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Everything posted by AGGIEZ

  1. It's a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino, not a milk shake. The village I live in does not have one of those stores. So you're Amish or Ethiopian?
  2. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz........ Stuck in QC purgatory....
  3. Gemma, I haven't seen a label for Blip #1 as there are only a few copies graded, so I'm not sure if this is already listed on the label. Can you update the Blip #1 label to include "1st comic appearance of Mario and Donkey Kong"? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6486759#Post6486759
  4. Picked these up today at Steel City Con...$0.50/ea. All 1st print 9.6/9.8 candidates... (thumbs u
  5. my 1/28 is still at scheduld for grading but just chnged to that a few days ago
  6. Wow, check out the 3rd pic in this auction... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140928959318&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en Rare?
  7. :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap:
  8. Nice corners on that copy. (thumbs u Looks like a slam dunk 10.0 to me...
  9. Scheduled for Grading.. "Grading/Quality Control" Shipped!! 10/29/2012 Invoice Date, 3/26/2013 Shipping Date...148 days
  10. (thumbs u Thanks! ....and it will sit at "Grading/Quality Control" for another few months
  11. I email them once a week. They are currently opening books of week October 27....... "Opening books"? Do you mean grading books? Which tier are you talking about? They opening the vault and taking a group of books out. then they to grading for a week, then to encapsulation for a week, then 2 weeks later they are shipped out... thats what they tell me. heck who knows, CGC is more private than the CIA Ehm ... you seem to be confusing the actual process. When books are shipped to CGC, they show up as "Received". CGC then checks the books and they go to "Verified". After that the books sit in the vault for a while - for how long depends on the tier - get pulled out for grading, then moved to the encapsulation room, and then back in the vault until they're ready to be QC'ed and shipped out. The time between stages depend on the tier and how back-logged CGC is at various stages - sometimes they switch from graded to shipped very fast, sometimes they don't. If your subbed your books back in November under either the Economy or Value tier, they are at least sitting in "Verified" right now - perhaps even scheduled for grading - and will most likely get graded within the next week (based on what other people have posted so far). Green Jacket Gold Jacket...Who gives a S-H-I-T on the process ....I dont have the books since Nov 3rd.... Im glad you can explain how sausage gets made... With that lovely attitude, I'm sure CGC is working overtime just to get your books "opened" :thumbsup: Next time don't be a cheap-azz and pay for fast-track. not because I wasnt being cheap, They didnt offer it so I didnt know. i dropped about 2 grand on books this month so its not the money Finally I will have my Batman 227 foreign set Perhaps next time you will give a S-H-I-T about the process, then. My books are curently sitting in the QC part so I should have them soon after they are done & shipped out Don't get too excited. One of my subs has been stuck in QC purgatory for well over a month now. Another just got to QC 2 weeks ago.
  12. Sweet! I was too lazy to check but I was pretty sure there was only 1. Great book!!
  13. NICE! Not many of those on the census!
  14. Just got my first 4 copies in. Not really a "Magazine"...more of a comic format as far as the size of the book goes. Would probably fit in a Current/Modern bag/board. I guess given that this is a Marvel Comics publication I'm not surprised.
  15. Several subs stuck in Grading/Quality Control purgatory... Get that man some help!!!!!