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Everything posted by Nschenks

  1. All good! I appreciate any feedback, and I'm sure it's easy to have a book or two fall through the cracks. I sometimes post very late at night as I work evenings lol.
  2. Yeah, I really thought I was gonna get roasted for the staining on IF14. Seemed fairly clear to me, especially some of the darkening on the bottom BC (front was a little more ambiguous), but I dunno I still struggle a lot with mid-grade stuff. I figured 8.0 was possible for this, but for IF I really thought 5.5 was the ceiling. I will, however, not complain lol.
  3. Was hoping for a bit higher, but imagine this one is an accumulation of defects. Still I pegged this between 7.5 and 9.0 so right in line. Still a good looking copy I think
  4. Was fully expecting 4.5/5.0 here so veryyy happy about this. Not the best presenting one cus of the ink overspray but the 6.5 helps make up for it.
  5. Thanks for the cordial reply! I suppose I’m just kind of frustrated because my initial question didn’t really have to do with overall rarity or actual percentages of newsstands. I wasn’t seeking hard numbers or validation for eBay listings. I don’t collect newsstands, and I’m not a speculator. I just happened to pickup a full run of the BB miniseries in NS recently for my collection (not with the intention of reselling) and the wheels started turning, which lead to my question. To be called ignorant is also kind a shot, when in fact I dug a lot into the the newsstand debate before I even posted. I found a lot of information, but what I did not find was much (if any) information on the question that I posed, which generally centered on industry newsstand strategies from book to book and whether or not the newsstand distributions varied wildly or only a little depending on title (thus, the kid-oriented book based on a show example). I know there isn’t hard evidence, but at the same time there are people who have been in and around the industry for a long time who might at least be privy to some insight there. Instead, I get told the whole newsstand ‘debate’ is a lie, I’m ignorant, and opinions are posted as fact, essentially hijacking the entire topic. You can imagine that’s not exactly a welcome I’d expect in what I thought would be an interesting discussion about a part of the newsstand topic I haven’t seen touched on much. I knew the newsstand/direct topic was a sensitive one. I tried to broach it in a neutral manner as someone not tied to the speculating world. I suppose you live and you learn? I realize this is a public forum, though, and perhaps should have put a little more thought into how long-time users with very dug-in opinions might respond. Anyway, thank you again for your reply. I appreciate it. I will likely continue to peruse and post on CGC forums, because in general I’ve gotten good vibes from the community.
  6. Not really sure where the hostility/push-back is coming from. "For the sake of this exercise" means I'm just throwing out a number--it doesn't have to be right or even accurate. It's a thought exercise. An example. A projection. Seems like bringing up newsstands on comic forums is probably just a bad idea, so maybe I'll just step out now lol. Was hoping for some insight, not someone just saying "no" and "lies" and not providing any actual counterpoint. Anyway, thanks for your input, regardless. If anyone else knows more/has any thoughts, I'm still curious to hear though!
  7. Err...how do you know them to be complete fabrications? I mean, it seems to be pretty much true (and from what I can tell, backed up by industry sources) that both DC and Marvel did phase out newsstands, so it stands to reason that they would reduce in number over time until both at 0% in 2017 and 2013 respectively. So I don't understand this can be a "complete fabrication". Also, from what I can tell, they are industry-wide (or at least Marvel-wide) "estimations" and "projections", so it's kinda hard to say outright that they are lies. Estimations/projections never claimed to be 100% accurate--they're just best guesses based on available data.
  8. On a separate note, I also wonder if slabbed NS sales lag behind slabbed direct sales of the same book because they are, in many cases, priced much higher...perhaps the NS market outside of Spidey and X-Men and certain other books is too niche? For example, I count about 20 slabbed NS Batman Adventures #12 listed as BIN on eBay right now, compared to maybe 150-200 (didn't do a full count but looks to be something in that range). Even at the high estimate, that 10-1 ratio is pretty far behind the closer than 50-1 ratio for actual slabbed sales that GoCollect shows (4097-125). Anyway, just random speculation on my part, but thought it was interesting. Would be curious if sales of more popular NS titles have a sell-rate that more closely reflects the rate of total listings.
  9. That makes sense to me. And I suppose even if a title had a relatively larger newsstand run compared to others at the time, it A.) probably wouldn't be significantly higher than other titles if the industry strategy was to phase out NS copies anyway; and B.) wouldn't change that fact a certain percentage of those NS copies would still be destroyed, battered, or returned. Even if a kid-friendly title had a higher NS distribution, I suppose it would reason that if more kids bought a newsstand copy--particularly kids who weren't active collectors--those copies would likely not be well-taken-care-of (or, if you look at it from a POV of buying for pure-enjoyment..they would be well-taken-care-of lol). But yeah, Just a quick look at GoCollect for BB1 reveals something like a 50-1 direct/newsstand ratio in terms of logged sales, while CBCS census is something like 10-1 (and more skewed into the higher grades, though the sample size is rather small). And I suppose like any comic, rarity is not as relevant as demand. But if you have both... Thanks for the input y'all! And if any insiders know about book-to-book NS distribution practices, I'd still be curious to know. Not for specific books, but just in general if comic companies had 'NS strategies' so-to-speak and gave certain books significantly higher newsstand runs compared to others.
  10. Wasn't sure exactly where to post this topic, but figured this mostly applies to moderns, at least in the instances I'm curious about. My question is this: I know there's a lot out there about newsstands becoming rarer and rarer over time, but I'm more curious to know if individual books/titles reflect this rarity/curve or if there is a lot of variation from book to book? Take, for example, the Batman Beyond limited series from 1999. According to all those lovely graphs available online, estimates for industry-wide newsstand distribution (or perhaps just Marvel/DC...they don't always say) put the NS % around 5-10% during this time. I realize these are just guesses and projections, but let's just say for the sake of this exercise that the overall percentage of DC newsstands at that time in 1999 was 8%. Would this 8% be reflected in each title printed for newsstands, or would certain books have more aggressive ratios? I use Batman Beyond as an example because it's a more kid-friendly book aimed at a younger audience, an audience who may have watched the show but perhaps don't collect comics. Could a book like this have something like a 70/30 direct/newsstand ratio (more books in bookstores and whatnot where kids who had seen the show were more likely to stumble across them) even if the industry average at the time was 92/8? Or if it varied, would it be more like a few percentage points rather than big differences from book to book? Or neither? Anyway, not sure if anyone would actually know this, but curious if there are any thoughts. Don't really know how comic book companies operated in regard to allocating newsstand copies for any given book.
  11. Nice! I just sent my own #1 in to be slabbed and picked up Volume Ten last week as well (and issue 61 to stay current)! Rereading volumes 1-9 right now though as a "refresher" lol. Enjoy!
  12. Looks to me like C&P will do wonders for this one--most of the defects I see seems like they will come out or at least be greatly reduced, including the soiling and the two spine indentations on the back. Hard to see the indentation on the front, but if it's where I think it is (to right of the demon guy's face?), seems fairly minor and also possibly pressable. I'm still not comfortable with giving grades for soiling/staining as I really haven't seen enough to feel confident in that regard. That said, post good C&P I could see 9.2/9.4? Corners are sharp and colors look great. Soiling is on white mostly, which bodes well I think. Curious what the seller put it as
  13. Purchased a slab from Jeff (my first on CGC Forums), and he made everything very easy. Good communication and insanely fast shipment. Thanks Jeff!
  14. Sharp corners. Don't see much aside from some very minor spine ticks (I have a hunch that books with with a white spine do better with this). ≥ 9.4 for me--9.6 seems very possible
  15. +/- 9.4 with press for me. Bindery tears look pretty small, which will prob be fine for that grade based on what I've seen on other CGC books
  16. Hard to get a good look without getting closer scans/pics, but looks at least 9.4 to me. If just the few spine ticks, 9.6 seems likely with a C&P. Seconded.
  17. I could see 9.4 for this after C&P (not sure if there is danger in C&P with these glued books but if not would imagine might present a little better). A little blunting on some of the corners, but I don't see much else. I imagine CGC will have some tolerance for spine corners at this grade. Nice looking book!
  18. Thanks! Yeah, this was certainly the one I was most surprised about. I was expecting anywhere from 9.0 to mayyybe 9.4. Haven't looked at older slabbed copies of this, but I did a lot of digging into Batman: TDKR #1 and realized a lot of the newer slabbed 9.6/9.8's seemed more generous in regard to certain defects (such as the back cover corner wear that is common on that book).
  19. Extremely happy about this one. Of the books in my first ever CGC submission, this is probably my favorite. After looking at a bunch of 9.6/9.8's online, I realized this was a possibility, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. Very psyched to have this one slabbed! Thanks all for the input on all my subs this round. Came out better than I could have thought--know that won't happen every time, but grateful the first dip in the waters of pro grading went well.
  20. Really wasn't sure how much the color rub on the back and the little nick on the front would deduct. Feel good about this one
  21. Guess those were deemed gripper holes after all! Really happy about this--maybe not the prettiest 9.6 cus of the gripper defects, but I'll take it!
  22. Pleasantly surprised by this. Suppose most of the stray ink and torn interior pages must have been deemed manufacturing defects.