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Everything posted by RedRaven

  1. I sympathize with you but there is a place for things that never change (museums). These characters have to live and that means adapting them to new media and new times. Take Cumberbatches turn at Sherlock. In any event, I expect the series will be full of little nods to the source material. Looking forward to watching this one with my daughter.
  2. I like contrarians. Especially ones that make you think.
  3. That and the build up for Infinity war. It's odd here in the states. Everyone is so divided based on the abuse of identity politics from the last election. It's almost like buying a ticket to the movie is a way to either confirm you are who you think you are, or you aren't who they think you are. Its a sweet spot of populist angst.
  4. Keith Giffen, when this one arrived in the mail in the mid 80s, it left me traumatized.
  5. You should probably ignore him. I don't think there is anything to gain by responding. I'd rather you spent your energy curating these threads for us!
  6. Only to the fanboys is it a matter of picking sides. IMO DC wont succeed with an extended universe because, to paraphrase General Nathan Bedford Forest, "Marvel got there firstest with the mostest", and I just don't think the general public has the appetite to consume two unrelated comic book universes at the cinema. This point will get sharper when, as you mentioned, fatigue sets in (which I think has already started). Heck, I'm fatigued with it already.
  7. Thanks. Generally the doodles start with zero plan or direction. I make a shape, start playing with it, and see what happens. I throw the vast majority of them away. I'd guess even 1 out of 100 making it to a completed image would be a high estimate.
  8. First, an explanation. I can draw a bit. No formal training, but occasionally I produce something that I'm not totally revolted by. Most commonly, I draw at work when I am stuck on a problem and need to kick my brain out of the analytical logjam and engage some creative thinking. This means that by necessity my medium of choice is a cheap Bic pen and a post-it note. For several years my wife and I worked on the same contract for the DoD. I as a programmer and she as an analyst. When I would produce a scribble that I was halfway satisfied with I would leave it on her desk as a surprise. She collected these over the years. We no longer work together but I still doodle when brain-locked and occasionally bring one home to her. She surprised me about two years ago by framing her favorites and hanging them on the wall in her home office. They didn't look half-bad to me, hanging there all proper like so I decided I'd share a few here. \ Forgot a couple of fellows. The old coot below let me hear about it... One more of the forgotten. This has been adjusted with a coffee image filter. More exactly, my wife spilled a cup of coffee on the original.
  9. It was a metaphor for the last 6 star wars movies.
  10. Dont care about any Han Solo movie but this one (now that Marvel and Star Wars are both in the Disney Universe)
  11. Family rented this last night. 11 year old lost interest within half an hour. Wife bailed at the halfway point. Hard for me to see what the hype was about. Admittedly I am totally burnt out with super hero movies at the moment but I was surprised the young one didn't like it.
  12. What would depress me: The deal licenses Tolkien characters for use in original content developed by Amazon. I have no interest in seeing fan-fiction no matter how well produced.
  13. Outstanding news! I hope this means the Silmarillion will be tackled as I don't know what else you would use for content being that the appendices are so disjointed (not that the Silmarillion doesn't present its own set of difficulties). Cant wait to hear some concrete details about the plans. As an aside, thank you Bosco for the work you do maintaining these topics. BTW: As much as I loved Ian Mckellen in LOTR I found him depressingly old in the Hobbit and would not wish to see him take up the role again. New blood.
  14. Pip and Rocket walk into a bar... Nuff said. I'd sell my left nut for that scene.
  15. By drawback I specifically meant in relation to the extended universe and the idea that you have to have a tentpole team to support it. If WB simply ends up making smaller scope character driven vehicles instead, well I don't think that would be a bad thing at all.
  16. So much angst. The only concrete measure of success for this movie will be the financials. That will determine the scope and direction of DCEU. My guess is that WB will draw back based on what appears to be disappointing results. I'm bad at guessing though.
  17. Haven't seen the movie myself but I did take part in the Monday office discussion with three non comic geeks who saw the movie. All enjoyed it and had few criticisms. Hopefully this will be the franchise film that finally puts DCverse on course.
  18. The more I think about this, the less hope I have. Based on Christopher Tolkien's past statements I find it hard to believe the estate is shopping content from the Silmarillion or the histories. I predict this comes to naught, but I hope I am wrong.
  19. Really shocked at this. Delighted but shocked. I wonder how involved Christopher Tolkien is with these negotiations? Who is representing the Tolkien estate?
  20. That and Savage Sword were the last comic books I read on a regular basis. By fourteen I had bailed on super hero comics but Savage Sword and Heavy Metal would hold my interest for several more years.