example couldn't be more off-base if you tried. To imply that JC has a child who could play in your theoretical game would imply that JC has a child and for JC to have had a child he would have to have had sex at some point in his life. Now, I'm no doctor, but I don't think you can impregnate a sock painted up with mommy's lipstick...


Wow, the Steeler Fanboys are certainly getting testy that their team had to cheat to win the big game. 27_laughing.gif


I already said that I'm a Chiefs fan... and thus, that makes the Super Bowl almost entirely irrelevant to me. frustrated.gif


Unfortunately that's how it's been for us. I'm hoping Herman Edwards doesn't shut down our offense while he brings up out defense. And if the league didn't recognize Larry Johnson this year, they'll definately know him by next year. The guy could definately hit 2000 yards.


hail to the Chiefs another great old AFL team! thumbsup2.gif

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Although I couldn't care less about football and especially two teams that aren't the Packers (I care about the Pack because my family cares) I watched the game to see the commercials.


Yet even I saw very uneven officiating. It wasn't just that there were bad calls against the Seahawks. It was that nothing went against the Steelers and everything went against the Seahawks. It was so lopsided. Whether it was a conspiracy, bias, or just bad officiating, I have no idea. Just felt wrong to me and I really don't give a flying fig who won the game.


-- Joanna

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Although I couldn't care less about football and especially two teams that aren't the Packers (I care about the Pack because my family cares) I watched the game to see the commercials.


Yet even I saw very uneven officiating. It wasn't just that there were bad calls against the Seahawks. It was that nothing went against the Steelers and everything went against the Seahawks. It was so lopsided. Whether it was a conspiracy, bias, or just bad officiating, I have no idea. Just felt wrong to me and I really don't give a flying fig who won the game.


-- Joanna


Steelers have been playing without penalties. The exception in the last 5 is the denver game, where they had some penalties in the secondary.


Steelers penalties in the playoffs:


Penalties 6-39 7-90

Penalties 2-8 9-67

Penalties 8-61 4-20


Regular season



wk 17 Penalties 5-47 2-15

wk 16 Penalties 4-25 3-30

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Although I couldn't care less about football and especially two teams that aren't the Packers (I care about the Pack because my family cares) I watched the game to see the commercials.


Yet even I saw very uneven officiating. It wasn't just that there were bad calls against the Seahawks. It was that nothing went against the Steelers and everything went against the Seahawks. It was so lopsided. Whether it was a conspiracy, bias, or just bad officiating, I have no idea. Just felt wrong to me and I really don't give a flying fig who won the game.


-- Joanna


My wife and I were watching the game saying the same thing - and we both don't watch NFL! Seattle was robbed for sure. Terrible officiating...! Christo_pull_hair.gif

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“ I'm not sure they were mental mistakes as much as just mistakes. I guess it wasn't our day that way. You can't make the mistakes we made and expect to win the game against a good team like that. ”

— Seattle quarterback Matt Hasselbeck



Just in case anyone was wondering why the Seahawks lost, I think Hasselbeck summed it up nicely. Notice he didn't say they lost because of the refs, conspiracy of some kind or the Russian maffia. They made mistakes at crucial times and it cost them.

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I'm a Bronco fan, so I didn't have any strong feelings one way or another going into the game. I had a slight bias towards the Steelers for representing the AFC, but after watching one horrendous referee's decision after another go against the Seahawks, I started rooting for Seattle, hoping they could overcome all the injustices being perpetrated against them. This game was so horrifically officiated that I don't blame people for wondering if the "fix" was on. I doubt it was, but some of the on-field officiating really, really made you wonder. 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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I'm a Bronco fan, so I didn't have any strong feelings one way or another going into the game. I had a slight bias towards the Steelers for representing the AFC, but after watching one horrendous referee's decision after another go against the Seahawks, I started rooting for Seattle, hoping they could overcome all the injustices being perpetrated against them. This game was so horrifically officiated that I don't blame people for wondering if the "fix" was on. I doubt it was, but some of the on-field officiating really, really made you wonder. 893scratchchin-thumb.gif


55,000 votes & counting on the ESPN SuperBowl poll and 41% of America says that Poor Officiating will be the thing they remember most about this SuperBowl.


For a look at all the articles being written about it... Click here.


I mean, even Skip Bayless, Pinhead Extraordinare, who detests Seattle (and believe me, the feeling is mutual) says the Hawks got hosed.


Bury your head in the sand if you wish, but the NFL, which I have always held in the highest esteem above all other pro sports organizations, is taking a beating today in the eyes of many. Agree with the calls or not, the SuperBowl shouldn't be filled with this much controversy.


'Nuff said.

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Game was one of the worst to watch Super Bowls I've seen. Even worse than some of those blowout no-contests from the late 80's/early 90's.


Refs did seem to be biased towards Steelers, but that's not the reason Seattle lost. They lost b/c Pittsburgh is a better team. Steelers stunk it up yesterday and they still won. Made the big plays when they needed it. Seattle had every opportunity to win. If they ever had a chance to beat Pittsburgh, it was yesterday, and they couldn't do it.


Seahawks fans, quit your whining. You got beat. You had plenty of chances and didn't capitalize.


And, how do they get beat on that trick play? You knew that one was coming. foreheadslap.gif


Hasselback was the only guy on Seattle that was worth a [embarrassing lack of self control] yesterday. Nobody else even tried to step up. Oh, Seahawks need to get a new punter too.


Game was lousy all the way around. Bad play, bad officiating, bad halftime show, bad commercials. One of the worst SB's I've had the pleasure of watching.

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Seattle blew their chances and lost the game by two scores...this wasn't a one point loss that a call one way or the other would have made the difference. The better team won, and that's the sentiment I get from reading the 'hawks player quotes as well. confused-smiley-013.gif

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Seahawks fans, quit your whining.


And Panther fans, and Eagles fans, and Giants fans, and Patriot fans, and every other team fan that has spoken out....





Ref-haters, quit your whining!



better? tongue.gif

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