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Everything posted by sfcityduck

  1. The reviews of this movie are off the charts! Never seen so much positive writing.
  2. Kirby is probably on my Mt. Rushmore for comics overall. But the GA? Nah. His art style in the GA was not up to his early SA standards, and his GA “creations” do not impress me as much as others. Capt. America was created by Joe Simon and was an unoriginal copy of the Shield. It might have been the first example of Marvel trend following. Both Subby and Human Torch were much more original characters. Moreover, Kirby did what - ten issues of CA? And I view Schomburg covers as the definitive GA portrayal of the character. I just don’t think that CA measures up to a lot of other creations of the GA such as Superman, Batman, etc. Bucky, like Toro, was just a copy of Robin. The Kid Gang concept was not something I view as a major innovation just a kid Blackhawks. S&K rode that horse as far as they could but To me that was an commercial trend that petered out. Romance comics was just a commercial idea of Simon’s adapting a major magazine genre to comics to capture female readers, and romance had been done in comics before - Simon just went all in which was a smart economic move. I would not call Kirby the top romance artist by any means. Kirby did introduce a unique style for portraying fighting action. It was a great style. However, other artists also introduced their own innovations for storytelling, pacing, portrayal of action, etc. For example, Eisner, Kurtzman, and Krigstein in comics and of course the strip artists like Raymond, Foster, and Caniff were all influential. Kirby’s style got much more traction in the SA. To me Kirby’s GA reputation is a bit overhyped thanks to Stan Lee. In my book, for example, Everett was a more significant artist for Timely/Atlas in the GA. There were a lot of important artists in the GA and for me Kirby was not the top.
  3. My only point is that Kirby was not King of the GA. Other guys had better resumes. Kirby took it up several notches in the SA.
  4. I don’t think any competent -script writer would write this stuff. It is way too implausible and dramatic. PS Ant-Man Paul Rudd was at the game filming Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney shedding tears as they won. It is a wonderful story. I was in London last months and caught Crystal Palace beating Leicester for thei first win of 2023 which put them out of the relegation zone. Never have I seen a stadium so happy, and I have seen the Giants win a World Series and the Ducks win Rose Bowls. But it does not come close to the scene in Wrexham on Saturday. Amazing, inspiring, emotional, and utterly a joy to watch!
  5. Mission accomplished. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">🥲 <a href="https://twitter.com/VancityReynolds?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@VancityReynolds</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/RMcElhenney?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@RMcElhenney</a> in tears watching their <a href="https://twitter.com/Wrexham_AFC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Wrexham_AFC</a> seal promotion <a href="https://t.co/xZ7fCbfaRh">pic.twitter.com/xZ7fCbfaRh</a></p>&mdash; Football on BT Sport (@btsportfootball) <a href="https://twitter.com/btsportfootball/status/1649858947493289987?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 22, 2023</a></blockquote> <--script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></--script>
  6. The best Star Wars printed works to me are the first three Zahn books, the Daley books, and the Rogue Squadron books. Almost all printed works are not canon anymore though and nothing is really safe including details from the Lucas films.
  7. The final episode of Andor is one of the best tv episodes I have ever seen. The acting is incredible. The first three episodes are necessary background but the series gets better as it goes along.
  8. A recurring theme of the show is family. The main character is an orphan who lost his family. He has now become a father. Romance was a recurring theme in season one. Bo is setting herself up to become a Queen who is seeking to restablish her dynastic line and repopulate her world. There is I think a subplot. We will see. No demands are being made by me (which is what shipped I think accurately means) but I have a different view of the writing than you guys do. Maybe because I do not carry the baggage of watching the clone wars cartoon. I am curious to see where they take this Thrawn plot but I am confident it will not be true to the Zahn books as that ship sailed. So I don’t spend much time worrying about prior stories. But I certainly could be wrong.
  9. I wouldn't say she was horrible. Her "acting" was sort of in the mid-range for a fan service show. They should have recast the part. She blew up her own career, but they didn't need to blow up the character. Having said that, I don't think she or the character were really good romantic prospects. Gina could probably get work from Great American Family if she had any romantic talent, but it does not appear that she does. I like the current potential romance for Mando much better. And Ahsoka was a much better direction to go for another show.
  10. Disney is kicking butt on Star Wars. Andor was fantastic! They proved they could tell adult stories in the Star Wars universe and make them entertaining and incredibly well-acted. Mandalorian is great fan service in line with the traditional Star Wars tone. And they are using the TV shows to fill in the gaps in the main movies much like Agent Carter successfully did. Ahsoka looks like a good show based on the teaser and it seems clear that Mando and Ahsoka are leading up to the cloning of the Emperor and the contraction of the rebellion that led to the Rey movies. I'm much happier with Star Wars today then I was in the Jar Jar Binks days, and that's clearly due to Disney.
  11. He sold all or part of it to a guy who worked for him. I don't know if he retained an ownership interest. But he's retired.
  12. We had lunch during the pandemic. I get to Eugene every once in a while to visit my family but have been too busy to say hi! Here's a present to help preserve your memories:
  13. Emerald City went through several name changes before it was known under that name and later Darrell Grimes opened a second shop under the name Nostalgia Collectibles. When I first went there a few years earlier (discussed above) he called his store The Fantasy Shop and operated out of a house between 12th and 13th across from the Hospital. He changed the name because he got to many calls from folks thinking he was some sort of sex shop and moved to the building on 13th with the Smith Family Bookstore. He bought that Action 1 from Collector's Showcase when he was in his late 20s and last I talked to him he still had it. His Reform School Girl is also very nice, but he had a lot more impressive issues than just those you are mentioning. He got local press and the WSJ coverage when he bought that Action 1. I once bought a mid-60s Avengers on eBay out of NYC and got the unexpected surprise to open it up and see this:
  14. I discovered comic book collecting at the beginning of 7th grade in 1978 when a new friend introduced me to the OPG and told me about my hometown’s local comic book store then called The Fantasy Shop. I went there to buy the OPG. I am sure I saw GA books at the store, but do not recall that. What I do recall was being able to show my parents that old comics had value. A week or so later we drove 180 miles to my dad’s childhood home and picked up the boxes of his childhood collection from his parents attic. Suddenly I had boxes of late 1940s to early 1950s comics. DCs (Batman, Superman, WW, Action, Detective, Star Spangled, Adventure, Sensation, World’s Finest, Mystery I Space, etc.), Dell (Westerns, SF, Tarzan, Space Cadet, Etc), Fiction House (Planet, Jungle, etc), Fawcett (capt. Marvel, Whiz, etc.) and less popular publishers. The boxes included many in great shape and also many remaindered reading copies because my grandpa was the manager of the store. I looked up the comics in OPG and found out what the comics were worth and read what the OPG noted that made them special. The ones that stick out most in my memory were reading Frazetta’s Shining Knight stories (I was all about the stories) and Batman stories. The covers that impressed me the most were Man O’ Mars (green girl reminded me of Star Trek and I was a 7th grade boy) and a Batman “Indian Chief” cover that I had seen earlier in a Batman from the 30s to the 70s book at the library. It was the beginning of my education in comics!
  15. Two games to go - one win needed. Season Two is going to be interesting!
  16. Welcome to the Board! There are some great threads on here. It can take awhile to find some of them. I will send you a few links.
  17. I went looking for that cat photo earlier today. Hard to forget.
  18. I too have no direct knowledge of the situation. Everything I know was learned from posts on this site, including the one I quoted. In a nutshell, the alleged story is that E. Gerber engaged in shady dealings with R. Durrell's widow, and in part he did so to fund the Photo Journal project. No one has said anything about how much E. Gerber made off of his Photo Journals because the focus was on how Durrell's wife was treated by Gerber as he liquidated Durrell's collection ostensibly for her benefit. She allegedly did not make out nearly as well as she should have. As to your question about the economics of the Photo Journals, my guess is that Gerber spent a lot of money getting the 22,000+ photos for his Photo Journals as he was traveling all over the country for years to photo books, right? The cost of travel, film, and paper alone was probably pretty huge. So maybe that cost was a motivation for any alleged misbehavior, if it occurred. But that is pure speculation as I don't know how the dispute between Gerber and Durrell's wife shook out.
  19. The story told on one of my threads by a guy bit older than you, but when we talked about other topics his recall was sharp (not implying you or he are decrepit!), was this: See pages 3 and 6 (on my browser) on this thread: Here's a version of the pic for those who dream in color (my guess PQ was more white in real life):
  20. The Gerber Photo-Guides are an essential publication that I'm very glad exists. But the back story on how he allegedly funded the making of those books, if true, makes me shudder. Allegedly involved the collection of the guy on the left below. Given his reputation, he probably bought those trashy Action 1, Whiz 1, and D27 strewn about the desk. I will let others tell the story about the liquidation of his collection who have more than just the passing tenthhand knowledge that I have. I think it ended up in litigation, and I don't know how that came out.
  21. I get that you love GA comics, but this is ridiculous! 92 G+ ow lipstick marks front cover o/w VG/F