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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Precisely so. Per usual, @Ken Aldred nails it. Wouldn't want it anywhere near my collection, but it's quite the feat!
  2. You don't have to really need to read the Death minis for any sort of continuity purposes, but if you like Sandman at all, you'll definitely want to, as they're very charming stories, and Death is such a delightful character. So, not essential to understanding the story of Sandman, but essential all the same!
  3. Ooh, good call, I need to get Overture as well.
  4. Stormwatch was so good! As for X-Man, Age of Apocalypse was what got me back into the X-Men. I'd stopped reading shortly after the launch of the new Claremont/Lee series. I heard the hype about AoA, and I'll admit, it grabbed me. It wasn't the best thing ever, but it was colorful and fun, which is something X-Men hadn't been (to me) for so long, as it was needlessly mired in boring continuity. I jumped off again after Joe Mad wrapped his run, whenever whathisface was writing (Austen?) as the title was once again pretty dire, and didn't jump back in again until Morrison. As for X-Man, he was my least favorite of the AoA books, but then again, I've always hated Cable as well. Never read any of his solo series. God knows I run across enough of them in 50 cent bins!
  5. Ooh, you'll like those, they are GORGEOUS books. Look so nice on the shelf together. I've never gotten around to picking up the Absolute Death volume, but it's the same sort of binding/dress. Lots of great reading and a beautiful set of books. Enjoy!
  6. Well, "supports" may be generous ha We'll say she "mostly tolerates" it, and leave it at that!
  7. The Defiant is a beast, but yeah, it's scary to own. Those wheels/treads break so easily, a friend of mine had his on display, never moved it, until the one day he decided to pack it up to move, he realized that the treads had cracked under the simple pressure of the toy itself. Plus there's so many small pieces. But man, it's cool. I had a mostly complete Defiant many years ago, wish I'd held onto it. There was a pretty nice one at the Joe show last week for $700. I gave it some thought, but I'm scared the thing will self destruct so easily, I don't want to put a lot of money into it.
  8. Oh sure, I'll buy and sell McF stuff all day long. I just don't need any in my personal collection. Whereas I'm still all about the Art Adams stuff, and oddly enough you can still pick up most of it in bargain bins.
  9. I was never a big fan, but I definitely had some nostalgia tied up with that era. When they published the McFarlane Spidey Omnibus, I was excited to dip back into those memories, and was AMAZED at how terrible it was. What seemed dynamic and interesting as a kid appeared amateurish and shoddy as an adult. Adams still rules, though!
  10. At our place, the general rule is that the wife gets the upstairs, I get the downstairs, and there is a tiny bit of crossover, but not much. The basement is finished (drywalled/carpeted, etc) except for the laundry room section. I've entertained thoughts of going ahead and finishing that off as well, to gain a little more display space, but that may be more headache than I want to take on at this point. Maybe one day. Yeah, he was talking about someone he knew that cut custom arcylic sheets that would have a beveled edge so you could connect the panels into basically any side box you'd want. Still sound pricey to me, but he is going nuts. He has a more or less complete collection of figures and vehicles, including the international figures and hard to find stuff, at least up until the neon era, Eco Warriors/DEF, etc. He's been working on his "museum" for some time now and is about ready to reveal it. He's having built-in shelves made, and he also bought some lighted display shelves from Toys R Us when they went out of business that he's going to integrate into the display. Should be pretty snazzy. Me, I'm going to have to be satisfied with a couple of detolfs and some shelves here and there. That cantina is nuts!
  11. I definitely need a display, but space is the issue. We may be coming to the point where I finally have to annex part of the laundry room and let the collection expand into there as well. I mean, I'm already in possession of 4/5 of the basement, why stop there? My friend is setting up his Joe display and is having an acrylic case made to go around his Flagg. Should be pretty gnarly once it's all complete. I am also blowing out some stuff that is in storage, but some things I just can't let go of. For instance, I'm debating putting my NECA Alien/Aliens stuff into storage to make more space for Joes, but I can't imagine I'll be selling them off.
  12. Great thread as always, @Awax! I've been out of town so am just getting caught up on the boards. Here's looking to next year!
  13. Adams' style was cartoonish and exaggerated, to be sure, but it at least seemed to have some basis in reality. McFarlane's stuff, on the other hand, looked like horror show distortions reflected from a funhouse mirror. Adams stuff still looks solid and exciting, to me. McFarlane, on the other hand, hasn't held up at all.
  14. Yeah, thanks, I was pretty pleased to find such a clean example with the flags in nice shape. I passed on a couple of others at a similar price that weren't quite as nice, so when I saw this one WITH the driver, I jumped on it. Picked up the Ferret from the same guy. His stuff was all pretty clean and complete.
  15. You always have the coolest setups. I need you to come over and do a redesign of my mancave. I can pay you in copies of Legend of the Dark Knight #1.
  16. Yes, this is exactly where I'm at. It's almost (almost!) as much the space issue as it is the money. As I get older, I see less value in having stuff stored in bins. If I can't SEE that stuff, I'm not sure why i have it. So I am increasingly stripping back, trying to only pick up things that I can display and enjoy regularly. Sorry to say that the Marvel Legends finally had to go. I love 'em, I think they're cool, but they're sitting in plastic bags in airtight bins on a shelf in my laundry room, stacking time and dust. There's just no point. I think lots of new toys are "super cool", but my heart is with the vintage stuff. So, away they go!
  17. They ARE cool, and I dig the battle damage decos that they're giving them. Soundwave looks particularly gnarly, and I also love the fact that Starscream's alt-mode is the weird triangular jet seen in the very first episodes of the show. It's super cool stuff. But I don't collect it. Gotta stick with vintage. if I don't draw a line in the sand, I'll go broke!
  18. Last weekend (before I headed out for a nice 7 night lakehouse trip with the wife, her family, no internet, and lots of reading on the back deck) I attended the annual Kentuckiana GI Joe Expo. It's a fun little show, runs a single day, lots of good buying. I felt like this year the scale may have tipped in favor of the 60's 12" stuff over the 80's Small Joes, but I could be wrong. I went in with a game plan, and ended up getting pretty much everything on my list, and ONLY what was on my list. I nearly talked myself into buying a complete Hammerhead and a Rolling Thunder, but since I was heading out on vacation I wanted to have a little extra cash in my pocket, amazingly, I didn't spend every penny I had! That's a first! I was really just looking for troops and vehicles to flesh out my Terror Drome, hence the Televipers, Vipers, Claws, etc. I got two original Vipers to man the turrets on the Terror Drome, and two re-release Vipers to work down in the motor pool, with their oddly tan arms. Really pleased with the Stun, it's very clean and complete. The Ferret is also super clean, I may get some decals for it at some point. Also picked up two Claws, one with decals, one without. They look nice on the hangar doors of the Terror Drome. Oddly enough, my favorite find, the one thing i didn't think I'd encounter, was a Moray shell. I have every single piece of the Moray, including the original lens for the spotlight, but when I went to clean it up a few weeks ago, I noticed that there were a couple of broken clips inside that make it difficult to open and close the missile launcher. So, all I needed was a shell, and I found one for $5! Huzzah! Now I've got the Drome all kitted out. I don't have a great place to display it right now, so it's hiding in the corner of my home office/comic room for the time being.
  19. Wow, that's nuts! I must remind myself that I don't collect new Transformers, and I have to hold onto that vow, or else I'll have to mortgage the house!
  20. That takes me back, fondly remember the Christmas I received Max Ray as well as the "bad guy" Dr. Terror. Such a funky toy line, the scale didn't work with anything else, the customization was interesting, it's a shame it didn't last longer.
  21. Oh yes, I'm quite aware of NightmareLand. No offense to our boardie friends who are residents of NightmareLand. I'm sure you're all fine folks.
  22. Some pics of the SS stuff I mentioned a couple of posts back. Pics from Toyark, i have no rights or claim to them, etc.
  23. Actually more excited about the Bike than the figure, that's pretty nice!