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Legitimate Non-Threatening Questions Posed To Matt Nelson

719 posts in this topic



Has it occurred to you yet that this topic might be gettin' old?


And it'll keep getting older until answers are forthcoming from a number of parties embroiled in the issue. thumbsup2.gif


Couldn't have said it better myself. thumbsup2.gif


You're a good foot soldier. yeahok.gif (I think that was intended to insult you, but I'll let you guys battle it out).

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Matt -- here are some different questions for you:


1) Are you getting tired of being posed endless questions that will do absolutely nothing for you?


2) Do you care that aside from the very small group of people who care about this issue, the people reading the thread probably remain very silent because they don't care very much whether the book is pressed or not?


3) Do you ever wonder if no matter how many questions are asked of you, nothing will ever be a sufficient answer so you are fighting a losing battle here?


Nick -- getting answers is important -- but let's be honest, pressing isn't as problematic an issue as trimming etc.

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Here's my question(s) to everyone.


Why is it necessary to categorize all modifications into only 2 categories? Is conservation/restoration a continuum or discrete classes? Is it possible to clearly deliniate between the two (e.g. is blowing dust off a book cleaning? What amount of dust/dirt removal constitutes professional cleaning?) If not, is there any point in continuing the discussion in the direction it's going?


Probably not necessary, although I believe these are the two primary categories that are utilized in the profession. I recall Tracey Heft's patent application might have discussed some variations. Your questions are valid, and also discussed, at least in part, in Heft's application. At times it is likely impossible to determine which was intended because intent would be a factor, and thus there is considered methods that cross over into both, such as pressing.


The question about where to draw the line as far as degree has been raised in the context of CGC grading as well. CGC allows small amounts of glue or color touch within a blue universal label. How much glue or color touch is the straw that breaks the camel's back and sends the book to a PLOD is unknown, though the question has been asked.


Do you have any thoughts on these issues or just raised it as a question?

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Matt -- here are some different questions for you:


1) Are you getting tired of being posed endless questions that will do absolutely nothing for you?


2) Do you care that aside from the very small group of people who care about this issue, the people reading the thread probably remain very silent because they don't care very much whether the book is pressed or not?


3) Do you ever wonder if no matter how many questions are asked of you, nothing will ever be a sufficient answer so you are fighting a losing battle here?


Nick -- getting answers is important -- but let's be honest, pressing isn't as problematic an issue as trimming etc.


Gee, I guess Matt has foot soldiers too. Go figure.


Won't do anything for him? Certainly won't help him by avoiding even the most basic questions. If he at least takes the time and articulates an educated position for his views, so what if people agree or not. No one is trying to make this anything other than an honest and reasonable discussion. What kind of expert won't stand up for his/her beliefs?


You guys think this is just confined to the boards? You're sadly mistaken and underestimate the power to spread information, particularly through the Internet.


Matt can take your advice if he wants to, but if you are wrong he will be the one to suffer any adverse consequences, not you. Free advice is worth what you pay for.

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Oh God Mark, relax.


I'm just having some fun -- and I would say over dramatic, self important advice is worth the same as free advice.


I'm not advising Matt to do anything other than just NOT bother with the boards... it hasn't hurt many other dealers or pressers or anything else, now has it? Because it's a losing battle.

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This is my problem with you on this issue.You are aggressively chasing an issue,yet you haven't said how you stand on it,yourself.

Like it or not,you have emerged as the poster-boy,flag-bearer of the anti-pressing cartel. I think you should define some of your beliefs on the subject. Is there legitamite conservation,or is it just double-talk for undisclosed restoration.

I'd much prefer a discussion on this,where I know where both players stand,then an interagation,which is how I'm seeing it now.

This issue isn't going anywhere.Take some time and come up with a one paragraph creed,so we can all compare and contrast your two beliefs. Could be,theres a lot more common ground than anyone realizes.


You've got to be kidding Shad! I haven't expressed my views? Where have you been?


Look, I can't help it how people inaccurately categorize me. I don't know how many times I can say I am not anti-pressing. Perhaps I need to put that in my signature line or something.


I don't have a precise definition for conservation though I am sure I likely subscribe to whatever the professional community has utilized, just as I haven't crafted my own definition for restoration. But of course there are legitimate conservation methods, just as there are legitimate restoration methods. There is nothing wrong with either of them, which is why it is less a question to me whether one method falls within the restoration category or conservation category. Pressing can be either, but it is primarily restoration.


I am not sure what else you are requesting of me that is really needed to further this debate, especially since I apparently cannot get substantive answers from the other side anyway.

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Oh God Mark, relax.


I'm just having some fun -- and I would say over dramatic, self important advice is worth the same as free advice.


I'm not advising Matt to do anything other than just NOT bother with the boards... it hasn't hurt many other dealers or pressers or anything else, now has it? Because it's a losing battle.


Give me a break, Brian. What do you guys contribute to this discussion when all you do is come on and denigrate other people's efforts to merely engage in a rationale substantive conversation?


And what I am exactly saying is that your advice to Matt to ignore these questions is not sound. Of course he might wish to ignore blantant attacks on him, or the back and forth once he expresses his opinion. I've been told myself to ignore personal attacks, and have tried to do so.


Show me where Matt ever answered the substantive questions I posed at the beginning of this thread? I'm not talking about answers like, "I won't answer that", or directing the question back at me. Those questions are completely legitimate, non-threatening and only seek to further the discussion. Why is it that Cicconi and Heft have no problems continually engaging in discussion with me on these very points?


If Matt wishes to send me his answers offline, that's fine. I'll keep them to myself if he wishes. Not sure how others will react to that, but he can deal with them on his own. Not sure why he would want to keep the conversation private since I am only asking for his expert advice and I don't understand why he would not be willing to express that advice. I'm not asking for him to disclose trade secrets or customer information, unlike others. And I've defended him when others have asked him to do so.


I'm sure there must be better ways for you to have fun. Don't you have comics to read?

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I think you really need to give everyone a break -- a break from your constant self righteous tone. And if you don't mean to come across that way, you certainly do to me. Increasingly more and more these days.


I denigrate YOUR voice because we've heard it a GAZILLION times already. I agree that Shadroch should know your stance already -- because you are clear: You want disclosure... and that's fine -- I respect that stance, but what I don't respect is the endless cycle of threads you lob up that do absolutely NOTHING to advance the discussion.


You're not engaging in any rational discussion, you're doing what you do best, promoting your positions first and foremost and masking it in some sort of rational conversational tone like people who disagree with you are "attacking" you and you're some kind of martyr for the great "pressing and disclosure" cause.


The real question is, don't you have better things to do with your time than continue with these endless threads at least once a week and endless posts on the exact same subject?

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I think you really need to give everyone a break -- a break from your constant self righteous tone. And if you don't mean to come across that way, you certainly do to me. Increasingly more and more these days.


I denigrate YOUR voice because we've heard it a GAZILLION times already. I agree that Shadroch should know your stance already -- because you are clear: You want disclosure... and that's fine -- I respect that stance, but what I don't respect is the endless cycle of threads you lob up that do absolutely NOTHING to advance the discussion.


You're not engaging in any rational discussion, you're doing what you do best, promoting your positions first and foremost and masking it in some sort of rational conversational tone like people who disagree with you are "attacking" you and you're some kind of martyr for the great "pressing and disclosure" cause.


The real question is, don't you have better things to do with your time than continue with these endless threads at least once a week and endless posts on the exact same subject?


How is asking an expert in the field questions about his views, which he has not articulated anywhere in substantive form, not advancing the debate?


I find this so amazing. Why do you and others who are tired of this and me come to these threads? Was not my first post an obvious indicator to all who are tired of this not to read further?


Do you not have anything better to do than come into threads you don't like and attack people you're tired of? As soon as I get answers to questions, I'll be happy to move on.


And believe me, I'm still getting all my billable hours in. As a matter of fact, I got two new paying clients today. yay.gif

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Has it occurred to you yet that this topic might be gettin' old?


If you're tired of it or annoyed by it, then why bother continuing to read and post in these threads? I never understand why people would waste their valuable time and energy on something they have no real interest in.


In my over 2,000 posts, I don't believe I have ever made a post in the Modern Comics section. Why? Because I don't really collect or have much interest in Modern Comics (aside from a few obscure titles).


I see many threads here in comic general that don't really interest me or I have no real opinion or "dog in the fight", so guess what? I DON'T POST IN THEM!


But, if you feel the need to waste your valuable (or maybe I'm handing too much credit out) time reading and posting in threads like this, that you have no real interest in contributing to, then feel free, as it's your life and time you can never get back in doing so.

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Watch out guys, you're going to be called my foot soldiers! 27_laughing.gif
I'm my own man.

6165.jpg Just stay in your trench until it's time to move out. sumo.gif


I'll tell you when you can be your "own man." makepoint.gif




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Watch out guys, you're going to be called my foot soldiers! 27_laughing.gif
I'm my own man.

6165.jpg Just stay in your trench until it's time to move out. sumo.gif


I'll tell you when you can be your "own man." makepoint.gif




You're just mad cause I left the seat up back at the latrine.
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Watch out guys, you're going to be called my foot soldiers! 27_laughing.gif


I don't really mind what they want to call me. Of course, we are all "anti-pressers" too which is not accurate.


Labels won't alter my views on this topic or silence me.


I comment in these threads because I have an interest, I care about the topic. What I don't get is why so many who don't care will argue so vociferously to the contrary. What's in it for them? If someone truly doesn't care, then why the strong retorts? Perhaps, secretly, they do care. They are concerned if disclosure of pressed books becomes the moral standard. They are concerned if their collection risks becomming tainted. They are concerned if their collections risks loosing value.


I'm not really sure, but what I would like from those who only like to chime in to tell everyone they "don't care" or are "sick of these threads" to add the real reason they are here posting and taking the time to get involved (even if they add no real substance to their post).


I don't want anyone to take this wrong, as there are those who are of opposing views that do add substance to their posts, but there have been plenty who have come on here and made it clear they are not interested in the topic.


I'm just curious why they bother confused-smiley-013.gif

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