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Everything posted by Calamerica

  1. Good! At least it isn't that Mila Kunis Jim Beam, who I am boycotting. CAL who can't divulge to avoid Political posts strikes/banning...
  2. In your view, yes you are correct. in MY world, the sh7t hit the fan in mid-October. CAL who is working hard in other Threads...
  3. Great. Can't do a decent comeback so let's call each other names. I call names too, but pick my spots... CAL who needs t be careful now, the Mods have been notified by someone???
  4. The least you could do is put some CAL BOTs on MY train-wreck! CAL who remembers what is important
  5. I GUARANTEE CAL does not dissapoint! Entertainment is my game, CAL is the name! CAL who really can't do 3rd-person schtick after a great post like this
  6. A few things: 1) I just has an ASM # 361 that the man was displeased with, I did NOT charge him the 25% restock fee. Why? Eben though he expected me to charge this, I decided that he was right. I DID overgrade that ASM 361 a bit asd refunded hi in full. He was grateful and appreciative. He was also RIGHT. The Restock Fee is for the Remorse Buyers. Those who have been here a while and know me more than they care to divulge( not a critisicm of any kind) understand this concept I implememt in my auctions. 2) The cut-and-paste was not done correctly, in part as. was too lazy to get the new keyboard. Just because the CGCers fired me up, ALL things CAL will be fixed. Just to show them. Nothing more is needed to keep harping on this nothing burger. 3) I MIGHT reinstate some of those harsher rules I recently got rid of, just to keep the wanna-be's seeing these Threads and deciding I am ripe for the plucking. 4) Still waiting for someone to defend the purposes of dredging up slime fake news threads here disparaging me. Using my eBay business is actually irrelevant. Especially from those who SWEAR that they don't buy from me or won't ever buy from me. Why they care is only to drag me further in the muck, hoping to dissuade others from buying from me. CAL who will be back in a bit...
  7. Disclaimer: I have a bad keyboard and will be getting it replaced this week. I apologize in advance for any and all typos... This started as CAL being the BUYER. Despite what the CGCers may THINK they know about me, I an primarily a BUYER on the 'Bay. My Feedbacks do not reflect too much as CAL( Quintessence) as a Buyer, because to me, I honestly think the SELLING part is more reflective. Anyway, this entire episode started with me BUYING two so-so Comics from CHAIDINAR. Then I had bid seven(7) more items, and during the interim transit time between me paying for the two items and paying for the next seven items, a few contacts were made. The first contact was initiated by ME, as he was going to charge me $18.00-something for those seven(7) comic books. I balked, and told him something like " you gotta do better than that w/ shipping". CAL who was kinda shocked at that.
  8. Unfortunately I have to start work. I offer next-day-ship to keep whatever left of a discount eBay allows( used to be 20% but they lowered it to 10%. Gotta takes what theysum givesya). CAL who will be in and out and I started that CHAIDINAR Thread...
  9. Can you at least nominate me for Entertainment Director of this Forum? CAL has to sneak this in on one who could be unawares...LOL
  10. This case MIGHT do me a tad harm, because I did something I RARELY have ever done, out of the two hundred thousand or so total transactions since I have been on eBay. But there was a valid REASON, although there is in fact " Never a right way to do the wrong thing". For my wrong way I apologize in advance, BUT there are a few reminding lessons to be learned here. Before I get too distracted, the eBayer SELLER you good folks out there should avoid at all costs: CHAIDINAR. CAL who will present the evidence shortly...
  11. Oak had every chance to refute by stating that he SOLD to me, but did not. I can only guess he did not want to admit that for some reason... CAL who can't believe that OAK lives in CA like CAL...
  12. I shoud have posted last night that THIS Thread would get less traffic/commentary. More proof for the right one. CAL who can still bring it...
  13. Maybe Oak is right. However, I KNOW I have BOUGHT from him, which makes this worse than any error I committed. CAL dislikes those who takes CAL's coin, then bashes him later. Bites the hands that feed them. Like the NFL thugs...
  14. Now THAT'S a great suggestion! However, i have to find those great pics, MOST that were taken/shared by the CGC Forumites! " This is gonna be GREAT!" - Flounder in Animal House CAL who has Animal House in his Top Ten movies of all-time!!!
  15. Yes. It starts with having something or certain qualities to admire... CAL not too good at subtlety...
  16. Correct! And proud of that and brags about that at every chance! CAL who really might be from that other planet...
  17. That was the Seattle/Denver. I also predicted the OVERTIME and won some coin with that. Glad you remembered. CAL who is having a down year this year w/ NFL but will bounce back as always...
  18. Who else do you know can post stock photos, stil get 100% Feedbacks, get a great email from someone who bought a $340 comic from you, defy CGC with their Presser service, convince WITH A GUARANTEE to submit anyway, and come back with EXACT grade as advertised despite STOCK PHOTO, and get Stu and others kicked off here? Point that person out to me and I will befriend him/her today! CAL setting the record straight...
  19. Make sure you link my 2nd Thread re: Good news from CGC competitor... CAL who may as well score as much as possible to run up the final score
  20. I have a bad keyboard. I know that is not much of any excuse/reason, but even after careful typing, once I hit submit, things are still messed up. Hit-or-miss CAL
  21. Hey wait! I could use the 40 smackers! CAL who needs to better co-ordinate with others...
  22. You jumped in the fire, so you need to figure out who CAL is yourself. CAL who had the iced tea go through the nostrils over this one
  23. Yes they have done that too. Remember, as an eBay Seller, the wrongdoers could dom that to YOU, too. Or people you like/respect. I never understood rejoicing inn other's misery/problems, but the Internet shows what people are all about. Get the scum away from the keyboards, for some reason, they respect you more... CAL who knows the real reasons why...