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Posts posted by Not*Sure*

  1. If you have to beg for a custom title then you haven't earned it


    Very wise. Although there are a few people who have, and I just haven't found the opportunity yet.


    Here's a hint 99.99% of them already say "TOTAL NEWBIE" under their name.


    Is there any special consideration for a fellow Chicagoan? :wishluck:




    I wasn't asking you Doctor Who :P


    Your custom title should be "Demands rigid compliance with 60 years of comics continuity for all movies or else suck it!" :sumo:


    That's not fair dude. Why am I the oddball because I would like some fidelity to the source material?


    You are not..*sighs* why do people continue to make movies without even reading the material they base the movie on..ugh

  2. u5xsk.jpg
    Now that's a sketch lol

    Junk. Literally. :eek:


    What are the odds Bill was just dickin' with someone?





    You know i saw the "radio tube" and thought condom..then said naah it sure looks like a..naah surely the artist would not be such a total graceless idjot ..


    I guess I was wrong man ..what a disgrace to artists who actually give a care about what the fans think..fans who spend money and appreciate their work..who will now see this..or hear about it..and say..I cannot support someone who is such a jackwagon..

    totally not cool..


    I had someone order a custom piece of art for me a long time ago..and I never got a thing..they thought I was ungrateful for not acknowledging a wonderful gift..Until they explained why they were mad at me I had no clue because I never got anything and had no knowledge the art had been ordered for me..


    So I assumed it had came in the mail and been stolen off my doorstep ..now I wonder if it was every even made..if artists like this exist who take money and wait three yrs to pony up a sketch..



    So sad..


    I definitely agree he should

    A) apologize for being a human representation of the item in question about it

    B) apologize for disappoint a fan who without he would have no career

    C) make good by doing you something better

    D) making sure his fans and people know he isn't normally like that and was having a bad three yrs or whatever


    And there is no law saying you couldn't makean auction and publicly hound the guy until he caves and makes good..


    like starting a facebook group or twittering..


    outrageous and uncalled for treatment of a fan..foul foul..





  3. Sorry to say that is one sorry sketch but I can't help thinking it looks very familiar..I wish I had my old sketch books..it seriously reminds me of something someone doodles for free at a con..


    I have often wondered if you just sat down with a sketch book and pencils at one of the empty tables at a con how many people would believe you if you conned them that you were an artist who worked on some highly reguarded work under an alias..


    I know I sat at a booth for some artist friends once and people would come up and put a sketchbook in my hand..I was nice enough to say Oh come back in five minutes..


    instead of my idea to draw a stick figure and say Okay that will be $30


    it's "stick man" from my up coming title "stick figures in action" for an extra 10 I will draw you a sexy picture of his girlfriend "stick gal" (not to be confused with Stick Girl his ex there is a torrid love triangle going on in the storyline) Stick gal wins out her bewbs are bigger..


    I spent the thirty minutes my friend were gone trying to draw a decent picture and curious onlookers looked expectant like I was going to seriously sketch something awesome lol..



  4. I know right..I would think that "you take your victim as you find them" would apply.

    Isn't the rule usually that if you say mug a little old lady in the street and she happens to have a heart condition and even though she gives up her purse without a fight and you don't have a gun the fright causes her to go into cardiac arrest YOU are still the cause of her death..because you took the risk when the criminal act was commited that the fallout may be the person you robbed may have heart problems or be frail etc.


    Just because the old man didn't have the heart attack while the robbery was in progress certainly doesn't mean the stress of the robbery did not cause his demise..If he had been robbed and then two weeks later stepped in front of a bus that would be different but from all I have read the gentleman passed away just after being interviewed by the police after the incident.


    I think that would totally be on the perps as the cause of his stress and resulting heart attack..shameful they will get a slap on the wrist..and probably laugh about it later..seriously I have no use for those sorts of people and wish them nothing good..

  5. I was always leery about really good deals people would take on primo collections..once I was really concerned that I had bought a purloined collection to the extent I called everyone on my local dealer list to make sure no shop had been robbed..I even called local police to ask if anyone had reported books being stolen..


    Some people thought it was ridiculous for me to do that but it was wearing on my heart that the "sweet deal" for key books may have been stolen books from some poor collector but I never found out anything other than the seller had no idea what the books were really worth and instead of taking me up on my suggestion of finding a larger dealer who had deeper pockets..he took my cash on hand (not much less than $200) for around 7grand in books.


    But I do know a lot of thieves work from a "list" and have a group that will go out and steal for you "on demand". I was approached once by a lady I worked with in an office who knew I had just gotten a new apartment. She offered me a catalog from a furniture store and told me to circle what I wanted and she could arrange for me to get an entire house furnished including electronics for $800 cash or $1000 if I wanted to make two payments. I was weirded out a bit intrigued at how they would steal large items like couches and bedroom sets..but not interested in buying "hot stuff"


    Girls in the office would often take up lists of items like cosmetics and resell them for a fraction of retail prices..I really don't need lipstick so bad I need to steal it or have it stolen for me..


    It is a shame though I see a lot of old folks get scammed out of their collectibles..and could totally see an unscrupulous person taking advantage of them..One couple I know was paying a lady to Ebay for them..if an item sold for less than $8 they had to pay HER and got nothing because she charged them for every miniscule thing involved with Ebay(printer ink for each page printed,typing fee per page,gas for post office,tape,USPS priorty boxes,time,pens,just every iota of anything she could charge for)..she threw a fit at me when I said .."geesh Ralph..I'll ebay your junk for free..here let me type you up some listings.."


    She was just as bad as stealing from them..but at least she didn't rough them up and give them a heart attack..that is just awful..


    greedy greedy people..to that extent it is just evil..I can't imagine wanting to hurt anyone for a comic book..even an expensive one..of course I don't understand people who hurt people to steal money either..just doesn't make sense..





  6. Wow geesh if that is what you got I could do better than that lol


    I would be haunting him a cons to do better..until he did better..


    Anyway if you want doddles I'd be up for the challenge and I'd do it really quickly if you pay cash(while you wait ..not pay me and then three years from now after I attend art classes I will sketch )



    I have never paid for a sketch..and had a lot of really nice ones in my collection not to mention books full from con hopping..


    But it's like the waiting in long lines thing..I don't do that either..


    if I can't finagle an angle to get in front or have no line then I pass..if I can't sweetly talk myself a free sketch then the art doesn't end up on my wall..


    The only exception would be maybe getting Rosa to redo me a large sketch he did that got looted from us after the house burned down..I got it for free originally but I don 't know if he would do a redo for free..


    but then again he is a very nice man and always friendly so he may take pity and redo for free..


    from what I am reading comissions suck anyway..lol

  7. HAHA my ebay versary is first..Ahhhh Timmy I just know I have around here somewhere pictures and perhaps a quote or two in the boardie book (someone sent me one mine got fudged) Over a decade of verbose decadence..


    Is there a coffee table book in the works?




    You know, I probably could have had a very lucrative career as a writer, if I'd bothered to be organized. I imagine my word count is well into the 10s of millions by now...




    Quality not quantity mate :baiting:




    Every word, worth its weight in gold, dripping with wisdom and foresight....




    (Besides, with the highbrow works currently dominating the Bestseller charts....Twilight among them....I fit right in. )



    Dang it now I have to get a mop and bucket..your dripped your wisdom and foresight all over my hardwood floors..gosh darn it..

  8. This is destined to be the manliest thread of the week.


    For there is nothing manlier than a bunch of men dogpiling on another man for being overly sensitive.






    Quiet Noob. You '05ers are way too lippy sometimes.


    I'm just gonna default to eBay class of '99.







    eBay - '98


    Boards - '02


    You are all newbs.


    Or is it noobs?




    What month in '98? I may have you beat there!! lol



    Dippy....I joined ebay in '98, too.




    I meant the Comics message board. Remember that monstrosity with the rolling posts...? Man, I hated that thing.


    Aww isn't it still there? I mean I haven't looked I think it hasn't scrolled since 2002

    what month in '98 dippy..indeed..

  9. This is destined to be the manliest thread of the week.


    For there is nothing manlier than a bunch of men dogpiling on another man for being overly sensitive.






    Quiet Noob. You '05ers are way too lippy sometimes.


    I'm just gonna default to eBay class of '99.






    Yeah, where were you when we all met in San Diego in 2000? Dev, Cheri, and I were looking for you!


    I was hiding.


    In Los Angeles.


    We could have taught you the secret handshake and everything..you reculsive :censored:

  10. To update this post...


    I won the auction with CAL and he has been extremely nice. Thanks for confirming a stand up seller on this forum and on eBay.


    I'm only protecting myself and hopefully helping others who might not have known CAL or his business.


    Thanks CAL.




    After you get the book, tell him you want to return it and then give him a neutral.


    That will instantly vault you to forum legend status, and honorary grand master



    -Chris, who has already achieved grand master status


    :roflmao: :roflmao: I am sure I have somewhere some title that doesn't have such lofty words in it ..

  11. This is destined to be the manliest thread of the week.


    For there is nothing manlier than a bunch of men dogpiling on another man for being overly sensitive.






    Quiet Noob. You '05ers are way too lippy sometimes.


    I'm just gonna default to eBay class of '99.







    eBay - '98


    Boards - '02


    You are all newbs.


    Or is it noobs?




    What month in '98? I may have you beat there!! lol



  12. Cal doesn't collect IMSM 1s; they submit applications to be a part of his collection.


    Cal keeps his IMSM 1s in a vault made out of IMSM 1s.


    Cal doesn't read IMSM 1. When nearby, IMSM 1s lay back and spread for his viewing pleasure.


    Good gawd I just snortled on that one! :D


    I know right? *snickers*..


    "He wants the precious. Always he is looking for it. And the precious is wanting to go back to him..."

  13. This is destined to be the manliest thread of the week.


    For there is nothing manlier than a bunch of men dogpiling on another man for being overly sensitive.






    Quiet Noob. You '05ers are way too lippy sometimes.


    I'm just gonna default to eBay class of '99.






    Yeah, where were you when we all met in San Diego in 2000? Dev, Cheri, and I were looking for you!





    Do I really want to post here?..hmmm..

  14. well I am at the point now where if I am not cracking wise..I am thinking too hard..I am a smart az most of the time anyway but I am on the teetering edge of hysterically calling for my kitty and crying over spilled comics..or laughing because my house looks like a morgue for dolls..(see watercooler thread to read all about our highschool kids and the new local haunted house mine)


    There isn't anything we can do really..

    no insurance

    no home


    but we have each other and tons of nice friends who are good people..


    so we will be okie..just gotta get by you know?


    thanks to the internet at least all my friends are nearby on the closest computer!