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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. As for the Sideshow stuff, Dejah Thoris is lovely. If the production pieces are as nice as the proto (not likely, but you never know) then that'll be a must buy. Also, I don't normally go for the Mythos stuff, but that Alien Mythos statue is bizarre enough that I may have to pick it up. It's all kinds of creepy. Back to boobs, I'm not really a NTT guy, but that Starfire is also a pants exciter, so I may need it. I'm glad the sculptors finally found a new model. Felt like they used the same chick for Rogue, Ivy, White Queen, maybe a couple of more. Was kinda getting tired of her face. Juggernaut is massive, man it would pair up nice with the Colossus, but at around $2k for the pair they're gonna have to be nigh perfect. But I do really dig that extra Kitty piece. Nice touch.
  2. Hoping we see some comic related Marvel Legends today, like retro X-Men. GSX 1 Storm would be my #1 want, followed by Thunderbird and Banshee. I don't collect movie related figs, so all of that stuff they showed yesterday is a pass for me, which is fine, because my wallet has been hopping lately with ML junk. Would be nice to have a break!
  3. I love visiting Florida, but could never live there. I'd like to be able to step outside and night and grab a smoke without worrying that I'm going to be ferried away to the Kingdom of the Giant Spiders. What I'm saying is that they got some ornery lookin critters down there.
  4. I love Ghost, they're a ton of fun. They're like a live action Hammer movie set to pop metal. Great harmonies, great riffs. A friend of mine was complaining last night about how Ghost are "fake metal" and I'm like, who on earth cares? What is "real" metal? Ghost is like Deep Purple meets Duran Duran meets the Devil. It's silly and fun. If you can't sing along to that stuff, you have a serious stick up your .
  5. Yay, been waiting for this thread! Hope to see some treats from Scream Factory!
  6. One of two threads I look forward to every year, this one, and @Awax's who I think usually posts his over in the modern forum. I haven't been to SDCC since '98, can't believe I"ll ever return given how big it's gotten. I'm heading on vacation myself in a couple of days, and will only have intermittent internet access. I'll be using up some of that precious bandwidth to check this thread, so keep it coming!
  7. I still have my full runs of JLI (most of them signed) and all of the Legion of Super Heroes books, particularly the Baxter series and the 5YL reboot. Those are probably my two favorite superhero comics of all time, though Ostrander Suicide Squad would follow close behind. Yes, it was a simpler time for collecting and the books were just so well done. The upside is that you can still find many of these runs in dollar or less boxes, though there are the occasional odd spikes (Captain Atom 42 being the most recent example.)
  8. Whoa @BishopT I need to start trailing you around town, wherever that town is!
  9. I might be more inclined to agree with you if @GEEzusWalks was themselves raising this stink. As it stands, it's not like the seller is lobbying to be removed. There are people arguing on his behalf, but he is strangely quiet. Personally, that feels like "Ok, I'm caught, let's just make this go away." If they truly felt wronged, I'm sure they'd be in here lobbying along with you. I suppose it's true that a bad precedent could be set either way. As it stands, I'm inclined to side with the Probation Worthy side. If a seller wants to pull shenanigans, there are plenty of places to do so. But the boards have been heavy policed, and therefore honest, as long as I have been here. If we're on a slippery slope, I'd prefer it be on the side of being overly cautious.
  10. Giving credit where it's due, that appears to be an amazingly well done cosplay...of the worst character ever created. Kill it with fire!
  11. Agreed. Instead of dedicating staff to looking at pictures of comics on eBay, I wish they'd train more staff to grade and encapsulate the books that are on their premises. Or design cases that won't destroy the comics that are being encapsulated. The guys grading books for free (including me) in the PGM forum must feel like suckers now. We should be asking for tips! Grade your GSX 1? That's gonna be $5. Grade your NM 98? That's $20, because the art hurts my eyes.
  12. Seller lists book. Book is claimed. Seller claims book is lost, refunds money, deletes pics from the thread, then claims pics and all other evidence of the book were deleted to free up space on their hard drive. It's...fishy. Not Hall of Shame/ban worthy, but worth making note of all the same, right? There was an opportunity given for the seller to get off the list, if they could provide pics of the slab that were used in the listing, in the event that the book should ever show up for sale again somewhere else. Seller said that they'd already deleted the pics to make room on their hard drive, or whatever. So, they were given an out from the PL, and a pretty simple one at that, but of course could not comply. So on the list they stayed. Probation list isn't the same as Hall of Shame. The seller can continue to do business, if anyone wants to buy from them. And I'm sure some folks will, because, you know, cool books. But PL is a warning to potential buyers that this seller is either 1. a liar or 2. capable of losing a book less than a day after listing it for sale, then lacking the foresight to hang onto the evidence while the transaction is being disputed. Neither is great. I've lost books before, it happens. But the chain of events following the transaction, and the seller's responses, don't paint a picture of honesty.
  13. Here's Unicron eating Galvatron and the final aforementioned battle. Big guy!
  14. Yes, he's enormous, like, planet sized, so the Autobots are able to, like, transform and drive around inside of him like a city. The final fight mostly takes place inside of his head, and there's plenty of room for Rodimus, Galvatron, and some other . He's biiiiig. Looks like for comparison's sake, this toy is about 4" taller than Fort Max, who was the biggest TF toy of all time. That's big, sure, but maybe not $600 worth of big. Gonna have to ponder this...
  15. WHOA, that is impressive. You are correct, voiced by Orson Welles, Unicron was introduced in the 1986 theatrical Transformers movie as a planet-sized villain. He's sorta like Galactus, only he's a planet that eats other planets, rather than just a giant dude in purple underwear with a tuning fork fetish that eats planets. This is pretty impressive. There was a Unicron toy released several years ago, I think part of the Energon line, and it was pretty sweet, but the scale was still very small. And rightfully so, it's hard to make a planet-sized toy. This looks pretty amazing. I haven't been buying new Transformers but this may force my hand.
  16. Looks like we've formed a perfect symbiotic relationship that benefits neither of us!
  17. This is my problem. In the past year I really have made an effort to slim the collection down. I've gotten rid of at least 20 short boxes of stuff. However, all it takes is a 50 cent sale at the LCS and all of sudden I've got two more boxes of new junk. Ugh. Stop me before I kill again!
  18. For the $9.99 month (or less if you buy the annual sub), yes, indeed, every book in the archive is available to you, including a bunch of silver and bronze. To be fair there are still some gaps, but it's a very impressive lineup of books, and they are literally adding more titles every single week. For pure readers, it is an absolute steal.
  19. For me personally, he represents everything I hated about 90's comics and the direction Spider-Man went in, so I have a lot of negative associations with the character. He is the big totem of Suck, in my eyes, right up there with Gambit. :shudder: To be 100% fair, I enjoyed the Remender Venom series with Flash Thompson.
  20. Suicide Squad, Justice League International, Checkmate, etc. DC was killing it in the mid/late 80's.
  21. 7 damn dollars??? I just threw up in rage. Congrats on the steal, holy moses!
  22. I just don't understand buyers these days. The sense of entitlement. The complete lack of understanding of how the system SHOULD work. I've been working eBay too long to stop now, but man, it sure isn't as much fun as it used to be.
  23. Green Goblin, for sure. The first one. Before he came back to life or whatever it was that happened. Venom has always sucked, and shall always suck, forever and ever, amen.