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Everything posted by 2Sunny

  1. Are you a collector? I ask because I'm curious how you avoid pressing. Do you only buy from the "wild"?
  2. Yes, but then people would just press professionally BEFORE sending to CGC, and it would be REALLY hard to uncover that.
  3. Yep,totally understand and agree it's "restoration", but if I was buying a book to bring home, I would want it to be in the best condition it could be. I have art hanging on my living room wall, and it has been "restored", but it gives me no less pleasure when I examine the art. Again, we each choose our own preferences, and I respect yours immensely, but I am willing to purchase "restored" works without prejudice, and I think that increases the market, and I believe THAT is a good thing.Thank you for sharing your opinion!
  4. I see. Mint books become less rare with pressing, but I don't see how that is a bad thing. Again, not judging just understanding.
  5. I have no opinion one way or the other so please don't take this wrong, but I am very curious as to why you feel that way. I do realize this was debated at length, but I am new.
  6. Just wondering when this forum started, who are the longest posting regulars, and what were people saying 10 years ago that came true?
  7. Will you be listing this somewhere? This is a book I'm looking for in good quality.
  8. I have several comics with a similar crease. I went to the Ask CGC forum and got the above answer from a CGC rep. regarding the crease below. If I was a buyer looking on Ebay I'd be happy if you called that an 8.0 - 8.5 thinking you are not trying to oversell or overgrade.
  9. I've been only buying for my first few weeks, but now I have some decent quality dupes in my collection that I want to sell. None are of much value so I'm fairly sure that it's not worth slabbing any of these, but my question is how does one maximize income. I am patient and not in a hurry. 1) What are the pros and cons of using something like this board versus Ebay? 2) Would no reserve auction actually maybe increase value? 3) What's the best way to determine pricing? 4) Is there a trick to cheap packaging and shipping? What do others use? I'm sure there are numerous questions I'm missing simply because I am unaware, and I am certain this discussion has come up before so I beg the tolerance of regulars. Thanks to all that offer advice! JP
  10. I think I’ve sent 23 books into CGC so far with the intent of selling 3, and I think I’m going to crack 10. I just really wanted to know what they were according to CGC. Has anyone else ever done the same?
  11. So, it seems many folks here are both. Question: A lot of people here have money. Why flip for a few bucks?
  12. So, I started 2 weeks ago wanting to add to my collection, but now I’m finding excitement in the idea of buying cheap and selling dear. Has anyone else fallen prey to the siren song of profit in lieu of simply collecting? Can you be both?
  13. Can’t believe I am doing this, but I’m going to defend KSH and 3 J. First, all 3J did was catch a mistake. Second, KSH cancelled the order and refunded my money because of this thread. Third, KSH offered me free advice on any future purchases. Fourth, KSH sells quality books slightly above value. Don’t we all want to do the same? In my job I asked a question as to whether or not Scabs could be forgiven, ever. The answer came back “ Are you crazy,NO!” Are KSH offences unforgivable? Doesn’t he offer quality books?
  14. So, what motivates an owner to take such a deal? Do you think it's people who sell outright or consignments or do you think it makes no difference? Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining as I love the comics I have purchased so far, just seems often they were under priced. I do see that sometimes a 6.0 is priced like a 7.0 or higher so I get that, but not always.
  15. Bought several dozen books from MCS now to fill in my collection of Nova, Ms. Marvel, Black Panther, Invaders, Defenders, Human Torch, and Inhumans. I bought all Raw and was primarily looking for stuff that was 6 and 7s because I want to read them as well so I didn't want to spend crazy amounts of money when I didn't need to. My question is: has anyone ever purchased an 8.5 or 9.0 from MCS and had it graded by CGC as a 9.8? Here's an 8.0 I bought. Sure looks like a 9 something to me, no? My question/assumption is if there are 8s that are 9's then are there 9's that are 9.8s?
  16. Just wondering if it's my location or widespread. I went to Covrprice.com to load a few more names into "My Collection", but the site appears down. I get to the sign in page, but nothing further. Anyone else?
  17. I don’t believe it’s a 9, but I think there is a very slim chance the clean and press MIGHT bring it up to a 9 IF the press takes out the spine bends and the cover color is considered normal. I don’t see that as likely but maybe. Anyways, the last lowest CGC sale was 2018 8.5 for $50, the only current CGC is a 9.0 and they are asking $250 and then on EBay there are 15 Raws listed ranging from $10 to $57 and I believe mine to be in better condition than the best Raw currently offered on EBay hence the $50 guess. Of course I have no interest in selling but I had to put something so that’s how I came up with the number. https://www.ebay.com/itm/312652523472 https://www.ebay.com/itm/294093913385?hash=item44795cfd29:g:kG8AAOSw34hgY5sP
  18. Again, not getting rich, but I recently ordered several issues of Invaders from MCS to fill in my collection, and I just realized the Invaders 6 that I got for $6.70 is the 30 cent variant which has better value than the 25 cent. Who new this hobby could be fun for reasons of mini-lotterys!!
  19. As with everything else in this hobby you are entitled to your opinion, but "worthless" is an assessment you are making, and obviously not literally true as they continue to sell the card for money. Again as a basic sense of what is meant by "white" in this hobby it is a start, and better than having nothing as a reference.
  20. Yeah, I'm the anti-privacy non-freak. Really I could care less. In the old days we had these thing called telephone books and that was published and handed out to the whole town, and it published names, phone numbers, and addresses. Today if you wanted to find Joe Peck you could get my driving record, tax records, and much more with little trouble. Heck, just go to FB and it's all there as well. If or when Big Brother goes after me, there won't be a darn thing I can do so for now I will live life without fear. I walk my dogs in the woods everyday I'm home, but none of my neighbors do. Why? They are afraid of getting bitten by ticks and getting Lyme Disease. I had Lyme Disease in 1995. I will walk my dogs in the woods until I can't.
  21. It was $2 and really I see now it's not "current", but truth is it gives one a relative sense of whiteness with no trouble. Clearly hobbiests wanted more definition, but that was a really good start and one can discern an opinion of the page color with little trouble without a "cream" reference.
  22. Awesome post! Thank you. Advice taken for sure.
  23. I sent it in today. We'll see
  24. For those on this thread with positive comments . . . thanks! I'm assuming the post above was about me. If not than forgive this rant. Trouble with the internet is words come out totally wrong. First, I never accused anyone, and certainly never mentioned a "robojo" unless that's the name for Kellyssuperheroes on this forum. Here is what I said: and then I said this to JJ and it came out all wrong. I should never have said "prove it". What I meant was can you explain to me what you are seeing that makes you say it's not the book I thought, but it came out as a taunt: Then came some back and forth about whether or not I was holding a book from Kellyssuperheroes or not that really had nothing to do with my original post which was to bump an 8 year old post about an Ebay seller who may or may not be using unethical sales methods, but whose listings do seem odd even today. The accusation in the thread is that they are books taken from slabs that cracked and sold as higher grade. I did not make that accusation, it is in the thread. Now the other problem was I broke one of my Cardinal Rules: Never Drink and Post. There should be jail time or something so people like me remember to stay away from the computer after drinking. I thought the book I photographed that night came from Kellyssuperheroes, but in fact it did not. I have since had a long email back and forth with Kellyssuperheroes and he has been immensely gracious and simply cancelled the order after reading the thread here on CGC and realizing my intention. He went further in offering to help with advice on any of my future purchases. Anyways the point is 1) I did not accuse anyone of anything I said "if" it's true then I would rather not buy from Kelly again, but as he has been so gracious I find I am willing to reconsider buying from him in the future, and 2) I was confused about which book I had, but that was so ancillary to my desire to bump an important thread, and once I woke up no longer under the influence of alcohol I simply felt it wasn't worth discussing further. I had bumped the thread and that was enough. Now, however, it appears folks feel I accused somebody of something. If I did, it was not my intention and I am sorry and apologize. As for this thread and the two sides. Fear not - at 55 I have super thick skin (maybe too thick in the head at times) so I intend to stay . . .ohh . . . and one last point. Someone posted I did not take the advice I asked for in the MoonKnight/ water damage thread. I totally disagree. All I asked was can pressing repair the damage. I never asked for opinions on what I should do with my book that I intend to keep, but I got plenty of "hey dude, your book sucks, go buy a better one and don't waste money repairing junk." Well, like the Cap thread it's my junk and my money so I plan on repairing it whether dollars make sense or not (but I still think I will come out ahead in the long run ) That was one long post . . . from a not so lurker anymore. Peace y'all. Hey I found another "Key" today in my collection!!