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Everything posted by G.A.tor

  1. I guess what is key about the cover, is it is of the "holocost" nature (burning, etc)...so many books, so little time! rick
  2. nice!... being new to Cap collecting, I had "heard" about the 46, but apparently, they rarely come up for sale...kind of like the MMC 40 and 46...I have not seen a copy of either come up for sale since I started collecting them 6months ago...hopefully, sooner or later... rick
  3. come on P, surely you recognize the MH copy Verzyl gave Paul? rick Rick your right how could I miss the obvious clues, high grade Pedigree book removed from the bag and in Paul's grubby hands. I hope Paul washed his hands after he "got them dirty" gator
  4. as I delve into Cap collecting, I am finding some real gems exist...this being one of them! gator
  5. aman 26 is my Centaur "grail" right now...any help from anyone in locating a copy (win need's one too, I believe) ,will be forever appreciated!!!! gator
  6. great book, it is on my short list to pick up sooner than later! gator
  7. It appears to be in such pristine condition. It looks like something produced by the art department for a movie. What is hard to believe, he upgraded??? I know, how the F can you upgrade that! it's call the chicago copy, baby!!!! it rocks gator
  8. I know the V1/9 and V1/10 are the Mile High...I think there are 2 others! (so many books, my brain was on overload).... my goal, right now, is to complete AMan and KDF...so, to see the entire run in front of me...wow! gator
  9. heck, I don't even have a sensation 8 (yet!) gator
  10. tough to compete with paul in the timely haul thread...great pick ups! gator
  11. I was reading recently in the 365 Days of DC flip book that, at some point, Peters got behind and some other artist (can't recall the name) stepped in for at least one issue to give a breather to Peters and give him time to assemble a team of assistants. Anyone remember the artist's name? I can't recall the artist either, but (as noted in the Guide) some early Sensations had WW stories not by Peter: 8, 17 thru 19, and 21. Here's the 18: WOW! That is one glossy Sensation!!! didn't you know, sacentaur is just a code word for "glossy" gator
  12. hello all... here is just a little "taste"...I am only posting this shot now, because Win gave me the thumbs up on it when I took it (I don't know about you all, but I think I counted 4 Mile Highs!) : did I mention it was comic book heaven ?, especially for a young, aspiring Centaur collector, such as myself! once I get the (thumbs u from Win, will post more thanks gator
  13. very cool... I did manage to pick up 2 WW off my list, but sharon already posted them... I have about 30 of them at CGC now, whence they get back, I will be able to contribute! gator
  14. ahh, there in lies one of the problems with slabbing...after entombed, really hard to enjoy the interior of the book! hopefully someone will prevail (I had the Fant 2, but it is slabbed) rick
  15. excellent...love to see those group shots, and some big books, there too! congrats gator
  16. Hey Rick, I am JEALOUS you got to see the Win Stash!!! I need to make the pilgrimage... maybe next year! Looking forward to seeing your two Centaur finds... I actually flew in a day early, just in hopes of getting to do, just what I did...in my "excitement", I had forgotten to coordinate with Win, and low and behold, he made the time for me last minute (just worked out perfect), and made my trip even better...wait till I post some group shots (pending Win's approval, of course!) rick
  17. Very nice! I enjoyed seeing those at the show! Great pick ups! Paul how did I miss them? great pick ups (and I don't mean the girl floating around in high heeled black boots, either)! gator You were in Oak Park on the tour of Frank Lloyd Wirght homes with your Dad! Which I would have loved to do, but did not have time. (thumbs u
  18. hello all... I went "in search" of centaurs at the chicago con...had I of been inclined (reading between the lines, if I had any money), I could have picked up 47 diff books from the publisher...as it was, I managed only an Aman #8 and a KDF, v2/#3....there was a sweet kdf v2/#7 there, but I couldn't muster the 4x guide price (3x guide after negotiations, and I still passed, but know where it is!)...many Stars and Stripes, I saw 2 diff copies of Wham 1, several Science and Movie bits and pieces, and lots of low grade AMFs, Funny pages and Amans....but, I think that the prices being paid out there are indicative that the guide is "irrelevant" when it comes to collecting Centaurs...having seen Win's entire (OMG!) collection of Centaurs, I can say that Gustavson, Biro, Ryan, etc etc were, as JB said, the forerunners of the really good GA work....while I will likely never be able to complete the publisher, as JB and Win have done or are very close to doing, it will be one heck of a ride! gator
  19. dern steve, what else were you hiding in that briefcase! (steve had to have armored guards follow him through the con, with the pickups he made!) gator
  20. Very nice! I enjoyed seeing those at the show! Great pick ups! Paul how did I miss them? great pick ups (and I don't mean the girl floating around in high heeled black boots, either)! gator