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Everything posted by Gatsby77

  1. I have no problem with Ares being the big bad in Wonder Woman - I have Wonder Woman # 4, where he’s the villain - so he def. pre-dates both Cheetah and her lasso of truth. But the actual fight was idiotic CGI wildly_fanciful_statement. This is Ares, the god of war, and all he does is throw lightning at her like it’s Street Fighter 2? C’mon!!
  2. This. It’s not a DC vs. Marvel thing, it’s a “strong female character” thing. I was surprised at how good Captain Marvel was, but Wonder Woman was a near-superhero-masterpiece — right up until the deeply flawed last 20 minutes lightning fight. Between the two, I still prefer Wonder Woman - but it’s close. And the fact that WW is first-tier, while CM is third-tier makes it all the more impressive — kind of like how Guardians of the Galaxy was better than Thor and Thor 2.
  3. I get all this but still think it would be the easy / obvious / cop-out choice. Equivalent to the mess ending of "How I Met Your Mother" where he ends up with Robin after all. Plus, articles are already appearing online discussing how JJ may "retcon" Rey's lineage so she *is* significant after all (a la a Skywalker or Kenobi). I don't think this would be a retcon because everyone seems to be ignoring _the source_ of that information -- Kylo Ren, at the very moment they've defeated Snoke and his minions and he's trying to woo her to his side. The thought I had instantly in the theater is the blindingly obvious choice: he's lying. He has every reason to lie to her in that moment, and she's both physically exhausted and emotionally vulnerable to fall for it -- take his words at face value. So...there's no retcon needed. Should Rey turn out to be someone other than the child of "nobody," "filthy junk traders" -- it's entirely consistent with what we saw in The Last Jedi -- we'd simply learn that Kylo lied, which is entirely in character for him.
  4. Hmm... Oh, hey...look! Captain Marvel's on track to finish with Iron Man 3 / Civil War numbers.
  5. Jaydog, is that you?? Also...da fuq? Peter's *maybe* book smart, but he's been portrayed as pretty naive/stupid thus far -- for instance, disobeying Stark's direct order and following him into space in the last film. And you're trying to claim he's smarter than: Tony Stark, inventor extraordinaire Vision, who is literally a computer Banner, who even Tony has acknowledged is probably smarter than him Doctor Strange Also, the previous poster's dead-on. Brie's not at all "divisive" outside a few butthurt internet trolls. She's a well-liked Oscar-winning actress who is starring in two of the biggest movies of the year and whose solo movie will soon surpass $400 million -- indicating lots of repeat viewings. Also, she's currently the # 3 most-viewed actor on IMDB. A full month after her film's been released. For reference - Tom Cruise? Currently ranked # 97 most-viewed. But...trolls gotta' troll. Keep doing you!
  6. My concrete statements are based on: - Reading Spider-Man and Avengers comics for the better part of 30 years - Seeing all of the Phase 3 MCU films and how Disney has positioned the characters -- esp. Black Panther and Captain Marvel - The fact that -- regardless of what happens in Endgame, Peter's back to being a high schooler in Far From Home. Part of the Avengers? Maybe. Leading them? No. My new prediction? You're going to be sorely disappointed by Endgame, when you see it and it doesn't come close to matching your headcanon.
  7. World of difference between being told you're an honorary Avenger...or being part of the Avengers roster...and _leading_ the Avengers. Spider-Man will not be the team's leader.
  8. Dude - obviously this movie will deal with *at least* time travel, if not also alternate realities. They can bring back literally any of the characters -- from the "dead" ones like Black Panther and Vision to the crippled ones like Rhodey. His _literal_ youth aside (again - _zero_ chance characters like Captain Marvel or Black Panther take orders from a teen-aged or even early 20s Spidey), it's also antithetical to the Spider-Man's entire character in the comics. Spider-Man's been trying to join the Avengers since 1964. It was a running joke throughout the '80s -- ever few years or so Spidey would try to join (including for the stable salary and health insurance) and be rebuffed. And the times he's actually *been* offered membership (as recently as 2004), he's declined. But don't mind me. "I'm a fan of comic book movies being made for comic book people."
  9. Zero chance. He's the youngest _and_ least-experienced on the team by a long margin. I think Black Panther leads the team. My prediction: Iron Man -> Black Panther Captain America -> Captain Marvel Ant Man -> Spider-Man Thor -> Thor Hulk -> Hulk Doctor Strange -> Doctor Strange
  10. Box Office Mojo is now using Catching Fire as the closest daily comp. for Captain Marvel instead of the first Hunger Games film. Why is this significant? Hunger Games final domestic cume: $408 million Catching Fire final domestic cume: $425 million
  11. Fidelity to the source material? I don't remember nearly any of these scenes from the last Avengers film:
  12. Huh? Faithfulness to the source material? Civil War was about as far as you could get from the source material and still call it by the same name. And Infinity War was _nothing_ like the comic of the same name. Plus, even granting that it was adapting Infinity Gauntlet rather than Infinity War, the deviations from even those issues are incredible -- esp. given that literally half the major characters play no role. We are so far past *fidelity to the source material* in the MCU movies it's ridiculous. I long for the good ole' days when the fanboys griped at the original Spider-Man film because his web shooters were (gasp!) organic rather than mechanical. Besides...you're the one who has been saying for weeks now that the films themselves now have their own internal mythology that is separate from (and rightfully detached from) the comics. Pick a side and be consistent...
  13. Why? Maybe to comic book geeks who knew that one came before the other. But to the public at large, Infinity War then Infinity Gauntlet makes perfect sense. _Esp._ if the focus this time around is on the heroes wielding a Stark gauntlet. Infinity War = focus on Thanos Infinity Gauntlet = focus on the combination of the stones themselves, wielded by both the good guys and the bad guys.
  14. Bah! It's still lagging Venom's take in China by more than $100MM. #mediocre
  15. Day-um. 1) It takes skill to get a C Cinemascore 2) It's now projected to have an opening weekend just over 1/2 that of the original Hellboy film's from 2004? Wonder what this will do to Liongate's stock price tomorrow.
  16. Harsh (esp. given that Thor 2 is - by far - my least favorite MCU film). But...it can't be worse than Jonah Hex. Right? Right??
  17. I wasn't trolling. I literally had forgotten that "Her" had already been introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 because I left the theater before that part. Although I later viewed the post-credits scene online. More importantly, I'm not yet entirely convinced that Katherine Langford won't turn out to be playing either Warlock or a female version (i.e., Ayesha/Her/Eve Warlock, whatever). Yes - there are three folks whose roles are not yet ID'd on IMDB. But: Emma Fuhrmann's all-but-confirmed she's playing Cassie Lang. And Langford's casting _above_ some already-introduced major heroes (including Bruce Banner & Black Panther) points to her role being big.
  18. Umm...Spider-Verse only made 16% of its worldwide box office total from China -- it's not even in the same league there as Venom.
  19. Maybe because, unlike Venom, it won't book more than 30% of its revenue from China?
  20. Of those options I'd go with She posted on Instagram re. how she dyed her hair red for the role. (Which also minimizes the likelihood she plays either Moondragon or Death). Whoever it is, it looks to be a major/pivotal role, as she's listed in the credits above the likes of Chadwick Boseman, Mark Ruffalo, and Don Cheadle.
  21. It's a long-shot that they'd go either with a female version of Warlock or have him be played by a woman, a la Bart Simpson. Still, if not -- Who's playing Warlock? Who's Katherine Langford playing? And why keep her (and only her) role a secret this late in the game?
  22. I'd forgotten about that. I actually walked out of Guardians 2 a bit after Ego transformed. Found it even worse than Thor 2, where I fell asleep in the theater. The other way they could go is have Katherine Langford play Adam Warlock, thus emphasizing (via her female voice) his androgyny.