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Everything posted by Theagenes

  1. Whoa! Awesome! I'd like to pick up a Planet 1 someday.
  2. Nice! These Action Stories with REH are so tough. I've only managed to get one so far and it's missing the front cover.
  3. This was a great episode. One of the better ones this season easily. And that's good to know it was Gimple that wrote. Definitely bodes well.
  4. [font:Times New Roman] +1! Which makes me think it's about time for a new scan of another sweet Phantom Lady. In spite of the scanner reflection problems I've had with some books, this one came out quite well...[/font] Beautiful!
  5. I'll be posting some cool hard-to-find stuff today. Comics, books, pulps, fanzines, REH and ERB, etc. Theagenes' Exotic Emporium of Esoterica Extraordinaire
  6. I believe that's 2 shillings.
  7. Duh, thanks Glen. We know you flipped the shot. The point is you flipped a shot that had a obvious visual tell that showed you flipped the shot. That's lazy and sloppy editing. No wonder you're fired.
  8. arf! Hey, that's a great title. It's got everything you need: puns, alliteration, a colon.
  9. Just wrote an article about it for REHUpa: "What the Thak?: Anthropological Anxiety in 'Rogues in the House.' I'm such a dork.
  10. About 15 to 20 stories. No illos unfortunately. They're very cheap, fragile volumes and many didn't survive the war. Funny story, Howard didnt know that Farnsworth Wright had licensed his stories to this British publisher until after the fact. He found out about it from Lovecraft and tried to get copies of them but it's not clear if he was ever successful. Here's more info on the series. http://freepages.pavilion.net/tartarus/t3.htm
  11. Awesome Pat! I've got two of them now. Still need Grim Death for the REH trifecta
  12. Another grail acquired! Terror by Night (1934) edited by Christine Thomson, first edition. This is vol. 10 in the "Not at Night" series published by Selwyn & Blount in the UK. The series reprinted many stories from Weird Tales including authors such as Howard, Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Derleth, Hugh Cave, Frank Belknap Long, etc. This volume contains the first appearance of a Conan story in book form as well as reprinting HPL's "Horror in the Museum."
  13. Another grail acquired! Terror by Night (1934) edited by Christine Thomson, first edition. This is vol. 10 in the "Not at Night" series published by Selwyn & Blount in the UK. The series reprinted many stories from Weird Tales including authors such as Howard, Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Derleth, Hugh Cave, Frank Belknap Long, etc. This volume contains the first appearance of a Conan story in book form as well as reprinting HPL's "Horror in the Museum."
  14. My Fast Track Economy sub has been graded for two weeks but still hasn't shipped yet.
  15. Well, I am really enjoying the show, but I do think the editing felt more sloppy and the narrative more erratic in this episode than in previous ones. I don't think it's people's imaginations or that they're being nitpicky. I also thought it was weird that the status of Tyreese's group wasn't addressed. I didn't see the scars on Darryl's back initally because my eyes focused on the tattoos. I was like. "WTF, his dad made him get tats?." Only rewinding it did I get it. In rewinding it I noticed that the tats jumped to the other side of his back when he walked away. Some else mention the gov's eyepatch switching sides. Somebody is supposed to catch those things. I also wasn't sure if the Gov was surprised by the van or not. It wasn't clear. If it was supposed to be deliberately ambiguous, then cool it worked, but I can't imagine why that would be. I do think we were supposed to focus on the van driver, but i never saw what happened to her. Did one of those descriptions say she was shot? I rewinded to see where she went but couldn't tell. My first thought was that we were supposed to think it could be Andrea but it's actually the woman on the wall (Carmen? Karen?). Anytime I'm forced to rewind to figure out what they were trying to do that's problematic. When I have to do it more than once in an episode something's not right. It just felt like there were some minor editing kinks this episode. Not a big deal, but I don't think people are way out in left field in pointing them out. Hopefully things will be smoother in future episodes and the transition to a new show runner will go well.
  16. Right now I'm tentatively planning to come to San Antonio for Worldcon in September. There are plans to create an REH exhibit since he's one of the more famous Texas authors of SF&F. I'll probably be helping out with that and bringing some of the rarer stuff from my own collection to put on display. And looking forward to partying with Joe Lansdale.
  17. The Guest of Honor at Robert E. Days 2013 has been announced and it is none other than Tim Truman. Sweet! http://www.conan.com/invboard/index.php?showtopic=10190 Robert E. Howard Days will take place June 7-8, 2013, at the the Robert E. Howard House & Museum in Cross Plains, Texas. This annual gathering of fans of Ol’ Two-Gun Bob Howard is presented by the fine folks of Project Pride of Cross Plains, sponsored by the Robert E. Howard Foundation with the help of the members of REHupa, the Robert E. Howard United Press Association. The REH Foundation is proud to announce the 2013 Guest of Honor is Tim Truman, artist and author from Dark Horse Comics. Tim is currently at work on adapting The Hour of the Dragon for Dark Horse. All of the regularly scheduled events will be taking place again this year: the Howard House and Gift Shop open on Friday & Saturday (and for a short while on Thursday), panels of interest to everyone, the Friday night Celebration Banquet and Silent Auction, the special postal cancellation, the REH Swap Meet at the Pavilion, bus tours of the town + surrounding area, the Saturday night Barbeque at the Caddo Peak Ranch, plus (maybe most importantly) the gathering of friends and fans to honor the Legacy of REH. Cross Plains Barbarian Days festival is also that Saturday, and the REH Foundation will host a Legacy Circle Members Luncheon. The detailed information will be posted soon at www.rehupa.com and at the REH Foundation site as well as at Two-Gun Raconteur. (You can check out 2012's info at the REHupa website by clicking on the REH DAYS 2012 bar at the top.) But now’s the time to make your plans on being there for the best 2+ days in Howard Fandom. If you’re a returning attendee, you know what a great time it is – and if you’ve never been, come to Cross Plains and find out! There’s plenty of room for everyone – it’s TEXAS! Hope to see you there. We’re in the process of getting the details ironed out, so check back soon. Any questions? Let me know at 2cavaliers@sbcglobal.net. Black Indy has spoken!