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I was a 2019 CGC Awards Winner!... and then i wasnt...



On July 19th, 2019 the CGC announced the winners of the annual CGC awards.  I was very excited to see who would win.  I have a few sets that i constantly work on to keep on an award winning level, i was extra- pumped this year because i felt a few of my sets had a pretty good chance of getting some recognition.  I started checking to see if the awards were posted around noon-  i know that is a little early- but i was very excited. 

At around 1pm i looked at my custom set that i was hoping might get an award-  i scrolled down my set description, and low and behold- there it was- the little award seal for "Best Custom Set 2019"--  i was at work, so i nonchalantly got up from my desk- went outside into the hot afternoon air- and began to cheer loudly at my victory.  After i calmed down- i went right to work showing everyone at my workplace the award i had won-- everyone where i work knows i am a comic junkie- so they were all very happy for me.  I then sent a link of my set (with the award stamp on it) to a few artist who helped with my books- they were very happy for me and congratulated me with much enthusiasm.  I sent the link of my set to my wife- she of course was over-joyed that all my hard work had paid off.  My friends and i decided to have a celebration dinner- we all met up and ate Mexican food and cheered for my award.  It was an awesome afternoon-  getting an award on my set was a big deal, i was over-elated to say the least. 

The day of celebration was winding down- when i got home from all the partying and carrying on- i went to my CGC account page- and there was a box i had to click that said "claim award"-  With a giant smile i clicked that button-  and i was sent to a link that didnt exist.  When i went back to my set-  the award stamp for best custom set was gone.  I checked the 2019 winner page and my name and set were not on it, someone else's set actually received the award.  (the winning set is amazing...but what happened to my award?) (I've never seen the CGC put stamps on nominee sets either- nor is that something stated anywhere on CGCs website???)(and if that's a thing-- it is a really crappy thing to do)

SO if you are reading this- you can only image the complete drop in my stomach and the giant pile of utter disappointment that washed over me when i realized that i actually didn't win anything- and my set must have been accidentally marked as a winner.  Not winning the award was one thing- but the total embarrassment I felt for acting so excited sort of bummed me-  and the look of shock that i received from ALL the people i told about my win to, and then not actually winning..- people who actually looked at my set with me- and saw that award stamp was there was pretty deflating. 

So for a few hours on 7/19/19 i had the best custom set- and then it was gone.  Im not sure if this was an accident on CGCs part, or if someone was playing a funny joke on me- but either way it was a very confusing and sad situation.  So i feel like a fool- I'm not sure what kind of attitude I  should have toward the CGC right now-  but it was pretty crappy thing to have happen- very embarrassing, a little humiliating-    I've never went from feeling like such a winner to such a loser-  Thanks a lot CGC-

I didn't take a pic or anything because i didn't realize that my award was a farce and would be stripped from my set- so all my proof is gone (with the exception of the 20 or so people that actually saw my award with their own eyes-)

Im trying to keep a good attitude and laugh about it----- but its really not too funny- and i was/am pretty devastated.   BUT- for 7 or 8 hours- I WAS A WINNER!-  at least i know what my set would look like with an award stamped on it.




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  • Administrator

On behalf of CGC I apologize for this incredibly disappointing experience. I can assure you that what you experienced was not intended and this is the first we are aware of it. If you have the link that you forwarded to your family and friends, I would certainly be interested in seeing it. You can send that to me in a pm on the boards or via email at dena@ngccoin.com. It may offer a clue as to how this could have happened. I will address this with our programmers to determine the cause.

In the meantime, I would like to offer you an extension of your membership for another year at no cost to you. I realize this does not undo your experience but I hope you will accept it as a gesture of appreciation for your participation in this community. Your set is indeed awesome and we value your willingness to display it in the CGC Registry.

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  • Administrator

Update - After understanding what caused this, we have a different response. We will modify the award announcement to include MrWalkingDead's set and Lookin4Newsstands' set as winners in the Best Custom Set category.

Here is what happened:

The Best Custom Set judge marked 3 sets as potential winners for that category. Before taking the awards live, we are supposed to make sure the appropriate number of sets are marked for each category. The Best Custom Set judge ultimately chose just one set because that is what we committed to in our original award announcement. However, we failed to recognize that the markers on MrWalkingDead's set and Lookin4Newsstands' set had not been removed. I take responsibility for that. As the awards were going live, the programmers noticed that we had too many winners in the Best Custom Set category and corrected it. That is why the award icon was there one minute and then gone the next.

Since these sets were under serious consideration for that category, it was decided that there is no reason why we have to award just one set and we would like to expand that category to award 3 sets. 

We understand that this doesn't completely remove the sting of how this unfolded and we appreciate the approach these men took in bringing this to our attention. Both are true gentlemen and we are grateful they are a part of this community.

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You deserved to win a second time. You're set is untouchable, even though I'm still partial to my old Spawn set (which no longer exists as it once was). :)

 I was surprised to see you win again so soon after your first victory, but I chalked it up to two things:

1. Your set is untouchable in the Modern age category. 

2. Lack of competition. 

I'm sad to see that it went down like it did. Really unfair of the CGC. 

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