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Everything posted by 50YrsCollctngCmcs

  1. Did you see the early Batman run over on the right wall when you walked in? They were a little rough but had good color. Same guy as had the Phantom Stranger run. Oh and that guy must have pulled out the Brave and Bold starring the Golden Age Batman!!! Surely these dealers know their books!!
  2. We named a conference room (actually my support person did) after Ferdinand! She apparently had a thing for the flower sniffing bull. Fun copy Senormac, my favorite parts of these MMM books are the covers. The variety is amazing and it was certainly a more democratic era for characters at the Disney Studios. Won't be long before Donald take over cover duties. Anyone ever do census on cover appearances on WDC&S? Besides the obvious winner (Donald) it would be curious to see who was second. In the early sixties after Dell stopped publishing and Western took over under the Gold Key imprint they experimented with a feature like cover that showed all the stories inside. Pretty interesting idea but made for some pretty boring covers!
  3. Who says there's no Golden Age at Long Beach? You just need to look! This book is as beautiful in person as in the scan. Quite the Busted Flush coup Long Beach also featured a full run of Phantom Stranger; first time I had ever seen that!
  4. I was going to post my latest MMM here, but seeing your newest book has caused me to stop, and pay full attention to its magnificence !! Very nice ... Post away, more the merrier!
  5. Prices on these do appear to be coming down. Escpecially in the just below high grade category where I like to buy my copies that I can actually handle.
  6. That's a nice book, Frank, really nice! I was at the convention with my wife and we stopped at Terry's booth. His prices are always too high for me so I didn't bother to take a look at his inventory. Congrats on your purchase! SLR Thanks Steve, sorry I missed you!
  7. A funny thing happened on the way out of Long Beach Comic Con yesterday: I picked up a long elusive missing Barks' Four Color, "Ghost of the Grotto." I don't know why this one has eluded me so long but it has. I have seen many copies over the years but none ever struck me just right. This one did, thanks to Fred A. Lessing for taking care of it. Only two left to go, 9 and 29.
  8. Now that is an original owner collection! Watch them come back purple label from CGC. The Mystery Restorer of Jasper County!
  9. Nothing better than a big 10cent WDC&S! Beauties!
  10. Stories like this RARELY end this way! Congratulations on a great find. Hope for the rest of us. Pretty inspiring that they put the care into trying to preserve the books.
  11. I hope the prices continue to trend down, for my sake. I can understand the appeal of this book. It's got that "Giant Mouse" thing going for it Great cover! Duck prices dropping are good news but it only seems like on issues below VF.
  12. My old haunts from my college days walking those streets. Wish I got back there more often.
  13. OK, I know there are comics somewhere in this link, probably lurking right behind the store windows. Worth a look for some great color images of the New York where many Golden Age artists grew up. Note some of the Yiddish signage in pictures of the lower East side. McSorley's also happens to be my favorite bar and I visit whenever I get back to the city. Still going strong, try to get a seat in that front window! Great New York Pictures
  14. I don't get the appeal of Fethry Duck. What am I missing? I read some of the reprints in the WDC&S of four to five years ago and I just don't get it. Help??
  15. Does anyone know the history of how these pieces came to become photocopied back in the early sevnties? It looks like Barks gave them or sold them to someone. It is astounding that so little original art survived. Did the Western files get destroyed? What a travesty to think they shredded a goldmine. Some of those pages had to have walked out of whereveer they were kept. TB, once again you astound me with the depth of your collection. If I had the means in the seventies I would have picked up a Barks original. The wallet didn't have the oomph at that time in my life which is too bad as the prices were a bargain.
  16. I verified on line that Trick or Treat also was edited and in reading the description I know I had those pages. Now to find them; it is not like me to get rid of something like that. Half the fun will be in the looking.
  17. Well after seeing that lovely Valentine montage featuring Pluto, it's time to get back to some rejected Barks' drawings. I don't know the story behind this but it was in the package I purchased with the reproductions of unpublished rejected Barks. Reading the story you can see why this little Christimas tale would have been a bit much for the good editorial minds at Western. This story alone proves that Mr. Barks indeed had a pretty wicked sense of humor and a rather quirky view of the human condition.
  18. I will poke around on line later in the week to see if I can find the story behind these as I have forgotten at this point. Anyway, barroom brawls, drugging the prospector and fleecing him, slave labor; all happy points one can find in your average Disney tale!!
  19. So I went to grab my edited Barks pages last night and was very surprised at what I found. First, I thought I had had missing pages to Trick or Treat and I may or may not have them but the first thing I found was a WDC&S story that I believe was never published. After that I started poking around and realized that I had stashed four pages of unpublished "Back to the Klondike" story pages into my copy of that book. A similar search in "Trick or Treat" didn't bring anything to light. So I don't know at this point if I ever had copies of missing pages to "Trick or Treat," or not. But somehow I think I did. Anyhow, to get things rolling here are the Scrooge pages, these are the best ones anyway if you have not seen them.
  20. To get us back on the duck track I will post one of the following depending on poplular request. My copy of WDC&S #13 or scans of the missing pages from DD#26 (Trick or Treat)!
  21. I didn't know exactly where to post this but this thead seems to have captured more than just ducks lately so it seemed a good place. Last night the family went to the Hollywood Bowl where they were showing Fantasia accompanied by the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra. It was a bit of a misnomer although a happy one as it wasn't actually the original film. Instead they took a number of scenes from the original film, some unfinished sequences, the Salvador Dali collaboration called Destino (only the second time shown) and a sequence from Fantasia 2000. The original sequences were all flawless digitally restored pieces and I have never seen them presented with such brilliant color. In fact the restoration gave the film a freshness and richness I simply never noticed before in the tired prints I first viewed in the theater and subsequent VCR / DVD editions. Simply amazing. Of particular note were some of the water sequences which were amazing in their accomplished draughtmanship. The care and attention to detail lavished on this film was outstanding. I don't think the Disney company made their investment back until the releases in the sixties but this property is still awe inspiring. As I drove home I tried to think of what comic this was presented in and I I remembered that I had luckily picked up a copy of Reluctant Dragon at a flea market as a young boy for ten or twnety five cents. It was quite memorable for it was my oldest comic for many many years. It features a text story of the Socerer's Apprentice, At some point there was a comic version of the story that I read in Walt Disney's Comic Digest but I don't know where that was first published. Below is a book you won't find at shows very often but a fun book if you can find a nice copy.
  22. By the way, there is something great about the number. Think of it with respect to Scrooge and his old number one dime!
  23. OUTSTANDING! Congratulations, that is truly an awesome addition to what is probably one of the most outstanding Disney collections I have had the pleasure of slowly viewing!
  24. Thanks all. This purchase led me to state to my buddy Bobby (an old east coast collector not on the boards) that I was reconsidering my whole collecting strategy. I used to try to stick to 7.0 and above now I'm thinking of 8.5!! The allure of these high grade copies is remarkable and could turn into a real theme. Whoever mentioned credit to start with was on the right track!