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Everything posted by chezmtghut

  1. Since you have an education in biology, what is your opinion on the concept of disease & viruses being related to abnormal vibrations that our bodies adapt to, thereby creating mutations within our cells? Consider how computer viruses work by altering electrical vibrations. I believe the body is an advanced machine & the radiation that we bombard ourselves & others with through the use of modern tech is causing all of these problems. Sure, it can be argued that the entire universe is producing different forms of radiation, but our planet is protected from most through different layers of atmospheric pressure, acting as a force field. We're diminishing those protective layers in what most label as global warming. To protect ourselves from this greater radiation, we're taking vaccines to alter the radiation of our cells, but that's not a solution in my opinion. We fight cancer (a form of abnormally radiating cells) with chemo (a form of radiation treatment), killing healthy cells in the process. Fighting fire with fire doesn't put out flames, it only increases them. If this pandemic is hypothetically being caused by abnormal levels of electrical current (our body functions on infrasound vibrations), wouldn't cutting back be the logical solution, rather than increasing it's strength with 5g networks on a global scale? What if these new networks can increase the mutability of cells? Should we just keep relying on new vaccines to protect us rather than avoiding the poison that's causing it?
  2. I didn't realize they were bringing the Snyder verse to a close. Retaliation for Snyder saying he didn't need to fight Netflix on Army of the Dead's final cut?
  3. No doubt. Not to mention that movies with low production costs & high returns are what studios really need, considering the market.
  4. I didn't read the article, I wrote that from memory. The Legends kidnapping that girl doesn't count as stupid & impulsive because my quote wasn't exact? I guess they were too busy trying to avenge Sara's kidnapping to care about hers.
  5. That's nearly 50% longer, which is great news. I didn't know the next episode was Friday either, so thank you for the update.
  6. I agree & they won't get away with it anymore, because people aren't afraid to stand up for themselves or others against the studios at this point. Still, if only aboriginals should be in charge of America because of the abuses they endured by invading forces, many would likely move away. I'm definitely not defending them, I'm saying that their actions may create new prejudices. If we say women have been marginalized, so they should be given positions of influence to marginalized men in return, have we really made any progress?
  7. I remember the comment Stark made saying, " we're the Avengers, not the pre-vengers". He was criticizing the methods of his own team for their actions though, not someone else's. I'd say Spartacus proved the stupidity of not thinking his actions through & being impulsive. The Legends had no problem kidnapping an innocent girl that had been abducted multiple times as a child in their next scene though. She even developed her own methods of protection, nearly taking out the Legends & their waverider as a result. I guess everyone overlooked that fact.
  8. I'm pretty sure they've treated many of their employees badly, not just ones with darker skin, which is evident from people speaking out as a result of Ray Fisher standing up to them. They deserve an apology, but it's more likely to be a financial one, as I doubt the studio wants to make it a public one. The question is, will people with lighter skin be marginalized & excluded with these new measures? It's not really a step in the right direction to just reverse roles.
  9. Unfortunately, being vaccinated doesn't prevent you from picking up bacteria & spreading it to other. These new ventilation systems will likely help spread bacteria through the air at more rapid rates. Unless theaters implement a policy of not eating or selling snacks, rotating seats between screenings, etc..., those standards aren't enough. Most people aren't conscious enough about sanitation, which is the major reason that this pandemic has decimated the worlds economy. We shouldn't wish others harm due to their lack of knowledge or experience, we should educate them, so they can better themselves & others they come in contact with. That's what will curb this pandemic & prevent future outbreaks.
  10. I really enjoyed this episode. I'm not sure if this will be considered three in one, but I'd be more than happy if they had a similar runtime.
  11. I think that the virus evolves depending on where it lives, so if it couldn't spread, it obviously wouldn't evolve the way it has. If Americans where born in the countries of their ancestors, their accents & speech would be different. As the virus spreads through different people & countries, it picks up new genetic markers from the environment & people it infected. Still, vaccines are not a one size fits all, as everyone's immune system is different, which is why some who get vaccinated can still catch Covid-19. OC43, HKU1, 229E & NL63 are considered common cold coronaviruses, but most viruses don't have vaccines because it's not considered cost effective to produce. Masks can also pick up lots of bacteria & cause respiratory problems as well, so I suggest having multiple washable ones to use in different settings. A lot of the masks they're selling are creating a host of problems on their own. I would advocate washing your hands over hand sanitizers as well. There are mummies that have been discovered with cancer, so when something is observed & written into record has no reference to when it came into existence, it's just our point of realizing it.
  12. https://globalnews.ca/news/7831958/montreal-comic-creator-suing-marvel-iron-man/
  13. People definitely need to take more precautions. Unfortunately, vaccines aren't likely to make it go away due to it's rapid mutation. The common cold is a coronavirus as well & we've never had a successful treatment for that either.
  14. That may be the case, as I have noted many positive mentions of Marvel & Star Wars in The Flash but I'm not sure about The Legends. I don't think it's beneath either company to insult one another either, but I would call Marvel out if they insulted Wonder Woman over the last film losing money, even though DC green lit a third film. I guess the combination of that mention & then reading about the lawsuit irritated me. It's crazy that someone will try suing because a characters costume looks similar. It would be like DC saying we have a copyright on superheroes & villains, so nobody can create any characters without our permission.
  15. Agreed & I'm not sold on going back to theaters to keep studios profiting at the risk of our health. This will just keep up the spread & mutation of the pandemic. They need to literally stop all travel to keep new variants from spreading, but money is more important than life in our current economy. That's modern progress for you.
  16. Sara's exact words were "being an Avenger is stupid, the goal is to prevent death, I'm a preventor, you want to join the preventors Sparty?" She's insulting Spartacus & the Avengers in that scene. When Ava called Mick a genius at the beginning of the show, it's because he saw what was right in front of him, the writing on Ava's hand. Now they're taking their audience as fools because they think we can't see what's right in front of us. How can they claim to be preventors when they go back in time to clean up messes & erase people's memories to keep their actions hidden? I would say that they're just as much Avengers as the Marvel team. Just because they work in the shadows to control timelines to their advantage & keep their tech hidden to prevent others from manipulating the timeline to their own advantage, doesn't change that fact. The fact that The Avengers brought back half of all life within the MCU in one film is more of a testament to their work on saving life than anything The Legends have done (DC's entire multiverse was destroyed while saving one universe). Now we have Ben and Raymond Lai trying to sue Marvel again, over the fact that some characters wear suites that are similar to ones that they used for their characters nearly 20 years ago. I guess they're filing the lawsuit in Quebec to make it more complicated for Disney. It just seems like everyone wants to step all over Marvel because of their success. DC could have used different wording in that scene, it was done purposely to sow a seed of negativity towards Marvel. Don't doubt the effectiveness of subliminal messages, otherwise companies wouldn't pay a fortune to advertise in their shows & movies.
  17. I enjoyed it, but they took a cheap shot at The Avengers. I imagine Marvel hitting back for that & it building into more hostility between the two franchises & their fans.
  18. There's an incarnation known as Parasurama (axe wielding Rama) in the Vedas, that I've always associated with this show. He is the sixth Avatar of Vishnu that killed 21 generations of Kshatriyas (warriors or military) for killing His father.
  19. I think that's the plan, as Secret Invasion could likely be leading up to Secret Wars.
  20. It would just be building on what happened in Captain Marvel & I don't think one small incursion was the end of that story. It also happened decades ago in the MCU timeline. It would be like arguing that WB is finished using Darkseid after Snyder's Justice League, because it's too repetitive. They're bringing characters back in streaming series for a reason.
  21. WB started using ads in Black Lightning, when they showed characters drinking Mountain Dew. They will want all the supplemental income they can get, especially with all of their new movies streaming on HBO Max. If they can pay for production costs with ad placements, they won't be losing money & can justify larger budget films. I can't imagine Wonder Woman drinking a Coke, but maybe some extra or vending machine in the background to subliminalize the audience with.
  22. That's a good question. Seems like the serum boosts their ego to some extent, but they ultimately wanted to be martyrs, so maybe dying to encourage others to rise up in their place was a motive. I think Secret Invasion will ultimately be about the Kree vs Skrull war that earth gets stuck in the middle of. Just like Thanos, Zemo or the Flag Smashers, everyone has their justifications for thinking what they do is right.
  23. There is always that possibility, but Skrulls wouldn't need access to top secret government tech, as their tech is far more advanced. Skrulls use tech that copies electromagnetic fields to replicate DNA & memories of others into their own body, so they would have access to everything up to the point when their emf was copied. I believe there is a point where Kari mentions that they were soldiers that were abandoned by their government earlier in the series, so the Flag-Smashers did have training. Ultimately, I think the governments are the real antagonist of this series, which Falcon points out in the finale. His speech about governments needing to do better & protect their people, or another person will take up the cause & we don't want to see Kari 2.0 come around.
  24. I didn't see any mention of a moon based project, but had noted that Captain America may be returning in a potential role or cameo. I had considered that it may be a small part at the end of F&WS, but that didn't happen. We may even see RDJ again, as John Watts did tell Alfred Molina, “In this universe, no one really dies”. They just need to make their presentations affordable enough to sustain the projects their developing, so we won't see the same level of actors or CGI unless there are price cuts to those costs as well. I think people will adjust, as reduced payments are better than nothing & most actors live expensive lifestyles. I think it's more about her state of mind than any powers. She's resilient enough to focus on her goal than simply the moment at hand. Soldiers do this all the time, otherwise they would constantly be in a state of anxiety.