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Everything posted by sfcityduck

  1. (thumbs u I think I can arrange that in the next few days! Brilliant!
  2. Interesting how the logo changed from the ashcan of Action 1 to actual Action 1 -- e.g. got rid of thin and squiggly lines top and bottom of logo for bolder border. Does the similarity between the as published "Action" logo and the "Action Funnies" logo mean the "Action Funnies" ash-can post-dated the publication of Action 1?
  3. I wish Moondog (and Zaid and whoever else has Ashcans) would doe a separate post your Ashcans thread with all those rare beauties none of us will ever see in person on one thread. Those are the coolest!
  4. Court copy This may be my favorite O'Mealia cover. It's a great and dramatic composition, the rendering of the main figure is as good as Foster or Frazetta, the colors are spectacular with the yellows contrasting against the blue sky, and, maybe best of all, the way it breaks the third plane and the main figure extends into the logo heightens the drama and emphasizes the main figure's expression of determination.
  5. I'm asking about the value of PLODs, and I assume that DG's copy is not blue. The Court copy went for a little under $150K right? And I don't think that copy is nearly as nice as DG's, although the Court copy does have a certain cache due to its history that might bump up its price a little bit. The reason I keeping asking for opinons on DG's book, is that I wonder what affects value more when it comes to a restored book: (1) How much it is restored, or (2) How good it looks. DG's copy has white pages and not a lot of restoration, but it is not going to present as well as some more restored copies, at least to a casual viewer, because of the discoloration on the top edge. For restorted copies is it all about the "Apparent" rating, or will a more structurally sound and less altered restored book trump a higher rated "apparent" book?
  6. I recall seeing this book when DG first got it and he had it on display for one day in his store. And I recall the picture in the catologue that you are referring to -- which is somewhere on this site in the 2 to 3 years ago timeframe. What Gator is calling "color wash" was on the book before DG got it, as was the now absent grease stain. In any event, if a heavily taped poor looking bad page quality restored book is worth 51K, what's DG's copy worth? What's the most a restored book has sold for?
  7. no doubt (thumbs u but how much restoration has been done to it? we will only know if it is "professionally" graded/checked. The owner, who is an upstanding guy, says not much at all.
  8. If that thing's worth $51K, what's this white paged comic worth?
  9. Is there any doubt that Leo O'Mealia's run of Action Covers, 2-6, is one of the greatest consecutive runs of covers by any GA artist?
  10. Is that Captain George Hendersen of Captain George's Whizbang fame?
  11. Do they include the first Superman issue? Heritage and Sotheby's think that's a rarity.
  12. Marvel Mystery #1 came out last year, and it wasn't a reprint. See here: http://marvel.com/catalog/?id=11832
  13. I think it is highly unlikely that anyone would be able to fake a GA comic book. Heck, Marvel and DC have had enough trouble converting them into a presentable form for Archives or Masterworks that they resorted to lower quality scanning or redrawing to create a presentable facsimile -- and those are readily distinguishable from the originals by a mere eyeball test, without even doing any of the sorts of scientific evaluation that might be used to assess whether a painting is a fake. And its not like you can just pass off a counterfiet Action 1 on a street corner. Realistically, you are going to have to fool sophisticated collectors, auctioneers, and, probably, third party graders. I wouldn't lose any sleep over this one. I also don't think that the very slight risk would create much more interest in a comic's "provenance" than now exists. Seems like many collectors and dealers are already under suspicion for shady practices at one point or another -- whether thats restoring books, passing off restored books as unrestored, overly generous grading, or even, I've read, forging the identifying marks of certain pedigrees on to non-pedigree books. So provenance ultimately seems a negative concern, not a positive one, if it can be discerned at all. Why would anyone care about provenance when CGC certification rules the market?
  14. Roy Rogers has been Archived by Dark Horse and Marvel has Masterworked the Rawhide Kid. You might want to check out those books to see if you like the stories enough to collect them.
  15. My father's boyhood collection has comics from the late 40s and early 50s. I remember reading Gene Autry, Gene Autry's Champion, Tomahawk, Long Bow, Indians, and some others. I thought they were all pretty enjoyable stories. The Dell titles had more sedate covers, photo or painted, but more consistent interior art and stories. The Fiction House titles had really nice colorful covers, and I remember really liking Long Bow, but I don't the writing was the same quality as Dell. My favorite art and stories were Tomahawk, especially the Frazetta art, but he's more a Daniel Boone figure than a western cowboy and its set around Revolutonary War times.
  16. Thanks for sharing, Mark. That looks like a fascinating read.
  17. Well ... CA 46 came out in April 45. Auschwitz was liberated in January 45 and VE day was in early May 1945. So it might really have been more a matter of the limited time between the truth of the Holocaust becoming public knowledge (1/45) and the end of the war in Germany (5/45).
  18. Scrooge, Thanks a lot! I tried to answer my own questions, but you beat me to it (and I didn't see before I posted) and I appreciate the confirmation it was Paul Reinman. I was going off of GCD information that had a ?
  19. The story is found here: http://allthingsger.blogspot.com/2009/06/never-again-friday-comic-book-day.html It pre-dated "Master Race" by three years. The artist may have been Paul Reinman.
  20. Can you post full scans of "Atrocity Story"? Did it pre or post-date "Master Race"? And who was the artist/writer?
  21. Well ... if your goal is to truly own every DC comic ever to appear on a newstand, arguably you haven't met that goal with the Double Action that's on Comic Connect.
  22. Is Ian selling his Double Action on Comic Connect, and, if so, did he get a better one?