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Posts posted by Not*Sure*

  1. NIIIICCCEE..I will be sure to set out some milkbones and kibble just in case they come by for treats..


    Naw there isn't an ordinance or anything..I just had big halloween plans and they did not pan out..my neighbor kids are going to their dad's for halloween my grandkids are not in town for halloween..


    My husband was difficult when I was trying to work on my master plan for halloween..


    My friend's halloween party sucked ..see the water cooler for pics of that fiasco


    and my brother is really really sick and I could have to drop everything and try to figure out a way to get there tonight or tomorrow


    (his oxygen level was 13% yesterday)


    just a serious of suck events have made my halloween so far mostly blow..

    the highpoints have been

    1) your posts

    2)winning a costume contest with no effort on my part just that everyone else was uber lame


    So thanks so much Hepcat..because I really thought your pictures were awesome


    I just want to give you skritches..lol and get your help burying those pesky idjuts who came by wanting me to look at a copy of something called "The Watchtower"





  2. Most of the box models we had at the time of the fire were these military type ones we had probably 150 or so different types.

    I only myself maybe had half a dozen or so monster models and some ..I think Weirdos? Too lazy to look up the names lol

    I also collected the err forget the name Hubeley? metal models..and we had a lot of model cars as well.


    I usually would get train stuff to send to my dad ..


    anyways..toys gone but not forgotten


    I am a little sad to see them but was more sad going through the files and files of comic book pictures going DANG I forgot I had that issue..MAN ..


    that sucked lol





  3. My dad usually sets up a two plywood base sometimes 4 and then creates a town around it.


    sculps the mountains and tunnels and usually a body of water.


    Then he puts up houses,buildings,businesses, once a cape canvarel with a rocket that flew and everything. He then goes about setting up the line and all the cars and people animals..when everything is complete..he steps back..takes a look..


    then tears it all down and starts a new one.


    He will say "Hmm I want to go with N scale because I can put more in and add a zoo..or carnival whatnot..."


    Then he will say "I think I want to go with HO that way I can add a more detailed farm and get the haybalers and tractors on there so and so just bought me cows or whatnot"


    I wish I could get him to set up the entire carnival with a small track for our grandkids..he makes some awesome trains..


    He did have a ride around the yard train at the house we lived in when I was a kid. It was big enough for him to ride with cars kids could ride in.


    He is a pretty cool Dad..


    I just got stuck on slot cars I think it is because my Granddaddy used to buy me lots of tracks and cars when I was a kid..he is the same granddad who bought me all the Megos and Star trek/comic character stuff..lol


    He created a monster...

  4. Our cat would love one of those perchs like Deuce is on..wish we could afford one lol..


    Poor Scroungie is always trying to climb on top of his little two foot high 4 inch wide scratching post of course at nearly 18 pound ..it is pretty hilarious..he leap frogs it.


    I know he misses living outside and having a forest to play in but at least I don't have to wonder where he is at night!!!

  5. I'll have to take a few more pictures of my toys over the coming few days then!


    We're also all big fans of stock car racing though. Here's Deuce with a bird's eye perch for our own running of the Daytona 500:













    Oh Hep..you have no idea how many slot car sets and tracks we lost in our fire! We had an entire closet full of Artin sets as well as all sorts of slot tracks and cars (even an old Hotwheels sizzlers track and cars like I had when I was a kid that I got heat stroke waiting for them to go on auction at a sale lol)


    My dad is a train guy(like sets up the entire basement with a town etc..) I was always the slot car fan.


    I still have three or four Artin sets in storage but no where really to set them up..the grandkids prefer zhu zhu pets..


    My cat likes Zhu zhu pets too lol

  6. AWESOME games and pics Hepcat..wow..


    I was just thinking yesterday about a vintage game I had I can't remember the name of it now..dang it..


    I sold it on evilbay and the lady who bought it filed item not recieved..got a full refund (even though I had receipt to show it had been mailed) Then she negative feedback bombed by favorite Ebay id..her id was like "luvs2sell"

    She emailed every past and present bidder I had and told them I was some scam artist about to be booted from Ebay and even tho they had just won their item (like 3 hours earlier or the day before) They should neg me while they still had the chance to to have their voice be heard etc..I got a boatload of negs and then emails apologizing because "Sorry I did get my item I am ashamed I left you such a nasty neg wish I could take it back sorry"


    But that was before Ebay let you remove negs..stupid negs


    ruined my favorite ID over a $27 game (that showed as delivered AND she got a full cash refund for)


    The game was Schmoos or something like that..it was sort of cool with blob creature things..



    Anyway love looking at all your cool stuff Hepcat so awesome..


    you have nice stuff..it's like having a guided tour..without the risk of us putting our greasy mitts on your stuff..

  7. Who in their right mind would have that many IMSM #1s?






    CAL thought there were only a few hundred copies of this book that existed in high grade and thought he could corner the market. After he bought several hundred and he couldn't effect the market price, he realized he'd left out a zero or two from his initial calculations.


    Despite Cal's insistence that he was victim of an upswell of 'anti-CGC' feeling on the eBay boards, it was actually this that started the rot over there.


    As a new poster over there, he laid out his plans/intentions. When the logic was questioned by some very knowledgeable collectors, things started to fall apart. doh!


    this is true. Never denied this. Not once. Ever.






    BUT you guys( and SKY, and another lady who has NOT posted on my recent threads in an uncharacteristic manner) are LEAVING OUT THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEM...


    don't make me spell it out again.Just admit what the FACTS are regarding my "case" and I promise to drop everything. I DARE you you admit it, maybe that will work.


    Can't stay long because I gotta go.


    CAL who WILL prove his case - by getting them to admit just ONE little detail that they just won't budge on...


    aww gee how nice I am proud to be lumped into any club Sky belongs to too and you called me a lady bravo...


    Sorry I've not been posting in your self absorbed threads been busy, sick myself and oh yeah my brother is dying..


    which is way more important than your constant complaining about something that happened in 2002


    So what important item did we leave out of whatever the hell it is you are talking about???


    What detail?



  8. it was a very long time ago..


    I knew a lot of people here so I jumped right into the conversation and people got suspicious..


    I was alarmed when I tried to log in and found I was banned because I was like "I've only made 16 posts and nothing mean in any of them wth!" So I called to ask why..because I was a bit baffled ..

    anyway water under bridge all undone and no probs now..

  9. And you must eat dry wheat toast while praising my name saying it three times in the bathroom mirror in your underwear with the lights off.


    Biggie Smalls


    Biggie Smalls


    Biggie Smalls?????



    oh wait


    Designer Toast



    Designer Toast



  10. Hey Cal, how about telling your friends, like Bartlett, to mannup and not let trolls deter them from being a part of something they would otherwise enjoy. Opposition, criticism, hate...all these things are present in all aspects of life. If you can't push past them, you won't get anything done.


    Pain is inevitable, suffering and persecution are self-inflicted.


    COI who knows what it really means to mannup.


    See if you can get Dupont to man-up before the CAL haters PM him to stop to get all their gossip straight...


    CAL can man up too

    Sorry, I was busy trying to remember how to use the ignore function. Anyway, what I heard is this.


    A new member joined the forum. Just as it has happened many times in my experience, this person was immediately accused of being a shill. From what I hear you had a large role (maybe a solo role) in successfully convincing the mods this person was a shill, getting the account permanently deactivated. This person being a new member had no idea what had happened and called CGC to see why the account was banned. All was cleared up, the account was reinstated, and life continued on.


    Not registering at all. I wouild need to see the banned name, other circumstances, such as they were libeling me or calamerica-collectibles somehow, if what you say IS true, I will admit it immediately. But as of now, I really don't recall and can't recall without more specifics.


    CAL sticking to his ideas and guns


    You did this:






    Then got this:







    I am off to work so I will make this quick:


    Yes I did this


    Yes I thought Not*Sure was Stu


    because of her comments re: IMSM that Stu used to use



    I found out later she was who she is


    I did not know she was kicked of here and I will call Wednesday and inqure about that for myself


    We seem to get along now, or so I hope


    I was fond of her husband at one time, still am in the best way possible


    If she was kicked of because of me I will apologize on a sepearate thread


    Yes I have made many mistakes in life, and that day was one big one


    CAL who is sorry most for what CAL has done wrong, not others...

    not*sure* hasn't been kicked of the boards. She's still very... participatory.


    I was caught up in a shill storm actually. I was told my posts were reported as being shill and fit the pattern of a shill so I was bant..I coudnt log in or anything..

    At the same time they banned about 9 other ids or something. Someone was complaining about shillers..


    I called and was informed that as I confirmed my identity I was not in fact Stu "Not the shill they were looking for" The immediately reinstated me ..

    Hence my husband's hilarious board ID Knot's*Dew he thought it was pretty funny anyone would think I was a dude shilling as a gal.


    anyway long story short..

    all it took was a phone call and I believe in the mess of the other thread it was called into question again and I told the second mod looking into it to ask the first mod about my proof of ID.

    From Cal's post in the thread you can see why it was most likely Cal calling CGC that got me the misidentitied banning..


    I stay out of trouble..




    This is all old news guys just because Cal had forgotten that old thread..no need to stir it up really..

    I try to be nice and not play on his lawn too much..


  11. Okay my list of con attendees I have to kick in the nads is getting quite extensive but on our roadtrip today and our electricity-less ness


    gave me time to brainstorm with the hubby about how this will occur..


    I came up with the bestest sneakiest fail proof costume EVAH


    it is EPIC and if by the grace of all things good we can afford con season..


    yes yes it will be freakin AWESOME


    and I have promised designer toast a place in line just so he does not feel out of the clique..



    I will be wearing my nice shoes and we have even figured out details on how with help from a friend not known here..I will not only surprise EVERY person I know ..but all the people who need a nads kicking..and totally completely walk away unscathed..


    dayum it is an awesome plan of great design..


    hope to see you all at the con..


    non nad kicked peeps can expect to get their pics taken with me..and never know until AFTER the day I do it..it is epic epic epic

  12. Wow.


    That girl in the video was real cute for the first minute, scary how she turned psycho so quickly


    I've been with girls like that, so that was not a pleasant video to watch


    don't you know that girls are bat sh*t cray cray? :screwy:


    geesh just add another person in the line..maybe I should make a list??