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Who Comprises CGC's restoration detection division? Where are Friesen & Brevard?

218 posts in this topic


I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif

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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


So if it is not CGC's policy to answer every question on this board, but it is their policy to speak to you in person or on the phone, why do people insist on pushing things on here. If someone came into my house and demanded things done their way time and time again, I'd be showing them the door and they would not be returning. But that's just my feeling on the matter.



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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


So then let's see if I have this right.


1) You know that there's little chance that CGC will come answer your questions when presented in this manner.


2) You know that if you pick up the phone and call tomorrow, your questions would be answered in less than five minutes, and you'd be free to post whatever information you got on these forums.


3) Despite 1) and 2), you still choose to insist on posting like this instead of simply calling to get the information.


Now do you see why I question whether getting important information and disseminating it publicly is your true goal?

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Scott...would you agree that the collective Forum shouldn't have to get their CGC policy information second-hand? Because the scenario you used means just that. Someone at CGC should be available to clearly answer these questions, and these have been questions that have been asked repeatedly over a long timeframe by multiple people, in a public forum. That's the problem here...no one is available as a CGC spokesman. Steve is uncomfortable to post on sensitive matters (according to you). Arch has stated he isn't a spokeman on CGC policy. And it looks as if Plitch, West, or Newt aren't the guys.


So who is it going to be? Because this has been an on-going problem for a couple years now and causes more confusion than clears issues up...




What do you mean, second-hand? There's no limit on who can call CGC and get questions answered. Anyone can call if they want to know and can get answers first hand. If anyone feels the need to post what they are told, they can. If other people want to call after reading the posts, they can do that too. The big gripe doesn't seem to be that CGC isn't willing to answer questions -- it is that CGC isn't "Burger King" and you don't get it "your way." And boy, isn't it suspicious and mysterious and shady that you don't get it your way! 893whatthe.gif893whatthe.gif


CGC has made the decision not to come and respond to every question directed at them on these forums. That is CGC's decision to make. You're not "entitled" to have a CGC spokesperson here to answer your questions. If you want answers, you are free to call and get them, and you and everyone else knows that if you actually made the effort to pick up a phone, you'd get those answers. But it seems like those who thrive on the constant gripe-fest aren't interested in answers. They're interested in the ego-massage that comes with being the latest person to rattle the cage.

893applaud-thumb.gif To everyone who doesn't understand why CGC has become gun-shy about publicly responding to questions on this message board, please re-read Arch's thread, particularly the reference to being subject to Alan Greenspan levels of scrutiny. I'm frankly surprised people here haven't started questioning West on the significance of Friesen sitting THREE desks down from him, and speculating that Matt Nelson and Jim Halperin are sitting at the desks in between.


Mark, I know you and some of the others demanding answers in this thread have talked with Steve Borock and other guys at CGC, either on the phone or at one or more Forum Dinners, since some of the original threads asking about Friesen and Brevard. In all this time, why hasn't anyone simply asked Steve in person and then posted the response here? If I'd realized it was such a burning issue for you, I would've asked him in SD on your behalf just to get it over and done with.

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In reading between the lines, it still appears that there are rumors out there that Chris Friesen was/is performing restoration/conservation services (pressing, etc.,.) while employed by CCG before, during, and after PCS's mysterious existence, and I would sure be interested in hearing CGC's comments on that rumor...but no, I'm not going to call either. It would be nice to hear from someone that has actually had Chris work on their books as well, but that doesn't appear to be happening either. confused-smiley-013.gif


If true...would you still deal with CGC? confused-smiley-013.gif


Yep. thumbsup2.gif

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[What do you mean, second-hand? There's no limit on who can call CGC and get questions answered. Anyone can call if they want to know and can get answers first hand. If anyone feels the need to post what they are told, they can. If other people want to call after reading the posts, they can do that too. The big gripe doesn't seem to be that CGC isn't willing to answer questions -- it is that CGC isn't "Burger King" and you don't get it "your way." And boy, isn't it suspicious and mysterious and shady that you don't get it your way! 893whatthe.gif893whatthe.gif


You are completely missing the point. Sure they can answer my questions on the phone. They can answer anyone's questions according to you though I would like to think they have other business matters to attend to instead of fielding multiple phone calls during the day. But there isn't one place to get CGC policy information for all. That's missing. Getting that information by telephone is convienent but isn't, in my opinion, a very professional way for a company to dessiminate information. Especially one whose business is based on trust, impartiality, and transparency in their product.



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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


It's all good Mark, I was just busting your chops. My experience is when I call and talk to Steve with a specific agenda he is adept at quickly turning our conversation to Heroclix and family.


I see him working, he is a master at it.


Lesson learned, put on my gameface before calling CGC, stick to my guns and ask simple, yet important yes or no type questions. And mix up my questions to throw him off HIS game.



Steve, do you wax your pony tail?


Steve, do you brush your teeth after lunch, or just at night?


Steve was Chris pressing books at home to practice before PCS?


Steve will you be in Chicago next year?


Steve, if pressing WAS detectable would you change your stance?


Steve, how is your daughter?


Steve , if I take apart a book will it get a blue label?

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Why all the mystery?


So, why are their whereabouts and activities shrouded in mystery? popcorn.gif


Mark, I have to admit that I did flinch at the phrases "why all the mystery" and "why are their whereabouts and activities shrouded in mystery" in your initial post. From the scoop article, I would assume that Friesen and Brevard are at CGC, doing resto checks on submitted books. Why would you assume differently?


You commented that you could have repeated "the numerous rumors I have been hearing about what others believe is going on, but I did not and I would not because they are just that - unsubstantiated rumors." Comments like that drive me nuts, because they provide just enough information to fuel the idea of "a mystery" to some on the boards.


If you'd called CGC and got the run-around, then I would fully support your post. It's common knowlege on the boards that Steve doesn't like to respond in length to posts like this on the boards. Rather than hoping Steve's personality will suddenly alter, or asking CGC to hire a public relations person, why not deal with the reality presented to us and make a phone call? It sounds like you already did, but didn't ask all the questions you're asking in your post?


And frankly, since we're always giving CGC a hard time for hit-and-run posting on late Friday afternoons, why start a thread like this late on a Friday night, allowing it it to stew and fester all weekend before CGC opens its doors Monday morning? I understand that you're busy, and you're just now catching up, but couldn't the thread have waited for Monday morning? Or even better, the aforementioned phone call?

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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


So if it is not CGC's policy to answer every question on this board, but it is their policy to speak to you in person or on the phone, why do people insist on pushing things on here. If someone came into my house and demanded things done their way time and time again, I'd be showing them the door and they would not be returning. But that's just my feeling on the matter.




I think we should stop losing sight of who the customer is here.


I buy CGC products. I sell CGC products. I use CGC products. That says it all.


Mets 13, Cardinals 5. Top 7th.

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[What do you mean, second-hand? There's no limit on who can call CGC and get questions answered. Anyone can call if they want to know and can get answers first hand. If anyone feels the need to post what they are told, they can. If other people want to call after reading the posts, they can do that too. The big gripe doesn't seem to be that CGC isn't willing to answer questions -- it is that CGC isn't "Burger King" and you don't get it "your way." And boy, isn't it suspicious and mysterious and shady that you don't get it your way! 893whatthe.gif893whatthe.gif


You are completely missing the point. Sure they can answer my questions on the phone. They can answer anyone's questions according to you though I would like to think they have other business matters to attend to instead of fielding multiple phone calls during the day. But there isn't one place to get CGC policy information for all. That's missing. Getting that information by telephone is convienent but isn't, in my opinion, a very professional way for a company to dessiminate information. Especially one whose business is based on trust, impartiality, and transparency in their product.




I'm not surprised that this is YOUR opinion, but I also think it's safe to say that any attempt that CGC would make to try to placate you would be a wasted effort. For the rest of us "easier to please" customers, we're satisfied with our abilities to pick up the phone, ask our questions, and post any answers we feel the need to share. And I don't think there's anything "unprofessional" about a company that refuses to kowtow to every internet persona with an axe to grind.

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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


So if it is not CGC's policy to answer every question on this board, but it is their policy to speak to you in person or on the phone, why do people insist on pushing things on here. If someone came into my house and demanded things done their way time and time again, I'd be showing them the door and they would not be returning. But that's just my feeling on the matter.




I think we should stop losing sight of who the customer is here.


I buy CGC products. I sell CGC products. I use CGC products. That says it all.


Mets 13, Cardinals 5. Top 7th.


I buy Ham,..is that important?

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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


So then let's see if I have this right.


1) You know that there's little chance that CGC will come answer your questions when presented in this manner.


I never said that. Others did.


2) You know that if you pick up the phone and call tomorrow, your questions would be answered in less than five minutes, and you'd be free to post whatever information you got on these forums.


I already responded to this statement above. I find my response to be reasonable under the circumstances. I want an official, formal response, not my after the fact reflection.


3) Despite 1) and 2), you still choose to insist on posting like this instead of simply calling to get the information.


Now do you see why I question whether getting important information and disseminating it publicly is your true goal?


No, I don't because your premises above are not reflective of my position. I understand why you reach your conclusion based on your facts, but I don't agree with your conclusion when I consider the facts as they actually are.

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I think we should stop losing sight of who the customer is here.


I buy CGC products. I sell CGC products. I use CGC products. That says it all.

With most other companies, the customers complain about customer service because they can't get a person live on the phone and have to rely on FAQs on the company's website, emails or instant chat. Here, you can reach everybody at CGC by phone, from the President Steve Borock to Chris Friesen directly, and you're complaining because CGC won't post on an anonymous message board. Dell Computers would KILL to have customers like you!

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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


It's all good Mark, I was just busting your chops. My experience is when I call and talk to Steve with a specific agenda he is adept at quickly turning our conversation to Heroclix and family.


I see him working, he is a master at it.


Lesson learned, put on my gameface before calling CGC, stick to my guns and ask simple, yet important yes or no type questions. And mix up my questions to throw him off HIS game.



Steve, do you wax your pony tail?


Steve, do you brush your teeth after lunch, or just at night?


Steve was Chris pressing books at home to practice before PCS?


Steve will you be in Chicago next year?


Steve, if pressing WAS detectable would you change your stance?


Steve, how is your daughter?


Steve , if I take apart a book will it get a blue label?


No prob Kenny.


I definitely don't want to know if Steve waxes his pony tail! 893whatthe.gif

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Why all the mystery?


So, why are their whereabouts and activities shrouded in mystery? popcorn.gif


Mark, I have to admit that I did flinch at the phrases "why all the mystery" and "why are their whereabouts and activities shrouded in mystery" in your initial post. From the scoop article, I would assume that Friesen and Brevard are at CGC, doing resto checks on submitted books. Why would you assume differently?


You commented that you could have repeated "the numerous rumors I have been hearing about what others believe is going on, but I did not and I would not because they are just that - unsubstantiated rumors." Comments like that drive me nuts, because they provide just enough information to fuel the idea of "a mystery" to some on the boards.


If you'd called CGC and got the run-around, then I would fully support your post. It's common knowlege on the boards that Steve doesn't like to respond in length to posts like this on the boards. Rather than hoping Steve's personality will suddenly alter, or asking CGC to hire a public relations person, why not deal with the reality presented to us and make a phone call? It sounds like you already did, but didn't ask all the questions you're asking in your post?


And frankly, since we're always giving CGC a hard time for hit-and-run posting on late Friday afternoons, why start a thread like this late on a Friday night, allowing it it to stew and fester all weekend before CGC opens its doors Monday morning? I understand that you're busy, and you're just now catching up, but couldn't the thread have waited for Monday morning? Or even better, the aforementioned phone call?


Jeff, I do believe I have offered a response to your comments in prior posts above.

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[What do you mean, second-hand? There's no limit on who can call CGC and get questions answered. Anyone can call if they want to know and can get answers first hand. If anyone feels the need to post what they are told, they can. If other people want to call after reading the posts, they can do that too. The big gripe doesn't seem to be that CGC isn't willing to answer questions -- it is that CGC isn't "Burger King" and you don't get it "your way." And boy, isn't it suspicious and mysterious and shady that you don't get it your way! 893whatthe.gif893whatthe.gif


You are completely missing the point. Sure they can answer my questions on the phone. They can answer anyone's questions according to you though I would like to think they have other business matters to attend to instead of fielding multiple phone calls during the day. But there isn't one place to get CGC policy information for all. That's missing. Getting that information by telephone is convienent but isn't, in my opinion, a very professional way for a company to dessiminate information. Especially one whose business is based on trust, impartiality, and transparency in their product.




I'm not surprised that this is YOUR opinion, but I also think it's safe to say that any attempt that CGC would make to try to placate you would be a wasted effort. For the rest of us "easier to please" customers, we're satisfied with our abilities to pick up the phone, ask our questions, and post any answers we feel the need to share. And I don't think there's anything "unprofessional" about a company that refuses to kowtow to every internet persona with an axe to grind.


Scott, putting aside the issue of whether I, as you believe, should have called CGC and asked my questions rather than posting them, do you agree any or all of the questions are legitimate?


We can debate "etiquette" all day long and each have different opinions, but lets focus on the substance here for a minute.

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I don't expect CGC to answer each and every question people pose to them. They can certainly choose not to respond to my questions and we can then interpet that fact accordingly. But nor do I feel the need to have to call them every time to have a question answered. And people can interpret that however they wish as well.



Then why do you feel the need to make a thread about every question you want answered?


Picking up the phone can take less time then making a single post,let alone a bakers dozen, and you will probably recieve a better answer then you would on the boards too.


I dont get your logic Mark.


And YEs the Mets score IS more important then this thread.







Because Kenny this is a discussion that should, as far as I am concerned, be in the open. It impacts everyone IMHO. And I am happy to encourage discussion about this topic, particularly because I have seen these questions asked repeatedly on these boards without response AND because I know people who have personally asked those at CGC and never received what they perceived as a satisfying answer. So this is not really a post out of the blue, although to some people it may seem like that.


Besides, I'm watching the Mets game again and that seems to get my fingers moving.makepoint.gif27_laughing.gif


So if it is not CGC's policy to answer every question on this board, but it is their policy to speak to you in person or on the phone, why do people insist on pushing things on here. If someone came into my house and demanded things done their way time and time again, I'd be showing them the door and they would not be returning. But that's just my feeling on the matter.




I think we should stop losing sight of who the customer is here.


I buy CGC products. I sell CGC products. I use CGC products. That says it all.


Mets 13, Cardinals 5. Top 7th.


I buy Ham,..is that important?


It is if you want to ask the company that sells the Ham a question. yeahok.gif

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