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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. A link to a photo of the Metro booth at SD with the 3 copies of Supes 1, 2 copies of Wonder Woman 1, plus Pep 22, AS 8, 'Tec's 29, 31, 35, etc. Don't see the Fantastic 3, but you do get a bonus interview with Vinnie: http://scoop.previewsworld.com/Home/4/1/73/1018?ArticleID=197797
  2. Looking at it carefully, looks way over graded and not worth any consideration Oh, my God, you are right..........there's all that horrible writing all over the front cover. How do you go about retracting a foolish bid which you just made? Now I won't be able to sleep tonight waiting to contact Heritage right when they open for business tomorrow morning. Oh, thank my lucky star! I can go to sleep now.........some poor blind fool just placed a larger bid on the book than me.
  3. Not the same thing since it sounds as though the price for 9.0 copy of Hulk 1 went down when it came back to market so soon. With the 8.5 graded copy of AF 15, it ended up selling for double what the purchaser had paid for it 6 months earlier, which indicates to me that he more than made out alright on the sale in such a short period of time.
  4. Looking at it carefully, looks way over graded and not worth any consideration Oh, my God, you are right..........there's all that horrible writing all over the front cover. How do you go about retracting a foolish bid which you just made? Now I won't be able to sleep tonight waiting to contact Heritage right when they open for business tomorrow morning.
  5. No way because that's where all the fun is. Driving along the Coast Highway enjoying the view with the wind blowing through your hair and a stack of pre-Robin 'Tec's in the back seat of the car. Ahhh.....it would be so nice to be back in 1991 again.
  6. Mitch; You've got to stop day dreaming all the time and get back to the real world with the rest of us here. Either that, or can you pick up another copy of Action 1 for us for $1,801?
  7. +1 When I used to go, I always set aside a day like Saturday to drive up the Coast Highway and visit all of the beach cities like Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, etc. and then stop off in beautiful La Jolla for a nice romantic Italian dinner. Very nice and relaxing day. Or am I venturing too far from the convention center?
  8. Thanks for the reminder as I just took care of him for you.............whoever he was, is no longer. Love these old label books and it looks like there are another couple of old label early Fox books in the CC Auction also.
  9. Is there a church of the book? V2 #2 Yes, as you can see, it came from some collection called the Vampire University Collection and was auctioned off by CC back in 2013: http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=483062 An absolutely gorgeous copy, but what else would you expect from a Church copy. Looks like there are only a total of 7 graded copies in the census so far, with the next 2 highest at VF 8.0 (1 8.0 Universal in current Heritage Auction and 1 Jon Berk Conserved copy in last CC auction).
  10. That's because the prices of the bigger name or key pre-Robin 'Tec books were the first to take the big jumps and these later lower profile ones came in later on the coattails of the bigger boys. It's also easier to get the big percentage gains when you are starting with a lower price point, as say comparing it to a 'Tec 31's starting price point. It's good to see that Overstreet has taken a definite shift in his pricing strategy and has noted the increase in the lower grade tiers as clearly mentioned by him in his last two market reports. It's obvious that books such as 'Tec 31 has been selling in all grades for ever increasing amounts of money and yet there has been no public sale of one in the higher grades. As a result, while 'Tec 31 has increased by 28%+ in top of guide over the past 2 years, Bob has also increased it by 92%+ in bottom of guide over the same 2-year time frame.
  11. given that this copy has the "L" on it, I suspect it was also from the OO...so, maybe there were 2 copies or Michael is confused if there was only 1....no idea, except my after spending almost an hour with Michael at sdcc, I was under the impression he knew what he had and he offered all the AMF's to me at a good discount, but I just couldn't justify buying them, with the "run" not in tact I hope that you guys do realize that all this talk about the Centaurs seems only to drive up the prices for the current offerings on Heritage. For example, I wake up this morning and their copy of this particular issue pictured above is now into the mid 5's (including the juice) with still another 2 weeks to go. Every time I say that some of these prices can't go any higher, they just seem to end up going even higher. Maybe it's time we talked about something more exciting like Westerns or strip reprint comics if we want to pick up some of these centaurs at reasonable prices.
  12. Overstreet has definitely noted this phenomenon and in fact is the only thing he has personally mentioned in his last 2 market reports. Especially in terms of the key books now commanding such huge dollars, that collectors are now targeting the lower grade tiers. I guess this is why we are seeing some rather explosive prices for what Gator refers to as entry level copies. A classic example of this would be 'Tec 31 which seems to be out there in the lower grades, with respect to the CC auctions at least. Copies of this particular book are definitely moving in all grades for the past few years, except for high grades since none has come to market in this time. So, while Overstreet has bumped this book up by 28%+ over the past 2 years in top of guide, he has bumped it up by a whopping 92%+ in bottom of guide during the same 2-year time frame. Same with a smaller key book like Flash 86 which he has increased by 172%+ over the past 2 years in top of guide, and yet at an astounding 377%+ in bottom of guide during the same 2-year time frame. Definitely a marked change from what Overstreet had been doing for the prior 40+ years by increasing prices with a definite bias towards the high grades. This is very clearly evident when he would often keep prices exactly the same at the bottom tiers and then simply increase the prices on the top 2 grade tiers and in effect, increasing the spread between Good and NM- prices which was the definite pattern for the first 40+ years of the guide's existence. Definitely good to see that Overstreet is attempting to keep up with this changing aspect of the marketplace.
  13. Johnny; So, you was the one that beat me out on the AMF V2#6. Can't remember if my last bid was right under yours, but it was pretty much around there as there was just so many books in the 3-minute time window then. Looking back to see how the entire auction unfolded, I definitely should have bumped some of my bids up a few notches higher. Not sure if I would have gotten any of those books in the end, but it doesn't hurt to try. A word of advice just for you: Looks like you've got the perfect color coordinated combination of red, yellow, and green in your collection there as they simply look beautiful AS IS. To add an abhorrent color like blue in there would serve only to throw off the whole beautiful color coordination appearance of your collection and hence put your collection at risk from a valuation point of view. With a collection like that above, asset preservation and risk prevention is most critical, so STAY AWAY FROM THE BLUE. Well, at least for a couple of months until you've given it some more thought.
  14. Looks like it was re-holdered then since it's in a new slab. If the prior owner says it had quite a lot of brittleness, then that's most likely the reason for the assigned 1.8 grade (and not the tape). Would agree with you here since we do not have the book in hand and you can never truly grade from just a scan.
  15. Not sure why my last post tuned all pink and say Hidden, so this is just a repeat of my previous post: Come on, you guys..........of course I knew exactly what you meant. You didn't notice my emoticons when I said that I couldn't agree with you more. As I stated, I was simply basing my comment upon the 3 slabbed scan only since I do not have the actual books in hand. If you compared all 3 of them, the CGC 1.8 copy sure as heck looks a lot nicer than the CGC 2.0 copy that was graded by them a couple of years later. Sitting in front of a computer screen, we have nothing else to go by except what we see, especially when we are also too cheap to buy the Graders Notes.
  16. The book has tape, so if CGC ignored the tape and took into account the seen defects (e.g., splitting of the spine due to brittleness) then the 1.8 is accurate. Steve; I believe you may actually be correct here depending upon the extent of the damage which the 3 pieces of tape on the back cover is covering up, but only if the book was graded using CGC's current published policy with respect to the application of tape which only came into effect with all submissions after May 3 of 2013. But since this particular copy of 'Tec 29 was graded back in April of 2011: https://www.cgccomics.com/grading/verify-cgc-comic.aspx?cgc-comic-cert=1027841002&grader-notes=yes or prior to CGC's revised policy on the use of tape, it probably should have received a higher grade due to the tape being there to "fix" what should have been otherwise a defect in terms of CGC's unpublished grading policy at the time. It should also be noted that there might be slight differences in the grading policies between the 2 major grading companies. Just because CGC made a grading policy change with respect to the application of tape does not mean that the other grading company(s) have to followed suit. Although it might not be a good idea to link to the other company's official published grading guidelines here, especially when our current host here has no published grading policy at all , I will simply point out that the other grading company does allow the application of tape in grades up to 3.0 and simply leave it at that. At the same time, I am a bit perplexed here because if tape was one of the primary reasons why the above 'Tec 29 received the CGC 1.8 grade, then why did the following 'Tec 29 received a CGC 3.0 grade when it also had tape denoted on the label and yet this copy was graded when CGC 's new tape policy was in full force: http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=684452 My guess is this was most likely very minor tape use and probably was not covering up that much damage, as this copy in fact looks much nicer than its assigned 3.0 grade , but who really knows unless you have the actual book in hand.
  17. A real blow to their credibility. Not good... +2 Johnny & Peter; Can't agree more with the two of you here. Although you certainly can't grade from just scans alone without having the actual book in hand, based upon what I am seeing here, this certainly appears to be a blow to CGC's credibility and hopefully some explanation will be forthcoming from them , although I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for one as I definitely doubt any would be forthcoming. Especially if you also threw in this other CGC graded copy of 'Tec 29 into the mix: http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=676561 Now, if you compare all 3 slabbed graded copies, it makes it a whole lot easier to see which one of them is more likely to be out of synch in terms of its overall final assigned grade.
  18. Didn't some collectors say almost exactly the same thing when 3rd party independent grading started up with CGC back in 2000?
  19. Look into it and let us know the process. I have no idea who or where to send it. I thought CVA was a separate company (Comic Verification Authority??) that the majority of the board members here laughed off as nothing more than a silly concept. I thought this lack of acceptance by the general marketplace was one of the reasons why they did not last and ended up closing their doors. Are you guys now saying they are still alive and kicking and still affixing their stickers on superior looking copies of books relative to their assigned grades?
  20. +1 I totally agree and also thought the Tick cover was by far the best. Ended up getting the Hero Initiative Limited Edition cover since I thought it was the best of the non-Tick covers. Thank God Liefeld didn't end up drawing a pregnant Deadpool like how he drew an almost pregnant Cap in his now infamous Captain America cover.
  21. Well, well.......it looks like old Bob finally finally got around to breaking out a few of those early Master's with the classic Raboy covers. This included the Master 27 with the classic V for Victory cover, the Master 33 Swastika cover, and the not so classic so-so Master 36 Statue of Liberty cover. It's about time although I thought the cover Master 27 is really the most classic and should have gotten the largest percentage increase which was given to Master 33 instead.
  22. Since this is the Jon Berk Auction thread, it is important to clarify and note that as far as I know, all of the books from the Jon Berk Collection were simply slabbed and auctioned off as is in their original "natural" state.
  23. Nope. Has it grouped: 11-13: $206/412/618/1318/2259/3200 If that wasn't enough, how about this kick to your nads? 11-13: 12-The Hawk-c by Eisner. 13-Eisner-c And to top it off, he's had issue 14 broken out for as long as I can remember and valued higher than the Jumbo 11-13 grouping.
  24. Decinitely a cool cover bit it's printed similar to the issues around it. Then maybe it's because verybody here simply has nicer copies of this particular issue of AMF 2/2, as opposed to some of it's neighboring issues. Either way, I just love this gorgeous combination of colors being used on all of these covers from AMF 1/3 right through to AMF 2/6.
  25. Seems like everything from dc to fox to Centaur to mlj to fiction house etc. appears just about all mainstream is popping I assume this would exclude pre-hero GA books such as your pre-hero DC's, strip reprint books such as Famous Funnies, Popular, Super, etc., and your bland non-descript funny super hero cover books like early World's Finest, Leading, Comic Cavalcade, etc.?